Cartman Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 :grim se strinjam s fp-jem, saj ne, da bi biu posebej goreč privrženec Capirexa ampak komentarji o njegovih sposobnostih (nekaj postov višje) samo kažejo na to kolk ma folk pojma o dogajanju v GP. Najlažje je sodit na osnovi videnega na dirki , itak smo usi u iber strokovnjaki tule :whistle: Kolk je meni znano, je bil letos glavni problem Capirosija paket 800 ccm Duče+elektronika proti zdrsu, ki se je kot dirkač old school nikakor ne more navadit. No, da ne težim preveč...omenjena kombinacija, nastavljena za njegov stil vožnje bi porabila dovoljeno količino goriva 2-3 kroge pred koncem dirke :evilgrin: Šele v drugi polovici sezone je Ducatijevim tehnikom uspelo izboljšati porabo motorja do te mere, da so lahko nastavili elektroniko kot to ustreza Capirexovemu načinu vožnje. Po komentarjih strokovnjakov je prehod najmanj težav povzročal Stonerju in Pedrosai, ki sta bila na začetku sposobna novotarije izkoristiti najbolj. ja pa ja. capirex je bil že na tretji dirki drugi. pol se je mal zgubil, dobil otroka, odpoved in podobno..... Pedrosa je sploh car. pol, ko je Honda baje celotn razvoj 07 stroja podredila njegovim 50im kilam, in razjezila AKTUALNEGA SVETOVNEGA PRVAKA, vidmo kam jih je peljal, the king of underachivers. Njegovo zgodbo sm že enkat videl. Biaggi. Ampak če strokovnjaki rečejo drugače..... Hola! na uho so mi prišle nepreverjene govorice, da naj bi z naslednjo sezono (2008) prepovedali vso dodatno elektroniko (za lažje speljevanje, proti zdrsu zadnjega kolesa, kontrola wheelija itd itd) v MotoGP motorčkih - ve kdo kaj več?? (meni se zdi ta novica tako čudovito, strašansko in čezvselepa, da se bojim da že zaradi tega ni res oz je le wishful thinking... :cry: ) v F1 je videti, da se je teh pomagal neznansko težko znebiti :( upam da bo motoGP učinkovitejši
prcko Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Rossi na japonskih gumah? Šef moštva Yamaha Davide Brivio je potrdil, da je menjava opremljevalca z gumami naslednje leto mogoča. Že nekaj časa se govori o prekinitvi gumarske vojne v motociklističnem svetovnem prvenstvu. Med opremljevalci z gumami naj bi ostal le japonski Bridgestone. Pred nekaj dnevi je prišla na dan novica, da bi si jih na svoji Yamahi želel tudi Valentino Rossi, saj je več kot očitno, da so letošnje prvenstvo odločile prav gume.Po poročanju nekaterih medijev naj bi Bridgestone že podpisal pogodbo z Italijanom, a je šef moštva Yamaha Davide Brivio to zanikal. Je pa potrdil, da so kljub dolgoletnemu sodelovanju z Michelinom vsekakor pripravljeni na sodelovanje z Japonci. A najverjetneje le na Rossijevi Yamahi, saj sedemkratni svetovni prvak grozi, da bo iz ekipe odšel, če njegov motocikel ne bo konkurenčen.Kako se bodo v prvenstvu moto GP odločili o opremljevalcih z gumami, bodo povedali po dirki za Veliko nagrado Malezije v Sepangu. vir: 24ur
brubi46 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Tako je...bomo vidl kaj se bo izcimilo... By Toby MoodySaturday, October 13th 2007, 08:31 GMT Valentino Rossi confirmed at Phillip Island today that he has asked for Bridgestone tyres for 2008. Next season's tyre situation remains undecided after Dorna recently proposed a switch to control tyres and promised to take a decision by next week's Malaysian Grand Prix. Dorna CEO Carmelo Ezpeleta has since played down the possibility of this scheme actually being adopted. It now seems that Rossi complained to Ezpeleta about the disparity between the rival tyre manufacturers at the United States Grand Prix, where he was unhappy to finish 30.6 seconds behind the Bridgestone-shod winner Casey Stoner. understands that it is just Rossi and Dani Pedrosa who have specifically asked for Bridgestones, Pedrosa's request coming despite the fact that Honda have used Michelins on their works GP and Superbikes since when they returned to the 500cc class in 1982 before winning the championship with Freddie Spencer in 1983. Should Rossi receive Bridgestones for next year, the Yamaha rider could remain at a technical disadvantage given the sheer level of data that the Ducatis, Suzukis, Gresini Hondas and