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Dobro zdaj moraš vedet da profiji, kot so Meoni in CO. dobijo (najbrž) malo izboljšano različico tega.....


No, nekaj se jih je pa priplazilo v cilj še ponoči...

tako je v cilju sedaj 78 motoristov, 46 avtomobilistov, in celo 16 tovornjakarjev (etapo je dobil Kabirov, skupno vodilni Tchaguine je imel težave in je menda obstal nekje pred CP2 in tudi po CP2 -- rabil pa je do CP2 skoraj toliko časa kot Kabirov za celotno pot)...

1 520 KABIROV / BELYAEV / MOKEEV KAMAZ 11h 43' 01"

2 500 SUGAWARA / HAMURA HINO 13h 09' 34" 1h

3 524 BEKX / WILLEMS / MAESSEN DAF 13h 12' 12"


8. etapa odpovedana :(

11:50 Special Tichit – Tidjikja cancelled

Due to the weather condition on the Mauritanian desert since Thursday on the course of the rally, the organisation has decided to modify the race. The bad visibility has forced most of the helicopters to remain grounded.

At 10.00 am today, only 96 bikes, 59 cars and 27 trucks had completed stage 7, and 31 competitors had officially retired from the race.

The race organisation has therefore decided on the following measures :

- Cancel stage 8 between Tichit and Tidjikja.

- The authorized time for stage 7 will be longer.

- The competitors will all head to Tidjikja in liaison.


sej sam vprašam........ a našega "lisjaka" letos ni, ne? :oops:

sej sam vprašam........ a našega "lisjaka" letos ni, ne? :oops:

Citat iz motogp strani :

Na dubajskem reliju v začetku oktobra je drvel s 140 km/h, ko je nenadoma priletel v luknjo – čeprav je v notebooku pisalo, da na tistem območju ni nevarnosti. Zanimivo, da ga pri trku s sprednjim kolesom ni nemudoma vrglo čez krmilo, saj je v luknjo zapeljal še z zadnjo pnevmatiko, sedež pa ga je tako močno zabil, da mu je zdrobilo šesto hrbtenično vretence. Pet minut se Miran ni mogel premakniti in je ležal na trebuhu, razdalja med njim in motorjem pa je znašala 50 metrov. Zdravniki v mestu Medinah Zayed so odkrili še nekaj zlomljenih reber in poškodbo vranice.

Gre se seveda o Miranu...

sej sam vprašam........ a našega "lisjaka" letos ni, ne? :oops:

Par strani nazaj vse o tem.. :nono:

Objavljeno (popravljeno)

Zanimivo tisto kar se pene tice. :yea2: Hm skoda da jih ni za motokros..(a so?)

Popravljeno . Popravil Fabo

Tud za motokros se jih da ponucat sam to ni to. kot prvo je cela znanost tole reč notri stlačit, kot drugo sčasoma začne razpadat (se trgat). Kolikor sem jaz probal je najboljša čist navadna zračnica pa jo pač zaflikat ko jo presekaš.

Sem pa imel nekoč zračnico ki je bila napolnjena z eno zeleno sluzjo in po tem ko si gumo dejansko predrl je zadeva držala še cca 20 min.

Sicer je pa tole o gumah malo :topic:




Malo za nostalgijo... Africa Twin na Dakarju, kakih 15 let nazaj... :o


Objavljeno tem pa se dakarska dirka nadaljuje, med avtomobilisti je žal odstopil odlični novinec Al Attiyah z BMW, ki je prijetno presenečal z odličnimi rezultati in si je pridobil moje simpatije :( ; med motoristi pa tokrat Pujol na 1 mestu, v skupni razvrstitvi pa je prevzel vodstvo Meoni :OK: pred Despresom.

14:21 Bikes – Esteve wins special

On the finish line of the day's special between Tidjikja and Atar (361kms), Isidre Esteve clinched his first victory on this year's rally. The Spaniard beat Fabrizio Meoni by 1'29. Third is Ullevalseter at 4'09, followed by Caldecott at 8'10, Cox at 9'45, Despres at 11'40, Coma 13'52 and Frétigné at 14'22. The leading eight arrioved bunched on the finish line.

Fabrizio Meoni captures the new overall leadership with a 2'55 advantage on Despres and 4'49 on Caldecott.

13:53 Cars – Saby in trouble

At km 130, Bruno Saby (VW) was seen stopped with serious problems on his front left wheel. The Frenchman is waiting for his assistance truck...

