Noise Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Dvakrat pomel oči ampak zgleda da je piše da je STANOVNIK overall trenutno 15. in celo par minut pred Vintersom...torej prvi v marathon skupini :worship: :worship: :worship: Upam da ne pride kdo na cilj ki ga ma namen prehitet :) Vsekakor svaka čast...le tako dakara je še dalč tko da upam da pride do deseterice :kva2: :yea1: Noro...
Noise Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Osma etapa se bo zapisala v zgodovino Dakarja kot ena izmed najtežjih. Miran Stanovnik skupno na odličnem 16. mestu! Objavljamo tudi, kako lahko Puščavskemu lisjaku direktno pošljete kakšno krajše sporočilo... -->
Zdrawc Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 tistole pošiljanje sporočil, sem jaz že včeraj poizkušal, pa mi ni nikoli uspelo prit noter :hmm:
BremzPenzl Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Ne morem verjet! :OK: :OK: Gremo Miran, gaaaaasssssaaaaa!!!! tistole pošiljanje sporočil, sem jaz že včeraj poizkušal, pa mi ni nikoli uspelo prit noter :hmm: piši z malimi črkami!!! messdakar lisboadakar Probal pa gre! :OK:
Zdrawc Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 piši z malimi črkami!!! messdakar lisboadakar Probal pa gre! :OK: a, jebo sliko svojo, če so pa povsod napisane velike črke :slap: , na to nism niti pomislil :grrr
motoristek Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Mene je včeraj tudi jebal... :headbang: bom sedaj probal... :yea1: Evo zdaj sem mu poslal... :kva2: Miran GO GO.... :yea1:
jetman Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 :worship: bravo Miran! :yea1: Prvo mesto v production klasi :OK: :worship: Kaj ga ta norc pajsa :yea1:
garfield Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Vsaka mu čast... Je že postal legenda :OK: :P
Noise Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 tistole pošiljanje sporočil, sem jaz že včeraj poizkušal, pa mi ni nikoli uspelo prit noter :hmm: Večkrat je treba poskusit pa gre... jaz sem prišel noter in z malimi in z velikimi črkami, samo je pa res, da prvi dan sploh nisem mogel noter, včeraj takoj, danes sem prišel v tretjem poskusu... skratka, ene parkrat je treba isto vnest username/password, pa gre... :)
gattolina Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Bravo, Stanovnik. Kdor zna, zna. Miran je car. :OK: :OK:
gidl Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 (popravljeno) Bravo Miran :D Popravljeno Januar 14, 2007. Popravil gidl
Teya Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 A ste vidli Mirana na Eurosportu? :OK: Muvistar .)
simonsi Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Še celo za 2 sekundi ga je pokazalo, ko se je ogreval pred štartom. :OK:
gattolina Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Še celo za 2 sekundi ga je pokazalo, ko se je ogreval pred štartom. :OK: Bolje 2 sekundi kot "kamen v hrbet. :doze: :doze:
Noise Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Nekaj stvari o letošnjem (za sedaj) number one carju... Marcom Como... What does the Dakar mean to you? “It’s the par excellence race in the world of off-road racing. Its volume and the repercussion, the people it moves, the route, the countries...all of it makes it a unique and admired race, where all riders hope to participate some day.” What makes it so special? “Africa and the desert have a special charm, very difficult to express in words. All those who have experienced it or who have been there can understand it, but it's difficult to explain to somebody who has never been there." Which is the best and the worst memory you keep of all the times you've been there? “There are very good memories and I prefer to forget about the bad. The best is probably the humanity, it's a race where people help each other, there's a lot of solidarity." Considering all you’ve experienced, would you say that the desert is a friend or an enemy? “You have to understand the desert. I think that if you understand it and enjoy it, it can be your friend." -------------- Marc Coma, motorbike rider from his youngest years, had racing background at home. His father, Ricard, managed to finish fifth at the Spanish Senior Motocross Championship. There was always a