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DAKAR 2005


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bil je car,škoda ga je ful!

no,škoda vsake nesreče na dakarju,ampak tole je pa grozn :(

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SLAVA MU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Tanka nitka je med uspehom in nesrečo!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

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"Italijanski motociklist Fabrizio Meoni je med 11. etapo letošnje vzdržljivostne puščavske preizkušnje umrl zaradi srčnega zastoja. "

vir: 24ur

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Ampak, vse gre normalno naprej!

Le redki se ga bodo spominjali med tekmo!

Dirka je pač dirka?!

Žalostno, vendar resnično!

*fotka odstranjena zaradi avtorskih pravic

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Ampak, vse gre normalno naprej!

Le redki se ga bodo spominjali med tekmo!

Dirka je pač dirka?!

Žalostno, vendar resnično!

Tukaj si ga pa orto pihnil. Ne bi o imenih, a osebno poznam ljudi, ki so osebno poznali Richarda Saincta in vem, koliko časa

Vem tudi, kaj se je dogajalo z mojim GSM-om danes, ko je odjeknila novica. Ljudje iz "rallye" foha so totalno pretreseni.

Vem tudi, kaj se je dogajalo na eni drugi dirki, ko se je zgodila manj usodna nesreča z enim od znanih tekmovalcev.

Psiha v taboru se totalno spremeni, folk tudi drugače vozi.


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:eek: brez besed :cry:

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Vsakega je škoda, toda tudi pri tistih, keri najbl obvladajo motor, nesreča ne počiva....ponavadi zadane take, za katere najmanj pričakuješ....

R.I.P. Meoni :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

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Na piše da naj bi ga našel Fretigne, umrl naj bi pa zaradi srčnega infarkta.

Meoni crashed on the shortened 400km leg between Atar and Kiffa in Mauritania, and was believed to have been found by Yamaha rider David Fretigne.

Race director Etienne Lavigne said: "He fell after checkpoint two at 10:15 (local time, 11:15CET). We sent a helicopter, which arrived at 10:36. His heart had stopped when we found him. Unfortunately, 45 minutes of resuscitation could not restart it."

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Če je umrl zaradi srčnega zastoja, bi mu mogoče pomagala le TAKOJŠNA medicinska pomoč. Tukaj 5 min. pomeni življenje.

Zalostno... :huh: :( Sicer pa je kar se tice takojsnje pomoci v tem primeru mislim da po 4 min konec moznosti...

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Glede na to, da se zna zgoditi, da bo KTM team verjetno ponovno ustavil dirko tovarniških dirkačev, bo morda Yamaha celo zmagala na letošnjem Dakarju. :blink:

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Kako je po 7 etapi svoje občutke opisal nek nizozemec:

Dutch rider Herwin Hoopmans came to the Dakar with a dream of completing the world's most arduous cross-country rally on his very first attempt, but after suffering the agony, fear and mental distresses that many competitors experienced on Stage 7, he has promised never to attempt the Dakar again.

Hoopmans finally made it to the bivouac in Tidjikja where he told the tale of what many riders experienced once stranded in the middle of the Mauritanian desert. "I never want to compete in this race again,” he said. “It is simply too dangerous for me, not the riding and falling but the fear of cars and trucks around you and their intense dust.

"I can make every cut-off time on the route, the stages are not impossible to complete, but if you have a problem out there in the heart of the desert, it really makes you suffer,” he added. “I spent the night sleeping next to someone who was becoming more and more paralyzed because of an injury, and that really scared me.

“It is not the riding of the rally that is so difficult, but what happens around you, that really breaks your spirit," he remarked.

“I am never going back to this race,” he promised. “It was always a great dream, now I know what it is like, I tried it and the realization of that dream will haunt me forever. You must be slightly crazy to compete in this rally.”

Eurosport - 11/01/2005

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Dutch rider Herwin Hoopmans came to the Dakar with a dream of completing the world's most arduous cross-country rally on his very first attempt, “I am never going back to this race,” he promised. “It was always a great dream, now I know what it is like, I tried it and the realization of that dream will haunt me forever. You must be slightly crazy to compete in this rally.”

Marsikdo je to že rekel... pa se je vedno znova prikazal na štartu. No, če je bilo tolk hudo ga verjetno res ne bo nazaj. Vedno se spomnem Stanovnika: Dakar privoziš z glavo in ne s kondicijo.

A tukaj ne govorimo o "prvčkih" na Dakarju. Govorimo o legendi.

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:cry: :cry: :cry: R.I.P. :cry: :cry: :cry:

za pričakovat je da bodo potegnil nazaj tovarniške pilote...vsaj ob Sinctovi nesreči so jih...ravn tako je na SIX Days 04 Nemška ekipa predčasno zaključila tekmovanje ob smrti sotekmovalca....

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Pa to ne morš verjet :(

Zdele sem po radiju šele slišal to žalostno novico, Meoni umrl za posledicami srčnega infarkta :cry:

Škoda ga je, tko kt vsakega drugega, ampak on je bil res car.

Se mi zdi,da do konca sploh ne bo več pravega tekmovalnega vzdušja, tud na cilju zmagovalec ne bi smel preveč proslavljati in se veseliti, če ima kej spoštovanja do teh dveh voznikov.

Sicer pa še ni konec rallya :krneki:

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Meoni crashed on the shortened 400km leg between Atar and Kiffa in Mauritania.

The incident occurred nine minutes after refuelling, at 185km, a point marked on the map with one danger exclamation mark because of its undulations.

Yamaha rider David Fretigne found Meoni and let off his distress beacon, sounding the call for medical help.

Race director Etienne Lavigne said: "He fell after checkpoint one at 10:15 (local time, 11:15CET). We sent a helicopter, which arrived at 10:36. His heart had stopped when we found him. Unfortunately, 45 minutes of resuscitation could not restart it."

He added: "We loved him deeply, it was someone who had had a big impact on the Dakar. He was a great guy, who loved a laugh. We're deeply saddened by this news."

His body was flown back to the race bivouac in Atar.

Meoni - who becomes the 22nd person to be killed in the race's 27-year history - had announced at the start line in Barcelona that this, his 13th Dakar, would be his last.

He leaves behind a wife, Elena, and two children, Gioele and Chiara, aged 14 and two.

His Gauloises KTM team may now pull out of the event, removing overall leader Cyril Despres from the running. Despres was a protégé of both Meoni and the late Richard Sainct.

Meoni's death comes only a day after moto amateur Manuel Perez died in a Spanish hospital following a fall on Stage 7, also in Mauritania.

Meoni is the second Dakar great to die in the last four months. Richard Sainct lost his life after crashing in the Pharaoh Rally in Egypt on September 29th 2004.

The pair were considered the finest riders of their generation.

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