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MotoGP 2008


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Keny ti si bejba :D

V prepire se res ful preveč spuščaš za deca, sam vseen :)

pa nisn bejba :P

unu ku sm napisu da bomo mlade punce jokale za njim je biu nekak hec...

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najbolš da grejo rihtat motor za vsak ovink posebej.. sick. in to še prek GPSa.. ah :) old sql racing je biu velik bl zanimiv :D

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Pravilnik za 2008

Upam da znate anglešk :rolleyes:

MotoGP : Grand Prix Commission amends 2008 regulations

Written by F1SA

Thursday, 20 December 2007

Grand Prix Commission amends the 2008 regulations : -

The Grand Prix Commission comprising of Messrs. Carmelo Ezpeleta (Dorna, Chairman), Claude Danis (FIM), Hervé Poncharal (IRTA) and Takanao Tsubouchi (MSMA), together with M. Paul Butler (Secretary of the meeting), on the 12th of December 2007 in a meeting in Barcelona, decided to introduce a series of World Championship regulation changes, coming into effect as of 1st January 2008.

The changes will encompass all of MotoGP competition, with adjustments in technical details such as bodywork height, mudguard angles and fuel tank ventilation and the extension and availability of on site fire fighting and medical requirements.

Some additional tyre regulations have also been made.

Both Bridgestone and Michelin will be obliged to list a testing circuit as their testing venue for a maximum of four days, as well as to test at Indianapolis and any other significantly resurfaced track in preparation for a race, but without the advantage or benefit of the named riders contesting the MotoGP championship.

The Grand Prix Commission’s rule changes in full:

1.3 The Paddock

1.3.4 When the Paddock is occupied there must be an adequate medical and fire fighting service available to all riders, teams, manufacturers, sponsors, service companies, officials, FIM, Dorna, IRTA, etc.

At minimum the services must be available from 08h00 - 18h00 on the two days prior to the “setting up of teams day”, and on a 24 hour basis for the remainder of the event, ending at midnight on the day after race day.

1.15 Practice

1.15.1 Practice Restrictions Tyre company testing

a) Tyre manufacturers that supply tyres to the MotoGP class may, prior to the first event of each year, designate and inform the Race Direction of one Grand Prix circuit as their testing circuit at which they may practice during the season and during the breaks with MotoGP class machines during a maximum of 4 days or part thereof, but not with riders designated by teams and not prior to the event that takes place at that circuit.

B) If requested by any tyre manufacturer supplying tyres to the MotoGP class then a 2 day test must be organised, but not with riders designated by teams, at least four weeks before any event scheduled for a Grand Prix circuit that was not in the Championship of the previous year or that, in the opinion of the Grand Prix Commission, has been substantially resurfaced since the previous event at that circuit.

1.18 Start Procedure

MotoGP riders may use a generator to power tyre warmers on the grid. Only one generator per machine may be used. The generator must be of the “hand carried” portable type and have a maximum output capacity of two kW (kilowatts).

1.17 The spare machine may remain inside the pit box until such time as it is used in the race, but any exchange of machine must be made in the pit lane.

1.21 Behaviour During Practice and Race

Riders may enter the pits during the race, but taking the motorcycle inside the pit box is not permitted. In the MotoGP class, in the case of an exchange of machine during a race (Art. 1.18.17), if a machine that has been active in the race enters the pit box, this machine is deemed to be retired and may not be used again in the race.

Refueling is strictly prohibited.

Any infringement of this rule will be penalized with a disqualification.

If the winning rider wishes to parade a flag, he must ride to the side of the racing surface to collect the flag and then rejoin the circuit when it is safe to do so.

Technical Regulations

2.2 Classes

MotoGP: Up to 800cc – Unlimited cylinders

2.3 Engines

2.3.1 Engines may operate on the two stroke or four stroke principal only.

For MotoGP, only 4 stroke engines are permitted. The normal section of each engine cylinder and piston in plan view must be circular. Circular section cylinders and pistons are defined as having less than 5% difference in the diameter measured at any two points.

