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Moto GP 2007


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Brez skrbi, sem čist zrelaksiran in vedno pripravljen na debato :grim Čeprav ti misliš drugače,Barosa občudujem, predvsem zaradi njegovega odnosa in šrčnosti :worship: , ampak glede na to, da je preteklo sezono vozil v superbajku in da D'Antin Ducati že na začetku sezone ni bil primerljiv s tovarniškim sem mnenja, da rezultat, ki si ga omenil ni ravno merilo za oceno Capirosija češ "meu je dober motor sam se je zaradi privat zadev nekje zgubu, pa saj itak je star pa luzer..." :wacko:

:topic: Honde Four so pa itak zakon, vidiš, vsaj v tem se strinjava :naughty:

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Končno je prišla priložnost, da se vaše ime čisto zares pojavi na dirkalnem GP motociklu, in to na pravi dirki. Moštvo Kennya Robertsa se je odločilo, da bodo za zadnjo dirko letošnje sezone v Valenciji, na svojevrsten način izrazili zahvalo vsem navijačem, ki so jih podpirali v za njih sicer katastrofalni sezoni 2008.


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Max Biaggi je zapustil Team Batta,verjetno se vrne v MotoGP pri Honda Gresini :naughty:

vir: GPone (ita)


kot kaže bom navijou v MotoGP še za enga več naslednjo sezono :evilgrin: že prj sm za Biaggija, tko da zdj bom tut :evilgrin:

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Dvomim,le kter osel bi ga pa še hotu met v moštvu,da bi mu drek mešu,pa pizdu da ma preslab materijal. :headbang: :headbang:

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Končno je prišla priložnost, da se vaše ime čisto zares pojavi na dirkalnem GP motociklu, in to na pravi dirki. Moštvo Kennya Robertsa se je odločilo, da bodo za zadnjo dirko letošnje sezone v Valenciji, na svojevrsten način izrazili zahvalo vsem navijačem, ki so jih podpirali v za njih sicer katastrofalni sezoni 2008.


sm upisan že neki cajta sam zka je to tk na malo jst bi meu raj mau več :)

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Max Biaggi je zapustil Team Batta,verjetno se vrne v MotoGP pri Honda Gresini :naughty:

vir: GPone (ita)

ja a ga bo honda sploh hotla glede nato da ga lansklet ni pa je pol pons mogu zarad tega iz motoGP?

itak jih pol skoz sam šinfa kk so slabi nardi pa tut nikol nč ne... razn da use zbije...

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ja a ga bo honda sploh hotla glede nato da ga lansklet ni pa je pol pons mogu zarad tega iz motoGP?

itak jih pol skoz sam šinfa kk so slabi nardi pa tut nikol nč ne... razn da use zbije...

sj.. in ravno to ga nrdi "drugačnega" od ostalih :D

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ja a ga bo honda sploh hotla glede nato da ga lansklet ni pa je pol pons mogu zarad tega iz motoGP?

itak jih pol skoz sam šinfa kk so slabi nardi pa tut nikol nč ne... razn da use zbije...

Kot Maxov great fan, mislim da zbil pa ni dosti. Zdi se mi, da je kar nekaj bol potratnih pilotov (Checa, De Punet, Jacque) nevem če je kriv, da je Pons spakiral kufre, vem pa, da je razočaral približno vse delodajalce v 500 in motoGP. v 250 ni razočaral nobenega. Za razbijat motorje "ni mel jajc". raj je mal spustu nergal. njegov smooth-works-everywhere stil na žalost ne dela v teh časih. to teorijo potrjuje tudi Pedrosa.

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Kot Maxov great fan, mislim da zbil pa ni dosti. Zdi se mi, da je kar nekaj bol potratnih pilotov (Checa, De Punet, Jacque) nevem če je kriv, da je Pons spakiral kufre, vem pa, da je razočaral približno vse delodajalce v 500 in motoGP. v 250 ni razočaral nobenega. Za razbijat motorje "ni mel jajc". raj je mal spustu nergal. njegov smooth-works-everywhere stil na žalost ne dela v teh časih. to teorijo potrjuje tudi Pedrosa.


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Suzuki bo v Sepangu dirkal s tremi motorji :grim

36letni test rider Rizle Suzuki Nobuatsu Aoki bo nastopil z novim Suzukijem 2008 GSV-R kot wildcard entry.

