mevži Objavljeno Januar 2, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 2, 2005 Ja našga Mirana pa letos ni se je nažalost predčasno polomu a mogoče kdo kej ve kaj je zdej znemu hod je že sm vidu :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :kva2: :kva2: :kva2: :kva2: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :wub:
VmasIna Objavljeno Januar 2, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 2, 2005 Ka pa naša avtomobilska posadka vozi? (Mercedes ML je bil lani)
Lencek Objavljeno Januar 2, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 2, 2005 A potem letos KTMov LC8 sploh ne vozjo al kuko Lansko leto so tole fural Fabrizio Meoni, Itália KTM LC8 950 Rally Giovanni Sala, Itália KTM LC8 950 Rally KTM LC8 950 RALLY 2003 Motor: 2-cilindros, 4-curso, V 75° Cilindrada: 942cc Diâmetro x curso: 100 x 60 mm Potência: 102 cv a 8000 rpm Binário: 97 Nm a 6000 rpm
<=YaMaHa=> Objavljeno Januar 2, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 2, 2005 Ja sej sem jst tud malo zaj**u...twini niso prepovedani so pa omejeni na 450 ccm :) Drugač pa škoda da letos nimamo predstavnikov vsaj v avtomobilistični kdo kej ve zakaj se ni lanska posadka z Mercedezom odločila za letošnji nastop??? :? Kaj je pa s tistim tipom,ki je poleg našga Stanovnika tud vozu en rally z motorjem?Če se ne motim mu je blo ime Jure sam ne vem točno ampak men se zdi da je blo neki govora da bo on Dakar dirku .)
Noise Objavljeno Januar 2, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 2, 2005 Velike dvovaljnike so julija prepovedali (več si lahko preberete v tejle temi: Da, to pomeni, da letos ne dirkajo. Zakaj se lanska posadka ni odločila za nastop? $$$ Tomaž Merhar (ne Jure) se za Dakar definitivno pripravlja. Upamo in navijamo za to, da bi ga videli na štartu že na Dakarju 2006. (nekaj o letošnjem Dubaju, kjer je poleg Mirana Stanovnika nastopil tudi Tomo: O Miranovi poškodbi lahko preberete tudi na zgornjih linkih. Tako, sedaj pa DAKAR 2005!!!
Noise Objavljeno Januar 2, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 2, 2005 Še poročilo: Before the crossover to Africa, Europe hosted a last Telefonica Dakar 2005 show for the numerous Andalusian fans with a 10km special just outside Granada. After the long 920km liaison, the competitors faced a dirt track in Armilla before heading to Morocco and its capital Rabat, via a boat transfer from Algeciras to Tangiers. In the bike race, Frétigné proved once again he was the king of European specials while McRae used his WRC skills to capture the best time of the car race. Close to half a million fans gathered in Barcelona yesterday to bid farewell to the Dakar competitors and the crowds in Granada were just as impressive. After a short 6km liaison to make it to the military terrain of Armilla, the bikers and drivers were all unanimous on one issue: the conditions were perfect for a great show with the sun shinning and the fans cheering. And that certainly helped David Frétigné (YAM – n°12) in his quest for a fourth special win on European soil in just two years... and four stages (not counting the Clermont prologue)! In a final time of 7’57”, the Yamaha official rider indeed continued his 100% success run. On a lighter 450cc bike and with all the talent of an enduro World champion that he is, ‘Fretos’ flew to his 5th stage win on the rally. “It’s fantastic but I have to keep cool. It’s always good to feel well and to ride with pleasure. Concerning the special, I really enjoyed myself. It was really beautiful with nice bends but I didn’t expect it to be so slippery». The Frenchman beat a rejuvenated Alfie Cox (KTM - n°3) by a slim 2sec margin. “I’m very happy because my shoulder hurts less and less, claimed the South African. Yesterday, after the very long ride, my shoulder ligaments hurt a lot so I had to take pain-killers, but now, everything is all right. It hurt a little during the special but it’s getting better and better”. Fourth of the last Dakar, Cox indeed suffered a bad fall in the first special of the rally. Second in Castelldefels, Cyril Despres (KTM - n°2) had to settle with third spot, 3sec adrift. Meanwhile, to the great satisfaction of the crowd, local rider Jordi Duran (KTM – n°16), a newcomer on the rally, captured a very promising 4th place. “It was an enduro type of special. I felt really comfortable. It’s a good result for me but the most important thing is to make it to Dakar and the Lac Rose”. In the bike overall, Frétigné comforts his lead with a tiny 11sec advantage on Despres. A strategic satisfaction for the Yamaha rider: “To take off in the leading position will give me the possibility to be careful. My secret dream is to be on the podium in Dakar. If I can make it to the top ten positions in every stage, it should be possible for the overall”. With 229 bikers having gone through the dirt track of Armilla, it was slightly trickier for the cars. “It’s getting really difficult on the course, explained title holder Stephane Peterhansel (MIT – n°306). It’s starting to look like sand and you lose a lot of power when accelerating”. ‘Peter’ eventually finished second on the day behind ‘mister WRC’ himself, Colin McRae (Nissan – n°308). The Scotsman finished in 7’48” (9sec better than enduro specialist Frétigné) which earned him a third stage victory in his two years on the Dakar after successes in Ayoun El Atrous and Dakar last year. “I had a lot of fun. I had a blast driving the car this morning”. McRae looks indeed very satisfied with his brand new Nissan after the upsets of last year. A point of view that Ari Vatanen (NIS – n°311) seems to share: “the car has nothing to do with last year’s one”. With Giniel de Villiers (NIS – n°317), fourth, the Japanese brand has its three Pick-ups in the top four spots. Winner of the opening special in Barcelona for his debut on the rally, Robby Gordon (VW – n°317) confirmed he would be one to follow with 5th place today. In the overall, McRae clinches top spot for the first time in his Dakar career ahead of Gordon, 1sec adrift. The former WRC World champion knows however that it doesn’t have much significance although it has its importance for the upcoming days. “I just wanted to go fast to be able to leave in the first positions for tomorrow’s stage between Rabat and Agadir, because I believe there won’t be a lot of overtaking possibilities on the special”. The truck race was almost a copy of what happened two days ago on the beach of Castelldefels with Hans Bekx (DAF – 524; the first to start… and that proved to be key) winning his second ever Dakar special. Firdaus Kabirov (KAM – n°520) finished second at 9sec while the only change compared to the 1st special concerned third position with Gerard de Rooy (DAF – n°516) managing to beat father Jan (DAF – n°521).
Noise Objavljeno Januar 2, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 2, 2005 1 012 FRETIGNE YAMAHA 07' 57" - 00' 00" 2 003 COX KTM 07' 59" - 00' 02" 3 002 DESPRES KTM 08' 00" - 00' 03" 4 016 DURAN KTM 08' 06" - 00' 09" 5 006 COMA KTM 08' 07" - 00' 10" 6 023 CALDECOTT KTM 08' 08" - 00' 11" 7 008 DE GAVARDO KTM 08' 11" - 00' 14" 8 130 GORRARA KTM 08' 16" - 00' 19" 9 021 WALCH KTM 08' 17" - 00' 20" 10 004 MEONI KTM 08' 17" - 00' 20" ==== Jutrišnja etapa: Stage 4 - 3 January 2005 - RABAT > AGADIR Liaison 122 km Special 123 km Liaison 421 km Total 666 km The first African special of the Telefonica Dakar 2005 rally promises a brutal change for the competitors. Short in distance, it will offer a variety of technical difficulties on the rugged Moroccan soil. Navigation shouldn’t be too much of a worry but the landscape on the second part of the special will make things trickier. Added to that the organisation’s opening team has signalled that the terrain would be rather wet after heavy rains in the past weeks, with puddles and a ford at the beginning of the timed section. On a course never used at 70 %, the competitors will be using rather narrow and sinuous paths that will make overtaking difficult. The three winners of the previous special David Frétigné, Colin McRae and Hans Bekx (also leaders in the overall of their categories), will take off first with good chances of keeping their respective leads.
bLuZoNdEr Objavljeno Januar 2, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 2, 2005 Noise: kaj ko bi ti letos v Tuniziji malo potreniral za Dakar 2006 .)
Noise Objavljeno Januar 3, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 3, 2005 Noise: kaj ko bi ti letos v Tuniziji malo potreniral za Dakar 2006 .) Dolga je še do mojega Dakarja... Bo pa Climber na letošnji prvomjaksi Tuniziji po moje treniral že za El Chott 2005 :OK:
marem Objavljeno Januar 3, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 3, 2005 Mislim, da bo boj (Yamaha vs. KTM) letos bolj izenačen kot lani. Sicer končni zmagovalec (vsaj po moje) ni dvomljiv: KTM. Samo vseeno velikih 2-cilindrašev ni več, Yamaho so najvrjetneje malo pojačali, saj so videli da jim je lani na dolgih, hitrih etapah zmanjkalo moči. Vsekakor upam da bo boj letoš še bolj napet in čim bolj zanimiv. Noise: lepe fotke! Žal pa mislim da Meoni letos ne bo konkurenčen (IMHO).