2.6 Fuel Tanks

2.6.2 Fuel tank breather pipes must include a non-return valve. Fuel tank breather pipes must discharge into a suitable container, one per motorcycle with a minimum capacity of 200cc and a maximum capacity of 250cc.

2.6.5 The fuel tank capacities for MotoGP prototype motorcycles is maximum 21 litres.

2.6.6 Refueling may only be carried out from an unpressurised container, and the motorcycle fuel tank may not be artificially pressurised above atmospheric pressure at any time. It is allowed to vent the fuel tank to the atmosphere via the air box in order to equalize pressure in the air box and fuel tank.

2.7 Safety and Construction Criteria Stops must be fitted to ensure a clearance of at least 30mm between the handlebar and the fuel tank frame and/or bodywork when at the extremes of steering lock.

2.7.7 Bodywork The seat unit shall have a maximum height of the (approximately) vertical section behind the rider’s seating position of 150mm. The measurement will be taken at a 90° angle to the upper surface of the flat base at the rider’s seating position, excluding any seat pad or covering. Any on-board camera/antenna mounted on the seat unit is not included in this measurement. Mudguards are not compulsory. When fitted, front mudguards must not extend:

a. In front of a line drawn upwards and forwards at 45 degrees from a horizontal line through the front wheel spindle.

b. Below a line drawn horizontally and to the rear of the front wheel spindle.

The mudguard mounts/brackets and fork-leg covers, close to the suspension leg and wheel spindle, and brake disc covers are not considered part of the mudguard.

2.9 Tyre restrictions for MotoGP

2.9.7 In the unlikely event of a tyre being accidentally damaged before it is used (for example during the fitting process) and deemed to be unusable by the Technical Director, it may be replaced with a tyre of the same specification with the permission of the Technical Director.Such replacement tyres will be marked and included in the allocation of the rider concerned. The damaged tyre will be removed from the allocation and may not be allocated again.

2.10 Numbers and Backgrounds

2.10.3 In the 125cc and 250cc classes, the main body of the number must be of a single colour which is distinctive and strongly contrasts with the background colour.

Disciplinary and Arbitration Code

3.4.1 Right of protest Any natural or juridical person rider, team, manufacturer, official etc affected by a decision taken under the authority of the FIM, has the right to protest against that decision.

No protest may be lodged against a statement of fact of the Race Direction entailing or not:

- a change of position.

- a ride through.

- a disqualification from the practice sessions or races by means of a black flag or black flag with orange disc.

- a fine for speeding in the pit lane. No protest may be lodged against a statement of fact of the Race Direction based on a photo finish.

3.4.3 Procedure and time limit for protests All protests must be submitted and signed only by the person directly concerned. Each protest must refer to a single subject only and must be presented within 1 hour at the latest after the publication of the results or the notification of a Race Direction decision. Protests must be handed to a responsible official (Clerk of the Course, Race Director or Secretary of the Meeting) together with the security deposit of US$700.00 - or equivalent.

Teams and riders contracted to compete in the Championship may submit a letter of guarantee from IRTA in lieu of payment.

A protest against the eligibility of a rider, team or a motorcycle entered, must be made before the start of the official practice.

vir: fosagold

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Rossi bo dirkal še pet let Milano | 21.12.2007 | Andraž Zupančič / T.Š.

Valentino Rossi se bo preselil nazaj v Italijo in zamenjal managerja. Napovedal je, da bo dirkal vsaj še pet let.

Motociklistični dirkač v razredu MotoGP Valentino Rossi se nikakor ne namerava presesti v dirkalni avtomobil (reli) oziroma v formulo ena, ko se mu prihodnje leto izteče pogodba z Yamaho, kot so predvidevali in napovedovali mnogi.28-letni Italijan je občasno testiral Ferrarijev dirkalnik v F1, vendar je odločno zanikal, da bi razmišljal o dirkanju na štirih kolesih: "100% ostajam v moto športu in tekmoval bom tudi v letu 2009. Nikoli nisem razmišljal, da bi zapustil motociklizem, če ne bi to storil že leta 2006. Ambicij mi še ni zmanjkalo in vozil bom vsaj še naslednjih pet let."Petkratni svetovni prvak ima pogodbo z Yamaho še do konca naslednje sezone, nova pogodba pa je v veliki meri odvisna oo njegovih uspehov v naslednji sezoni. Rossi je že omenil, da bi lahko v prihodnosti vozil za moštvo Ducatija.Zamenjal bo managerja