13:39 Cars – Situation for the BMWs

After suffering crashes around the 57km mark, here is the latest update concerning the two BMW vehicles:

- No serious injuries sustained,

- Nasser AL Attiyah has announced that he is retiring from the race,

- José Luis Monterde was able to repair and is back in the special.

11:47 Cars – At Attiyah crashes

At km 57, Qatar driver Nasser Al Attiyah crashed his BMW. The vehicle rolled over. The driver appears to be in good condition, his co-driver Alain Guehennec has asked for medical assistance.

In še malo nočnega dogajanja:

22h20 – Party time in Norway

Well over 24 hours after starting stage 7 from Zouerat to Tichit, Norwegian pair Tollefsen – Nielsen finally made it to the finish, almost sure their time had come to say goodbye to the rally. But once at the organisation tent for competitors they were told that they could carry on and that they had to head to Tidjikja for the start of the next special. A great big “Yeeeeaaaaaah, that’s fantastic…” came out of the mouth of Ivar Tollefsen, a member of this first ever-Norwegian team to compete in the car race. The Northern crew went through hell with no more four wheel drive system and had to count on the help of another team that had gear box problems to get the necessary fuel to carry on… After explaining his problems, Ivar immediately phoned his 18-year-old son Nick back home to give him the good news. “He’s going crazy…” A glass of wine later and they were off to Tidjikja...

Malo za nostalgijo... Africa Twin na Dakarju, kakih 15 let nazaj... :o

Še malo zgodovine... Meoni na svojem prvem Dakarju :OK:



...današnjo etapo so že končali tudi prvi štirje avtomobilisti - tokrat je zmagal "smukač" Alphand z Mitsubishi-jem (tako kot med motoristi Pujol je tudi Alphand danes osvojil svojo prvo etapno zmago na letošnjem dakarju)...

16:12 Cars – Alphand wins special

Frenchman Luc Alphand (MIT) grabbed his first stage success of the 2005 edition on the special between Tidjikja and Atar. Alphand finished with a 1'31" lead on team mate Stephane Peterhansel. Jutta Kleinschmidt (VW) finished 19'13" adrift while Masuoka (MIT) was at 23'50". Only four cars have made it to the finish so far.Title holder Peterhansel however appeared to have engine problems after the finish line on the liaison to the bivouac.


Jutta šiba po peskovniku v popolnoma ženskem Touaregu in je trenutno tretja! Pa saj imate na voljo, za božjo voljo!

Ok ok ne bit hud :fight2:

Pač Dakarja ne spremlam glih ne vem kolk. Sm sam prašu za Jutto k je res mamika in pol :OK:


KTM report



Dakar2005: 9th stage Tidjikja - Atar (08.01.2005)


<b>Chasing to catch up for the big dream</b>

Fabrizio Meoni has proven his worth! Keeping in mind to attack the overall standings, the desert fox had started on the first part of the marathon stage on Thursday morning. He rode his bike smartly and was easy on his equipment. As we all know the second part of the marathon stage was cancelled yesterday. Thus, Fabrizio postponed his attack until today. The result: stage victory! He even managed a time margin that helped the Italian matador clinch the overall lead. Fabrizio was thus able to gain a bit over 10 minutes on yesterday's leaders Marc Coma and Cyril Despres. Quite satisfied the Italian strolled to take a shower shortly after arriving (the first in days).

Isidre Esteve Pujol was quickest over the stage. He, just like Meoni, is driven by a dream - a Dakar victory. "I am glad to have won the stage. But I'm even more excited that I was able to gain a few minutes. I am now one of the top riders and I was hoping to accomplish that before the rest day. I didn't plan on being in the lead, but I didn't want to be too far away from it either." The Spaniard claims a 6th place in the overall with a time margin of just about 9 minutes. On Monday Isidre will continue his chase for the leadership. The Spaniard believes that the second Dakar week is going to be even tougher than the first one. "The fight for the victory is entering a decisive phase. I have five KTM professionals ahead of me. I'm expecting anyone of them to win. It is going to become a tough race, "he claims. When talking about competition between the teams one should not forget about the Frenchman David Fretigné. The Yamaha motorcyclist ranks about 15 minutes behind Meoni. He could be the only reason that a 5th KTM victory becomes impossible.

Marc Coma lost his leading position in the overall standings today. The young Spaniard seemed to have been expecting something was off when left the bivouac in Tidjikja this morning. "I'm feeling really tired today - physical as well as mental. I didn't get much rest during the previous days. And today one needs to be extremely concentrated." During the stage Marc's tripmaster failed and he thought it best to keep to a group. His summary after the stage: "It was difficult today and one had to pay much attention to find the accurate way. The dunes at the end cost a lot of energy; the sand was extremely soft."

