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Zanimiva lestvica točkovanja dirkačev motogp za SP:

1. Rossi 97 točk

2. Lorenzo 94 točk

3. Pedrosa 94 točk

4. Stoner 56 točk

Invalid pa na drugem mestu... :OK: pravi :hooray:

A ni HONDA izjavila pri prestopu Rossija k YAMAHI, da imajo tako dober motor, da res ne rabijo enega rosija da bi bili sv. prvaki :whistle: :whistle:

Duče je pa mal popustu, bo že boljš ni panike.

Popravljeno . Popravil TONTO

Rossi se je vrnu :worship:

A je kdo slučajno kaj čez Yamaho reku :fight1:

čez yamaho so pa kar orng popluval (zaradi sponzorja je tako zanič) :blink:

:hmm: Si ti na kakšnih močnih zdravilih ali boš tole malce razložil?


no dej ne jamri.. s tem sm hotu povedat da ta proga yamahi zelo odgovarja in je yamaha na tej progi še tolk močnejša...

kar je par dni nazaj tut rossi povedu (da se nau spet kšn najdu k bo jamru da sm si to zmislu in da je u resnic čist drgač)

no dej ne jamri.. s tem sm hotu povedat da ta proga yamahi zelo odgovarja in je yamaha na tej progi še tolk močnejša...

kar je par dni nazaj tut rossi povedu (da se nau spet kšn najdu k bo jamru da sm si to zmislu in da je u resnic čist drgač)

se izgovarjaš tk ko se je rossi lani.... :whistle:

no dej ne jamri.. s tem sm hotu povedat da ta proga yamahi zelo odgovarja in je yamaha na tej progi še tolk močnejša...

kar je par dni nazaj tut rossi povedu (da se nau spet kšn najdu k bo jamru da sm si to zmislu in da je u resnic čist drgač)

To je pa čisto nekaj drugega kot 'dobesedno narejene za yamaho'... :P

Sem mislil, da so katere od teh novejših prog bile res narejene po kakšnih Yamahinih željah in specifikacijah... :whistle:


eh, qrc, itak bo Rossi spet zmagau


Rossi se je vrnu :worship:

Ni se. Vedno je bil tu.


zb7-222046.jpgpodium :D

hmn-222139.jpg :D :D

no dej ne jamri.. s tem sm hotu povedat da ta proga yamahi zelo odgovarja in je yamaha na tej progi še tolk močnejša...

kar je par dni nazaj tut rossi povedu (da se nau spet kšn najdu k bo jamru da sm si to zmislu in da je u resnic čist drgač)

Vedno ko preberem tvoj nick na tej temi in ko rossi zmaga dobim nasmešek :P

To je pa čisto nekaj drugega kot 'dobesedno narejene za yamaho'... :P

Sem mislil, da so katere od teh novejših prog bile res narejene po kakšnih Yamahinih željah in specifikacijah... :whistle:


heh no mogoče sm mal bol tak povedu.. proga je itak stara 42 let :)

se izgovarjaš tk ko se je rossi lani.... :whistle:

no dej no... utihn... samo povem tak kot je...

če pa po tvojem to dirkališče ne ustreza yamahi, potem ma pa yamaha tako ogromno prednost pred ostalimi, da bo na ostalih dirkah samo še slabš..

se spomneš k sta bla lansklet oba ducatija slučajno prvi in drugi, si se nevem kak drla kako prednost ma ducati, zdej so pa na podiumu same yamahe, marija to je šele premoč...

zdej vsaj vidš da tut če ma voznik najbolši motor, pa če zmaga z nevem kakšno prednostjo, pa če njegov konkurent odstopi, da se šezmeri mora potrudt za zmago in je sigurno zaslužena...

tk k ti je rossi zaslužu današnjo si je stoner čist vsako lansko leto...

