Noise Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Še nekaj včerajšnjih nočnih "dogodkov" :) 12:51 NIGHT WATCH Mechanical worries, late arrivals, injuries, bad luck and withdrawals… All you need to know about what happened on the bivouac during the night. 22h50 – Vatanen at last The press had almost forgot about good old Ari when the Finn finally made it to the bivouac late in the evening. After breaking his transmission box at kilometre 150 of the special, Vatanen spent a good part of his day waiting first of all for his assistance vehicle and then for the reparations on his Nissan Pickup. When finally arriving in Zouerat, the multiple Dakar winner remained calm and composed. “We lost seven hours but everything is OK. The moral is still all right, there are far worst things in life. Maybe we didn’t do enough testing on the car. Anyhow now I’ll do my best to make arrive in Dakar and that’s the most important... 23h00 – Happy birthday Tchaguine Thankfully, Vladimir Tchaguine doesn’t celebrate in the same fashion every time he wins a stage on the Dakar. But the day was special. Not only had the Russian claimed his 32nd ever Dakar special but it was also his … birthday. A perfect opportunity to drink champagne and eat caviar in the Kamaz family. A party without the two members of the team that suffered a serious crash last night and were taken to the Layoune hospital for further examination and care. Anyhow, the celebration remained quiet with the difficult upcoming stage to prepare and the long days to come. One can expect a big fiesta if Tchaguine claims a fifth win in Dakar. 23h30 – Gordon’s long day Robby Gordon knew what he was coming for on the Dakar. Was he really expecting such a bad day? After his crash (and flip) just before CP2 (km 300), the American eventually made it to the finish of the stage pushed by an assistance truck. Not really the most triumphant of ways to enter the bivouac. The Volkswagen crew remained stranded in the desert awaiting for assistance and eventually saw help come at 17h00 to try and repair the seriously damaged rear part (breaks…) before being pulled through CP2 and most of the special. Once on the bivouac the whole VW team started deconstructing the Race Touareg and change the necessary parts so that Gordon could carry on his Dakar adventure. “It’s a real shame because I think I could have done something good here on this rally. But I’m here to learn. 0h30 – Work for DAF After a very very long night indeed, spent working on Gerard De Rooy’s truck (damaged after a crash during stage 5), it was this time father Jan De Rooy’s vehicle that needed a special ‘treatment’. Indeed the elder of the De Rooy family suffered turbo problems on the special. 0h50 – Sad atmosphere at Nissan… With the retirement of Colin McRae and the difficult day of Ari Vatanen, the Nissan clan was feeling rather devastated after the day’s stage 6. Giniel De Villiers only needed a change of wind screen while the mechanics were still working on Vatanen’s car. 1h10 - …busy at Mitsubishi No serious worry hit the Mitsubishi team. The title holders went through an excellent day with the performances of Stephane Peterhansel and Hiroshi Masuoka. But to keep up their Dakar rhythm, the mechanics checked and re-checked all the vehicles, especially for the upcoming marathon stage. “Tomorrow, we won’t be allowed to give a helping hand so we need the cars to be very reliable and work perfectly well for two days”, explained one of the Mitsu mechanics... 3h00 – Time for a count 190 bikes made it to the bivouac of Zouerat, as well as 143 cars and 60 trucks.
Noise Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Napovedi za danes... For the longest special of the rally, the competitor’s menu offers many novelties. With a mix between navigation difficulties, camel grass and numerous dunes, the bikers and drivers will have to be patient to avoid all kind of mistakes. Added to that, all vehicles will be entered in a ‘parc fermé’ where no assistance is authorised. The real ‘marathon’ stages are back on the Dakar… A specialist of this type of exercise, yesterday’s winners, Fabrizio Meoni in the bike race and Stéphane Peterhansel on four wheels, should be serious contenders for victory on a course where experience will pay.