In the same group as Marc Coma were Cyril Despres, Alfie Cox, Andy Caldecott and David Fretigné. At least until CP 1. After another 30 km the Yamaha rider left the group. As they were to find out later, he had found the appropriate route. The four KTM teammates had made a mistake in their navigation and had to run back part of the way. They lost about four minutes. Cyril Despres was definitely mad about the faux pas. After reaching the bivouac, he did not want to answer any more questions about the how and why. His attack on the leadership has gone amiss today.

Andy Caldecott has done surprisingly well in the race. The Australian clinched a 4th place today and is in 3rd in the overall. Thus, he is ahead of several established KTM factory pilots. "It is a comfortable feeling to have arrived in Atar and to be healthy. Last year after this stage I had to pay the doctors a visit because my hand was broken. I'm more than satisfied with this year's race. Everything runs well. Although I got to admit that it was incredible strenuous today. We had to navigate a lot and the sand in the last stretch was unbelievably soft."

At the moment the sky turns dark in Atar. It seems that the sandstorm is following the rally.

Tomorrow's rest day is long expected from many. However "rest day" is not exactly correct. By no means will this be a full day of rest for the teams - but hopefully a peaceful day. There is much to do. We'll tell you more about it tomorrow from the bivouac.


Današnja etapa:

1 007 ESTEVE PUJOL KTM 5h 14' 10" 00' 00"

2 004 MEONI KTM 5h 15' 39" 01' 29"

3 005 ULLEVALSETER KTM 5h 18' 19" 04' 09"

4 023 CALDECOTT KTM 5h 22' 20" 08' 10"

5 003 COX KTM 5h 23' 55" 09' 45"

6 014 SALA KTM 5h 25' 42" 11' 32"

7 002 DESPRES KTM 5h 25' 50" 11' 40"

8 011 DABROWSKI KTM 5h 27' 19" 13' 09"

9 022 BLAIS KTM 5h 27' 22" 13' 12"

10 025 DE AZEVEDO KTM 5h 27' 40" 13' 30"

11 020 MARCHINI KTM 5h 27' 46" 13' 36"

12 006 COMA KTM 5h 28' 02" 13' 52"

13 009 BRUCY KTM 5h 28' 13" 14' 03"

14 021 WALCH KTM 5h 29' 12" 15' 02"

15 012 FRETIGNE YAMAHA 5h 30' 32" 16' 22"

16 026 DUCLOS KTM 5h 39' 43" 25' 33"

17 042 CASTEU KTM 5h 41' 11" 27' 01"

18 010 CZACHOR KTM 5h 42' 21" 28' 11"

19 172 TERRANOVA KTM 5h 43' 29" 29' 19"

20 015 GRAZIANI KTM 5h 46' 14" 32' 04"

Skupna razvrstitev po današnji etapi:

1 004 MEONI KTM 23h 41' 32" 00' 00"

2 002 DESPRES KTM 23h 44' 27" 02' 55"

3 023 CALDECOTT KTM 23h 46' 21" 04' 49"

4 006 COMA KTM 23h 46' 23" 04' 51"

5 003 COX KTM 23h 47' 56" 06' 24"

6 007 ESTEVE PUJOL KTM 23h 50' 41" 09' 09"

7 005 ULLEVALSETER KTM 23h 53' 56" 12' 24"

8 012 FRETIGNE YAMAHA 23h 57' 02" 15' 30"

9 014 SALA KTM 24h 29' 20" 47' 48" 05' 00"

10 022 BLAIS KTM 24h 43' 30" 1h 01' 58"


Skupna razvrstitev po današnji etapi:

1 004 MEONI KTM 23h 41' 32" 00' 00" 



Tole je pa ravno po Noisovem okusu :)

Malo za nostalgijo... Africa Twin na Dakarju, kakih 15 let nazaj... :o

Pa si ziher da je tole Africa twin, ker kolikor jaz vem AT nikoli ni bila na dakarju, so pa imeli hondaši zelo podoben motor mislim da je bila oznaka NR750 nisem pa siguren. Vsekakor je zadeva hudo podobna africi



Pa si ziher da je tole Africa twin, ker kolikor jaz vem AT nikoli ni bila na dakarju, so pa imeli hondaši zelo podoben motor mislim da je bila oznaka NR750 nisem pa siguren. Vsekakor je zadeva hudo podobna africi

Nisem ziher :xx:

Marem: :yea2:


ja res je tako, motor na las podoben africi, ravno tako 750 ccm samo da ni afrika :kva2:


Kaj pa Super tenere, je bila kdaj na Dakarju?