Vedno ko preberem tvoj nick na tej temi in ko rossi zmaga dobim nasmešek :P

ve m ja čudne asociacije.. tut jst ko preberem tvoj nick, se spomnem na begunje al pa na ljubljana pole, pa newem zakaj...

no mal heca...

drgač pa newem kwa se vsi tolk sekirate če nemaram rossija...

v svojem komentarju poskušam bit čimbolj objektivn do vseh... seveda nism, pa nikol nebom čist, ma pa vse skup neko mero, sam kaj ko vsi rossi fano vidjo objektivnost v tem da ga je treba po dolgem pa počez prehvalit pa obravnavat kot neko božanstvo, če zmaga, če zmaga pa stoner se je pa ravno slučajno zgodilo... in zdej bojo spet vsi rekl neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to pa že ni res...

ve m ja čudne asociacije.. tut jst ko preberem tvoj nick, se spomnem na begunje al pa na ljubljana pole, pa newem zakaj...

no mal heca...

drgač pa newem kwa se vsi tolk sekirate če nemaram rossija...

v svojem komentarju poskušam bit čimbolj objektivn do vseh... seveda nism, pa nikol nebom čist, ma pa vse skup neko mero, sam kaj ko vsi rossi fano vidjo objektivnost v tem da ga je treba po dolgem pa počez prehvalit pa obravnavat kot neko božanstvo, če zmaga, če zmaga pa stoner se je pa ravno slučajno zgodilo... in zdej bojo spet vsi rekl neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to pa že ni res...

Nisem mislu v slabem smislu. Si edini ki tukaj NE navija za Rossija, zato je zanimivo gledat tvoje komentarje ;P

Nisem mislu v slabem smislu. Si edini ki tukaj NE navija za Rossija, zato je zanimivo gledat tvoje komentarje ;P

Tudi jaz ne navijam za Rossija ...

Zanimiva dirka, Smola za Stonerja in Hopperja (je pa imel veliko srečo v nesreči - ponavadi se tole z utrgano verigo slabše konča). Se je pa včeraj po moje spet pokazalo, da je Pedrosa v dežju povsem nekonkurenčen. Takoj, ko je malo poškropilo, je Pedrosa zaprl plin. Škoda, da ni deževalo močneje, bi mogoče imel Stoner kaj več možnosti ... :rolleyes:


smola ja da so ducatiji tako zanič motorji, stonerju je kar zaribal tale oh in ah duče...japan powaaah, pa so spet dokazali, da je prevlada italijanskih motociklov, bila le muha enoletnica... :OK:


Ja dobra dirka ni kaj.... Tudi meni je všeč, da je Rossi spet konkurenčen :naughty: ... samo Lorenzo je pa norc :) Čeprav mi nikakor ni neka faca, je pa pravi borec.... :worship: svaka čast... Nočem spet pogrevat debate o Stonerju, ampak za moje pojme je včeraj ŠE ENKRAT dokazal, da je dober ko šus... Iz ducatija je potegno ven maksimum.... Škoda, da je izpadel in zelo zaostal za vodilno trojico.... Sezona bo še zanimiva

KennyJr ne sekiraj se.... si eden redkih ki ne pluvaš vse povprek ko tvoj ne zmaga (jaz že avtomatsko preskočim post ki se začne cca "ta je car, on je govno"

Ja dobra dirka ni kaj.... Tudi meni je všeč, da je Rossi spet konkurenčen :naughty: ... samo Lorenzo je pa norc :) Čeprav mi nikakor ni neka faca, je pa pravi borec.... :worship: svaka čast... Nočem spet pogrevat debate o Stonerju, ampak za moje pojme je včeraj ŠE ENKRAT dokazal, da je dober ko šus... Iz ducatija je potegno ven maksimum.... Škoda, da je izpadel in zelo zaostal za vodilno trojico.... Sezona bo še zanimiva

KennyJr ne sekiraj se.... si eden redkih ki ne pluvaš vse povprek ko tvoj ne zmaga (jaz že avtomatsko preskočim post ki se začne cca "ta je car, on je govno"

meni pa je čisto vseeno kdo zmaga, vozniki so mi nepomembni, važno mi je da so japonski motocikli v ospredju in da so tile špagetarji čim slabši...upam da jih kdaj ukinejo iz motogp, pol bi bil še najbolj srečn

Ja dobra dirka ni kaj.... Tudi meni je všeč, da je Rossi spet konkurenčen :naughty: ... samo Lorenzo je pa norc :) Čeprav mi nikakor ni neka faca, je pa pravi borec.... :worship: svaka čast... Nočem spet pogrevat debate o Stonerju, ampak za moje pojme je včeraj ŠE ENKRAT dokazal, da je dober ko šus... Iz ducatija je potegno ven maksimum.... Škoda, da je izpadel in zelo zaostal za vodilno trojico.... Sezona bo še zanimiva

