T-boy Objavljeno Avgust 18, 2008 Objavljeno Avgust 18, 2008 Čestitke Eliasu :yea2: pa seveda Rossiju :OK: Toni :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: , Vale :worship: :hooray: :worship: . Ta mali (125 + 250) pa kot ponavadi, carski. :OK: Se 13 dni... :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Cartman Objavljeno Avgust 18, 2008 Objavljeno Avgust 18, 2008 vozniki moto GPja naj bi v Brnu gospodoma Carmelu Ezpeleti in Francu Unciniju podali take predloge za upočasnitev motoGp strojev: 1. Introduce a single control tyre. 2. Increase control of the throttle by the rider (by removing fly by wire technology). 3. Use narrower tyre rims. 4. A possible return to 990cc engines, but with a limit on top speed. 5. Stay with 800cc, but increase motorcycle minimum weight. Dirkanje bo gotovo bolj zanimivo, in Pedrosa nebo sam samcat fantaziral na 12em mestu. . . .
brembo Objavljeno Avgust 18, 2008 Objavljeno Avgust 18, 2008 ka pa team manager :whistle: ? sploh ni blu poraznu glede na tu da sm že u petk zadnič stavu pol pa tak brno
-Jani- Objavljeno Avgust 18, 2008 Objavljeno Avgust 18, 2008 ka pa team manager :whistle: ? sploh ni blu poraznu glede na tu da sm že u petk zadnič stavu pol pa tak brno Kr na 7.-10. mesto, a ne? Bravo :D
brembo Objavljeno Avgust 19, 2008 Objavljeno Avgust 19, 2008 Kr na 7.-10. mesto, a ne? Bravo :D :wub: :wub: ja 100pik in 10mesto dej ti raj povej kje tu vidš :P pa kolk je blu za karte za prvo mesto?
trobenta Objavljeno Avgust 19, 2008 Objavljeno Avgust 19, 2008 halo družba.... baje na POPu iščejo kakšno družbo navdušencev ali navijačev, ki gre na dirko v Misano. Lahko z motorji, lahko pa tudi s kaksnim kombijem ali podobno. Njihova ekipa s snemalcem bi se peljala za njimi in jih spremljala na poti, polega tega pa še na dirkališču posnela njihovo bivanje, spanje v campu, žur,zajebancijo..itd. So me prosili naj mal povprašam, če kdo pozna kako družbo, ki gre v Misano in bi rada za zajebancijo mal nastopala na TV v oddaji pred dirko moto GP, naj se javi? no torej, kje ste heroji..navijači Stonerja in Rossija..se kdo javi>?=
fp4492 Objavljeno Avgust 19, 2008 Objavljeno Avgust 19, 2008 halo družba.... baje na POPu iščejo kakšno družbo navdušencev ali navijačev, ki gre na dirko v Misano. Lahko z motorji, lahko pa tudi s kaksnim kombijem ali podobno. Njihova ekipa s snemalcem bi se peljala za njimi in jih spremljala na poti, polega tega pa še na dirkališču posnela njihovo bivanje, spanje v campu, žur,zajebancijo..itd. So me prosili naj mal povprašam, če kdo pozna kako družbo, ki gre v Misano in bi rada za zajebancijo mal nastopala na TV v oddaji pred dirko moto GP, naj se javi? no torej, kje ste heroji..navijači Stonerja in Rossija..se kdo javi>?= A plačajo karto? :P
-Jani- Objavljeno Avgust 19, 2008 Objavljeno Avgust 19, 2008 :wub: :wub: ja 100pik in 10mestodej ti raj povej kje tu vidš :P pa kolk je blu za karte za prvo mesto? .) Čist malo ti je zmanjkalo - viš to te je pokopalo za tistih 5 pik, ko si na Caseya stavo za zmago :P