Noise Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Takile so časi na CP1 1 021 - WALCH 03:01:24 2 006 - COMA 03:02:15 3 002 - DESPRES 03:04:10 4 014 - SALA 03:04:49 5 003 - COX 03:06:17 6 012 - FRETIGNE 03:07:30 7 025 - DE AZEVEDO 03:08:07 8 005 - ULLEVALSETER 03:08:35 9 009 - BRUCY 03:08:35 10 007 - ESTEVE PUJOL 03:09:25 11 004 - MEONI 03:10:19 12 022 - BLAIS 03:10:21 13 023 - CALDECOTT 03:11:35 14 011 - DABROWSKI 03:22:40 15 147 - DE BAAR 03:25:56
marem Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Noise lepo da nas obveščaš :OK: . Zanima me če kdo morda ve kdo od dirkačev (motor/avto/kamion) ima največ etapnih zmag? Glede na staž kak Schlesser, Vatannen al ta Rus k KAMAZ-a vozi? Tudi Peterhansel, ki je včasih motor vozil (če se ne motim) zna biti visoko.
bLuZoNdEr Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 ...mene pa zanima kaj je ta "mousse"....namreč za to stvar prvič slišim so please enlighten me O:-)
marem Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 To je taka posebna penasta snov, ki jo imajo tekmovalci na dakarju v gumah namesto zraka. Tako so gume (plašči) "podprte" z nečim in jih je težje predreti oz. tudi če se predrejo se da vozit BP (no vsaj lažje kot če maš predrto pa zrak nortri ). Problemi s tem pa nastanejo če je mousse pod prevelikim stresom se začne pregrevat in topit, kar je nekako podobno kot da bi ti spustila guma. Tako nekako si jaz to stvar predstavljam, po razlagi Stanovnika.
Fabo Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 To je taka posebna penasta snov, ki jo imajo tekmovalci na dakarju v gumah namesto zraka. Tako so gume (plašči) "podprte" z nečim in jih je težje predreti oz. tudi če se predrejo se da vozit BP (no vsaj lažje kot če maš predrto pa zrak nortri ). Problemi s tem pa nastanejo če je mousse pod prevelikim stresom se začne pregrevat in topit, kar je nekako podobno kot da bi ti spustila guma. Tako nekako si jaz to stvar predstavljam, po razlagi Stanovnika. ← Sej men se zdi da majo tud downhillovci neki podobnga noter...(ta bolsi)
avbi Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 15:28 Bikes – leading 5 at km 500 The first five bikers to have started the special are still riding together (Despres, Cox, Meoni, Coma, Ullevalseter) with Despres and Meoni leading the group most of the time. Behind is a group including virtual special leader Walch.
bLuZoNdEr Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 @marem: tnx! Ampak zakaj potem pri drugih tekmovalcih ni govora o tem problemu (ali mogoče vsi ne uporabljajo te filunge?)
Leteči Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 ...mene pa zanima kaj je ta "mousse"....namreč za to stvar prvič slišim so please enlighten me O:-) ← Če te zanima kako je zadeva za videt mislim da se mi en primerek še v garaži valja iz mojih motokrosističnih časov. Sicer ne vem kako je to dandanes samo ko sem jaz to zadevo iskal pred leti je nisi dobil drugače kot tako da si poznal kakega profesionalca ki se je s kakim offroad športom resno ukvarjal
bLuZoNdEr Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 cool .) te ob priliki spomnil pa boš ven izbrskal
bLuZoNdEr Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Američan v Volkswagnu, Robby Gordon, kot kaže le ni "OUT", saj je, po tem ko so ga včeraj zvečer z asistenčnim vozilom privlekli v bivak danes štartal in malo pred 19h bil na CP2 :OK: tem pa si je Peterhansel privozil slabih 26 minut prednosti in seveda prepričljivo dobil današnjo etapo :worship: Med motoristi pa je danes najhitreje z etapo opravil Fretigne na Yamahi (spet brez 2WD) in tako pokazal da KTM le ni povsem brez konkurence :nono: 20:08 Cars – Peter new overall leader On the finish line of the car special, Stephane Peterhansel (MIT) beat Nasser Al Attiyah (BMW) by a huge 25'40 advantage. Third on the day is Jutta Kleinschmidt (VW) at 26'07 while Alphand (MIT) is fourth at 28'11. Only four cars have so far made it to the finish line. Peterhansel takes command of the overall standings with a 21'32 lead on team mate Luc Alphand. 18:35 Bikes – Frétigné wins special With 9 bikers on the finish line of stage 7 between Zouerat and Tichit, David Frétigné (YAM) has clocked the fastest time of the day in 9h16'26". The Frenchman beats Marc Coma (KTM) by 3'31. Third is Despres at 5'22 while Gauloises team mate Alfie Cox is at 7'25" and Andy Caldecott at 7'35. Marc Coma takes the overall leadership with a 16" advance on Despres.
