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Cape Town - Alexandria

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Naslednje leto imam v načrtu pot čez Afriko (3 mesece) od Cape Towna do Alexandrije (če bo od Nairobija prenevarno gremo tam na letalo in nazaj).

Pot imamo že kar dodelano, me pa zanima če ima kdo kakšne izkušnje ali kakšne informacije kako je s prevozom Motorja v Cape Town po možnosti iz Luke Koper? Na Brnik sem že klicala in so mi dali okvirno ceno 2000€, bi pa vseeno poskušala z ladijskim prevozom.

Za motor smo že odločeni: BMW F 800 GS (samo še kupit ga je treba + oprema)


Ladijski prevozi so nesigurni, trajajo dolgo in včasih še kaj izgubijo. Cenovno niso dosti cenejši od letalskega prevoza. Sam ne bi razmišljal; avion. Sploh pa, ker jih vozite na štart. Kenija bo do takrat že b.p.

Ali se mislite peljati nazaj s trajektom Aleksandrija - Benetke? Nekaj sem bral o tem, da ne vozi več. Obstaja alternativa: Port Said proti Turčiji na jugu. Na poti je še en problem. Prečkanje meje med Sudanom in Egiptom. Obljubljena cestna povezava je prestavljena na drugo leto. Če in kdaj ve samo Alah. Splavi med Wadi Halfo in Aswanom vozijo po istem principu. Mogoče transport s čolni za 2 bajka naenkrat?

  • 2 tedne pozneje...

Whiskey, kje se da zvedet kaj več o povezavi Turčija - Egipt (Port Said). LP


Iz lastnih izkušenj, bi se ladijskemu prevozu na daleč izogibal. Predvsem, za začetek potovanja, ker se zna zgoditi, da ga namesto 20 dni, čakaš tri mesece in pol......

Za pot domov, je nekoliko ohlapnejša zadeva.


Fantje, ne strašite...

Mi gremo v Egipt novembra... Vas bom resno vzel in podvojil dni dopusta. Potem boste vi krivi... :)



  • Všeč mi je 1

Ja, pol se boste mel pa dvojno dobro :OK:

  • Všeč mi je 1

Fantje, ne strašite...

Mi gremo v Egipt novembra... Vas bom resno vzel in podvojil dni dopusta. Potem boste vi krivi... :)



Kaj vi to z avtom?


Letalo tja, Hurgada. Potem gremo z rentanim terencem po Egiptu, tako da ne bomo nič v Hurgadi. Samo karta je cenejša do tam kot do Kaira



  • Všeč mi je 1

Ehhh, samo po Egiptu in z rent-a-carjem za 5 dni malo na okoli. Tema je Cape Town-Aleksandrija z bajki! Si se hotu mal považit, da se greš novembra mal pogret v Egipt, a ne? Sej mene so tud vabil, če bi šel novembra v Šarm. Ta tretjič ne grem več. Bom raje podaljšal v Tajland za 14 dni :grim


Kaj pa tisti trajket iz Italije še fura? LP


Ko je v Siriji zaratilo so ga ukinili......

Objavljeno (popravljeno)

Po zadnjih informacijah trajekt Benetke - Aleksandrija že kar nekaj časa ne vozi več. Alternativa je tale ro-ro Turški trajekt med Mersinom in Port Saidom. Vožnja čez Libijo do Tunisa ob morju pa zaenkrat še prenevarna. Čeprav so se eni francozi peljali v katrci po tej cesti kmalu potem, ko so likvidirali Gadafija. Po opisu niso imeli nobene konfliktne situacije na cesti. So pa uporno čakali na vstopne libijske vizume v Kairu skoraj tri tedne. En angleški uslužbenec iz predstavništva v Sirti je pa opisoval kako so pripadniki lokalnih milic redno streljali na njihova blindirana vozila.

@Leteči: Ukinili so ga že prej. Turki so svojega uvedli zaradi vojne v Siriji.

Popravljeno . Popravil Whiskey

Samo tale turška alternativa je svinjsko draga glede na dosedaj prebrano.

Objavljeno (popravljeno)

Ehhh, samo po Egiptu in z rent-a-carjem za 5 dni malo na okoli. Tema je Cape Town-Aleksandrija z bajki! Si se hotu mal považit, da se greš novembra mal pogret v Egipt, a ne? Sej mene so tud vabil, če bi šel novembra v Šarm. Ta tretjič ne grem več. Bom raje podaljšal v Tajland za 14 dni :grim

Ah, viski... Mislim da se meni ni treba važit s Šarmom...

Mislim pa, da se je tema izrodila v trajektne povezave Egipt - Turčija. Moja je bilo samo malo šale na razglabljanje o težavah trajekta.