brembo Objavljeno Avgust 19, 2008 Objavljeno Avgust 19, 2008 .) Čist malo ti je zmanjkalo - viš to te je pokopalo za tistih 5 pik, ko si na Caseya stavo za zmago :P nism se prodal če si mislu da sm dau caseya na prvo mesto :D ponavad stavim zadnič u nedeljo po warm upu..eh nema veze bolj ko spreminjaš bol zaserješ :D sm se pa zajebau z westom k ga sploh nism dau med top 15 :unsure:
-Jani- Objavljeno Avgust 19, 2008 Objavljeno Avgust 19, 2008 Mah sej je bla čist čudna dirka - Elias drugi, Pedrosa recimo 15., West 5. Čist en narobe svet, kot da sploh ne bi meli treningov na tej progi (no sej pravzaprav jih niso imeli, vsaj v normalnih razmerah ne preveč :D) in kot da bi gledal prvih 20 minut FP1 + bizar Mišelin faktor... - najbolj se je seveda smejalo Rossiju, saj nobeden od neposrednih zasledovalcev ni osvojil ama nič točk. Melandri drugo leto pri Kawasakiju
trobenta Objavljeno Avgust 19, 2008 Objavljeno Avgust 19, 2008 hmmm.. evo nekaj v razmislek, oziroma nova kost za glodanje. Valentino Rossi je po zmagi v Brnu v intervjuju, ki ga je objavil angleški Autosport povedal takole: citiram: Ko je Stoner ugotovil, da mi ne more pobegniti ker sva oba nizala čase 1.57 je skušal odpeljati krog s časom 1:56, torej sekundo hitreje. Jasno mi je bilo, da bo padel, saj je to enostavno nemogoče...oziroma je dejal " In human world that is impossible"... ...ampak glej ga zlomka... očitno Rossi nima pojma, al je pa Casey res tak car.... ne samo 1:56 temveč še hitreje 1:55:904 je danes čas, ki ga je z dirkaškimi in ne kvalifikacijskimi gumami dosegel danes Stoner na testiranjih v Brnu, vsaj tako poročajo na motogp.com. Zanimivo, a?
Cartman Objavljeno Avgust 19, 2008 Objavljeno Avgust 19, 2008 (popravljeno) Mah sej je bla čist čudna dirka - Elias drugi, Pedrosa recimo 15., West 5. Čist en narobe svet, kot da sploh ne bi meli treningov na tej progi (no sej pravzaprav jih niso imeli, vsaj v normalnih razmerah ne preveč :D) in kot da bi gledal prvih 20 minut FP1 + bizar Mišelin faktor... - najbolj se je seveda smejalo Rossiju, saj nobeden od neposrednih zasledovalcev ni osvojil ama nič točk. Melandri drugo leto pri Kawasakiju o to je pa lepo. Marco si zasluži en tovarniški stroj. zdi se mi, de je bolš bit u B-class fabriški ekipi kot A-class privatniku tipa Gresini, LCR al pa Alice pramac. . . Škoda za Westija. (po moje bodo obdržali Hopkinsa al ne :unsure: ) Popravljeno Avgust 19, 2008. Popravil Cartman
flagellum Objavljeno Avgust 20, 2008 Objavljeno Avgust 20, 2008 hmmm.. evo nekaj v razmislek, oziroma nova kost za glodanje. Valentino Rossi je po zmagi v Brnu v intervjuju, ki ga je objavil angleški Autosport povedal takole: citiram: Ko je Stoner ugotovil, da mi ne more pobegniti ker sva oba nizala čase 1.57 je skušal odpeljati krog s časom 1:56, torej sekundo hitreje. Jasno mi je bilo, da bo padel, saj je to enostavno nemogoče...oziroma je dejal " In human world that is impossible"... ...ampak glej ga zlomka... očitno Rossi nima pojma, al je pa Casey res tak car.... ne samo 1:56 temveč še hitreje 1:55:904 je danes čas, ki ga je z dirkaškimi in ne kvalifikacijskimi gumami dosegel danes Stoner na testiranjih v Brnu, vsaj tako poročajo na motogp.com. Zanimivo, a? Na diriki se očitno ni dalo voziti hitreje. Ti rezultati, ki jih je dosegel Stoner so pač bili možni z izboljšavami, ki so jih testirali prvič ter z novimi (experimentalnimi) gumami.