Kawasakis have accrued on Bridgestones over the past three seasons. Rossi gave Michelin a final shot across the bows today in Australia, finally admitting that he had asked for Bridgestones, while at the same time conceding that Michelin is making a considerable effort at present. "The situation is not very clear now for us because Michelin want to give a really big effort next year to improve the situation," Rossi said. "They understand a lot of the mistakes from this year and especially with the new (tyre limit) rule it was a bad surprise for Michelin. In their head they may have thought the situation is not so bad but sometimes we have a lot of problems. "So we have to decide, also we don't know if it is possible to have Bridgestone so the situation is in progress now. So sincerely, we have to decide." Dani Amatrian, the manager of Jorge Lorenzo, said this evening that the 250cc champion's contract with Yamaha for 2008 guarantees that he is on the same equipment as Rossi. This means that should the tyre war continue either both works Yamahas have to be on Bridgestones, therefore creating a championship that is effectively Bridgestone bikes versus Honda on Michelins, or that both tyres companies have to continue with their current teams. This season has already been a year of considerable technical change for MotoGP with new 800cc engines replacing the 990cc units, a restriction on tyres to 14 fronts and 17 rears over all three days, and a reduction from 22 litres to 21 litres of fuel for the race. from:
Furioso Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Intervju: Rossi pred dirko... ...dober, se splača pogledat.
suzuki Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Hola! ful hud intervju!!! hvala Fury :worship:
Jure007 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Tnx :D Odličen intervju. Edino Rossijeva angleščina je pa še bolj smešna, kot moja :)
Furioso Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Pedrosa na ogrevanju zjutraj pred dirko. Malo je hotel start potrenirat.... :D
brubi46 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Tnx :D Odličen intervju. Edino Rossijeva angleščina je pa še bolj smešna, kot moja :) Ni smešna...ampak očarljiva :blush: ...tako kot on cel... Intervju je pa res odličen!
Matic doc Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Opa, Vale hoče k Ducatiju :naughty: , samo kaj ko ga Ducati ne rabi :evilgrin:
pirrulz Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 "... the rider make a lot of difference". Toliko o tem, da je letos zmagal Stoner samo zaradi Ducatija. Iz ust vašega boga.
Vale Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Opa, Vale hoče k Ducatiju :naughty: , samo kaj ko ga Ducati ne rabi :evilgrin: Ekhm, saj jaz sem pri Ducatiju :rolleyes:
Pervy Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Intervju: Rossi pred dirko... ...dober, se splača pogledat. res dober intervju, nič taktičen ampak povedano po resnici in vale je čisti mr. simpatikus z svojo polomljeno angleščino :naughty:
Matic doc Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 (popravljeno) Ekhm, saj jaz sem pri Ducatiju :rolleyes: Ha ha sam res. No jst pa že brskam po Vale-tovih receptih. Pa da vidmo kaj jedo slavni :naughty: Mnjam, same dobre stvari. Popravljeno Oktober 16, 2007. Popravil Matic doc
PETARDA46 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Tnx :D Odličen intervju. Edino Rossijeva angleščina je pa še bolj smešna, kot moja :) Že res da je smešna... če pa pogledamo kok Italjanov sploh zna amgleško, si pa mislem da totalno raztura :worship: :worship: :worship:
nowfak Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Tudi če nočeš, ga morš met rad.... :worship:
Sam dePihlja Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Tudi če nočeš, ga morš met rad.... :worship: Itak :grim
Sam dePihlja Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Evo, Yamaha in Suza sta septembra v Motegiju že testirala petarde 2008 :naughty:
Schmid87 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Evo, Yamaha in Suza sta septembra v Motegiju že testirala petarde 2008 :naughty: kakšni so bili kaj časi krogov?