Ja, pa za kak dan dlje gremo, ne za 5 dni. Tudi kam drugam, ne samo malo okrog.

Ja, še trajektna povezava. Jaz sem imel motor na liniji Seul - Milano. Ladja je stala tudi v Cape townu, sicer je malo drugačna trasa od tiste, ki bi jo ti rada, mogoče ti pa koristi.



Popravljeno . Popravil Bojanv
  • 1 mesec pozneje...

Uporabne info za tiste kateri planirate pot iz Egipta v Sudan in obratno:

FERRY Wadi Halfa (Sudan) to Aswan (Egypt)

We travelled together with two South Africans with a 4x4, while Mirjam and I travel on two motorcycles. Also two other bikers where there.

Prices below are based on that; we left Wadi heading north on the 10th of October 2012.

5,5 Sudaneese pounds is roughly 1 USD

6,0 Egyptian pounds is roughly 1 USD


We quickly bumped into Magdi, a famous guy in the village and a well known fixer.

Nice guy, friendly and professional. Ask around in town and he’ll pop up.

MAGDI BOSHARA phone: 0121730885 or 0905568968 NUBATIA51[AT]yahoo[DOT]com


Hotel: we stayed at the Cancan or something, not bad for 13 USD for a two person room.

Internet: There is one internet café in town, but it is very slow. Skype not possible. 3 pounds an hour.

He charged us:

40 USD per person for the ferry ticket

43 USD per bike for transporting it on a separate barge

10 USD for something at customs

12 USD for something else

30 USD for his services and some minor payments at customs

For the people with the car:

Same as above, excluding the bike fees and fixer fee but extra:

40 USD for his services and some minor payments at customs

6 USD for something else

300 USD for transporting the car on the same barge as above.

We arrived on a Monday, and on Tuesday we had to race to port because all paperwork was ready and customs wanted to check the vehicles. After that, we loaded the bikes on the barge.

We had to pay some people at the barge about 3 USD per person for helping out.

Tuktuk back to town was 6 Sudaneese pounds, and it took 3 people.

The day later we had to load the car, and get ourselves on the ferry.

The captain made trouble and wanted to unload the bikes; he got an offer for a load of camels which was more profitable. We couldn’t load the car in time, Magdi offered to drive the car on after we’ve left.

This felt very bad; we really freaked our but Magdi stayed super professional and in the end he promised us everything would be fine. (Which it did; he did a great job in securing the car on the barge and everything)

Magdi really seems a good guy you can trust and he delivered as promised…. Not easy in this part of the world.

He really guides you all the way onto the boat and makes sure you’re okay.


You can for stuff on board in Sudaneese and Egyptian pounds, but also change USD in the 1st class restaurant.

If you can get a hold of a cabin, you’ll pay around 26USD per person. Only 2p-cabins on board, don’t expect anything fancy or clean. (normally cabins are not available anymore, but you can be lucky with a cancellation)

The thing is built for 250 passengers, but 660 get on…..

Take as little as possible, and keep al valuables with you. It is full of lovely Sudaneese people, but you’ll never know.

Dinner is included in your ticket price, but that is in the 2nd class restaurant. The food seemed okay, but it is crowded there. Get to the 1st class restaurant, where it is nice and quiet and you’ll have to pay 5 pounds to get an upgrade to 1st class food. Nothing fancy, but you do get a spoon with your food then! ;-).

Ask for Achmed; a huge Egyptian who speaks good English and Spanish and is in charge of quality or something; wonderful bloke who will help you out with anything. Say ‘Hi’ to him from us.

During the day everybody is below decks for the aircon, at night the upper decks get crowded and you simply cannot walk there. It does get quite cold, wish we took our mattresses (as you lay on the metal) and sleeping bags. Then you can sleep nicely there, but make sure you don’t need a run to the toilet at night!

In the morning, you go to the same restaurant again for a breakfast (10 pounds) and relax.

Drinks are available on board (2,5 pounds for water or a soda, 2 pounds for coffee/tea) but supplies are limited; stock up on water early in the evening so you’ll have enough for the morning too.

When boarding the boat they’ll take your passport… and amazingly, they’ll find you the next day and give it back to you ~with the entry stamp in it.


There are two fixers we’ve met, Mohamed Abouda and ‘Kamal’.

Kamal is a taxi driver and a bit of a weird guy. He was very eager to do business with us, and got quite angry with us when we chose Mohamed. He kept on chasing us and asking us for business, a bit desperate and not professional at all. We really did not like him and would NEVER work with this guy!

Mohamed is a really professional guy who has a sailing boat business to; he’s used to tourists and knows exactly what you want.

