Noise Objavljeno April 8, 2008 Objavljeno April 8, 2008 V soboto bo med 11:00 in 13:00 uro potekal turnir v virtualnem Boxu, kjer boste lahko do onemoglosti pretepali ostale tekmovalce. Za zmagovalca jasno zanimiva Motosvetova nagrada ;) Po turnirju pa happy birthday motosvet ;) Igra se s konzolo Wii, ki nima "joysticka", ampak vmesnik, pri katerem je potrebno zares boksati in kriliti z rokami. Zabave bo tako zagotovo dovolj. Tako za tiste, ki boste tekmovali, kot za gledalce. Od četrtka do sobote bo možen free practice ("just ask and you can play"), na turnirju pa se bo pomerilo osem najhitrejših --- tekmovali boste torej tisti, ki se boste prvi prijavili v tej temi. Posamezni boji bodo potekali po razporedu, ki bo po prijavah objavljen tukaj v tej temi. 1. Bladzo 2. Vulcan 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Da bo bolj jasno, o čem govorimo, nekaj videov ;)
Noise Objavljeno April 8, 2008 Avtor Objavljeno April 8, 2008 In še doktorat na temo kako igrat ;) The biggest success factor is: TIMING. then there is acceleration and then its' movement/positioning Punching 1. Power There are 3 levels of power to each punch, weak (but fast recovery) medium, and Strong (Power punches) Weak punches have the fastest recovery time, meaning you can attack again very quickly, with proper timing your first glove should be ready to go again after you use the other glove. These should be used for starting combos, as a hit lets you continue, and a miss or block wont leave the blocked glove 'stunned' it just comes back Medium punch, these do more damage than weak punches, but also take some time to recover, if you haven't caught on yet, if your glove is recovering you can't use it to punch. These are good to begin ending combos with, for the good old one two punch. Power punches: These are the ones you all love to land, with the satisfying sounds coming from the speaker, and the red collision graphic appearing. These also have the longest recovery rate, and missing or getting blocked on a power punch leaves you open and your glove useless for what seems like forever.... Ideal for finishing combos, taking a fresh opponent down in one combo ending with a power punch is a garunteed KO... of course, this applies to you too. It does not take a lot to activate a power punch, as Nintendo has purposely set all max power levels to a rather low acceleration requirement to avoid people breaking things.... most people I see ONLY use power punches, which always leaves the gloves in recovery afterwards, which brings on complaints of lack of responsiveness. These 3 levels of power apply to ALL punches. Straight punches, just move the remote forward, you can actually control the angle of your punch, but it is REALLY sensitive, so starting off, just position yourself by leaning and throw perfectly straight punches. You can punch the head, chest, or gut by adjusting your glove position BEFORE throwing the punch. Hooks: To perform a hook, simply move the controller left or right in a straightline, don't try to emulate a hook (I know, wah, get over it, I did) more powerful than straight power punches. Overhand: Perform the hook motion when your glove is at it's highest position. Truly Devastating Body Hook: Have your glove at body level and perfom the hook motion Gut hook: Have your glove as low as it will go and perform the hook motion. These Hurt. All hooks have longer recovery times than straight punches, and they take longer to hit. I suggest not overusing them, or making sure they are in the middle of a combo as they can be countered easily, and painfully. If a hook gets blocked or missed, that side of you is pretty much boned. Uppercut/gut buster. Simply move your remote up. if your glove is down at body level, it's a gut buster, if it's higher, it's a chin smashing uppercut. Hard to land, but definately satisfying. Unless you have already hit your opponent, and they moved thier gloves in pain, or their gloves are no where near there face this will probably get blocked. blocking: Blocking is pretty straightforward, to block a punch simply have your glove positioned so it intercept your opponents. In order to block hooks your glove must be out to the side... THis also means in order to score a hit, you have to expose a part of your body or face so that your punch wont be blocked. Also, when you block a punch, the glove used to punch with will be in recovery for a breif moment, use the other glove to counter the side of your opponent you blocked. Straightforward but definately not simple and easy. Dodging. There are three dodges Weaving: Angle both controllers towards the side like you were leaning. Ducking. Angle both controllers forward, this can duck high punches, but you are begging for a brutal uppercut. Lean back, lean both remotes back, and you will lean back, you can still get hit, but proper timing can make this very useful. Matrix dodges: Dodge from on direction and then quickly switch to another to enable matrix counter mode, made noticable by a disrupted air flow around you, should an opponent miss you during this time, time slows down and you have a few brief seconds to land a devastating counter attack.
bladzo Objavljeno April 8, 2008 Objavljeno April 8, 2008 No pa dejmo... Prijavljam se za turnir...v težki kategoriji - se ve... Glede na to, da bom imel kar nekaj priložnosi za trening vam zagotavljam, da vas bom pošteno namahal...