Sam dePihlja Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 ja pa ja. capirex je bil že na tretji dirki drugi. pol se je mal zgubil, dobil otroka, odpoved in podobno..... Pedrosa je sploh car. pol, ko je Honda baje celotn razvoj 07 stroja podredila njegovim 50im kilam, in razjezila AKTUALNEGA SVETOVNEGA PRVAKA, vidmo kam jih je peljal, the king of underachivers. Njegovo zgodbo sm že enkat videl. Biaggi. Ampak če strokovnjaki rečejo drugače..... Ka pa ja :grim …strokovnjaki Loris Reggiani, Alberto Porta, Paolo Bertramo, Randy Mamola…nimajo pojma. Vprašte Cartmana al pa berite Laydi, tut Valeta je bojda zjebala afera z davčno utajo in radosti med rjuhami – ne verjameš? Preberi: »…On the other hand Valentino's been hounded and ground down by the press for heartlessly dumping his long time, super-discreet (she never ever spoke to the press) girlfriend Arianna for well known starlet Elisabetta Canalis, best known for dating famous italian footballers and getting her tits out. Elisabetta For those who want a more in-depth look at her attributes linky Elisabetta was Vale's guest at Yamaha for the Mugello race. Arianna is said to be gutted. Vale's obviously thinking with the wrong head these days…« :slap: Daj fant, zresni se in ne glej tako podcenjevalno vse okol sebe, v GP ju so vsi vrhunski profesionalci, fizično in mentalno natrenirani do amena, nobena, še tako zoprna stvar jim ne gre do živega, ko to ni potrebno. Še komentar Capirosija iz začetka sezone (mislim, da po dirki v Jerezu): Loris Capirossi, race result 12th , World Championship 14th , 4 points “This morning we thought we had found a better set-up but the race didn’t go well. At the start something happened with the engine, I got a bad start and after… well, I didn’t ride so well. We worked on engine mapping this morning but maybe we didn’t get it right because I didn’t have great acceleration and that made things worse. I’m not happy, I had a bad race. Yes, I finished, but this is not the way I like to race. During the next few weeks we will work on a few things to make sure we start Turkey in better shape. The track conditions weren’t bad today, the tyres worked well, but maybe my riding style doesn’t perfectly suit the engine character. I’m a bit aggressive with the gas and maybe this is the problem. When we use the electronics to make the power more sweet the bike loses it competitiveness. It’s a thing I have to work on - trying to adapt my style.” Moraš priznat, da je eden redkih, ki napake odkrito išče pri sebi. Tut Capirosi bi lahko (ala Heyden) užaljeno jokal, da so motor razvili za Stonerja. Še komentar drugi na tretji dirki, pol se je pa mal zgubil: Bridgestone is celebrating an historic performance this afternoon after its riders dominated the Turkish Grand Prix in Istanbul. Ducati’s Casey Stoner took the lead on the opening lap and never looked back, leading home Honda Gresini’s Toni Elias and team-mate Loris Capirossi for the first ever Bridgestone 1-2-3 in a MotoGP event. Po rezultatih sodeč (Bridgestone 1-2-3) in dejstvu, da je Elias privozil 2 mesto (kakšne rezultate je že dosegal na ostalih dirkah?), Capirosi pa se je moral prav pošteno namučit, da je ugnal (zamisli! :eek: ) Barrosa v boju za 3 mesto bi rekel, da je bila dirka zelo specifična, razen če ne boš ti na osnovi videnega na TV in prebranega v cajtngu domneval, kako si je Vale vlekel kombinezon iz riti (bojda so mu med pranjem perila izgubili njegove srečne boksarce) zaradi tega ker je moral obleči rdeče tangice svoje Elisabette in ga je to med dirko tako strašansko oviralo, da se ni mogel skoncentrirat na dirkanje in se vmešati za boj na vrhu :kva2: Maš dost? I say NO MORE!!!