Citat iz motogp strani :

Na dubajskem reliju v začetku oktobra je drvel s 140 km/h, ko je nenadoma priletel v luknjo – čeprav je v notebooku pisalo, da na tistem območju ni nevarnosti. Zanimivo, da ga pri trku s sprednjim kolesom ni nemudoma vrglo čez krmilo, saj je v luknjo zapeljal še z zadnjo pnevmatiko, sedež pa ga je tako močno zabil, da mu je zdrobilo šesto hrbtenično vretence. Pet minut se Miran ni mogel premakniti in je ležal na trebuhu, razdalja med njim in motorjem pa je znašala 50 metrov. Zdravniki v mestu Medinah Zayed so odkrili še nekaj zlomljenih reber in poškodbo vranice.

Gre se seveda o Miranu...

Saj to vem.. samo tudi vem, da je sanjal, da se bo sestavil do takrat in šel na ta reli... zato sprašujem... in sorry, ker se m ne da vsega brati, ker me načeloma ne zanima toliko, me pa zanima za Mirana.........

In če bi napisali samo DA ali NE bi bila zadeva hitreje rešljiva....... samo tak.. za info...... :xx:

Objavljeno (popravljeno)

....tudi letos na Dakarju ne gre brez manjših zapletov okoli pravil in kazni, tokrat "jo je skupil" Meoni in izgubil pozicijo prvega v skupnem seštevku:

Meoni thought he had swept to a 2min 55sec lead over Despres in the overall standings, only to be denied by a ten-minute time penalty imposed after the Italian strayed outside the 6.6km driving 'lane' on Thursday's stage seven.

"I am angry," said Meoni, railing against the new regulation. "For me, the spirit of the Dakar no longer exists. It's no longer rally, it's motocross."

"Of course, it's not good for me because navigation is supposed to be my strong point, but neither is it good for the spectacle."

Andy Caldecott's day was also ruined as he plummeted to eighth after incurring a 17 minute penalty for speeding through a village on stage six - leaving Coma in second. Alfie Cox lies third, with Meoni back in fourth and Pujol up to fifth.


Popravljeno . Popravil bLuZoNdEr
Objavljeno še odzivi tekmovalcev na 7 etapo

Kaj pa Super tenere, je bila kdaj na Dakarju?

Yamaha je zmagala na Dakarju z naslednjimi motorji:

1998: Stéphane Peterhansel - XTZ850TRX

1997: Stéphane Peterhansel - XTZ850TRX

1996: Edi Orioli - XTZ850R SP

1995: Stéphane Peterhansel - XTZ850

1993: Stéphane Peterhansel - XTE750T

1992: Stéphane Peterhansel - XTE750T

1991: Stéphane Peterhansel - XTE750T

1980: Cyril Neveu - XT500

1979: Cyril Neveu - XT500


Ja, Meoni je včeraj zgubil vodstvo... tole sporoča KTM v njihovem releasu:




Dakar 2005: Restday in Atar (09.01.2005)


<b>A restless bivouac</b>

Anything but peaceful! Early this afternoon a sandstorm raged through the bivouac in Atar. And some of the KTM teams are certainly not in a good mood. The reason for that were penalties handed out by the race organizers. Due to them the overall standings were changed around completely.

Fabrizio Meoni was punished because he had left the allowed space, which runs along both sides of the route, on the first part of the marathon stage on Thursday. "I am really mad. What a funny regalement. I had - unfortunately - left the given path alongside the track and therefore had missed two of the so called waypoints, virtual GPS point. I was punished with a 10 min penalty; five minutes for each waypoint." Thus Fabrizio lost his lead in the overall standings.

Alfie Cox described this new rule as out-of-touch. According to it, competitors are allowed on a 3.3 km wide path, only. "Yesterday I wanted to ride on a route which seemed promising to me. It was Fabrizio who held me back and told me that I would be leaving the allowed path by doing so. That's when I asked myself - what nonsense. If I cannot decide which route I want to take - soon it's no longer a race."

