suzuki Objavljeno Marec 1, 2004 Objavljeno Marec 1, 2004 Hola! Evo skenirani dve slikci iz (zame današnjega) Motorrada 6/2004 (27.2.2004) iz "testa leta", kot so ga poimenovali v Motorradu. Štirim motorčkom iz tegale topica so v testu dodali še Aprilio RSV 1000 R Factory in Ducatija 999 S. Najprej slikca, kaj so izmerili (in upam, da ne bomo spet zapadli v debato o navoru, ker so dvovaljnikom spet izmerili daleč slabšo prožnost motorja). Za lažjo/boljšo primerjavo dodajam še cene vseh motorčkov (v Nemčiji): Aprilia 16.999 EUR, Ducati 20.995 EUR, Honda 13.190 EUR, Kawa 13.100 EUR, Suzuki 12.650 EUR, 13.475 EUR.
suzuki Objavljeno Marec 1, 2004 Objavljeno Marec 1, 2004 (popravljeno) Hola! Tlele pa še razdeljene pike in nekaj pojasnil, zakaj in kako glih tako in ne drugače. Čestitke zmagovalcu! Pa še tole pojasnilo: zeleni poudarjeni rezultati kažejo najboljše vrednosti, rdeči pa najslabše. Zanimivo, kdo ima največ najslabših... glih najdražji motorček... tsk, tsk, tsk... Popravljeno Marec 1, 2004. Popravil suzuki
andrej Objavljeno Marec 1, 2004 Objavljeno Marec 1, 2004 (popravljeno) hoho.. honda in kawa erster platz.. ko se upošteva še razlika v ceni je pa stvar jasna. Popravljeno Marec 1, 2004. Popravil andrej
suzuki Objavljeno Marec 1, 2004 Objavljeno Marec 1, 2004 Hola! Kot vidiš, so pri Motorradu našli dva zmagovalca, dva ki jima sledita in dva ki sta bolj zadaj...
a Objavljeno Marec 1, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Marec 1, 2004 Strički z R1 so že pred leti šibal 1.32 :naughty: :hmm: kdo je kej to bil :hmm: 1.32 z r1 pred leti????
premza Objavljeno Marec 1, 2004 Objavljeno Marec 1, 2004 Aprilia 666 točk. :hmm: Hudičevo dobra! :lol1:
TNT Objavljeno Marec 1, 2004 Objavljeno Marec 1, 2004 hoho.. honda in kawa erster platz.. ko se upošteva še razlika v ceni je pa stvar jasna. Kaksna razlika v ceni????? 90 EUR pri ?????
a Objavljeno Marec 2, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Marec 2, 2004 Motorrad test Here is a translation, enjoy Three new models are threatening the GSXR1000 crown. Honda and Kawasaki now have a full 1000cc and like the R1 are boasting to have close to 170 PS. The Italian also get caught up in the crossfire, until now they could hold their own on the track. But will the big 30 PS difference leave them well behind now? For this test we get help in the form of Markus Barth (IDM racer) and Jurgen Fuchs, former 250 grand prix racer. They did not only help doing the tracktest but during the entire test. Because when testing motorcycles of this kaliber, even experienced testers can use all the help the get. Build without compromises, on the bumpy Spanish back roads, the ZX10R clearly shows it is not made for this. The stiff suspension does not filter out small bumps, it is torturous. But only at slow speeds, when things get faster the uncomfortable chassis now shines through with loads of feedback and handling which is almost 600 like. Especially amazing is the stability, even with the short wheelbase, the low weight of 198 kg and without a steering damper. Necessary however is that the rear shock has a stiff setting with very little static sag. When tried to soften things up, using little compression damping and more static sag for bumpy roads it responds with shaking it is head. This can be avoided by making sure the front wheel is in the air all the time, which is very easy considering the engine pumps out 168 PS at the clutch. The four cylinder engine lets the rear tire beg for mercy. What ever the tire tries, in the end only black lines remain. Just brutal the way the engine responds to throttle commands and the bike lurches forward. And in normal traffic it does not matter which gear is used. Even Jurgen Fuchs had to admit the ZX10R demands a lot from even a very fit rider. It wants to be tamed and that takes a lot energy. Only at the track the ZX10R can really show what it is made of. The engine revs up so easy one should really watch the shifting light to make sure the fearless acceleration is not hampered by the rev limiter. At the track the Kawa shows it strengths mercilessly. One gear after the other is shifted, shifting quickly needs to be done with attention. This 1000 burns the start-finish straight in a way it makes you loose your breath. For brake zones the ZX10R is equally well equipped. Experienced riders ride the fine line between lost meters or flipping over with a secure feel in the radial calipers and the wave discs. Very helpful with this kind of