Sam dePihlja Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 kakšni so bili kaj časi krogov? Suzuki: Test and development rider Nobuatsu Aoki was at the controls of the black machine, setting a best lap time 2.8secs slower than race rider Chris Vermeulen - the fastest rider on day one. Aoki then lowered the deficit to the Australian by 0.8secs on Tuesday's second and final day, when Honda's Nicky Hayden was fastest. One of the most obvious differences with the prototype machine, is that it has an exposed under-seat exhaust compared with the current version. Vermeulen and new team-mate Loris Capirossi will race for Suzuki next season. Yamaha: Rossi, whose 13th place in Sunday's wet/dry Japanese Grand Prix handed Casey Stoner the crown three rounds early, evaluated two chassis designs for next year's M1, although he continued to use the existing engine. "Today we made the very first test with the first prototype of next year's M1," confirmed the Italian superstar. "It is not a completely new bike, because the engine is the same as we used in the race, but we tested two different chassis. We used the same engine as yesterday in order to be able to better judge any improvement. "One chassis was stiffer than the other and with the stiffer one I felt some vibration, but with the intermediate one my feeling was really very good," he revealed. "Of course this is the first step, but with that in mind it was a pretty good test. Now we must work on the engine for next year. After the last race in Valencia we will test the chassis again, and also a different engine, so I look forward to seeing it there." "Today we have tried two different chassis, in order to give indications to the engineers about which way must take the development of the 2008 bike," confirmed team director Davide Brivio. "One of them seems to work better than the current [2007] one and might be a good option to use in the future. I think that today we were able to give a lot of valuable information to our engineers." Rossi set the fourth fastest time at the test, 0.3secs behind Suzuki's Chris Vermeulen, and was also able to determine exactly what caused the chronic front tyre problems after his pit stop, which ultimately ended his championship chances. Pa še najhitrejša na testiranju - Honda: Nicky Hayden was the only factory Honda grand prix rider present at the Motegi test, following Dani Pedrosa's foot injury, as attention turned to the 2008 season. While Casey Stoner and Ducati, crowned champions on Sunday, were also absent from the test - 2006 champion Hayden returned to Motegi on Monday alongside representatives from fellow Japanese manufacturers' Yamaha, Suzuki and Kawasaki. Hayden spent the first day testing a modified swing-arm and the latest Michelin tyres - setting the third fastest lap time in the process - before being one of only five riders back for more on Tuesday. The American continued tyre testing on the final day, along with further tests of a new fairing and clutch parts - unlikely to be raced until 2008 - and easily set the fastest time, lapping 0.76secs ahead of Suzuki test rider Kousuke Akiyoshi. "Well, we almost had Motegi to ourselves – there weren't a lot of guys going around out there. We did a lot more work today, testing the new fairing and some clutch parts. It was not so much parts we might be using this year but more likely some items for next season," confirmed Hayden, a disappointing ninth in the wet/dry grand prix. "It went pretty well and we were able to start stringing the 1min 47secs laps together and I got down a lot deeper into the 47s than I was able to over the race weekend. "We also tested some Michelins and I found a front tyre that was an improvement for me. With the tyre rule it's always going to be a bit of a gamble deciding if you want to put something new into your allocation though, especially at Phillip Island because you've got be ready for everything with the changeable weather there. Anyway, a big thanks to the team for staying here and working hard again – right now we need to make all the progress we can. "Now we get to head home, which doesn't sound like a bad place to be. The last few weeks have been pretty hectic so it's time to just chill out for a while and wait it out until Friday morning at Phillip Island where we'll get another crack at these boys. We've got three more chances and we'll being going all out," declared Hayden, yet to win a race this year.
Sam dePihlja Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Objavljeno Oktober 16, 2007 Samo za Cartija še enkrat žuta štampa, tokrat z zanimivimi linki :naughty: »…On the other hand Valentino's been hounded and ground down by the press for heartlessly dumping his long time, super-discreet (she never ever spoke to the press) girlfriendArianna for well known starlet Elisabetta Canalis, best known for dating famous italian footballers and getting her tits out. For those who want a more in-depth look at her attributes Elisabetta was Vale's guest at Yamaha for the Mugello race. Arianna is said to be gutted. Vale's obviously thinking with the wrong head these days…«