KennyJr ne sekiraj se.... si eden redkih ki ne pluvaš vse povprek ko tvoj ne zmaga (jaz že avtomatsko preskočim post ki se začne cca "ta je car, on je govno"

podpis.. :worship:

meni pa je čisto vseeno kdo zmaga, vozniki so mi nepomembni, važno mi je da so japonski motocikli v ospredju in da so tile špagetarji čim slabši...upam da jih kdaj ukinejo iz motogp, pol bi bil še najbolj srečn

heh tut jst ne maram italijanov, sploh pa ne ducatija... nikol jih nism pa jih tut ne bom...

precej ironično glede na to da je stoner pri ducatiju....

mi je blo kr mau žou k je šu na ducatija, pa še zdel se mi je da bo še več na tleh kot na hondi...

ampak se je kr lepo ujeu z motorjem in biu takoj zlo hitr...

pol se mi je še ducati mal bol prikupu, pa to samo zarad stonerja...

zdej me pa vse bolj jezijo... matr... sj rossijevi fani veste kk se počutm, ko stonerju motor crkne oz ko ga gledam kak da vse od sebe, pa so ostali tolk hitrejši...

po drugi strani pa tut veste kk sm se počutu, ko je rossiju motor crknu :evilgrin: :whistle:


Slučajno kdo kaj več ve kaj je blo z motorjem od Stonerja???

Sm meu občutek da je meu kar celo dirko malo probleme lovit to četico norcev... sploh ko ga je Pedrosa napadau, me je kar stiskalo :evilgrin:

Slučajno kdo kaj več ve kaj je blo z motorjem od Stonerja???

Sm meu občutek da je meu kar celo dirko malo probleme lovit to četico norcev... sploh ko ga je Pedrosa napadau, me je kar stiskalo :evilgrin:

Jst sem mal iskala, pa nič točnega ne piše-samo da je imel že po par krogih probleme s sprednjo gumo, pa potem okvara motorja.Nikjer pa še nisem zasledila kakšna okvara.

Tole je iz

Dark day for Ducati.

Mon 19 May, 10:49 AM

It clearly wasn't our day today, we haven't had one like that for a long time" - Livio Suppo.

After an incredible 2007 season when it seemed Casey Stoner and Ducati could do no wrong, the Australian suffered his fourth 'unexpected' drama in five 2008 rounds at Le Mans on Sunday.

Victory in the Qatar season opener was followed by two off-track moments at Jerez, lose camera equipment at Estoril, an incorrect tyre gamble in Shanghai and now an engine failure at Le Mans.

The engine failure was particularly cruel, coming just eight laps from the finish and while Stoner was battling for second position - but it was far from his only problem; despite leading the first seven laps of the French GP, Stoner had been fighting front tyre issues from the start.

"I got a decent start to the race today but unfortunately I just didn't have any feeling for the right hand side of the front tyre," explained Stoner. "I was losing a lot of grip at maximum lean and kept closing the front so I lost a lot of confidence. I couldn't brake as late as I had been doing during practice so I had to ride around it and managed to get to the point where it was only when the tyre was right on the edge, in T4, that I was really losing time.

"I was there or thereabouts, still in with a shout of a podium position, and it started to rain so I thought that could give us a chance. Unfortunately that was when I started to have a problem with the engine, I couldn't get any drive off the bottom end and couldn't overtake anybody. Then a couple of laps later the engine problem effectively ended the race for us.

"This weekend has had a lot of positive aspects to it - we've got back up to speed again and found our old feeling with the bike so it's just a case of everything coming together in a race. That's why I'm looking forward to the next one," he insisted.

"This weekend Casey has been particularly unlucky and I'm sorry for him because he has ridden well and shown the speed and consistency of a true world champion even though this track doesn't suit the characteristics of our bike perfectly," said Ducati MotoGP Project leader Livio Suppo. "In the race he had a problem with the front tyre that we're looking at together with Bridgestone. It was the same tyre he had put more than race distance on in practice but it only lasted five laps in the race and that could be partly to do with the way the grip levels changed after the rain in the morning warm-up. He was still fighting for the podium when the engine problem came along and obviously we'll look at that with our engineers."