MOHAMED ABOUDA mobile: 012 25111968 or 010 11181151 tel: 097 2301698 or 097 2306568 nilfeluka[AT]hotmail[DOT]com


He took us straight from the boat into the customs office where we had to sign some paper stating we would pay the fees involved in the process. Then he arranged transport (taxi, 15 pounds p.p.) to the hotel (St. George, ‘with the pool on the roof’ for 9 USD p.p.p.n with breakfast and with fast free Wifi in the rooms. Good enough to Skype with video and we’ve uploaded around 1GB per 24 hrs.)

You’ll get your shower and something to eat, relax a bit and Mohamed comes back later or something to discuss the vehicles.

He will answer all your questions, also touristy stuff. He offers to take you on the nile etc. on a sailboat as this is his business too; can’t blame him! ;-)

It took a few days for us to get the vehicles as the barge was delayed a bit…. And the thing is not very fast anyhow. Mohamed calls the captain every day and updates you on the progress.

We got the vehicles off the barge AND out of customs in one day; not bad.

First, you pay Mohamed some money for a lot of small expenses:

- 270 pounds per bike for insurance , document fee for the police, costs of hiring an engineer to check the bikes, and some other small stuff. (FYI: Just the insurance is around 100 pounds per bike, but for a car it is 180 or something)

- 30 pounds per person for the taxi , for the whole day.

- 3 copies of your carnet, 3 of your passport and one of your visa+stamp (free copies in the hotel!)

We drove to some police-thing where he buys some docs, you fill in your name and sign something. Then off to the harbour.

Off the barge was not easy, as the bikes were inside and had to be hauled out of the barge by hand. Took us about an hour, and we tipped the guys 80 pounds for 4 bikes and the car. We thought it was a bit stupid, because 8 people wanted a tip while 3 helped… The captain got a few bucks too, but I forgot how much.


The guy is not the friendliest bloke around, and we named him ‘The Carnet-Sniffer’. When you’re there, you’ll see what we mean :-P.

The engineer comes to your vehicle and checks the VIN number and makes you sign a doc. In the customs office, you sit up straight and answer some questions, give some copies, put a signature down… and wait. You pay 522 pounds to this bloke for the temporary import, and he stamps your Carnet and gives it a validity of ONE MONTH FROM YOUR DATE OF ENTRY according the stamp in your passport.

After this is done, Mohamed leaves to town to buy your insurance and get your licence plates.

When he comes back, you put the plates on and drive out. Mohamed might give the customs guys at the gate a few pounds ‘to speed up the process’ and you’re off!

Back in the hotel, you pay Mohamed ‘whatever you think is reasonable’. He did a great job for us, so we paid him 20USD each for the bikes and 30USD for the car. If you’re by yourself I’d pay a bit more, but with a group with 5 vehicles the process is easier for him too we thought…

Be careful in Egypt, a lot of people try to squeeze cash from you and people are not as nice as in Sudan! You really have to watch yourself and your money. We filled up for 64 pounds, gave 100 and they don’t want to give your change. Just don’t accept it, I got every pound in the end. (6 USD tip is a huge amount in this country, especially when it is not voluntarily!)

Summary of Costs: Person and bike: 140 USD @ Sudan + 165 USD @ Egypt all inclusive besides the hotel and food/drinks.

The Fixers: We can really recommend both Magdi and Mohamed; value for money!

The ferry: an experience of a lifetime! (although, if there would be a road I’d take it!)

Other tips:

For both sides: contact the guys upfront so they’ll know you’re coming.

Be in town a few days before the ferry leaves (Mondays from Aswna, Wednesdays from Wadi Halfa) so your vehicle might leave before you!

Aswan: Mohamed can arrange a BRAND NEW carnet for you for around 500 EURO’s!!!!! Any nationality, no deposits needed! Contact him for further details.

Relax; I was very nervous about the whole thing because we never use fixers at borders and I hate it to give away control. Those guys really helped out!

If you head north: Enjoy your last days in Sudan with the Sudaneese people; you’ll miss them in Egypt!

If you head south: Don’t worry, in Sudan people are fantastic and don’t hassle you all day!

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Še malo bolj detajlno okoli trajekta Mersin/Turčija - Port Said/Egipt:

We've just been through the process of getting us (2 people) and our Landrover from Iskendrum (Turkey) to Port Said. The Wyndleys in another Landrover & Frank on a bike have done the same. Here's what we did:


Ferry Booking

Currently there is no ferry between Mersin and Egypt. There is a talk of a new ferry starting sometime in Oct/ Nov according to Megamar and Alcor Shipping

Instead the route is from Iskendrum, operated by Kadmar Shipping (sisa agents in Turkey, Kadmar agents in Egypt)

The boat is scheduled for Wednesday and Saturday departures, leaving at 12:00 with a 19 hour crossing (actually took us 2 nights which seems normal)

There is an online booking from on Sisa’s website but as we couldn’t read Turkish or see any confirmation of prices so we decided to head for Iskendrum and arrange things face to face

We spoke to Saba at Sisa Shipping before arriving in Iskendrum, she is very helpful and speaks good English, her contact details are +90 (216) 444 2954.