In the bivouac in Atar discussions erupted between the team managers and the A.S.O. Claudia Patuzzi, manager for the teams KTM Gauloises, "Okay, Fabrizio had left the allowed path, but it would only be fair if the GPS equipment of all the riders are checked. Further, I think, it isn't right if competitors like Fabrizio get themselves lost, due to a mistake they make, loose time and then get an additional time penalty for it. A regulation where everyone has to ride on the very same track from A to B surely isn't according to what the Dakar is all about. The great challenge to find the optimal route by precise navigation is totally annulled by that." The A.S.O. insists on the regalement, but has changed the penalties. Instead of punishing the offender with 5 min for each left-out waypoint it is now one minute. With that Fabrizio Meoni grabs the overall leadership again. He has a one minute margin on Cyril Despres and about three minutes on Marc Coma.

Andy Caldecott dropped from 3rd to 8th place. He was punished for exceeded speeding. "Four days ago I must have been speeding on a liaison. It was 5 a.m. in the morning and the vision was terrible when I headed towards a village. I knew there must be a speed trap, but it wasn't located within the village. It was set up right in front of it. When I passed it I was still a bit over the speed limit. Due to the 17 min penalty I have lost my tight grip on the top riders. That's bitter."

Some facts about life in the bivouac: Mechanics have a field day today. They take the bikes carefully apart, check each individual part and prepare them for the second part of the rally. For Team KTM Repsol Red Bull all engines are changed. "The complete team made the decision; it wasn't for the mechanics to decide this," explains Manel Salinas, mechanic for Marc Coma, "Safety is most important. Otherwise we also change wearing parts, like the chain, the air and oil filters as well as prepare an oil change." Service for Team KTM Gauloises works totally different. Marc Weber, mechanic for Jean Brucy, states, "I'm not going to change the engine. It runs flawlessly. We've engaged a pressure-loss check, changed the sparks and checked the carburetor. I'll probably also renew the clutch."

Fabrizio Meoni is going to take off with a new engine tomorrow. His mechanic Romeo Feliciani explains, "I'd rather change the engine. If there is a brake down I will be the one to be blamed. One never knows exactly just where or why parts might be worn or cracked."

Team manager Hans Trunkenpolz claims, "Each team work autonomously from one another. It's what we have wanted them to do. That is a very positive development in my eyes. One feels a healthy distance between Team Gauloises and Team Repsol-Red Bull."

All riders are healthy. "All riders are offered a massage to loosen their muscles," explains physiotherapist Ralph Pariasek, "Fabrizio always demands a special massage for his back. Alfie's shoulder has to be bandaged again; it helps to stabilize it. All truck drivers are treaded for sore backs."

The crews of the T4 trucks from KTM have done fantastical so far.

<b>Silent heroes</b>

They sit in their MAN trucks and race across the track: two trucks, which carry spare parts for KTM on board. In case they are needed they can provide fast assistance. Peter Reif, Gunter Pichlbauer and Stefan Huber make up the crew for the race truck with the starting number 543. Stefan Huber, in charge of the motorcycle repair, talks about his effort, "It is the first time I'm part of a truck crew and I think it is great. Both of the others are old hands and know exactly what they are doing. Peter chases the truck across the tracks, just as others run a car. And Gunter is an excellent navigator." So far the crew's help during the race hasn't been needed much. Nevertheless the specials weren't easy. "Oftentimes we are on the road until late at night," claims experienced Dakar member Peter Reif, "Sometimes you don't know what is going on just a few meters in front of you; what obstacles are hidden." The guys were lucky with their fuel on the marathon stage. While others run out of fuel on the way to Tichit their MAN truck made it, but barely. Peter Reif remembers, "I looked at my fuel gauge and it was almost empty. I was driving almost at a walking pace, but luckily we made it."

The same is true for the second KTM race truck as well. It is driven by Karl Sadlauer, navigated by Franz Maier, with Martin Mayer as the third member aboard. They chase after the motorcycle riders and provide help especially for the KTM amateurs. The private rider's angles were a blessing for anyone being stranded in the desert on the 7th stage. But the crew (starting number 542) has more to offer than just gasoline. "The guys out there sometimes just need someone to talk to," explains Karl Sadlauer, "I guess one could call us a psychological aid on four wheels."

Sadlauer, Reif and Co. - everyone on the trucks, accomplishes great things day after day. When they aren't racing they help where they can. And when they don't help they are racing. It is certainly true that the spare part supply trucks should be up front as well. Because the faster they are the less time the motorcycle riders lose in case of a brake-down. The motorcyclists are full of gratitude and this is the pay for the undergone drudgery.


Skratka, po današnjem "rest dayu" so končni rezultati rahlo obrnjeni, na uradni strani so še vedno stari. :(

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