Zdrawc Objavljeno April 8, 2008 Objavljeno April 8, 2008 ob 11h še ne bo časa bit dol, pridem popoldne namlatit zmagovalca :whistle:
motoristek Objavljeno April 8, 2008 Objavljeno April 8, 2008 ob 11h še ne bo časa bit dol, pridem popoldne namlatit zmagovalca :whistle: v pero lahki kategoriji... :lol1:
Noise Objavljeno April 8, 2008 Avtor Objavljeno April 8, 2008 Hehehe... sta že na seznamu... še šest prostih mest je samo za "turnir"... ;)
bladzo Objavljeno April 8, 2008 Objavljeno April 8, 2008 Jst se bom kakršni koli nagradi odpovedal... Zame bo dovolj, da vas bom nabutal... :evilgrin: :naughty:
vulcan Objavljeno April 9, 2008 Objavljeno April 9, 2008 Jst se bom kakršni koli nagradi odpovedal... Zame bo dovolj, da vas bom nabutal... :evilgrin: :naughty: Samo, da ne boš preveč grob, ker je moja rekla, da ne smem prit domov v šljivah .)
Snooze Objavljeno April 10, 2008 Objavljeno April 10, 2008 Jaz se tudi prijavlam, da vam pokažem kak se to igra :naughty:
Sharky_dc Objavljeno April 11, 2008 Objavljeno April 11, 2008 Prijavljam se tudi jaz....let the best man wins!!!!!! :angry:
Zdrawc Objavljeno April 11, 2008 Objavljeno April 11, 2008 prijavljam se, če mi bo uspelo prit do 11ih :D
Dr_Jakob Objavljeno April 12, 2008 Objavljeno April 12, 2008 jst se tut prjavim. Sam ne me tepst, plosim. :D
anA Objavljeno April 12, 2008 Objavljeno April 12, 2008 No, kaj zdaj? Kdo je zmagal? Al se še vsi tepete? :lol:
Žarko G. Objavljeno April 12, 2008 Objavljeno April 12, 2008 zanimiv je tale boks res da sm bil premagan od hostese :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:
tomazin Objavljeno April 12, 2008 Objavljeno April 12, 2008 zanimiv je tale boksres da sm bil premagan od hostese :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: js sm pa premagu Tejo O:-)
Dr_Jakob Objavljeno April 12, 2008 Objavljeno April 12, 2008 Jst sm pa celo enga tipa premagal. In sem sel naprej v polfinale, pol so me pa napadle podivjane moto amazonke, me zvlekle v en koticek na moto sejmu in me matrale vse dokler se jim nisem po hudem boju izvil. Pol je bilo pa finala ze konc... buaaa...
bmwslo Objavljeno April 12, 2008 Objavljeno April 12, 2008 No, kaj zdaj? Kdo je zmagal? Al se še vsi tepete? :lol: Evo ti zmagovalca. Se je tegale fotkanja bolj veselil kot faslca :beer2: :beer2:
Žarko G. Objavljeno April 12, 2008 Objavljeno April 12, 2008 če pa bi vedu da majo tok hude nagrade bi se pa boril kot rocky :whistle:
Noise Objavljeno April 14, 2008 Avtor Objavljeno April 14, 2008 Čestitke pogumnim, zmagovalec je Frk, ki je nabutal Dr Jakoba v obliki Anje, pa seveda tudi Danilu, Vulcanu, Nejcu in ostalim fighterjem ;))) Dr J, si se ustrašil?
Dr_Jakob Objavljeno April 14, 2008 Objavljeno April 14, 2008 Čestitke pogumnim, zmagovalec je Frk, ki je nabutal Dr Jakoba v obliki Anje, pa seveda tudi Danilu, Vulcanu, Nejcu in ostalim fighterjem ;))) Dr J, si se ustrašil? pol so me pa napadle podivjane moto amazonke, me zvlekle v en koticek na moto sejmu in me matrale vse dokler se jim nisem po hudem boju izvil. Pol je bilo pa finala ze konc... buaaa... p.s. Ce pa po pravici povem, sem se pa sprehajal po sejmu in popolnoma pozabu, da me se fajt caka.
motoristek Objavljeno April 14, 2008 Objavljeno April 14, 2008 Evo ti zmagovalca. Se je tegale fotkanja bolj veselil kot faslca :beer2: :beer2: Kje je pa ona fotka, ko stoji z Don Kingom... :lol1:
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