nowfak Objavljeno Avgust 20, 2008 Objavljeno Avgust 20, 2008 halo družba.... baje na POPu iščejo kakšno družbo navdušencev ali navijačev, ki gre na dirko v Misano. Lahko z motorji, lahko pa tudi s kaksnim kombijem ali podobno. Njihova ekipa s snemalcem bi se peljala za njimi in jih spremljala na poti, polega tega pa še na dirkališču posnela njihovo bivanje, spanje v campu, žur,zajebancijo..itd. So me prosili naj mal povprašam, če kdo pozna kako družbo, ki gre v Misano in bi rada za zajebancijo mal nastopala na TV v oddaji pred dirko moto GP, naj se javi? no torej, kje ste heroji..navijači Stonerja in Rossija..se kdo javi>?= Mi gremo v Misano. Gremo 4 kom in sicer 2 z avtom, 2 z motorji. Gremo pa v petek zjutraj, v nedeljo pa se na dirki pridruži še moja predraga ženkica.....mislim da bo kar pestro. več na PM
kevin34 Objavljeno Avgust 20, 2008 Objavljeno Avgust 20, 2008 POJ NS BO PA KR NEKI..... NS GRE 5 KOM FORCA RIZLA :worship:
no_name Objavljeno Avgust 20, 2008 Objavljeno Avgust 20, 2008 FORCA RIZLA :worship: Dej jenej basat !
kevin34 Objavljeno Avgust 20, 2008 Objavljeno Avgust 20, 2008 Dej jenej basat ! ejga pussy,pametn bod drgač ti bomo pir prepovedal!!
brubi46 Objavljeno Avgust 20, 2008 Objavljeno Avgust 20, 2008 Sej vem da je mal dolgo in v angleščini, ampak se splača prebrat :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: MotoGP race report, Brno Double split (18/08/2008) Splits. Loads of them everywhere. Take for instance the people who eat grapefruits. They can clearly be split into two types - the first, minority, type who for some reason enjoy the taste of battery acid and can open their eyes within 30 seconds of their first mouthful. Then there's the second group who want to like grapefruit to look good. Truthfully they hate the stuff. To them the fruit tastes like it's from the ExxonMobil spewage pipe and can only be even attempted with a few kilos of caster sugar. Worse still for group two the grapefruit seems to have an inbuilt defence system that squirts a fine stream of overly concentrated acid into their iris the moment the spoon is half-heartedly inserted. But this group of style-conscious halfwits persevere - because they think it makes them look clever. In Brno we had a split. A double split in fact. Each with a divide so wide you could park Foggy's bloated head in it and still have space to open the door and let KRJR out. Split 1: Stoner and Rossi All weekend there were only ever two riders at the top. One was smiley and loved by all whereas the other was whiney and hated. Yes the Rossi/Stoner show was on and no one else was invited. With the paring being first and second in every practice session and then in qualifying we were all hoping for another Laguna - not necessarily a great race but a chance to see Stoner crying again. But even before de-Puniet could write off another fairing Rossi and Stoner had a very artificial looking United Nations style 'shaking of the hands' media stunt to prove that superficially there were no hard feelings. Onto the race and into the first corner though the continuity was abruptly halted as a rogue hooligan split the pairing allowing Stoner to make a break. By the time Rossi had set his visor to maximum tint and passed the returning radiant teeth of Hopkins Stoner had forged out a second lead. Was it all over already? At Laguna Rossi used the cunning tactic of never letting Stoner's sulking expression out of his sights and ramming his didgeridoo into the Nevada desert at the first sign of a Fosters breakaway. But now things were different. Even those watching on the ultra-low-res MotoGP.com live feed could see there was fresh air (or as fresh as the air around Rossi could ever be) between the pairing. Rossi clung onto Stoner. For the rest it was like trying to cling onto a soap sphere with freshly oiled hands. By lap three the odd paring were already so far in front that the gap couldn't not be measured in time or in distance by any known terrestrial device. The other riders were mere bridesmaids. Fat, ugly bridesmaids in an awkward shade of maroon dress who couldn't hope to ride a bike. Lap after lap the pairing raced on and, although Stoner looked comfortable at the front, you could almost sense something 'might' happen. On lap 16 something did happened. This made sure nothing more would happen. It was almost as if the God of Boredom himself (who sent his only son Dani to live on earth) needed to end proceedings to avoid another insult. Stoner, like in the hazy days of past, lowsided into the gravel losing his championship hopes but finding a piece of his throttle