Noise Objavljeno Januar 3, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 3, 2005 Vsi smo vedeli, da bo Fretigne spet blestel na kratkih etapah - prva 6, druga 10km? Na ja... Sicer je letela kot sneta sekira skozi tesne ovinke in "motokros" progo, a to je jasno... 660 rally je le much heavier machine... Vendar po moje na dolgih etapah ne bo konkurenčna, razen če niso naredili čudeža. Ampak bi moral biti res res čudež. Ker že recimo rally _replika_ (ne factory bike) po Tomotovih vtisih (Merhar, vozil na Dubaju prvič z 660 repliko) sodeč totalno trga gate. No, itak da trga gate, če lahko pelješ v tretji, četrti, pri 120 km/h po zadnjem... Motor, narejen za maratonske etape. No, sej, bomo videli. Glede Meonija sem tudi jaz skeptičen, a ga nisem čisto odpisal, sploh zaradi izkušenj in odbitosti. In zato, ker mi je osebno od dirkačev najbolj pri srcu. Čisto osebno mnenje: Despres, Cox (če ga ne bo z-J* iz prve etape poškodovana rama), Meoni, so imho najbolj resni kandidati za zmago.
mihz Objavljeno Januar 3, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 3, 2005 Sem vidu da bo ena HONDA na štartu (vsaj v Barceloni je bla naštimana na zboru pred štartom) :OK: :OK: :OK: Drugač pa same ktm mašine...
mihz Objavljeno Januar 3, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 3, 2005 KTMov spremljevalni tovornjak! (mam še ene druge, sam se mi ne zdi na mestu da bi zdele vse gor vrgu :) Vsem fantom in puncam na DAKARJU 05 vso srečo!
<=YaMaHa=> Objavljeno Januar 3, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 3, 2005 Ja Yamaha se je kar mogla izboljšat čeprov mislm da če nebi bil Fretigne za balanco, Yamaha nebi mela možnosti proti KTMu :D Aja Tomaž mu je ime :slap:
DDEAN1 Objavljeno Januar 3, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 3, 2005 baje se napoveduje bogata udeležba slovencev na Dakarju 2006. A ima kdo kakšne informacije kdo bo še vozil ??
Noise Objavljeno Januar 3, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 3, 2005 baje se napoveduje bogata udeležba slovencev na Dakarju 2006. A ima kdo kakšne informacije kdo bo še vozil ?? Če si slišal kaj o bogati udeležbi, si verjetno slišal tudi kaj več. Stanovnik upamo in verjamemo, da bo vozil. Upe polagamo tudi na Tomota. Torej dva motorista. Upamo tudi na mamut team. Za ostale pa ne vemo. Bi bilo pa fajn zvedet :)
Noise Objavljeno Januar 3, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 3, 2005 Sicer pa je bila današnja MOTO specialka odpovedana zaradi megle in so jih poslali lepo v konvojčku v Agadir. Žal je tako nedvomno razburljiva etapa odpadla... :( No ja, samo da je varno! 11:35 Bike special cancelled Due to heavy fog, the organisation has decided to cancel the bike special of stage 4 between Rabat and Agadir. The visibility was too bad for the bikers to compete in good security conditions. They, therefore, went to CP1 as a convoy and then used a normal asphalt road to head to Agadir in a liaison. A few years ago, the first stage in Morocco had also been cancelled because of the fog. On the other hand, the cars should compete the special normaly.