bLuZoNdEr Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 In še zanimivost, na dakarju nastopa tudi 21letni američan na KTM-u (JEEEEZ BIIII TTTUUUUUUUUUTTTT :kva2: ) - Meanwhile, the veru promising Kellon Walch discovered what the Dakar really was all about. The young 21 year old American from the KTM Red Bull, finished the special close to 20' behind the day's winner.
Jure007 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Na žalost ker ni našga Mirana Letos ne spremlam tolk tale DAKAR (pa še ko je Miran vozu sm bl površno spremlu) me pa zanima če Juta Klajnšmit sploh še voz. Ker ta mamika je bla pa zame klasa :worship:
Desert Soul Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Haloooo??!!! Jutta šiba po peskovniku v popolnoma ženskem Touaregu in je trenutno tretja! Pa saj imate na voljo, za božjo voljo!
Noise Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 ---------------------------------------- RALLY Dakar 2005: 7th stage Zouerat - Tichit (06.01.2005) ---------------------------------------- 9:25 p.m. A.S.O. pulls emergency brake A dramatic evening. 80 percent of the rally's participants are still out in the desert. The officials of the rally have therefore decided that only 130 km of tomorrows 2nd part of the marathon stage will be judged. The starting time is delayed to 10 a.m. With that A.S.O. allows drivers who arrive late at night the bivouac to rest at least for a few hours. An extreme stage between dunes, grass and wind Today's heroes lie and sit totally exhausted in the bivouac and a sandstorm battles above their heads. This stage was one of a kind, even for the more experienced competitors. "It was a true Dakar day. Strenuous, with low vision and tons of camel grass," exclaims Alfie Cox. He celebrated his birthday today and it seems he enjoyed the 660 km nevertheless. He came in 7 minutes behind the leader and was able to claim a 4th place. He seems to be comfortable with that. Cyril Despres reached the finish line just before him. "I had a hard time seeing anything. Never before have I crossed a 400 km stretch which constituted completely of camel grass. It was extremely difficult." Cyril lost the overall lead to Marc Coma, the second fastest on the day. Coma is 16 seconds ahead of Despres. Andy Caldecott and Alfie Cox came in tied (+5'40) in 3rd place. The second part of the special proved to be selective today. Until CP 2 at kilometer 397 the young American Kellon Walch led the pack. A miracle since he started off relying on pain killers. He too, took a dig into the sand yesterday, falling twice off his bike. But it was yet to happen again. "Right after CP 2 I fell several times," explains Walch, "It cost a lot of time. It was also extremely difficult to find the tracks. I clung to a rider in front of me and I followed him. I was lucky that my bike ran flawlessly." Joe Barker, deputy US team chief, was satisfied with his boys. "Kellon and Chris race very well. Undoubtedly it was a difficult stage today. The dunes at home have a totally different structure. I'm satisfied that the boys made it across the finish line. It is a plus that they achieved such extraordinary placements." This was also due to the services of John Edwards, doctor of the team. This morning he was working hard. "I mixed protein and electrolyte drinks. The guys have to survive the next two most strenuous days. I need to give them all the help I can." The wellness package