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HAMC vs. Disney


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Hells Angels sue Disney over movie plans


Angels act out our fantasy and sue over Wild Hogs

Ever since I first heard about its existence, the mere mention of Disney's Wild Hogs had the power to transfix me with horror. Set to star the dream team of Tim Allen, Martin Lawrence, and John Travolta, the movie tells the heartwarming story of "A group of middle-aged wannabe bikers look for adventure out on the open road, where they soon encounter a chapter of the Hells Angels." I mean, honestly. How could anyone at Disney possibly read that summary and actually think "Why, I think we've got a winner"?

Though the law apparently prevents the public from suing studios to prevent them from making bad films, the Hells Angels may have found just the loophole we need: trademark violation! According to a lawsuit filed Wednesday in California, "the characters in the movie are identified as members of the [Hells Angels] club and wear [their] logos," thus infringing on the group's trademark rights. While there is the small issue of the club perhaps never having seen a script (which makes their confidence about how the movie looks a little suspect), the mere suggestion that Wild Hogs could be stopped makes this thrilling news indeed.

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Hells Angels has sued Walt Disney Co., claiming that a planned movie about a group of motorcycle riders called "Wild Hogs" infringes on its trademark name and skull logo.

A Disney spokesman said the suit was without merit.

"Wild Hogs," which has not yet begun filming, is a story about "a group of middle-aged wannabe bikers look(ing) for adventure out on the open road, where they encounter a chapter of the Hells Angels," according to the tag line on Internet Movie Database (

In the lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court of California on Wednesday, the Hells Angels Motorcycle Corp. said the characters in the movie are identified as members of the club and wear trademark logos, although in the suit the club said Disney had not given it a copy of the script.

The Hells Angels Motorcycle Corporation was formed in 1948 in California's San Bernardino area and describes itself as a group of motorcycle enthusiasts.

zdaj vsaj vemo kaj pomeni MC.

Die Rockergruppe Hells Angels legt sich vor Gericht mit dem Disney-Hollywoodstudio an. Die geplante Verfilmung von "Wild Hogs" verletze das Warenzeichen der Organisation, machten die "Höllenengel" in ihrer Klage in Los Angeles geltend, berichtete der US-Sender CNN am Samstag.

Der Streifen dreht sich um vier mittelalte Möchtegern-Biker, die das Abenteuer suchen und dabei auf eine Gruppe von Hells Angels treffen. Dem "Hollywood Reporter" zufolge sind John Travolta und Tim Allen als Freizeit-Biker im Gespräch. Der Drehstart ist für den Frühsommer geplant.

Weltweite Präsenz

Disney habe nicht die Erlaubnis eingeholt, die Hells Angels zu porträtieren und deren Abzeichen, darunter den geflügelten Totenkopf, zu verwenden, argumentieren die Motorrad-Rocker. Die Gruppe formierte sich 1948 in Kalifornien. Aus den Harley-Davidson-Liebhabern entwickelte sich eine straffe, weltweite Organisation. Immer wieder machen einige "Höllenengel" durch Gewalt, Bandenkämpfe und Drogendelikte Schlagzeilen.

kdo ima vecjega?! :devil:

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Grupa (moto) entuizasta organizvoana u korporaciju tuži zbog povrede prava intelektualnog vlasništva.

Ceco Inc.(orporated)

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MDSR pa pomeni Moto Družba Solo Riders (verjetno z neomejeno odgovornostjo) :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK:

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Hmm... A ni to isto, k da bi nekdo naredil hotel in ga poimenoval Coca Cola?

Coca cola je registered trade mark, kar pomeni, da ga brez dovoljenja ne smes uporabljati.

Hells angels je registered trade mark, kar pomeni, da ga brez dovoljenja ne smes uporabljati.

Osebno pa mislim, da Hellsi najbrz ne bi radi bli asociirani z Disneyem... Glede na kvaliteto njihovih fimov, cisto razumljivo.

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Ne vem zakaj je treba odpirat novo temo :doze: Če se jo premakne sem. Sicer ni čist v kontekstu ampak bi blo mal manj šare :hmm:

Popravljeno . Popravil Lowrenc
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Prav zanimivo, da noben Luiđi še ni tožil Paramount Pictures zaradi kršitve Copyrighta (godfather, mafia etc.)

Je pa res, da je, v Poreču, možakar na svoj lokal obesil naziv Marlboro in ga celotnega okrasil s pripadajočo ikonografijo. To je laufalo, dokler ga iz firme, ki si lasti izdelek, niso povprašali po zdravju.

Zdaj se mi postavlja vprašanje ali je kakšna bistvena razlika med firmo, ki prodaja pakiran rak pljuč in motorističnimi entuziasti s primesmi organiziranega kriminala.

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ne, je pa podobnost.. .tako kavboj iz maribor reklame, kot motorist HA, verjetno svojemu konjičku vsake toliko žalostno prišepneta "veš, (iz)umrl bom..."

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