Stoner had made it back to the pits after his engine problem, where he swapped bikes in the hope of scoring a few points, but the rain stopped and he crossed the line 16th - one place behind team-mate Marco Melandri.

After losing 30 seconds at the start of the race when his bike stalled on the grid, Melandri also ended the race on rain tyres after gambling on an early change.

"My race was doomed from the start because unfortunately the bike was cutting out on the sighting lap and I thought it was just a temporary thing. Then when I let the clutch out at the start it stalled completely and I lost some vital seconds," he confirmed. "Once I got going I got my rhythm together and when I saw it was raining I decided to come in and hope that the gamble of an early change would pay off with some more rain. It's a shame because things went well in the warm-up when the bike was more balanced and more predictable and I think I was capable of a good race. Now we have a couple of days to test and I'm sure we can make a real step forward before Mugello, a circuit I love."

"I'm disappointed for Marco too because in the warm-up he showed some real progress and we were looking forward to a fight-back in the race," added Suppo.

"It clearly wasn't our day today, we haven't had one like that for a long time, but we have to put it behind us and continue to work hard because the season is long and there will be plenty of chances for us to put it right."


Tud men je zakon, da je Rossi spet na vrhu... car B)

Pa še glede Lorenzo-ta -->"kapo dol" fant je čist nor


Mal za nasmejat :D

No one likes France. No one that is but Yamaha. Today the bridesmaid of Japanese motorcycle manufacturers found it easy to overlook the smell, the snootiness and the general lack of courage shown by this nation as France provided them with a glorious Yam packed podium.

But to understand Yamaha's feelings of achievement first you have to understand why we all love to win. On the outside we claim some crap that it's because we know we've done our best and we're proud of our achievements. But that's not what winning is really about. The true joy of winning is joyfully contemplating how really bad your rivals must be feeling. The inner smug pleasure of knowing the pain of those who you aim to defeat and inwardly hate. It not about the winning – it's about the defeating.

Today's biggest losers were the Evil Empire. Back in the 70's Kenny Roberts' Yamaha team were known as the evil empire*. Their domination led people to question ‘will KR Senior ever stop owning a successful team?'

Sadly the evilness of KR's once rated team is nothing like the evilness of HRC. It would be like comparing the kid who jumped into a neighbour's garden to steal an apple to Adolf Hitler invasion of Poland.

HRC like to crush all in their way. They're the biggest and mightiest motorcycle manufacturer on the planet. If something is wrong they throw money at it. If it's still wrong they throw the designer in the Tokyo harbour with a special pair of granite ‘gravity boots'. And you can bet your final yen that that harbour will be seeing some action in the late hours this week.

So, who were the Yamaha podium boys? Let's review their individual efforts:

Valentino Rossi: 1st Position

What do we think these days of Valentino Rossi? Back in '04 he was the greatest. He couldn't lose no matter what happened. Slowly but surely however we became a little tired of him and his winning ways. In '06 Nicky Hayden took the MotoGP crown off Rossi in what is generally regarded as the most awkward and insignificant season of GP racing (including the war years).

But last season was the real turning point. Casey rocked the GP world by actually beating Rossi on skill and not by selling his soul to the devil in moonshine-fuelled family orgy. Rossi looked like a whinger and generally we were all sick of his excuses…or at least we thought we were. To credit the odorsome yellow Italian he only wanted the best equipment as we all would want. His sportsmanship has nearly always been impeccable. (Compare him to the sulky-loser Stoner has already become).

Which brings us to now. His win today, to compliment his win last time out in China, has woken our senses to the fact that he really is a good guy and is, unless you ask Foggy, probably the greatest of all time.

The win at Le Mans was the Rossi of old. The kind of race we'd watch in days gone by that would see him take the victory and Sete pile through the gravel shaking his head and looking at his rear tyre like he'd ridden through a turd.

It started with a bad start. Classic Rossi. He worked his way through the pack with some well executed passing manoeuvres. Classic Rossi. He made the break when things got tough and controlled the race. Yup, classic Rossi. The Italian even had a surprise victory celebration in readiness for us all. Brilliant.

Jorge Lorenzo: 2nd position

This season King Midas Lorenzo has achieved more than anyone could have ever expected. That's right, we're actually beginning to like him. Okay so you'd still probably like to punch him in his lolly-sucking gob but now you'd at least refrain from putting the boot in afterwards. And how has he achieved such a seemingly impossible turnaround? By determination – as shown today.