braking is the anti hopping clutch, which prevents rear wheel patter. Knifelike steering in and very stable the Kawa produces a 1.39.5 laptime. The Kawa clearly rules on the track. It’s main competitor, on paper at least, is the R1. It also should have a 1:1 power to weight ratio. The more surprising therefore is it comfortable and back road suspension settings. Like the Honda and the Kawa the seating position is very front wheel orientated, but the triangle between handlebars, seat and pegs is quite roomy. Therefore neither the wrists or the knees hurt. The suspension, especially the forks are very comfortable without loosing the feel for what is happening under the wheels. The steering damper adds to this secure feeling. Headshakes are damped effectively. The brakes are very good lots of feel and power. Compared to the radical Kawa is the likeable supersport allrounder, with a chassis that proves it can do well at the track and on the back roads. On the track however the rear preload has to be wounded up fully. Then it operates without problems. Contrary to the ZX10R the engine needs to be revved to be fast at the track, preferably above 10.000 rpm. Positive pressure from the left foot is needed the shift through the gears, quite some power is needed to operate the gearbox. The injection operates with a little delay. This and the soft setting on the rear shock gives an indifferent feel for the traction limit on the rear tire when accelerating out of curves. When this phase is passed there is no holding back for the Yamaha. Up until 14.000 rpm the engine can be revved, however it is better to shift earlier since after reaching peak power at 12.500 it does not rev on as freely as the ZX10R. Even though the pressure point in the brake handle shifted, the R1 sets second quickest time at the track. This a result from the very good seating position and the good handling. It would have been even better if the settings did not result in letting the R1 being pushed to outside of the curves. When someone says the CBR1000RR is a typical Honda it is meant as a compliment. Right from the start the seating position, shifting and riding feel so confident as if you never have ridden anything else. The engine also does it’s job without hassle it feels harmless. But that this impression is not correct, is proven by the Dyno. Although apart from the Ducati the Honda like all others is lacking compared to the manufacturers claim it does not need to hide from the competition with its 161PS at the clutch. It is noteworthy that the Honda does not rev as high as the Kawa and the Yamaha. Redline starts at 11.500 rpm. The Honda engine treats you with a very homogenous power and is very smooth it is even equipped with a balancer shaft. The chassis gives the impression as if it was taken from the CBR600RR. Not only because of the way the rear shock is linked to the swingarm but also in the way it rides. The handling, steering precision and stability are comparable to the 600. Compared to the old Blade it does not handle as sharp it is after all 12 kg heavier. But the handling is on par with the ZX10Rand the R1. On back roads the softish setting makes a good impression. In normal use it is okay but at the track Fireblade reaches its limits. The front forks even with completely closed compression damping uses the entire suspension travel, this limits the speed going into turns. The rebound damping on the rear shock needs to be closed to calm down the drivetrain lash. One of the very few shortcomings on the Honda. Very trustworthy however is the electronic steering damper. At slow speeds you hardly notice it, but it eliminates kick back. The brakes are very good both on the road and on the track. Lots of feel and power. The Honda is a recommendation for street use. It is a good basis for racing, but then it will need stiffer suspension lower weight and a couple more PS. Like it says: Power is nothing without control. How does the GSXR look like? It is clear that Kawasaki, Yamaha and Honda are a new breed of 1000. Short fuel tanks, narrow at the location of the knees, just like a 600. Next to that low weight (apart from the Honda) and lots of brutal power which is very controllable. Compared to these bikes the GSXR feels long. It loses points were the others have advanced. Especially in handling and stability. But a knock out it isn’t. The engine although feeling raw is still a masterpiece in the way it makes it power. And top power is still on par with