housing from his 250 machine. And that was it. By now Rossi was so far in front he could have hired James Ellison to win the rest of the race for him. "Let me out". Meet the most hated Frenchie at Brno Spilt 2: Bridgestone and Michelin No one likes the French. If I were to list the reasons I'd still be writing this drivel by the time Edwards finally retires. But today the Michelin riders had another reason to hate the snooty, garlic infused population. To say the Michelin's were bad wouldn't even nearly do them the correct injustice. They were the 'Foggy Team Manager' of the tyre world. The impressive statistic that Bridgestone managed to claim the top eight positions becomes insignificant when you realise that even Melandri beat every single Michelin rider. The very same Marco Melandri who so far this season has been as impressive as a gourmet baked potato. The biggest sulk came from the least-biggest rider - Thumbelina Pedrosa. Realising that Rossi had landed the Bridgestone gig thanks to Dorna whereas he had been denied really hit home this weekend leaving him sourer in the face than ever. I wonder if he likes grapefruit? Realising the immanent Michelin disaster Pedrosa and his special sugar daddy Alberto Puig tried to instigate an Alain Prost style pitlane strike before the race for all the Michelin riders on the dubious claims of 'safety'. The tyres weren't unsafe, just crap. Thankfully the other Michelin riders flipped the bird at Alberto and his mechanical droid and the race went ahead. In the race Thumbelina used the tactic of shaking his head instead of racing. Like Sete who'd pioneered the tactic many years before him Pedrosa was left the laughing stock of the race. It's not often he makes people smile. The rest of the race. So odd was this race and the finishing order that I think we should have a quick round-up of the other finishers. 2nd. Elias We at MGPN simply love simple Toni. However this season his miniature primate style hasn't looked so awesome at the back. But now that the corrupt baldy's gone and Alice Ducati have some new parts Toni's back. And how. If there's one thing Elias loves it's chorizo. If there's something else then it's having a career saving 'one race wonder' - and this was his. Having qualified lowly he shot to the front like his career depended on it. Not that we, the humble TV viewer, saw anything of it live. Having missed the first Elias pass we were rewarded to a replay…that allowed us to miss the next one. And so on. 3rd. Capirossi "Old, short, ugly and slow" is how many people thought Leaking Loris was before the season started. This superb podium slot shows he's certainly not that slow. 4th. Nakano As a final groinal blow to Pedrosa the miniature Spaniard had to witness Honda's most consistently slow rider finish fourth on the same bike as himself - only using Bridgestone boots. It was a great ride for Nakano who actually passed people this time. 5th. West Has the freaking world gone mad? The very same Ant West who was beaten by an old geezer who'd won the 'replace Hoppers at Laguna' raffle suddenly produced a ride worth selling a kidney for. He even looked strong for a podium at one time. Can you imagine that? Kawasaki couldn't. 6th. Vermeulen With his mind on Superbikes the new 'Colin of MotoGP' started well but faded to sixth blaming his tyres. 7th. Melandri This is just odd. 8th. de Angelis Should of shone. But sadly didn't. 9th. Dovizioso Welcome home the very first Michelin runner. No doubt Dozi's checking the small-print of that contract he's signed at this very moment. 10th. Lorenzo Carrying more injuries than the Xaus family unicycle team everyone's favourite golden loony was understandably subdued all weekend. He also had French rubber meaning there was not a chance to gather up enough speed for another Lorenzo-highside. 11th. Hopkins Having been out since Assen Hoppers spectacularly qualified on the front row - the best of the rest. Up to second momentarily the Stateside hooligan was looking strong for a podium….but his tyre gamble, unlike his usual casino activities, didn't pay off. 12th. Guintoli Blamed his tyres. Shame they were Bridgestone's or someone might have listened. 13th. Toseland The front row starts and podium style races of Qatar seem a very long time ago for the Brit. 14th. Edwards Ride around the problem? Not our Colin. 15th. Pedrosa We laughed at him earlier - but take some time to laugh again. 16th. de Puniet A gripless front tyre and a Randy de Puniet means only one thing. Carbon fragments. The smashing frog was at it again all weekend - and in the race too.
