brubi46 Objavljeno Maj 20, 2008 Objavljeno Maj 20, 2008 Me veseli da vam je všeč ;) Pa še neki da ne bo dolgčas-iz the one and only Rising sun... (še za prejšnjo dirko) A TOP TEN GUIDE...TO ROSSI'S SEASON A Top Ten Guide to Shanghai, China, 2008. 10. Colin Edwards. The Texan ‘Helium Balloon’ has done it again. Congratulations, Col, on the 3rd pole position of your career (all of them within the last 12 months, too!). You didn’t disappoint in the race, either, fading as expected to a typically useless 7th place. Nevertheless, Tech 3 are ecstatic, and want to keep you for another year. It’s good to see mediocrity rewarded. 9. Anthony West. How pissed did Westy look on the starting grid that it wasn’t pissing down? He looked unhappier than Pedrosa sharing a podium with Lorenzo. P18 in qualifying, and P17 in the race. Now we’re seeing what you can do—like Antfan predicted—with that full preseason under your belt. Just think, if Melandri does take your place at Kawasaki, you will be able to write another blog entry moaning about how Melandri’s career could (should) have been yours... 8. Andrea Dovizioso. The fastest Honda on the day finishes down in P11. Good job, Dovi. If the 800s were any easier to ride, you’d be finishing last. One thing though, you do realise that replacing Hayden in the factory Honda team doesn’t actually require you to put in Hayden-like performances, right? 7. Bizarre Love Triangle. While most people who saw vision of Lorenzo’s Friday practice—specifically, the moment when he embarked on a show of modern interpretive dance symbolising mans’ place in an increasingly mechanised world—were thinking: holy fucking shit, Batman! not everyone felt the same way. In the Team Fiat Yamaha pits, Uccio’s look of concern had nothing to do with Lorenzo’s wellbeing and everything to do with Rossi’s oh-so-effeminate clutching of a towel to his face. It’s long been known that Rossi has declared big hair passé, Nothing Compares 2U his favourite song, and that thin is in for 2008. Desperate to retain his status as #1 Rossi fluffer/fluffee, Uccio has sleeked down his own unruly mop top and even looks to have shed a few kilos. But as he watched Rossi bite into that towel (wishing it was a pillow?), Uccio must have been a very worried man... 6. Nicky Hayden. Didn’t you win a world championship a couple of years back? Aren’t you riding for the best factory team in the last 25 years of motorcycle Grand Prix racing? Isn’t your ‘teammate’ leading the world championship at the moment? Tinfoil hat conspiracies aside, it looks like you’re on the Alex Criville path to career oblivion. 5. Casey Stoner. Why do people hate you, jug ears? A bad tyre choice leaves you a distant 3rd at a race most pundits gave you a fair chance of winning, and everyone labels you an utter disappointment. Yet the exact same scenario at Estoril results in teflon-Rossi walking away unscathed. Perhaps you need to start giving interviews to the Spanish press, talking about how winning lets you be the Casey Stoner you want to be. 4. Chris Vermeulen. The ‘Ben-Spies-for-God’ zealots are circling, Capirossi is making you look average, you’re still wearing a stupid hat that even the fashion-challenged duo of Hopkins and Hayden wouldn’t touch, your mole looks like it’s getting bigger, and your bike is a heap of shit. Do you still have Ronald Ten Kate’s phone number? It’s always better to jump than be pushed—you can control your landing so much the better. 3. Valentino Rossi. Notice how there hasn’t been a vintage-Rossi victory lap celebration stunt since Jerez 2007 (which itself was clearly leftover from Valencia 2006). Is that because—with his much publicized tax dodging... ahem, tax problems—Rossi can’t afford to fly his fan club to all the races, or is it because he’s no longer so confident of winning? You’d have to say the latter, judging from the stunned expression on Rossi’s face while he sat there on the fence, having taken a comfortable victory (#63, for those keeping count). It was as if he’d forgotten what it felt like to win (7 months since the last time) and it took a crushing embrace from a sweaty Italian man to bring him back to reality. Putting it in perspective, Rossi would probably rank this win around the mid-50s of his overall list, I’d imagine. Perspective’s a funny thing, though, isn’t it? If Hayden had taken the W, he would probably rank this win at least #4 on his overall list. 2. Dani Pedrosa. The ride of the weekend, in my opinion. On one of the slowest bikes in the field versus one of the fastest, and using Michelin tyres on a ‘Bridgestone track’ Peddles rode the wheels off of his Honda. He led for a bit in the early stages, carried so much corner speed to keep his lap times competitive and worked really hard to gain ground under braking (by Dani’s standards, at least). However, he couldn’t make a decisive move on that Bridgestone-shod rocket ahead of him. Hmmm... I just had the strangest case of déjà vu... is it 2007? Anyway, where was I? It was too bad that Pedrosa gave up faster than you can say ‘Alex Hoffman’ a few laps from the end and conceded victory to Rossi. Er, that is, he decided that taking a seven point lead in the championship was more important than proving he can win a race from behind in the premier class/actually beat Rossi the proper way. 1. Jorge Lorenzo. What can you say about George Lawrence (Nice one, Burky!) and his insatiable ego that hasn’t already been said? On a race weekend where he didn’t take pole, win the race or even podium, Lorenzo still managed to hog the spotlight. Ex-world champ, Nicky Hayden, also failed to pole, win or podium, and crashed in practice, too. As an exercise for the reader, I invite you to compare and contrast the amount of column inches each rider received. Finally, in other news, a 3rd edition of “The Jorge Lorenzo story: how good am I?” is being prepared for publication. The wildly popular #1 bestseller (there’s no truth to the rumour that Dani Amatriain has bought every copy) will receive a new chapter. In a exclusive, I have obtained the chapter outline: - Overcoming adversity: how macho am I? - Who knew that the graphics of MotoGP games were so realistic? - 10 reasons why Dani (still a wanker) Pedrosa would have totally cried like a baby and stuff and not even raced, if he’d suffered a crash even half as cool as mine was.