the new competition. Therefore it is still in front during accelerating and in roll-ons. Better lap times are hindered by the brakes which have a tendency to fade and the rear shock that in spite of having the compression fully closed does not have enough damping reserves. Who thinks that the Italian twins don’t have anything the say because they make some 30 PS less, is wrong. Both still have 130 PS which is very easy to use at the track compared the brutal power of the fours. The Ducati has very well balanced, stiff chassis and also has an engine which has very good way of making power and it responds nicely. The Desmo twin brings with it the complete Ducati experience, very cultivated and it revs freely. It loses points because of the difficulty of maintenance, build quality and the lights. It could have gone faster at the track but the shift lever touched ground to often when Markus Barth was setting fast laptimes. All bikes were equipped with Pirelli Corsa’s. The entire testcrew was disappointed about the Aprilia RSV1000R Factory. Especially since Motorrad tested better examples of this bike and expectations were high. The bike had a lot of drive train lash and a big power dip in the middle of the rev range. The engine felt very raw. This all spoilt riding the Aprilia on the Spanish back roads. Next to that the chassis handled good, but it stood up when braking into turns. Not so bad on the road but on the track this limited better laptimes. Also last with 1.42 on the track. Big advantage the Aprilia never touches down on the track. For normal use it is good, lots of wind protection, nice components and a nice sound. For twin fans this sport bike from Noale is still something to enjoy. End Result. 1. Honda CBR1000RR, it does not have any weaknesses and therefore is on the top spot. 2. Kawasaki ZX10R, the undisputed winner on the track it shares first place with the Honda 3. Yamaha R1, surprisingly comfortable and still second at the track 4. Suzuki GSXR1000, although it is fourth here it is far from outdated 5. Aprilia RSV1000R Factory, fascinating bike, but is has its shortcoming with the engine 6. Ducati 999S, good engine and chassis, but loses out in everyday use and maintance btw The track was Cartegena in Spain. hope you like it
a Objavljeno Marec 2, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Marec 2, 2004 ZX10R, CBR1000RR, R1, GSXR1000, 999R, Mille Factory Tracktimes: 1. ZX10 in 1 1.39,5 2. R1 in 1.40,3 3. Blade in 1.40,5 4. Duc 999S in 1.41,8 5. GSXR1000 in 1.41,5 6. Aprillia in 1.42,00. Overall score: 1.ZX10 698 Pts /Blade 698 Pts 3.R1 689Pts 4.GSXR 680Pts 5.Aprillia 666Pts 6. Duc 629pts The HP test was also won by the ZX10R. Kawa: 168 PS, 112 Nm Honda: 161 PS, 109 Nm Yamaha: 160 PS, 103 Nm Suzuki: 158 PS, 109 Nm
Wobewt Objavljeno Marec 2, 2004 Objavljeno Marec 2, 2004 Pa kako merijo te kavale? :huh: Vsakič drgač, enkat je Yama prva, drugič Kawa...:? Nej se že odločjo enkat. <_< Sam, je R1 moja lubica still! B) :wub:
a Objavljeno Marec 3, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Marec 3, 2004 U bistvu ni važn ker so pr englih usi. je pa odvisn kk je motor sestavlen pa... v isti seriji prhaja do razlik par konjev maj pa us več kot dovolj. Zaupam pa najbolj akrapoviču :OK:
Guzzila Objavljeno Marec 3, 2004 Objavljeno Marec 3, 2004 Osebno sem full zadovoljen da je Kawl na vrhu. V to niti nisem dvomil. Temu primerni so tudi aktualni rezultati prodaje v Nemčiji, kjer so se "zeleni" povzpeli na 3. mesto za Suzukijem in BMW-jem. :yea2: statistika
a Objavljeno Marec 3, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Marec 3, 2004 Evo angleži z svojo verzijo. R1 lovers will like it! MCN names Yamaha’s 2004 R1 our superbike of the year in Wednesday’s issue because it’s stable, exciting and fast. In our March 3 issue you’ll see the R1 pitched against all its key competitors: Kawasaki’s ZX-10R, Honda’s Fireblade and Suzuki’s GSX-R1000. And it’s the R1 that gets our vote. We put them through their paces on the track, on sun-kissed (and rain-soaked) French and Spanish roads and ran them on dynos and on closed roads. Make sure you get hold of a copy of the paper for the full story… but here are some of the facts and figures: The R1 makes 147.9bhp, 70.47ftlb of torque and hits 177.72mph. The Blade delivers 146.6bhp, 73.9ftlb of torque and 178.15mph. We recorded 175.57mph, 144.4bhp and 74.8ftlb of torque for the GSX-R1000. And the ZX-10R was tested to 176.3mph, made 147.7bhp and 74.6ftlb of torque.
