-pero- Objavljeno September 3, 2003 Objavljeno September 3, 2003 2004 Buell XB12S 2004 Buell XB12R Have you thought that Buell's excellent chassis for the XB9R/9S deserved a bigger motor, with more oomph? We thought so, and Buell is delivering a stroked version of the engine in the 9R/9S displacing 1203cc for 2004 in both XB12R and XB12S versions. Delivering a claimed 103 horsepower and 84 pounds feet of torque, the new engine is the same size in terms of exterior dimensions as the engine found in the XB9R/9S. The major difference, apparently, is a much longer stroke. Along with pictures of the XB12S and XB12R, we offer the following press release from Buell on the XB12S model. EAST TROY, Wis. (July 14, 2003) - The neighborhood just got tougher. The new Buell Lightning XB12S offers a new level of brute performance, a volatile blend of dirt track attitude and the latest technology powered by a new XB1200 V-Twin engine tuned to pound out a mountain of torque. Designed in the spirit of the original American streetfighter, the legendary Buell Lighting S1, the new Lightning XB12R offers upright ergonomics, uncompromised agility and a big, rowdy engine that puts out the kind of power street riders lust for -- 103 peak horsepower and 84 ft. lbs. torque. "The Lightning XB9S is our small-block bike. Its engine is quick, snappy and rev-happy," said Erik Buell, chairman and chief technical officer at Buell Motorcycle Company. "The new Lightning XB12S is like ordering the hot, big-block version of the same motorcycle. You get classic V-Twin torque. The XB12S is just as agile and sophisticated as the XB9S, but the power is almost brutal." The Muscle: The new Buell Lightning XB1200 engine is a fuel-injected 45-degree, air/fan and oil-cooled, V-Twin. The engine is based on the XB984 engine from the Buell Lightning XB9S, stroked from 3.125 inches to 3.812 inches to achieve a new displacement of 1203cc. The bore remains 3.5 inches, and the compression ratio is 10:1. The intake throttle body diameter is increased from 45mm to 49mm, and a stiffer clutch spring and new 14mm pitch aramid reinforced Hibrex drive belt have been fitted to handle the torque demands of the 1203cc engine. The primary drive ratio is lowered from 1.68:1 to 1.50:1. Gear ratios in the five-speed transmission remain unchanged. To keep the torque band fat, the new XB1200 engine is equipped with Buell InterActive Exhaust. An electronic actuator activates a butterfly valve housed in the muffler to adjust back-pressure by alternating between two gas flow paths. The engine ECM monitors engine speed and throttle position while activating the valve to optimize torque and horsepower for the riding condition. At wide-open throttle, for example, the valve is opened at low rpm to reduce back-pressure so the engine can gain rpm quickly. The valve closes in the mid-range to increase acceleration torque, and then opens again at high rpm to maximize horsepower. Buell InterActive Exhaust enhances the rich, throaty rumble of the Lightning exhaust tone. As part of the system, header pipe diameter is increased from 1.50 inches to 1.75 inches. The XB1200 engine is the same physical size as the XB9S engine, so it offers an even better torque-to-weight ratio. High-flow heads and lightweight valvetrain give the engine crisp throttle response, but power delivery is smooth and steady, thanks to the engine's broad torque band, Buell InterActive Exhaust, and lash-free belt drive. The Agility: The Lightning XB12S is designed to excel in the cut-and-thrust world of urban streets and aggressive, back-road twisties. Start with an ultra-short 52-inch wheelbase and 21-degree fork angle. Wide, flat handlebars maximize rider input in the turns. The massive aluminum frame and swingarm are designed to provide exceptional chassis rigidity, and both do double-duty. The frame carries 3.7 gallons of fuel, while the swingarm acts an the engine oil reservoir. In each case, this helps lower the bike's overall center of gravity. The muffler is located below the XB1200 engine for the same reason. The result is a motorcycle that's willing to change direction the instant rider input occurs. It stops well, too, thanks to the Buell Zero Torsional Load front brake that mounts a 375mm rotor near the wheel rim, rather than on the hub. Gripped by a six-piston caliper, braking forces are transferred directly to the rim, virtually eliminating torsional load on the front wheel. Braking response and feel are outstanding, and a very lightweight, six-spoke cast aluminum wheel reduces unsprung weight and steering inertia. The front is supported by a fully adjustable 41mm Showa inverted fork. The Premium Look: From its flyscreen to its chopped-off tail, the Lightning XB12S sets the standard for streetfighter attitude. Minimal Surlyn bodywork is offered in Midnight Black or Racing Red to offset a new Graphite Grey frame and swingarm, as well as Translucent Amber wheels. The ventilated tail section is Hammertone Silver, while Magnesium Tone is used on the primary cover, cam cover, license plate bracket and front module. The seat has a new textured cover. All 2004 Buell Motorcycles will be covered by a two-year, unlimited mileage warranty replacing the previous one-year warranty. Buell Motorcycle Company, a subsidiary of Harley-Davidson, Inc., produces sport motorcycles, motorcycle parts, accessories and apparel. To learn more about Buell motorcycles, visit your local Buell dealer today and experience the pure streetfighter attitude, style and performance only found on board a Buell. Call 1-800-490-9635 for the Buell dealer nearest you. Or pull into www.buell.com.