Schmid87 Objavljeno Oktober 17, 2007 Objavljeno Oktober 17, 2007 fajn je blo tole prebrt ^_^ :OK: tnx
brubi46 Objavljeno Oktober 17, 2007 Objavljeno Oktober 17, 2007 "... the rider make a lot of difference". Toliko o tem, da je letos zmagal Stoner samo zaradi Ducatija. Iz ust vašega boga. A nadaljevanje stavka si pa preslišu? :whistle: '' a little bit less...'' (lahko pa poslušaš še enkrat-4:57) Kdo je pa reku da je KC zmagu samo zarad Ducatija? Sicer ga tud slučajno ne maram, ampak če je res to kdo reku je pač vol! :slap:
Cartman Objavljeno Oktober 17, 2007 Objavljeno Oktober 17, 2007 Ka pa ja :grim …strokovnjaki Loris Reggiani, Alberto Porta, Paolo Bertramo, Randy Mamola…nimajo pojma. Vprašte Cartmana al pa berite Laydi, tut Valeta je bojda zjebala afera z davčno utajo in radosti med rjuhami – ne verjameš? Preberi: »…On the other hand Valentino's been hounded and ground down by the press for heartlessly dumping his long time, super-discreet (she never ever spoke to the press) girlfriend Arianna for well known starlet Elisabetta Canalis, best known for dating famous italian footballers and getting her tits out. Elisabetta For those who want a more in-depth look at her attributes linky Elisabetta was Vale's guest at Yamaha for the Mugello race. Arianna is said to be gutted. Vale's obviously thinking with the wrong head these days…« :slap: Daj fant, zresni se in ne glej tako podcenjevalno vse okol sebe, v GP ju so vsi vrhunski profesionalci, fizično in mentalno natrenirani do amena, nobena, še tako zoprna stvar jim ne gre do živega, ko to ni potrebno. Še komentar Capirosija iz začetka sezone (mislim, da po dirki v Jerezu): Loris Capirossi, race result 12th , World Championship 14th , 4 points “This morning we thought we had found a better set-up but the race didn’t go well. At the start something happened with the engine, I got a bad start and after… well, I didn’t ride so well. We worked on engine mapping this morning but maybe we didn’t get it right because I didn’t have great acceleration and that made things worse. I’m not happy, I had a bad race. Yes, I finished, but this is not the way I like to race. During the next few weeks we will work on a few things to make sure we start Turkey in better shape. The track conditions weren’t bad today, the tyres worked well, but maybe my riding style doesn’t perfectly suit the engine character. I’m a bit aggressive with the gas and maybe this is the problem. When we use the electronics to make the power more sweet the bike loses it competitiveness. It’s a thing I have to work on - trying to adapt my style.” Moraš priznat, da je eden redkih, ki napake odkrito išče pri sebi. Tut Capirosi bi lahko (ala Heyden) užaljeno jokal, da so motor razvili za Stonerja. Še komentar drugi na tretji dirki, pol se je pa mal zgubil: Bridgestone is celebrating an historic performance this afternoon after its riders dominated the Turkish Grand Prix in Istanbul. Ducati’s Casey Stoner took the lead on the opening lap and never looked back, leading home Honda Gresini’s Toni Elias and team-mate Loris Capirossi for the first ever Bridgestone 1-2-3 in a MotoGP event. Po rezultatih sodeč (Bridgestone 1-2-3) in dejstvu, da je Elias privozil 2 mesto (kakšne rezultate je že dosegal na ostalih dirkah?), Capirosi pa se je moral prav pošteno namučit, da je ugnal (zamisli! :eek: ) Barrosa v boju za 3 mesto bi rekel, da je bila dirka zelo specifična, razen če ne boš ti na osnovi videnega na TV in prebranega v cajtngu domneval, kako si je Vale vlekel kombinezon iz riti (bojda so mu med pranjem perila izgubili njegove srečne boksarce) zaradi tega ker je moral obleči rdeče tangice svoje Elisabette in ga je to med dirko tako strašansko oviralo, da se ni mogel skoncentrirat na dirkanje in se vmešati za boj na vrhu :kva2: Maš dost? I say NO MORE!!! ma človek. umiri se. relax. enjoy the life. če so vsi tako zelo topshape, zakaj ponižuješ Barossa? na tretji dirki najbrž razvoj stroja še ni bil tako očiten, in je Baross lahko konkuriral fabriškemu Ducatiju. če pri Ducatiju nebi mislili, da se je Capirossi malček zgubil, ga nebi odžagali. Ali pač? Tiger Tony je večino sezone ležal. in najbrž niso imeli konkurenčnega motorja, kar je melandrija razjezilo... itd itd DEBATA. ampak tebi se neda debatirat, in neda se ti pogovarjat. ti si nekaj copy-pasteal, in to je edina sveta resnica. Tudi prav. o boxaricah in starletah nism govoril, ker o tem nevem nič. to Vedo Gabri in podobni trač-mojstri. Ps: cb550four je fajn lep oldtimer. jaz sm mel cb650four. Škoda de sm ga uničil :(
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