Unknown Objavljeno Marec 3, 2004 Objavljeno Marec 3, 2004 kako ma zdej tuki lahko kawasaki se manj konj, manjso hitrost kot r1, mal prej je pa pisal da ma kwasaki ene 8 konj več in 10km/h vecjo koncno? ma to je kr neki.. kaj to vsak po svoje meri al kaj? :wacko:
Zok Objavljeno Marec 3, 2004 Objavljeno Marec 3, 2004 (popravljeno) a je sploh pomembno, kdo ma 165, kdo pa 165,5 konjev na kolesu, ce te moci 95% folka ne zna izkoristit, sploh pa ne v cestnem prometu?? :unsure: Popravljeno Marec 3, 2004. Popravil Zok
Unknown Objavljeno Marec 3, 2004 Objavljeno Marec 3, 2004 ma vem da to itak ni pomembno... sam mal neumno se mi zdi da je tolk različnih rezultatov da sploh ne veš komu verjeti
Zok Objavljeno Marec 3, 2004 Objavljeno Marec 3, 2004 (popravljeno) jah gustincic je rekel "Konji visijo v zraku"... :) se hudicevo prav ma! .) niti dva agregata si nista identicna, niti dva bata, niti dva cilindra, niti dve glavi, niti dva obrocka ali ventila, in ko se ujame najboljsa kombinacija si na konju, ko pa najslabsa, pa motor enostavno ne dosega obljubljenega... :) in vsi testi imajo v sebi cloveski faktor! ;) edited: aja, pa vsi lazejo!! vprasanje je sam koliko... :P Popravljeno Marec 3, 2004. Popravil Zok
Bojč Objavljeno Marec 3, 2004 Objavljeno Marec 3, 2004 DUKATI RULZ!!!!!!! :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: :yea2:
Zok Objavljeno Marec 3, 2004 Objavljeno Marec 3, 2004 (popravljeno) DUKATI RULZ!!!!!!! :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: Overall score: 1.ZX10 698 Pts /Blade 698 Pts 3.R1 689Pts 4.GSXR 680Pts 5.Aprillia 666Pts 6. Duc 629pts :hmm: pi es: pa ducati se napise... :lol1: Popravljeno Marec 3, 2004. Popravil Zok
seemon Objavljeno Marec 3, 2004 Objavljeno Marec 3, 2004 Kawa mi je bil vedno najbolj všeč, zelena barva....zdaj je pa še 1. :notworthy:
suzuki Objavljeno Marec 3, 2004 Objavljeno Marec 3, 2004 Hola! Zgolj v vednost in ravnanje (ker vidim, da nekateri niste opazili): testniki revije Motorrad že nekaj let ne merijo največje hitrosti testnih motorinčkov, ampak privzamejo tovarniški podatek. (ne sprašujte me zakaj, vem da je to zlo žalostno, ampak tko to je - bodite pozorni na zvezdico pri podatkih o največji hitrosti in spodaj boste lahko prebrali da to pomeni "Herstellerangabe")
Denny Objavljeno Marec 12, 2004 Objavljeno Marec 12, 2004 NA južnošpanski stezi v Almerii so se dokazovali: Suzukijev GSX-R1000, Hondina CBR 1000RR, Yamahina YZF-R1 in Kawasakijev ZX-10R. Končni vrstni red: 1. Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R :yea2: 2. Suzuki GSX-R 1000 3. Honda CBR 1000 RR Fireblade 4. Yamaha YZF-R1 Vir:(Zbrisano! Za oglaševanje se obrnite na
Vojč Objavljeno Marec 22, 2004 Objavljeno Marec 22, 2004 Odgovor g. Igorja Akrapoviča o novih tisočakih: Ko smo spraševali kateri od novih litrskih strojev se mu zdi najboljši, je g. Akrapovič rekel, da bo Honda zagotovo najbolj zanesljiva, Kawasaki pa najbolj športen. Suzuki GSX-R se verjetno ne bo več tako dobro prodajal, saj ga je konkurenca ujela in v nekaterih pogledih tudi presegla. O Yamahi ni hotel govoriti preveč, saj produkcijski model še čakajo, izvedeli pa smo, da je imela predprodukcijska R1 že skoraj sumljivo veliko moč na zadnjem kolesu. Prihodnost bo še gotovo pestra in tovarna Akrapovič je pripravljena nanjo.
bajsi Objavljeno Marec 22, 2004 Objavljeno Marec 22, 2004 Mislim da je g. Akrapovič povedal tudi, da prve serije motorjev, ki služijo predstavitvi za novinarje "pripravijo". :naughty: :BUA: LP Bajsi
nagajiček Objavljeno Marec 23, 2004 Objavljeno Marec 23, 2004 sm vedu da nebi smel nič rečt da me bote še zabaval v glavnem Bert Camlek eden boljših slovenskih dirkačev je na grobniku testiru(pa ne za tovarno,ni testni dirkač)R1 in je reku da je to strup,da mu je nekak ta najbolj od literske klase in ima že en motor na predelavah v nemčiji seveda gor na R1 je že akrapovič pa drugačna plastika,frgazer pa ventile pa bodo predelali v nemčiji men osebno je tud najboljša R1,sj je kawa tud luškan ampak to je le mnenje enga smrkavca ko nima pojma o motorjih... pa ne me za*ebavat .)
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