Še bo zanimivo :naughty:

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a stoner bo meu pa naslednje leto po vsej verjetnosti številko 1 na motorju? :) zanimivo.

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a stoner bo meu pa naslednje leto po vsej verjetnosti številko 1 na motorju? :) zanimivo.

Najverjetneje ja...

Stoner 'leaning towards' #1.

Thursday, 18th October 2007

Newly crowned MotoGP world champion, Casey Stoner, says that he is 'leaning towards' racing with the #1 plate next season.

The digit, reserved for the reigning world champion, was absent from the MotoGP grid from 2001-2005 when Valentino Rossi chose to keep his famous #46.

After Nicky Hayden ended the Italian's reign in 2006, the Repsol Honda rider replaced his usual #69 with the 'heavy' #1 plate - which might now be passed to Stoner and Ducati for 2008.

"We're still not 100% sure [if I will use the number 1 or continue with the number 27], but at this stage we're leaning more towards the number 1," said the 22-year-old Australian on Thursday at Sepang.


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če jim to ne bi uspelo pa ma ata Roberts tud rezervni plan... upam da ga ne bo rabil

kolkr jst vem je že neki časa znano da iz dogovora z mv agusto nebi blo nč...

če jim pa ne uspe z ducatijem pa je možnost tut da bodo mel ilmorjeve motorje pa svojo šasijo.

z ducatijem pa tut ni jasno al bojo mel cele motorje al sam motorje kot motorje pač :P

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Najverjetneje ja...

Stoner 'leaning towards' #1.

Thursday, 18th October 2007

Newly crowned MotoGP world champion, Casey Stoner, says that he is 'leaning towards' racing with the #1 plate next season.

The digit, reserved for the reigning world champion, was absent from the MotoGP grid from 2001-2005 when Valentino Rossi chose to keep his famous #46.

After Nicky Hayden ended the Italian's reign in 2006, the Repsol Honda rider replaced his usual #69 with the 'heavy' #1 plate - which might now be passed to Stoner and Ducati for 2008.

"We're still not 100% sure [if I will use the number 1 or continue with the number 27], but at this stage we're leaning more towards the number 1," said the 22-year-old Australian on Thursday at Sepang.


veliko jih pravi da ti številka 1, da nekaj "dodatne teže" na motor :P

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FP 2


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Sepang MotoGP: Riders slam new Sepang surface

By Matthew Birt


19 October 2007 11:39

Casey Stoner, Valentino Rossi and Nicky Hayden led widespread criticism of Sepang’s new track surface at the end of the first day of the Malaysian MotoGP.

Rossi labelled the new tarmac a ‘disaster’ while Stoner said the new surface is more dangerous than the old and worn tarmac it replaced.

Resurfacing work has proved problematic for Sepang circuit officials with initial work carried out earlier this year needed improving recently in certain areas.

Fiat Yamaha rider Rossi, who slumped to only 16th today having struggled with serious grip issues, said:

“It’s a disaster. The surface doesn’t have any grip.

"The problem is we have a lot of problems. Randy de Puniet and Casey make 2.02.9 and that is quite a good lap. But for us it is difficult.

"I tried a different tyre at the end as well that didn’t work. It’s possible to make better but to arrive on the podium we have to improve a lot.

"It’s a pity that we have to race in Malaysia with this surface. The track is fantastic but its like they have some problem when they make the work.

"They have to resurface some parts and unfortunately here it rains everyday. I don’t know how much the condition of the track will come better for Sunday.

"But from my point of view we will make a different setting for tomorrow. I’ll have one bike like in the test earlier this year that is very different to the bike I used today. We need some big modification.”

Rossi said the new surface appeared to have marginally improved the bumpy nature of Sepang, but admitted it was hard for him to properly assess the improvement because his lap times were too far off the leaders.

“For me the bumps are a little bit better but I am so slow I don’t know. I don’t feel a lot of problems from the bumps because I am very slow, “ said Rossi, who was due to raise the issue of the new surface in tonight’s regular Safety Commission meeting with Dorna chief Carmelo Ezpeleta.

World champion Stoner was also highly critical of the new surface and the Aussie said: “It was always a little slippery but mostly very good. But now it’s a disaster. I’m disappointed in the new surface; it’s a lot bumpier than before.