-pero- Objavljeno September 3, 2003 Avtor Objavljeno September 3, 2003 Zum aggressiven Styling kommt jetzt noch mehr Dampf: Die neue XB12S leistet 101 PS Die Streetfighter-Version Lightning gibt es ab August 2003 in zwei Hubraum-Varianten Die XB12R Firebolt in der neuen Farbe Midnight Grey Die bisherige XB9R trägt ein dezentes Weiß Farblich ist die neue XB12R Firebolt eine erfrischende Neuerscheinung
marem Objavljeno September 3, 2003 Objavljeno September 3, 2003 pero lepe fotke, btw a tale disk (sprednji) pride serijsko :mellow: , zdi se tako hmmm
-pero- Objavljeno September 3, 2003 Avtor Objavljeno September 3, 2003 ...serijsko, sej kolkr vem bueli imajo vsi spredi velike singl diske kr na feltnah...
marem Objavljeno September 3, 2003 Objavljeno September 3, 2003 zgleda lepo uporabno je pa najbrž tudi,...
lola Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Objavljeno September 11, 2003 :OK: to pa je motorček kot se šika, vreden greha
vicko Objavljeno September 24, 2003 Objavljeno September 24, 2003 kOK KOSTA TA STVAR 2004 Buell XB12S :? :? :hmm: :hmm:
Jerry_exc Objavljeno September 24, 2003 Objavljeno September 24, 2003 teli diski so pa zame neki novga :hmm: sam kukr zgleda pa kukr so veliki pa glede na to da je predej samo en more zagrabt ko.... :OK:
Tratnjak Damijan Objavljeno September 25, 2003 Objavljeno September 25, 2003 Slabost diskov vpetih na kolesni obroč je predvsem ta, da če slučajno prletiš s prednjim kolesom v kako luknjo in malo zviješ feltno (kar se mi je že zgodilo) gre tudi disk in je sploh vprašanje če lahko nadaljuješ vožnjo. Taka zavora logično tudi bolj prime ker je večji premer. Buell je motor, ki mi je bil vedno všeč, samo nikoli nisem razmišljal, da bi si kupu motor, ki je namenjen bolj vožnji za eno osebo. Mogoče kdaj kot drugi motor. :)
bajsi Objavljeno September 25, 2003 Objavljeno September 25, 2003 Tale ogromen disk s sabo prinaša tudi nekaj negativnih strani. Nemci temu rečejo "aufstelmoment" :? pri zaviranju, veliko nevzmeteno težo, vztrajnik, ki sili motocikel naravnost pri vstopu v ovinek, vglavnem motocikel naj bi se pri zaviranju sam precej dvigoval oz. ravnal pri zaviranju v zavoju, da je stvar še slabša so bili 2003 Buelli opremljeni z D 207 RR, ki ta efekt še poudari :hmm: . Ker pri Buellu trdijo, da je te motor namenjen predvsem evropskemu trgu :OK: in našim prelazom :OK: je vse skupaj že kar neverjetno smešno. :devil: LP Bajsi
Ice Objavljeno September 25, 2003 Objavljeno September 25, 2003 ne zdaj spet zaceti o vpetosti diskov.o tem ze obstaja tema.
Dave Objavljeno September 25, 2003 Objavljeno September 25, 2003 Cena bo Buellu primerna (XB9S 11.000 EU press) + cakalna doba limitira proti neskoncno.
ceco Objavljeno September 25, 2003 Objavljeno September 25, 2003 Drugačnost je draga (tudi za proizvajalce).
vulcan Objavljeno September 28, 2003 Objavljeno September 28, 2003 Glede na to, da XB-9S stane v tujini cca 11.000 EUR pri nas pa sedaj, ko je znizan 2.9 mio (iz cca 3.2 mio) sit bo 12 sigurno krepko okoli 3.5 mio sit, kar je pa kr malo veliko za tale motor, ki je v bistvu igraca za enega. Ne vem zakaj taksna razlika med ceno v tujini in pri nas? :? Bomo morali pocakati do 2004, ko bomo v EU, da vidimo, ce se bo stvar kaj spremenila. Kar se voznje tice mu ustreza predvsem voznja v solo brez sovoznika. Potem rata prevec zivcen. Kar se zavore tice se pri normalnem zaviranju ne opazi toliko efekt enega zavornega koluta, pri mocnejsem zaviranju je pa baje precej ociten. Kot je bilo ze receno dobra izbira za drug motor seveda, ce ti financno ustreza, ce bi bila cena kot v tujini pa tudi to nebi bil taksen velik problem.
Freemanx Objavljeno December 30, 2003 Objavljeno December 30, 2003 Leeep motor! Sam kaj je tisto spodaj pri verigi? Ketenšponar? Cool! :OK: :yea2:
Leteči Objavljeno December 30, 2003 Objavljeno December 30, 2003 Leeep motor! Sam kaj je tisto spodaj pri verigi? Ketenšponar? Cool! :OK: :yea2: Tisto spodaj je ni veriga ampak jermen
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