logio Objavljeno Maj 21, 2008 Objavljeno Maj 21, 2008 Ta Melandri je res slab ej...nemorem vrjet kašne jajca so Ducati če se ne ujameš z njim. Lansk let je bil še kar dober no letos pa.....kakor de drugič v življenju na motorju sedi.
casper7 Objavljeno Maj 21, 2008 Objavljeno Maj 21, 2008 Jz bi pa ksnga k je ze biu u Mugellu na dirki prosu, ce mi lahko pove kje najblizje oz. najceneje dirkalisca spat? Tnx Lp.
gody01 Objavljeno Maj 21, 2008 Objavljeno Maj 21, 2008 Jz bi pa ksnga k je ze biu u Mugellu na dirki prosu, ce mi lahko pove kje najblizje oz. najceneje dirkalisca spat? Tnx Lp. Na dirkališču je najceneje (zasotnj), samo se ne da kaj prida spat. Sicer pa sva pred 3 leti z Dančijem dokaj ugodno spala v gostilni na poti med Firenzuolo in Mugellom (Borgo San Lorenzo), ene 3-5 km iz Firenzoule.
casper7 Objavljeno Maj 21, 2008 Objavljeno Maj 21, 2008 Tnx :worship: A pa se mogoce kej spomnes kako je kej poskrbljeno za parkirisce, oz. ce sta bila z motorji dol a sta jih lahko kam na varno pospravla?? Info. glede spanja zbiram se naprej :) ceprou mi je ze od gody1 gostilna vsec.... Tnx Lp.
gody01 Objavljeno Maj 21, 2008 Objavljeno Maj 21, 2008 Tnx :worship: A pa se mogoce kej spomnes kako je kej poskrbljeno za parkirisce, oz. ce sta bila z motorji dol a sta jih lahko kam na varno pospravla?? Info. glede spanja zbiram se naprej :) ceprou mi je ze od gody1 gostilna vsec.... Tnx Lp. Motorja sta bila pred gostilno, nobenega posebnega parkirišča. Na tekmi sta bila motorja znotraj ograje (mislim da je bilo 10€ več), Danči je veselo ključ noter pustil pa se jima ni nič zgodilo. So pa prostrana parkirišča za motorje okoli steze. Samo to pazite, pri vračanju po koncu tekme je treba si vzeti par ur časa in najboljše da imate dovolj zalog vode, pijače in hrane, da vam ni vsaj ene štiri ure težko še obsedet na travici ob pisti. Če se zaženeš v kolono te lahko sončarca, kot je mene vdari, pol se pa do trde noči komaj spraviš nazaj v penzionček.
600rrc Objavljeno Maj 21, 2008 Objavljeno Maj 21, 2008 Tnx za info thumb up..... Iz lastnih izkušenj ti svetujem,da si izbereš eno drugo dirko.Muggelo je sicer super dirkališče vendar je takšna gužva da te kap.Karta je bla lani 130€ s tem ,da morš kupit v petek karto za tri dni v soboto za dva dni (130€+avto ali motor) Za 130 000 ljudi 3 WC vode ne dobiš .......,da ne govorim po koncu dirke,tri leta nazaj 6 ur do avto ceste....
casper7 Objavljeno Maj 21, 2008 Objavljeno Maj 21, 2008 Ma sej vem, sam brat moj hoce tja k predlan smo bli u Brnu k sm jz hotu ke tko da letos Mugello.... Tja greva pa v petek, umes pol ga bova mal bluzila k itak greva gledat sam dirko v nedeljo(karta za moje pojme se vseen draga 90€ vsaj prot Brnu k je mislm da je bla 25€), nc treningou in kvalifikacij, pa v pon. nazaj tko da guzve verjetn nau take.... Wc-jou pa upam da bo res ksn vec no in ksn litr vode.....Je pa ze gody1 prej omenu da je bols posedet ob dirkaliscu po dirki se ene 4urce..... Lp.
brubi46 Objavljeno Maj 21, 2008 Objavljeno Maj 21, 2008 Jst sm bla lani v Mugellu in sploh ni blo take panike.Z wc-ji nisem mela nobenih težav, pijačo (tudi vodo) so na ful mestih prodajal, po koncu dirke je pa valda bla gužva, ampak nč dramatičnega.Je v Brnu veliko dlje trajal da sem se ven prebila kot v Mugellu.