also included a relaxing and refreshing back massage for each of his boys. His help was successful as one can see. Gio Sala also showed team spirit during the race. He provided Isidre Esteve with desperately needed gasoline. The Spaniard took along less than he needed. Anyone who still needed to repair the bike had to tackle these problems on the course of the stage. After crossing the finish line only refueling was possible. For the night the motorcycles are kept in Parc Fermé, which is placed a few hundred meters away from the bivouac. Last night the team managers advised their riders to pay attention to their equipment. Claudia Patuzzi, Team KTM Gauloises, explains, "All of them are taking along a few spare parts. For example: one or two tubes. And they certainly also carry along a few personal items for the night. The service trucks bypass this bivouac and are already continuing on to the next bivouac in Tidjikja." One of the teammates could not continue on with the race this morning: Carlo de Gavardo. After yesterday's bad crash he bruised his back that he couldn't move at all this morning. He father states, "Carlo felt like an old guy of 100 years. He was in pain with every move he made." Pulling out of the race is tough for Carlo. After several injuries during the previous years he is mentally in great shape again. KTM team manager Hans Trunkenpolz is equally disappointed, "Carlo's retiring from the race takes away our chance to document the efficiency of the 450 KTM. The day before yesterday, Carlo took care of Jordi Duran and stayed with him after his severe crash. And yesterday Carlo suffered a bad crash as well and finished the stage very cautiously. For sure he would be leading his class, if these two things hadn't happened. No matter what, we will continue on with our concept. It is the right way to keep on going with this motorcycle." After a short night the competitors head for Tidjikja early tomorrow morning. 520 km out of the 538 km will be judged. Once again the participants will face the vastness of sand. Between the dunes, passages are hidden, which lead to the finish. It will be a challenge for navigational fans!
Noise Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Frétigné wins special, Peter takes command on four wheels In the longest special of the Telefonica Dakar 2005 rally, David Frétigné made the best of his lighter Yamaha 450cc to win the bike race while Marc Coma, second, conquers the overall leadership. In the car category, Stephane Peterhansel showed that he was the boss with his second consecutive win in impressive fashion. The Frenchman now has a comfortable overall lead. Dunes, camel grass, sand and even more sand… The day promised to be extremely difficult for all the competitors and the horrible visibility made things even worst for the bikers. Not a worry however for newcomer Kellon Walch who took advantage of his late starting position to capture the best times at the first two check points (km 256 and 397). But the real serious business was then to start. Indeed the last 263kms were covered in over 4 hours for the best bikers, in other words a real nightmare for the best bikers. And in the soft sand of Mauritania, David Frétigné proved to be the most impressive despite the fact that he was not using his two wheel drive system for technical reasons. The Frenchman crossed the finish line on his own with a 3'31 advantage on Coma