motorbike at home. Both his father and his uncle were big fans and it finally went over to little Marc. The first bike he rode was a Montesa Cota 348 under the guidance of his uncle and at the age of eight. While he was still learning, Marc used every moment of inattentiveness of his uncle to get on the Cota and disappear on the mountain tracks around his home. After his uncle’s trial bike he got his own one, a Puch Cobra 74 with which he had his first “races” with friends in his hometown. Then, and always subject to good grades at school, he got a motocross Honda CR 125, with which he began to take part in his first real races. These first races were followed by regional championships, county championships and finally the national championships. He dedicated himself to this speciality until the age of 18 but Marc didn’t see his future on circuits, so before giving up to look for a job he thought to try luck in Enduro. Marc had already made up his mind and wanted to try to become a professional rider. From that moment on Marc focussed on Enduro and the first victories and sporting successes arrived quickly. In 1995, Coma became Spanish Junior Champion in the Over 175cc class on a 250cc KTM. After that title, Marc joined the National Enduro Team and got the silver medal at the Enduro World Championship of the following year. That result was followed by several other brilliant results in the years to come, such as the fourth place in the European Senior Enduro Championship, the under 23 Enduro World Championship, the Enduro World Championship for Nations and a third place in the Enduro World Championship for Nations. But the Dakar had already drawn his attention and in 2002, Carlos Sotelo, former Dakar rider, offered Marc the chance to ride a bike that had been built by Sotelo himself, the CSV with a Suzuki single-cylinder engine, at the Arras-Madrid-Dakar. As long as the bike and the mechanical parts survived, Marc lived an incredible experience and even managed to clinch a sixth place in one of the initial stages. He couldn’t finish the race, but the Dakar had already got him. That same season he tried luck at the Baja Aragón and in his first participation finished second. In 2003 Marc got back to the Dakar, this time on a KTM with Nani Roma and Isidre Esteve. Despite competing on a single cylinder and breaking his wrist on one of the last days of the rally, Coma reached Dakar in eleventh place, an excellent result considering his little experience in this race. As a reward for his performance, Marc Coma had the chance to be back at the Dakar 2004 with the same team and team-mates. He was being the perfect squid for Joan Roma and Isidre Esteve, but five stages before the end of the race, he suffered a heavy crash, where his bike hit him on his head. Coma lost consciousness for some instants but fortunately the initial alarm gave way to relief after the medical check revealed that there were no serious injuries but a strong hit on the head and on his right wrist. And relief gave way to helplessness, because it meant the end of his participation in the big African raid. With the firm objective of continuing with his learning process, Marc Coma had a brilliant start of the 2004 season at the Raids World Cup. Marc finished second overall in the first round staged in Tunisia, with three stage victories in his private account. He was second again in Morocco and together with his team-mate Isidre Esteve took a historical one-two finish for the Repsol KTM Team, stepping on the two highest steps of the podium. Coma took part in the Sardinia Rally, finishing on a meritorious sixth place, preparing his participation in the Baja Aragón. And that preparation together with the excellent shape of the young rider turned out to be essential, because he managed to take the victory of the prestigious race for the first time in his sports career. But not everything would be joy. He was on his way to finish second at the Rally of Egypt, but the sudden death of Richard Sainct made all KTM riders decide to retire from the race as a tribute. The last race of the Championship didn’t benefit Marc either because, despite winning two of the four stages, the