Rossi se je po sezoni, v kateri je postal podprvak, odločil, da v svojem življenju spremeni marsikaj. Vrnil se bo v Italijo, poplačal davčne dolgove in zamenjal managerja.Italijan se očitno želi kar najbolje pripraviti na novo sezono, zato bo precej »prevetril« svoje življenje. Ker se namreč želi iz Anglije preseliti nazaj v Italijo, mora poravnati nekaj dolgov, ki jih ima do stroge italijanske davčne uprave. V minulih letih naj ne bi preveč vestno plačeval davkov, tako da bo davkarji plačal od 15 do 56 milijonov evrov (o natančni vsoti seveda ne želi govoriti). S tem bi se mu odprla vrata za selitev v domačo Tavullio.

Sedemkratni svetovni prvak naj bi že imel ogledano novo hišo. Za dvonadstropno zgradbo z 12 sobami, bazenom in depandanso naj bi Rossi že plačal 6000 evrov are. Poleg tega naj bi v njej namestil dva dirkalna motocikla, ki ju je odkupil od Yamahe, v jedilnici naj bi imel črno-rumeni motocikel z dirke v Laguni Seci iz leta 2005, v spalnici pa motor iz sezone 2004, s katerim je prav tako postal prvak.

Rossi pa očitno ni več zadovoljen s storitvami dosedanjega managerja Giba Badiolija. Zato v sezoni 2008 ne bo imel svojega zastopnika, od sezone 2009 dalje pa naj bi zanj skrbel Davide Brivio. Brivio je trenutno vodja moštva Yamaha MotoGP, za katerega vozi Rossi.


:OK: :OK: :OK:

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Intervju z bivšim Rossijevim soborcem. Texsas tornado je prepričan, da je biu prav Rossi razlog za Michelinov fijasko in tudi, da se lahko Michelin z njim ter Repsol-Honda duom v letu 2008 vrne na vrh :hmm: .

full story:

Popravljeno . Popravil Sam dePihlja
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"At the end of the day Casey (Stoner) and Ducati are going to lead most of development.”

mislm da bo meu tut Rossi kr dost prste vmes :)

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Intervju z bivšim Rossijevim soborcem. Texsas tornado je prepričan, da je biu prav Rossi razlog za Michelinov fijasko in tudi, da se lahko Michelin z njim ter Repsol-Honda duom v letu 2008 vrne na vrh :hmm: .

full story:

sicer nism brau članka ampak možno se mi zdi da bi delal preveč za rossija pa bli zarad tega mal slabši...

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He he,MAL slabši zaradi tega, ker so morali razvijat dve vrsti gum, ene za Rossija in ene za ostale :whistle:

Upam, da pri Bridgestonu ne bo prišlo do podobne situacije kot so jo meli Mišelinovci letos. Zanimivo bo videti, kako bodo uspeli zagotoviti primerne gume trem totalno različnim konfiguracijam motorjev, vse to pa še uskladiti s specifikami posameznih dirkačev :eek: . Znano je, da Stonerju in Rossiju odgovarjajo približno enaki tipi gum, vendar je konfiguracija motorjev totalno ražlična. Ducati je L90°, poleg tega t.i. screamer shema delovnih taktov, medtem ko Yamaha pri vrstni zasnovi prehaja iz big-bang na long bang shemo delovanja, kar pomeni totalno druge parametre pri bočnem oprijemu gume. Tu so še Suzuki, Kvak in Gresini s standardno V4 zasnovo in big bang-shemo. Glede na to, kako so se otepali Rossija lahko to pomeni tudi, da je zalogaj enostavno prevelik in Bridgestone ne bo uspel zagotoviti enakih pogojev vsem (Suz, Kaw,... :cry: ).