and 5'22 on Despres (both riders having spent the day together alongside Meoni, Cox and Ullevalseter). Meanwhile, the veru promising Kellon Walch discovered what the Dakar really was all about. The young 21 year old American from the KTM Red Bull, finished the special close to 20' behind the day's winner. In the overall, Spaniard Coma takes the leadership but with the slimmest of margins (16") on Despres. Halfway through this marathon stage, the bike race is as exciting as can be. Indeed the leading 6 riders overall (Coma, Despres, Caldecott, Cox, Meoni and Frétigné) are all within an 8' gap…
Noise Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 1 012 FRETIGNE YAMAHA 9h 16' 26" 00' 00" 2 006 COMA KTM 9h 20' 57" 04' 31" 3 002 DESPRES KTM 9h 21' 48" 05' 22" 4 003 COX KTM 9h 23' 51" 07' 25" 5 023 CALDECOTT KTM 9h 24' 01" 07' 35" 6 014 SALA KTM 9h 24' 36" 08' 10" 7 005 ULLEVALSETER KTM 9h 26' 11" 09' 45" 8 004 MEONI KTM 9h 27' 48" 11' 22" 9 007 ESTEVE PUJOL KTM 9h 30' 11" 13' 45" 10 021 WALCH KTM 9h 36' 20" 19' 54" Očitno gre Yamaha z 1WD še bolje... odklopljen je oboje-bicikl pogon zaradi tehničnih težav, ne povejo zakaj :o Fretigne: a warrior... :photo: Vsi, ki so prišli skozi: :worship: :worship: Skupna razvrstitev: 1 006 COMA KTM 18h 18' 21" 00' 00" 2 002 DESPRES KTM 18h 18' 37" 00' 16" 3 023 CALDECOTT KTM 18h 24' 01" 05' 40" 4 003 COX KTM 18h 24' 01" 05' 40" 5 004 MEONI KTM 18h 25' 53" 07' 32" 6 012 FRETIGNE YAMAHA 18h 26' 30" 08' 09" 7 005 ULLEVALSETER KTM 18h 35' 37" 17' 16" 8 007 ESTEVE PUJOL KTM 18h 36' 31" 18' 10" 9 014 SALA KTM 19h 03' 38" 45' 17" 10 022 BLAIS KTM 19h 16' 08" 57' 47" 10. mesto je že skoraj eno uro zadaj :o Noro... ==== Pri avtomobilih je še bolj ekstremno -- prvi štirje so več kot uro pred ostalimi... v cilju je trenutno samo 41 motoristov, 9 avtomobilistov in nobenega tovornjaka, pravijo na Ste gledali eurosport? :eek: Na CP1, po 265 of 660km je obtičal Jean Luis Schlesser in končal letošnjo bitko... skupaj z Eurošportovim terencem lepo kampirajo na CP1 :D In pravijo, da jih ogromno ni prišlo niti do CP1... Tako da tista "varnostna varovalka", da bo briefing ob 08:00 in le 130km etapa jutri, je malo :lol: :lol: Ponoči jih bo bolj malo prišlo na cilj, that's for sure :D
simonsi Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Ja, noro. :eek: Uni ki so že pršli v cilj so rekli, da je bila prva tretjina še lahka napram ostali progi. Kako zaboga folk misli po celodnevni muki prit čist izmozgan še skozi 400km kamelje trave, ki je po besedah komentatorja trda ko kamen ko jo s hitrostjo zadaneš. Še podnevi je muka se izogibat travi in iskati pravo pot med sipinami. :wacko: Zato so pa vodilni rajderji skupi stopil in skupinsko odpeljal etapo. Pa kljub temu so se parkrat zgubil, čeprav je bila proga relativno lahka za navigacijo. :grrr Pa servisni posegi niso dovoljeni, samo med dirko danes ali jutri. Pa na CP2 (se mi zdi) so jim dali samo 20l benza za 250km. A so se organizatorji zmotli, a bojo vsi tolk malo bencina dobili. Na sipinah se poraba poveča na 15l na 100km. Pa tale Fretigne 7 minut pred ostalimi na 450ccm yamahi. Noro :worship: Vsako leto ko gledam dakar, bolj občudujem tiste ki prilezejo do cilja. :yes:
simonsi Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Kolikor vem, je samo mousse... ← A ni poleg te miši v gumi še zrak za optimalni pritisk. Pa že že lih preluknjaš gumo, da lahko še zmeri pripelješ do cilja, relativno hitro :?