Jorge, once again, got away really badly. He has a problem on the opening laps due to many of the poorer riders try to ram him – not because they hate him (they probably do) but to try to scrape off some of that precious gold from his nuggets to sell back to Paul Denning after the race for his ‘ultimate sacrifice' experiment.

Once the gold dust has settled poor Jorge usually finds himself so far back that Anthony West can almost see him – and today was no exception.

But Jorge has determination. Determination means different things to different people. Take Neil Hodgson – for him determination means going that extra mile and finding the cash to pay his rent. Or what about Gobert? For him determination is washing powder. But in Jorge's case determination means ignoring the pain and setting about winning the championship…or failing that having a ram at Pedrosa (both outstanding options).

After the race at China Lord Loony Lorenzo thought he'd broken his ankle. He was wrong. He'd broken both his ankles. What a foolish mistake. Here at Le Mans the Spaniard looked weaker on his feet that McWilliam's drinking partner on a Friday night. A normal person wouldn't have gone to work. A Spaniard wouldn't go to work anyway. But this is no normal Spaniard and despite being in more pain than Foggy bio proof reader Lorenzo battled his way through the pack like the hero he's rapidly becoming.

The golden crown on his golden head came when he barged past his tiny rival Pedrosa to reduce his championship lead and his already reduced stature.

Second place was, in short, a truly spectacular result for a man who couldn't even stand up on the podium.

Colin Edwards: 3rd position

Some things in life are vastly underrated. Take bacon. It's never destined to be a premiere cut of meat like say an inch thick rib-eye steak or a rack of lamb. But because of its versatility bacon is an amazing meat product. You can have it for breakfast, lunch and supper. It can perk up almost any dish from pasta to lasagne. It can compliment salads, pizza, stews, chilli, soup, sandwiches or plain leeks – it even smells amazing when being cooked. It short it's cheap, cheerful and amazingly complimentary but totally overlooked.

Colin Edwards is bacon. He's never destined to be a juicy steak that wins races and championships meaning he's often overlooked. But give him a team, duller the better, and he brings it taste.

Qualifying had again been a success for Edwards. Pipped only by Pedrosa in the dying seconds still left him impressively second. But no one knows more that a good grid slot means nothing than Colin ‘straight to the back' Edwards.

Today, however, the Texan Tornado was anything but a bag of hot-air holding a strong position throughout. He was powerless to fend off the yellow and golden charges but did everyone proud by ramming past a thoroughly defeated Pedrosa to take the final podium step.

Everyone else finished elsewhere.

Losers? The faceless white-Honda brigade were again less than impressive. Who's who? Does anyone care? Stacked up mid-to-rear of the pack the highly confusable HRC machines battled with each other and looked every bit as likely to be at the front as Kurtis Roberts would in a TV studio crowd.

Meanwhile Lorenzo's feet weren't the only ones in pain this weekend thanks to the Angro-American John Hopkins' one foot attempt to kick some life back into, or the hell out of, his sickly green bike. Being in a strong (for Kawasaki) seventh place mid race Hopkins suffered a broken chain meaning for once Anthony West wasn't the weakest link in Team Kawasaki.

But the biggest loser of the day, like most days this season, surely had to be the glue-doomed horseface Marco Melandri. A few weeks back on his website Marco claimed "When I think I have reached the bottom yet continue to plummet".. I think someone should pass him a shovel? A new depth was reached this weekend as the Italian scraped around at the back like in indignant vole. But from his lowly grid position, and with very little pressure from behind, Melandri stalled and had to be push started by a passer-by with a sweeping brush.

Indeed Ducati's time in France was extra miserable when, at the other end, Stoner retired from a relatively strong position. Now if my knowledge of Ducati's unexpectedly braking down whilst in the middle of rural France are anything to go by then let me predict it was water in the crappy sidestand switch.



@ B46: kaj me znaš ti nasmejat, hvala B)

za dirkoljupce pa je zdele na Eurosportu 2 ponovitev nedeljske 250 ccm dirke, potem bo pa še MotoGP dirka (če ste slučajno zamudili al pa bi samo radi videli še enkrat :) )

Mal za nasmejat :D

hvala za tole :D :worship:

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