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sem mi zdi vredna, da jo naliman tu... :hooray:


Mater, jaz se že v pisuar teško uščijem, če nekdo zraven mena ščije, kaj šele da bi me trije še z objektivom šicali :headbang: , drugače je pa dobra fotografija

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Ampak ma pa DePuniet Puma škornje! :blink: To me preseneča. Kolk cajta pa je Puma sploh prisotna v MotoGp-ju? :?

V GP od 2006, poleg RdP jih uporabljata še Hofman in Cardoso.

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rossijeve besede glede zmag: "kadar si pridobiš zmago v zavojih, veš, kdaj je bila za to zaslužena tvoja sposobnost, kadar pa zmagaš na ravninah, veš, kdaj se lahko za uspeh zahvališ moči motorja." preberite knjigo: kaj če nebi nikoli poskusil in boste videli kdaj je zmaga pravična in kdaj ne!!!!

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rossijeve besede glede zmag: "kadar si pridobiš zmago v zavojih, veš, kdaj je bila za to zaslužena tvoja sposobnost, kadar pa zmagaš na ravninah, veš, kdaj se lahko za uspeh zahvališ moči motorja." preberite knjigo: kaj če nebi nikoli poskusil in boste videli kdaj je zmaga pravična in kdaj ne!!!!

Če letijo te kritike na Stonerja niso upravičene, ker je bil popolnoma kokurenčen tudi v zavojih, pa ne samo zaradi boljših gum. Poglejte samo dirko v Ameriki, ki jo je suvereno zmagal kljub favoruziranim Američanom, ki jih je izjemno težko premagati na domači stezi

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Če letijo te kritike na Stonerja niso upravičene, ker je bil popolnoma kokurenčen tudi v zavojih, pa ne samo zaradi boljših gum. Poglejte samo dirko v Ameriki, ki jo je suvereno zmagal kljub favoruziranim Američanom, ki jih je izjemno težko premagati na domači stezi

deloma se strinjam, sam useen spoun se da kar je stoner nardiu je nardiu na ravnini.. :whistle:

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deloma se strinjam, sam useen spoun se da kar je stoner nardiu je nardiu na ravnini.. :whistle:

in ovinkih

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Dirke se ne da zmagat samo na ravnini, če si v ovinkih parkiran. To bi pa blo lahko že zdaj vsem jasn.

Rossi in njegovi fani bi počas že mogl študirat na naslednjo sezono, da ne bo dobil spet petarde. :evilgrin:

Popravljeno . Popravil Gimpl
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Dirke se ne da zmagat samo na ravnini, če si v ovinkih parkiran. To bi pa blo lahko že zdaj vsem jasn.

Rossi in njegovi fani bi počas že mogl študirat na naslednjo sezono, da ne bo dobil spet petarde. :evilgrin:

:lol1: da se ne bo zgodilo to da bo dobu rossi petardo pol jo bo pa komu vrgu hehehe... :P

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Dirke se ne da zmagat samo na ravnini, če si v ovinkih parkiran. To bi pa blo lahko že zdaj vsem jasn.

Rossi in njegovi fani bi počas že mogl študirat na naslednjo sezono, da ne bo dobil spet petarde. :evilgrin:

Če hočeš zmagovat moraš biti povsod dober :whistle:

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Če letijo te kritike na Stonerja niso upravičene, ker je bil popolnoma kokurenčen tudi v zavojih, pa ne samo zaradi boljših gum. Poglejte samo dirko v Ameriki, ki jo je suvereno zmagal kljub favoruziranim Američanom, ki jih je izjemno težko premagati na domači stezi

Knjiga je bla napisana, še v času, ko je Stoner Stonerje izvajal, tko, da te kritike verjetno ne letijo na nobenga dirkača ampak so pač izjave izkušenega dirkača...a je res tako težko razumet!!!

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Knjiga je bla napisana, še v času, ko je Stoner Stonerje izvajal, tko, da te kritike verjetno ne letijo na nobenga dirkača ampak so pač izjave izkušenega dirkača...a je res tako težko razumet!!!

ja kk pa ti to weš :evilgrin: :evilgrin: :evilgrin:

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