SiR Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 (popravljeno) "According to a survey from Progressive Insurance, motorcyclists were five times as likely to cry during a romantic movie than men who don’t ride motorcycles. The top movie that motorcyclists reported made them cry was The Lion King. To the question of "How romantic are you?" on a scale of 1 to 10 (ten being very romantic) people who rode their bikes everyday reported an average score of 8, while people who rode weekends reported an average of 6. The survey was designed to compare the ability of men from all walks of life to display and feel passion. It consisted of responses from more than 1,100 men (motorcyclists and non-motorcyclists) who live throughout the country. "Men motorcyclists are not who you may think," explains Ben Sheridan, Motorcycle Insurance General Manager, Progressive, the largest insurer of motorcycles in the country. "On average they are older (studies show approximately 40) and usually in the mid-to-upper income levels. But what is fascinating is that they are as romantic as any group you can name. We always knew that they were passionate about their bikes, but what we are finding is that they are as passionate about many other things." In addition to The Lion King, motorcyclists are also moved by the power of words. 62% of motorcyclists said that they are moved by poetry, while only 23% of men who do not ride a bike said that they are moved by poetry. Interestingly, accountants who ride motorcycles were seven times as likely to be moved by poetry compared to those who don’t ride a bike. Perhaps the most surprising responses came when asked what celebrities or characters men would most like to be like. Non-motorcyclists gave Bill Gates the nod over Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Wall Street character Gordon Gecko, and, in a tie for fifth, Bill Clinton and Jean-Claude Van Damme. Motorcyclists, on the other hand, most wish to be like Paul Newman, followed by mob character Tony Soprano (of the HBO series The Sopranos) and It’s A Wonderful Life character George Bailey. Numbers six and seven on the cyclists’ list were Oprah Winfrey and Judge Judy. Other interesting findings include: lawyers who ride motorcycles dedicated four times as many days to charity compared to lawyers who don’t drive motorcycles. And motorcyclists reported giving flowers more often than non-cyclists. Progressive, in business since 1937, is the largest insurer of motorcyclists and their bikes. The company has a long history of innovation, providing consumers with such services as 24 hour comparison rates and Immediate Responseâ claims service. Information on Progressive’s motorcycle insurance products can be found at Riding the Web 69% of motorcyclists said that they regularly use the Internet. The number one thing that they are most often doing on the Web - visiting chat rooms. :) sori, mal sem updatal in dal skor celo zadevo notr ... zato dejte F5 prtisn ... Popravljeno Oktober 5, 2005. Popravil SymRu
Nagaya Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 (popravljeno) The top movie that motorcyclists reported made them cry was The Lion King. :grim Numbers six and seven on the cyclists’ list were Oprah Winfrey and Judge Judy. 69% of motorcyclists said that they regularly use the Internet. The number one thing that they are most often doing on the Web - visiting chat rooms. :grim :grim :grim :grim :grim Popravljeno Oktober 5, 2005. Popravil Nagaya
Nagaya Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 statistika vam ni naklonjena fantje... slabo slabo :) jest si grem enga hardcore racunalnicarja ubost :grim
Špilferderber Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 statistika vam ni naklonjena fantje... slabo slabo :) jest si grem enga hardcore racunalnicarja ubost :grim ← hja, prasca neusmiljenega zašvicanega! :yea2:
premza Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 jest si grem enga hardcore racunalnicarja ubost :grim TAKE ME, TAKE ME,... :010
SiR Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Avtor Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Samo 1 procent je pravih....... :devil: ← Če ima Slovenija 30.000 reg. motorjev - a vas je že 300? ;)
bigi Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Ma kaj se sekirate za statistiko, raj poglejte v slovenske cajtenge, kakšno mnenje imajo o motoristih.
ixs Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Če ima Slovenija 30.000 reg. motorjev - a vas je že 300? ;) ← No ja odštej unih 72 ljubic......
lina Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 (popravljeno) Vse lepo in prav....moje izkušnje z ljudmi...tisti, ki daje vtis največjega zajebanca (ne samo v motorizmu) največkrat tisti, ki ti bo pomagal, ko bojo vsi sweet talkerji izginili neznano kam.... Glede motorizma pri nas pa bo treba počakat cca ene deset let...da se modna muha izpoje....danes je motorist vsak pussy kako že gre:?...ljubezen velika na koncu jezika...sredi srca nič ne velja. ali trda roka -mehko srce in obratno..... Popravljeno Oktober 5, 2005. Popravil lina
pirrulz Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 danes je motorist vsak pussy ← kaj pa, če je danes vsak motorist pussy? :hmm: ;)
Sam dePihlja Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Vse lepo in prav....moje izkušnje z ljudmi...tisti, ki daje vtis največjega zajebanca (ne samo v motorizmu) največkrat tisti, ki ti bo pomagal, ko bojo vsi sweet talkerji izginili neznano kam.... Glede motorizma pri nas pa bo treba počakat cca ene deset let...da se modna muha izpoje....danes je motorist vsak pussy kako že gre:?...ljubezen velika na koncu jezika...sredi srca nič ne velja. ali trda roka mehko srce in obratno..... ← :OK: :grim
lina Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 (popravljeno) kaj pa, če je danes vsak motorist pussy? Ne moreš vlečt ven nekih skupnih lastnosti...ker jih ni -SKUPNIH Popravljeno Oktober 5, 2005. Popravil lina
Mačica Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Kaj pa imate proti romantičnim moškim? Ali pa čustvenim, če smo že pri jokanju?
SiR Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Avtor Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Kaj pa imate proti romantičnim moškim? Ali pa čustvenim, če smo že pri jokanju? ← nič učinkovitega ;)
Špilferderber Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Kaj pa imate proti romantičnim moškim? Ali pa čustvenim, če smo že pri jokanju? ← paket "Dirty Harry"
GorazdH Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 še ena "survey" si jo lahko zataknejo točno tja... :afro1:
Ski_Fanatic Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Dajte dajte......................... :? MAČOTI.......pol pa teče v gate...... :grrr
Pervy Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 he he he he, že vidim ženske pogovore: "Sem imela enega mačo prasca pa mi je skoz nekaj težil, nič mu ni bilo do mene, ni bilo pozoren ali romantičen, skratka nič. Hočem pozornega in romantičnega tipa!" "Ej pa ti veš da so motoristi ful romantične in nežne duše?" "Res?????" "JA, sem v cosmotu brala, kaj pa če bi enega motorista zapecala?" "Hmmmm pol pa ja!" "Glej tam gre Pervy, a veš da je on tudi motorist?" "Res, no pol pa super!" :grim :lol1: :OK:
eMBe Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Glej tam gre Pervy, a veš da je on tudi motorist?" :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Zdrawc Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 @Symru Zakaj joka večina motoristov? ker zdrobijo motor pa kakšno kost povrh pol je pa sezone konc :cry:
Nagaya Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 Objavljeno Oktober 5, 2005 @Symru Zakaj joka večina motoristov? ker zdrobijo motor pa kakšno kost povrh pol je pa sezone konc :cry: ← ne :nono: ...statistika pravi, da jokate ob diznijevih risankah :grim
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