We learnt from the Wyndleys that it’s possible to book directly with Sisa via a bank transfer if you contact Saba

If you’d rather do things face to face then Remon Travel in Iskendrum can book tickets they are one road up off the sea front – Savas Mah. Maresal Cakmak CD No 16 Zemin Kat. Tel +90 (326) 614 10 12. If they try and ask you for a further $50 to start the Customs process a day early to ensure you don’t miss the ferry decline their offer of help. We had no issues by sorting it out ourselves on the day of travel

We paid $260 for the 2 of us plus $460 for our Disco (total $720), this was without a cabin as this would have totalled $1200.

Iskendrum Parking

There are a few secure parking sites around, we used one quite close to the port, not far from the police station and it seemed pretty good with fences, gates, cctv and big dogs. 7.5 TL/night

GPS Co-ordinates are N36 35.384 E36 10.742

Iskendrum Port

On the day of travel you need to go the Port Gate B. This is just off the main road as you go into town and is signed as Liman B (you’ll see the road is kind of divided by concrete barriers and the side nearest the sea and railway track is where you need to be)

We got all the car/ customs paperwork sorted by being whizzed from one side of the port to the other. We were not asked to pay anything here.

There’s a lot of waiting around so take some food!

A guy without any uniform or ID arrived mid afternoon to take the passports away in a big box. They were retuned later complete with exit stamps

Ferry crossing

We finally left at 21:25

On getting on the boat everyone had to hand their passports over for Egyptian police

We were also called to the Reception desk mid afternoon on day 2 and asked to pay$83 for the car being taken into Egypt. The guys behind the desk did appear to be Egyptian Port Officials/ Police and also had our passports. They also issued a receipt, this was needed later.

We had to spend a second night on board and then docked at about 06:00 the following morning and got the car off the boat shortly afterwards. We then spent 8 hours on the boat waiting for our passports to be returned complete with entry stamps (everyone on board did the same).

Try and have some food for this last day as no food is served on the boat

We had already got Visas before we travelled so I’m not sure what the process would be if you plan to get them on arrival (Others said it was sorted on the boat)

Total time from Port entrance to Port exit (with the car still in the port) - 2.5days.

Ask for “Customs (Gomrok) garage”, leave vehicle there.

Customs & Carnet – Port Said

Customs is closed on Fridays and Saturdays so you may want to opt for a Saturday sailing to avoid delays in Port Said

We used a fixer guy from the Port called Eslam Elshamaa, his details are – Tel 002 0128 9220 002, email I liked him a lot, he knew what he was doing and was nice to deal with, he sorted the following…..

Day 1 AM - The $83 receipt from the boat was used to get documents from Kadmar Shipping to give the shipping number for the car and the whole load.

Day 1 AM – Went to port office to get a pass to re-enter the port

Day 1 PM – Customs office in port organising papers, many papers! (close at 2:30)

Day 2 AM – Customs office again to get paperwork & Carnet sorted

Day 2 PM – Transport office in port to get car license, other office outside port to get number plates. Return to Garage to pay garage fee & ollect vehicle.

For our Landrover Disco total payments were 2800Egyption Pounds (£280 uk) + whatever you agree as payment for the fixer. Get your fixer to break down the cost for you before you start the process.

There aren’t any secure parking facilities in Port Said so we hunted down a hotel for $50 which had parking, it’s on the main road by the beach. Noras Style Beach Hotel (the only white a blue hotel)

Popravljeno . Popravil Whiskey
  • 3 tedne pozneje...

munchen-windhooek(namibija) cargo let ti+motor ,1200e za motor,ti cc.300e.hitro,zaneslivo,priskušano..

cape town absulutno dražji..rabiš pa karne de pasage za namibijo...


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A ne leti Air Berlin iz Minhna najprej v Cape Town in nazaj grede se ustavi še v Winduku? Cena 1.200 € bi znala biti za povratno karto?

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mi2 + motorja sva letela iz namibije direkt v munchen.štart je iz namibije...iz CT je dražji let za nemčijo,pa še motorje moraš spravt v zaboj,katerega moraš sam nardit,pa brez olja,bencina itd...računajo volumetrik...iz namibije pa sva pustila motorja kakor sta bila-z kufri gor,bencinom v tanku ključi v ključavnci...

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1200e je v eno smer....

lih za primerjavo..iz CT v Španijo cargo ship za 1 motor je pa 1000e...+zajebancije v portu..

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