Noise Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 A ni poleg te miši v gumi še zrak za optimalni pritisk. Pa že že lih preluknjaš gumo, da lahko še zmeri pripelješ do cilja, relativno hitro :? Ne... Takole zadeva zgleda... Še opis by Michelin... Michelin Desert and Bib Mousse – a winning combination Twenty-five years after its creation in 1979, specialists of the Dakar Rally still cite the desert itself as being their principal adversary on this unique event, and what all the entrants fear above all else is mechanical failure. Every part of every vehicle is put under immense strain by being raced across thousands of kilometres of desert, and tyres in particular are tested to their absolute limits. While the possibility of carrying spares means that for cars and trucks a puncture or a tyre breaking up isn’t the end of the world, for a motorcycle competitor it could well mean the end of their dream. To meet this challenge, Michelin came to their aid by developing the now famous Michelin Desert / Bib Mousse combination which has won the classification in the Dakar every year since it was introduced in 1983… Following 21 consecutive victories on the event, Michelin goes into the 2004 Dakar confident of providing motorcycle competitors with the best ever version of the Desert and Bib Mousse combination. New production techniques for the famous inner-tube replacement, the Bib Mousse, coupled with the specially designed Desert tyre have made the almost perfect product even better. While the leading stars will be battling out victory over more than 11000 km across some of the most hostile terrain in the world, they can be sure that Michelin will be ‘supporting’ them all the way! Featuring an extremely rigid carcass and a larger tread block than conventional moto-x or enduro tyres, the Michelin Desert has proved capable of withstanding the rocky terrain, extremely high operating temperatures and huge power of the factory bikes, while giving excellent grip in the dunes that have made the race famous. Since its introduction virtually the entire motorcycle entry, from Dakar stars such as six times winner Stéphane Peterhansel to the humblest of privateer competitors, have put their faith in Michelin’s products. While the Michelin Desert proved the ultimate choice for all Dakar motorcycle competitors it wasn’t until the introduction of Michelin’s famous Bib Mousse inner tube replacement that competitors were freed from the dread of punctures and their potentially disastrous consequences. Resembling an o-ring, a Bib Mousse is in fact a hi-tech product filled with thousands of nitrogen bubbles that has virtually eliminated punctures and is now regarded as essential a piece of equipment by motorcycle entrants as their road book reader and GPS. Previously manufactured by hand and requiring refrigerated storage, the recent industrialisation of the manufacturing process has dramatically improved shelf life and quality and simplified storage to a point where it is now equally popular with competitors in enduro and moto-x.
Noise Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2005 In še... What's Mousse? Mousse (moos), noun, <Latin mulsa, a foam mixture> Cooking: whipped foam like meringue, gelatin, Chocolate mousse. <French foam dessert, spongy texture> Motorcycle Tires: Michelin Bib Mousse, foam core insert that replaces rubber tubes in off road motorcycle tires. Sponge-like circle of Butyl honeycomb foam whose tiny cells are charged with nitrogen. Smooth molded outer skin is designed to slip into specific size off-road motorcycle tires. Developed by Michelin for expert racers who MUST FINISH EACH RACE. No Pulled Stems, No Punctures, No Pinched Tubes, No Flats, No Fooling For off-road competition use only. New Bib Mousse fitted on the correct size rim into the correct size off road tire, ensures a pressure equivalent of 13 psi. Estimated service life 6 months, depending upon severity of use. Maximum distance on hard surface at high speed is 20 miles. Maximum speed 80 mph
bLuZoNdEr Objavljeno Januar 7, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 7, 2005 Maximum distance on hard surface at high speed is 20 miles. Maximum speed 80 mph ← svašta, pa čudi me da ma samo Meoni probleme :grrr Drugače pa hvala za ves ta text .)
Noise Objavljeno Januar 7, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 7, 2005 Maximum distance on hard surface at high speed is 20 miles. Maximum speed 80 mph svašta, pa čudi me da ma samo Meoni probleme :grrr Tisto 80mph/20miles je po moje za asfalt in ziher NE za tovarniške motorje (ker imajo sicer resda Miche Desert gor, samo so menda čisto drugačne kot Desertke, ki jih lahko kupi vsak smrtnik v Michelinovi štacuni)...
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