JAZBEC Objavljeno Januar 3, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 3, 2005 (popravljeno) Sicer pa je bila današnja MOTO specialka odpovedana zaradi megle in so jih poslali lepo v konvojčku v Agadir. Žal je tako nedvomno razburljiva etapa odpadla... :( No ja, samo da je varno! 11:35 Bike special cancelled ← :( :( :( ...škoda...tako je pa Yamaha še zmeri pr vrhu... :( .) Popravljeno Januar 3, 2005. Popravil JAZBEC
Noise Objavljeno Januar 3, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 3, 2005 ...škoda...tako je pa Yamaha še zmeri pr vrhu... :( .) Hehehhe... Tole pošilja KTM za objavo... Poglejte si kakšno piz*** imajo nekateri 450cc KTM-i z akumulatorji... jao jao jao... ------------------------------------------------------ RALLY Dakar 2005: 4th stage Rabat - Agadir (03.01.2005) ------------------------------------------------------ Where in the world are they driving? This was the question of today because nothing was to be seen of the pilots on their two wheels. Africa in fog! Although, the drivers were heading towards Agadir, the special was cancelled by the organizers. The reasons: The helicopters of the stewards were incapable of taking off. The safety of the drivers was therefore not guaranteed anymore. Additionally, the A.S.O. claimed that the stage would not be proceeded under legitimate conditions. That is why the drivers were asked to not speed along the course. After the first checkpoint, the drivers left the race track and are currently riding the 500 km to Agadir on asphalt. So, there is not going to be a fight for the lead within KTM- factory pilots today. But the KTM assistance team will have to fight a hard battle. Many private KTM pilots have had problems with the batteries of their bikes since the beginning of the rally. The defects are all of different natures but are mostly concerning the 450 bikes. The technicians haven't found the cause for the damage of battery after battery. However, KTM is working feverish in order to provide the service the private drivers are used to. "It means a lot to us to solve this problem as quickly as possible.", promises KTM team manager Hans Trunkenpolz. "Yesterday, the attempt to send one of our electronics engineers from Mattighofen to Rabat failed. He was delayed at the airport in Munich because his tools and some spare parts didn't make it through the security check. Meanwhile, the man is on his way to Agadir. Additionally, there is a plane with new batteries and regulators on its way there. The factory teams also provide the amateurs with their equipment until the problem is solved." Thus, there will be a lot of work in the bivouac in Agadir tonight. Last but not least, some good news: The American Dakar newcomer Chris Blais, team KTM Red Bull USA, celebrates his 24th birthday today. Happy Birthday! === Jutri: ==== Hopefully, the motorcyclists will have a clear view again tomorrow. The first long special is up next. 381 km will be judged on the way from Agadir to Smara. The course is initially hard and fast but will then be very stony and in the second section be quite winding. The second part is completely new and ends in a tried out river valley. Thus, the old hands will have little chance to bring to bear their experience. An exciting day if the weather gods are in favour of the rally.
Noise Objavljeno Januar 4, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 4, 2005 With 654 km planned for this stage including 381 of special, the competitors face the first long African stage of the race today where endurance and a clear mind will be precious. Before entering in the heart of Southern Morocco, the competitors won’t yet be in sandy landscapes but the most inexperienced will meet tracks known to be extremely rocky and difficult. The cancellation of the first Moroccan special, that was planned to come as a good preparation is particularly bad news for the newcomers on bikes who will immediately discover the real difficulties of a Dakar. The car drivers will have able to have a warm-up but will still need to be extremely careful, especially with the rocks that could prove to be vicious. Robby Gordon, the overall car leader who proved to be very fast on the short courses of the first specials should, according to race director Patrick Zaniroli, “drive at a normal Dakar pace to eventually make it to the end of the rally”.
marem Objavljeno Januar 4, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 4, 2005 hehe sicer ni veliko je pa nekaj :D Last but not least, some good news: The American Dakar newcomer Chris Blais, team KTM Red Bull USA, celebrates his 24th birthday today. Happy Birthday! :lol1:
Noise Objavljeno Januar 4, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 4, 2005 Bolj zanimiva je njegova starost... 24 let... :OK:
Noise Objavljeno Januar 4, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 4, 2005 Prvi odstopi na zahtevni progi, težave Despresa in Fretigneja... 13:08 Bikes – Duran quits After a fall just before CP1 (at km 100), Jordi Duran (KTM – n°16) was forced to withdraw with a shoulder bone and femur fracture. The Spaniard had finished fourth in the Granada special and was seventh overall. 13:08 Bikes – Coma new leader at CP2 At check point 2 (km 184), Spaniard Marc Coma (KTM – n°6) is the new special leader after clocking the best time at the CP. Coma has a tiny 2sec lead on Andy Caldecott (KTM – 23) and 3’29” on Despres (KTM – n°2). Frenchman David Frétigné is 9’04” adrift. 13:07 Bikes – Troubles for Despres and Frétigné Two top bikers suffered navigation and technical worries in the half of the day’s special. Overall leader David Frétigné followed a wrong path when seeing bike tracks and dust coming from tourist bikers. Cyril Despres (KTM – n°2) has broken a kilometre control. 13:07 Bikes – Many falls In the first 111km of the special, quite a few falls were suffered in the bike race. Both Jordi Duran (KTM – n°16) and Arvis Winters (KTM – n°30) had serious crashes. 11:49 Bike. Caldecoot fastest at CP1 After the five first riders have passed CP1 (Km 111), Australian rider Andy Caldecott (KTM) has clocked the fastest time so far. Caldecott has 19'' avantage on Matc Coma (KTM) and 2'14'' on Cyrille Despres (KTM). Overall leader David Fretigne (Yam) is 8'35'' adrift.
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