suzuki Objavljeno Avgust 20, 2008 Objavljeno Avgust 20, 2008 (popravljeno) :lol1: brubimila, moj globok :worship: Popravljeno Avgust 20, 2008. Popravil suzuki
MihaJ Objavljeno Avgust 20, 2008 Objavljeno Avgust 20, 2008 Mnja, sej je še kar zanimivo brat, samo se mi zdi, da se norčuje ravno iz vseh pilotov, edino Rossija ne? :wacko: Ne vem kdo to piše, ampak kot kaže se ni nikol probal peljat z motorjem ali pa dirkat, da takole pljuva vse povprek. No ja, whatever...
Matic doc Objavljeno Avgust 20, 2008 Objavljeno Avgust 20, 2008 Mnja, sej je še kar zanimivo brat, samo se mi zdi, da se norčuje ravno iz vseh pilotov, edino Rossija ne? :wacko: Ne vem kdo to piše, ampak kot kaže se ni nikol probal peljat z motorjem ali pa dirkat, da takole pljuva vse povprek. No ja, whatever... Točno tako. Sem prebral že več komentarjev dirk tega Rossi fan-a in je vedno eno in ista pesem. Samo pljuvanje po dirkačih, z izjemo njegovega favorita. Bi res rad videl v čem je on boljši od njih.
jvalant Objavljeno Avgust 20, 2008 Objavljeno Avgust 20, 2008 Točno tako. Sem prebral že več komentarjev dirk tega Rossi fan-a in je vedno eno in ista pesem. Samo pljuvanje po dirkačih, z izjemo njegovega favorita. Bi res rad videl v čem je on boljši od njih. Saj je razumljivo. Rossi me zelo spominja na Tombo la bombo.. Odlicen pilot, dirkac... a preracunljiv showman. In te strani Rossija jaz ne maram prevec... Verjamem da je precej takihle tekstov itd iz uradnega "rossi fan headquarterja" da se do potankosti losci Rossijeve podoba v javnosti. Pa da ne bo pomote: ga zelo cenim kot dirkaca!
-Jani- Objavljeno Avgust 21, 2008 Objavljeno Avgust 21, 2008 Eh, se mi zdi, da eni preveč resno tole jemljejo... Pač zajebancija in to zelo dobra za nasmejat se :grrr
ImenitnaPriložnost Objavljeno Avgust 21, 2008 Objavljeno Avgust 21, 2008 Saj je razumljivo. Rossi me zelo spominja na Tombo la bombo.. Odlicen pilot, dirkac... a preracunljiv showman. In te strani Rossija jaz ne maram prevec... Verjamem da je precej takihle tekstov itd iz uradnega "rossi fan headquarterja" da se do potankosti losci Rossijeve podoba v javnosti. Pa da ne bo pomote: ga zelo cenim kot dirkaca! A dej dej, a misliš, da je to iz uradnega rossi fan headquarterja? ... ko boš pa vedu, od kod je, pa lahk kaj sikaš.
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