rear wheel shaft of his bike broke, hindering him from fighting for the victory of the Arab Emirates’ raid. Marc was finally seventh overall ins the Raids World Cup. In constant progression, Marc Coma proved to be fast and reliable throughout the 2004 season, two essential requirements to be ready to fight for the Dakar 2005. And Marc faced it with a clear idea in mind: making up for the previous year. However, this target made him only get obsessed and he never managed to ride calm, clearly measuring the risks he was taking. He led the race on several occasions and although he would have agreed to the result before the start right away, in the end, the second place didn’t feel enough. It did not reflect all he had done in the race, all he could have done and all he had suffered. Coma had a superb performance and could have won the race. He was capable and very self-secure, no crash, taking good care of the bike and following the plan step by step. Unfortunately he was faced with little mishaps, such as running out of fuel three kilometres before the refuelling. He was able to continue thanks to his team-mate Gio Sala, but lost some valuable minutes. The cancellation of legs that could have been favourable to him and especially the death of “El Carni” and Meoni touched him, although he was always among the top. In his fourth participation in the Dakar, this natural and extroverted enduro rider made one of his dreams come true, although there were several other targets to achieve. Already consolidated as one of the best riders worldwide, Marc Coma faced the 2005 Cross Country Rally World Championship in high spirits and was also looking forward to other national and international races. Mechanical problems hindered him from finishing the “Nevada McMillin 1000” and the Baja España Aragón, but he ended up taking the victory of the prestigious Sardinia Rally. He participated in four of the seven scoring rounds of the World Championship. He won two, the Rally de las Pampas in Argentina and Rally des Pharaons in Egypt; he finished second in the ORPI Rally Morocco and had to retire from the Rally Dos Sertoes in Brazil while clearly leading the race. He reached the last round in Dubai leading the standings and when it seemed that luck was turning him the back causing him again problems with the battery he had already suffered in Egypt, he finally managed to finish second at the UAE Desert Challenge and to clinch his first world title. A fair and deserved reward for his efforts and sacrifice. Last season and at the young age of 28 years, the Spaniard became a reference rider in raids. The experience and maturity he has gathered helped him to face his main target with guarantees: the 2006 Dakar Rally, where arrived in top personal and physical shape. Caution was the most important thing in the first stages, because there was little to win but a lot to loose. He overcame the stages on Portuguese ground successfully, which were the less favourable for his KTM. He arrived in Morocco with its stony, treacherous tracks, and in the fourth stage, Marc was already leading the rally, a place he wouldn’t leave until the finish. Everybody knows that this rally isn’t won by the fastest but by the most consistent and those who make fewer mistakes. Marc took seven second places and, despite having some trouble, he finished all stages, except for one, where he finished sixth, among the top five. He did not take any stage win, but his masterly, and at the same time safe and weighed-up riding style, took him finally to become the winner of the Dakar Rally in its 28th edition, thus making one of his biggest dreams come true. Coma is the second Spanish rider to make it, after Nani Roma, his team-mate at that time, who made it in 2004.
Noise Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Objavljeno Januar 14, 2007 Born to fly. Sala, Viladoms in Despres (you figure out the order).