-Jani- Objavljeno Maj 21, 2008 Objavljeno Maj 21, 2008 Me veseli da vam je všeč ;) Pa še neki da ne bo dolgčas-iz the one and only Rising sun... (še za prejšnjo dirko) A TOP TEN GUIDE...TO ROSSI'S SEASON A Top Ten Guide to Shanghai, China, 2008. 10. Colin Edwards The Texan ‘Helium Balloon’ has done it again. Congratulations, Col, on the 3rd pole position of your career (all of them within the last 12 months, too!). You didn’t disappoint in the race, either, fading as expected to a typically useless 7th place. 8. Andrea Dovizioso One thing though, you do realise that replacing Hayden in the factory Honda team doesn’t actually require you to put in Hayden-like performances, right? 4. Chris Vermeulen you’re still wearing a stupid hat that even the fashion-challenged duo of Hopkins and Hayden wouldn’t touch, your mole looks like it’s getting bigger, and your bike is a heap of shit. 3. Valentino Rossi Rossi would probably rank this win around the mid-50s of his overall list, I’d imagine. Perspective’s a funny thing, though, isn’t it? If Hayden had taken the W, he would probably rank this win at least #4 on his overall list. :evilgrin: :worship: Hehe, super branje. Hvala
primozh Objavljeno Maj 22, 2008 Objavljeno Maj 22, 2008 Iz lastnih izkušenj ti svetujem,da si izbereš eno drugo dirko.Muggelo je sicer super dirkališče vendar je takšna gužva da te kap.Karta je bla lani 130€ s tem ,da morš kupit v petek karto za tri dni v soboto za dva dni (130€+avto ali motor)Za 130 000 ljudi 3 WC vode ne dobiš .......,da ne govorim po koncu dirke,tri leta nazaj 6 ur do avto ceste.... Pred štirimi leti popolnoma isto cca. 5-6 ur ............ do avtoceste, termometer v avtu je kazal 39,9 °C klima sploh ni potegnla, z motorji k so drenal so mi avto opraskal ............... naslednič ko grem, domov ponedeljek zjutraj :)
Jure007 Objavljeno Maj 24, 2008 Objavljeno Maj 24, 2008 (popravljeno) Kaj mislite o tem? Preobrat Popravljeno Maj 24, 2008. Popravil Jure007
salo Objavljeno Maj 24, 2008 Avtor Objavljeno Maj 24, 2008 Kaj mislite o tem? Preobrat zagotovo montaža! Že kolesa ne bi tako ulovil, ki ima malo usrajnostno maso kaj šele motor
_luke_ Objavljeno Maj 25, 2008 Objavljeno Maj 25, 2008 zagotovo montaža! Že kolesa ne bi tako ulovil, ki ima malo usrajnostno maso kaj šele motor Res malo smešno, lahko pa da je imel srečo :worship:
DOTORE Objavljeno Maj 25, 2008 Objavljeno Maj 25, 2008 Kaj mislite o tem? Preobrat jure, dej mi prosim povej, zakaj mi ne dela video, mam pa inštaliran flashplayer!!
-Jani- Objavljeno Maj 25, 2008 Objavljeno Maj 25, 2008 jure, dej mi prosim povej, zakaj mi ne dela video, mam pa inštaliran flashplayer!! Meni v FF ne delajo videi na 24ur. :?
triler Objavljeno Maj 25, 2008 Objavljeno Maj 25, 2008 Meni v FF ne delajo videi na 24ur. :? Ce mas firefox in adblock plus ne delajo filmcki na 24kur. Moras dat tam pac allow.
-Jani- Objavljeno Maj 25, 2008 Objavljeno Maj 25, 2008 Aha, ok. Hvala. Sej veliko kej verjetno nisem zamujal... :)
Noise Objavljeno Maj 26, 2008 Objavljeno Maj 26, 2008 BTW: Aprilia gre v MotoGP...
Mary Objavljeno Maj 30, 2008 Objavljeno Maj 30, 2008 pet 30.5. FP1 9:00 FP2 12:55 sob 31.5. FP3 9:00 QP 12:55 ned 1.6. WU 8:40 race 13:00 Napovedi so...? Ali ta teden raje igrate loto? :blink:
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