"The old surface was very impressive, one of the smoothest with a just a few bumps. Now most of the corners we have a lot of bumps and they are progressive, like riding on the kerb.”

Stoner said the lack of grip caused him problems with his front and rear Bridgestone tyres and added: “I had a problem with both, because once you get into the corner the rear wants to slide out and the front wants to close in the faster corners. And with the bumps it brings a lot of chatter and instability to the front.”

Intermittent heavy rain showers had also caused a problem for riders being unable to precisely pinpoint what sections of track were wet and dry because of the darkness of the new surface.

Stoner added: “You have to wait for the right angle to be able to get some sun shining off the water so you can see where the wet patches are. Otherwise there was no way to see the damp patches. In the past the track looked almost wet and you could see it.”

Former world champion Nicky Hayden was another critic, saying it was strange that track resurfacing work could be bungled so badly after other problems in 2007 in Laguna Seca and the Sachsenring, both which were resurfaced for this season.

“The new track is really shredding tyres and even on slicks the most I get out of them is about seven laps.

"That’s my main concern right now. I don’t know what’s going on because its not just here but all these other resurfaced tracks.

"We didn’t get it no better in Laguna. They are worse than before.

"They aren’t doing a good job and maybe my Dad and I need to start Second Chance Paving and do something different. These guys need to get their money back because its pretty crap really, “said the American.

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Max Biaggi je zapustil Team Batta,verjetno se vrne v MotoGP pri Honda Gresini :naughty:

vir: GPone (ita)

Al pa tud ne... :evilgrin:

Sepang MotoGP: Honda to crush Max Biaggi’s MotoGP return

By Matthew Birt


19 October 2007 10:55

Honda is expected to announce tomorrow (Saturday) in Sepang that it will block a move by Fausto Gresini to lure controversial Italian Max Biaggi back into the MotoGP world championship in 2008.

Gresini confirmed yesterday in Sepang that he had made an approach for the Roman, who parted company with the Alstare Suzuki World Superbike squad earlier this week.

Biaggi left MotoGP in acrimonious circumstances back in 2005 when Honda’s official factory team unceremoniously dumped him after a disastrous campaign. Honda management then vetoed a move by Biaggi to join Sito Pons’ Camel-backed satellite squad, a move that left the four-times world 250 champion without a ride in 2006.

Biaggi’s return to MotoGP would complete a dramatic U-turn by HRC bosses who had refused point-blank to continue working with him at the end of 2005.

Gresini spoke to Biaggi earlier this week and was hopeful of meeting him to further discuss plans to ride an RC212V 800 machine when back in Europe next week.

Gresini has already signed Alex de Angelis as replacement for Ducati bound Marco Melandri, while the future of Spaniard Toni Elias remains shrouded in mystery.

Elias seems certain to join the D’Antin Ducati squad, which had opened up the door for Japanese rider Shinya Nakano in the Gresini team. HRC is keen to have a Japanese rider on board and also wants to see Nakano back on Bridgestone tyres after a nightmare 2007 on Michelin rubber.

Nakano had hoped to use Konica Minolta money to help him secure a Gresini berth, but the Japanese company recently confirmed it would withdraw from the series after a fruitless three years with Gianluca Montiron’s JIR Racing squad.

Montiron’s current team will merge with the Kopron Scot 250 outfit to field former world 125 champion Andrea Dovizioso next season.

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Ja, dobro se jim je vsedel v želodec :devil:

No, tule sta še dva možna scenarija za prestop Max-a:

Biaggi was fired from the factory Repsol Honda team and virtually vetoed from riding even a satellite Honda for Sito Pons at the end of the 2005 season. After sitting out 2006, he returned to action in World Superbike with Alstare Suzuki.

The people who were running Honda’s racing efforts when Biaggi was fired -- allegedly for his outspoken criticism of Honda’s racing management -- are no longer involved. Both Suguru Kanazawa, then HRC president, and Satoru Horiiki, Managing Director of HRC until this year’s Japanese Grand Prix, have both been transferred out of racing. Whether HRC’s new president, Masumi Hamane, shares the bad feelings toward Biaggi that prompted his expulsion from all things Honda, will soon be seen.

The Pramac d’Antin Ducati team in MotoGP has also been talking to Biaggi, but FGSport, the World Superbike promoters, are looking for a new World Superbike home for Biaggi, perhaps with a satellite Ducati team. More on this later.

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