4X4RAC Objavljeno Januar 15, 2007 Objavljeno Januar 15, 2007 sporočila naše ekipe iz rally Dakar 2007 13.01.2007 Dan počitka v Atarju Danes je bil "rest day" v Atarju. Planiral sem, da bomo postorili več stvari, kot smo jih do zdaj uspeli urediti. Čez dan je bilo vroče. Zjutraj je prišlo čez 2000 gostov, ki bodo tu ostali čez vikend. Ogledali si bodo štart etape in se zvečer odpravili domov. Spoznali smo hrvaškega tekmovalca Sašo Bittermana, ki vozi rally in se malo ogreva za tekmovanje v naslednjem Dakarju. Miranova tehnična asistenčna ekipa Sugawara je danes na brifingu prejela priznanje za 25letnico udeležbe na rallyju Paris Dakar. V kategoriji tovornjakarjev so bili tudi že na zmagovalnih mestih. Asistenco pokrivajo štirim motoristom, med katerimi je tudi Miran. Zdraven sta še dva mehanika, ki noč in dan spravljata v red motorje. Tudi mi smo del te ekipe. Vsak večer skupaj postavimo šotore in se pripravljamo za naslednji dan. Miran spi v našem malem kampu. Prav zanimiva druščina smo :) Včeraj zvečer je bil petek "petek za metek", pa smo se malo zabavali. Srečali smo naša prijatelja Quina in Bena. Leta 2004 smo si prav na teji etapi Zouerat - Atar skupaj pomagali do cilja. Takrat smo izbrali težjo pot po sipinah. Oni so imeli dobrega navigatorja, mi pa boljšega voznika. Jutri bomo verjetno vozili skupaj. Benov oče je zastopnik za rezervne dele za Land Roverja v Angliji. On vozi Manov štiri osovinski, največji tovornjak na Dakarju in ima asistenco za 5 Bowlerjev. To so predelani Land Roverjevi Defenderji. Quin pa vozi enega od teh tekmovalnih vozil. Brat Adam je sovoznik v tovornjaku. Zjutraj smo bili pri Mišu in Janezu. Že 5 ali 6 dni se nismo srečali. Oba sta dobro in prevozila sta včerajšnjo etapo. Pravita, da je bila proga zelo tažavna za njihov 270 konjski Unimogov tovornjak. Tekmovalni jih imajo večinoma 400. Problemi so bili na sipinah, kjer sta se večkrat zakopavala v pesek. Tudi po 20krat sta bila zunaj in se ročno odkopavala in se spet poganjala čez sipino.. Zdaj popravljajo amortizerje. Od lanskega tekmovanja na Dakarju tovornjak ni bil servisiran. Prednja amortizerja sta polomljena. Branko je danes boljši. Popoldan sva zapravljala čas v CyberCafeju. Povezava je bila tako počasna, da sva dve sliki pošiljala cele tri ure. Za isto ceno smo potem v press centru v pol urce poslali ves ostali materjal. Zdaj se že pripravljamo in pregledujemo roadbook. Odločili smo se, da ne bomo sledili tekmovalni progi, ampak gremo okrog po poti Atar - Nouakchott - Kifa - Nema. Izognili se bomo 600km sipin in trdega, nevarnega terena. Z Miranom se dva dni ne bomo srečali. Tekmovalci bodo osmo etapo končali in prespali v Tichitu. 12.01.2007 Sedma etapa Zouerat - Atar Zjutraj smo se ob 5h že odpeljali do štarta in naprej v Atar. Pot, ki je bila označena kot cesta, se je hitro zgubila v puščavskem
gattolina Objavljeno Januar 15, 2007 Objavljeno Januar 15, 2007 Lepo ga poganja tale Coma. Vsaka čast! :worship: :worship:
sjeng Objavljeno Januar 15, 2007 Objavljeno Januar 15, 2007 Vintersu, glavnemu tekmecu Mirana v marathon razredu, se je pa zgleda čist odpel dons je prvi na CP1 4min pred Como.
gattolina Objavljeno Januar 15, 2007 Objavljeno Januar 15, 2007 Vintersu, glavnemu tekmecu Mirana v marathon razredu, se je pa zgleda čist odpel dons je prvi na CP1 4min pred Como. Saj jih bo pri KTM (tovarniška moštva) še kap. Naj le zmaga, če je dober.
sjeng Objavljeno Januar 15, 2007 Objavljeno Januar 15, 2007 Saj jih bo pri KTM (tovarniška moštva) še kap. Naj le zmaga, če je dober. Točn tko, lepo je vidt privatnika ki tkole pelje :worship:
JAZBEC Objavljeno Januar 15, 2007 Objavljeno Januar 15, 2007 (popravljeno) Vintersu, glavnemu tekmecu Mirana v marathon razredu, se je pa zgleda čist odpel dons je prvi na CP1 4min pred Como. ...samo da ni kakšne krajšnce upalu...pol pa spet kazen pa v stilu: nabijmo mu kazen - privatnik nam itak nč ne more.. Popravljeno Januar 15, 2007. Popravil JAZBEC
sjeng Objavljeno Januar 15, 2007 Objavljeno Januar 15, 2007 Iz avto sveta: Nr 301, DE VILLIERS/VON ZITZEWITZ - VOLKSWAGEN, SUPER PRODUCTION After a malfunction of the turbo set the engine of his car on fire at km 129, the leader in the overall rankings Giniel de Villiers is now stranded at the foot of the Elephants’ Rock and waiting for his assistance team.
<=YaMaHa=> Objavljeno Januar 15, 2007 Objavljeno Januar 15, 2007 Jp...Vintersu se trga...CP2 na prvem mestu skor 6 min pred Como :wacko:
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