andrej Objavljeno September 22, 2003 Objavljeno September 22, 2003 Hja, novi Bemflni res niso ne vem kva. Mogoče imate prav, da jim počas zmanjkuje besed, sam pomojem bojo že še kej izuml. Ne bojo se kr predal. Itak vsi vemo, de je boj na tržišču zelo hud. Zato tut Nemcem ne more vedno vse it kot po maslu, s tem se je sprjaznt. Lohka pa vsi skupi še mal počakamo, mogoče jih bo srečala "mama" pamet :) Hm.. kolikor vem že par let vsako leto konstantno večajo prodajo za xx % in jim zato sploh ne gre slabo. Sicer pa je bilo lani toliko novosti kot že dolgo ne, zato bo letos verjetno bolj zatišje, razen GSa (če bo res letos). Andrej
ceco Objavljeno September 23, 2003 Objavljeno September 23, 2003 Malce gre pa tudi za naveličanost, ker kaj posebnega, res novega BMW že kar nekaj časa ne ponuja. Pa končno si kdo upa tudi kaj pošimfat čez to čudo 50 let strare zasnove tehnike, (poleg Davea) z Nemci vred. In mimogrede Dave, če bi peljal kakšno drugo cestno križarko kot LTja, bi hitro ugotovil, da mu manjkajo kubiki in navor za njegovo prerejenost.
Leteči Objavljeno September 25, 2003 Objavljeno September 25, 2003 aja, veste kje se dela nosilec žarometov za R1200C Montauk? Pri nas v SLO :rolleyes: Saj se veliko dela v SLO za avto-moto industrijo, mimogrede tudi luči za Lamborghinija. Tomos je pa sploh znan po tem da veliko sestavnih delov naredi za BMW. LP Leteči
marem Objavljeno September 26, 2003 Objavljeno September 26, 2003 aja, veste kje se dela nosilec žarometov za R1200C Montauk? Pri nas v SLO :rolleyes: Saj se veliko dela v SLO za avto-moto industrijo, mimogrede tudi luči za Lamborghinija. Tomos je pa sploh znan po tem da veliko sestavnih delov naredi za BMW. LP Leteči Oddelek tovarne saturnus, je zadolžen za proizvo teh prvovrstnih izdelkov....
flero Objavljeno December 7, 2003 Objavljeno December 7, 2003 BMW: Novelties in Bologna double ignition for the F 650, model care for the K 1200 LT As substantial innovation all a cylinder motorcycles have the double ignition, outwardly recognizably by the signature "2 SPARK" on the lateral crankshaft housing covers starting from model year 2004. In addition with the Enduros F 650 gs and F 650 gs Dakar the wind and enclosure as well as the ergonomics were changed. With the Scarver, the F 650 CS is starting from model year 2004 the parts, like wind supporters, transluzenten so far, luggage railing and porter from black dyed plastic. New colors and additions during the special equipment as well as with the option round the offer off. The Luxustourer of BMW, which became K 1200 LT, for model year 2004 in the engine and chassis range further developed and with new features provided. Highlight is the electrohydraulical front column, which makes an automatic jacking up possible by push of a button. New are also the changed Design and new colors. The model-maintained F 650 CS January 2004 is available, the further four models comes to the season start - with BMW motorcycle starting from 13 March 2004 - to the dealers starting from in the middle of.
flero Objavljeno December 7, 2003 Objavljeno December 7, 2003 Presentation: BMW K 1200 LT 2004 the manufacturer endeavoured to optimize the concept without calling into question the integrity of the model. Its approval of use should directly profit from it. With the first glance, the news front face of the careenage holds the attention by the arrival of a second light unit in the place of the old air intake in the shape of kidneys, emblematic of the mark. Various chrome keys égayent the preparing, the closing of the travel goods shop is henceforth centralized. The instrument panel completely redrawn renovates the cockpit. It includes/understands inter alia a window with liquid crystals, while an electrohydraulic central crutch ordered with the control unit made it also a very noticed appearance! Here is a simple means and still new (in series) to reassure the motorcyclists and future customers intimidated by the gauge of K 1200 LT. At all events, this new equipment appreciably burdens the weight with the machine, fixed at 387 kg, that is to say + 9 kg compared to the old model. But its performances should hardly suffer from it. Since our source gives a report on a power increased to 85 kw (116 CH), of 18 CH is a profit... The couple also progresses him, but on a diet more raised, 12 daN.m with 5 250 tr/min instead of 11,5 daN.m with 4 750 tr/min. The BMW K 1200 LT will be officially presented the 20/12/03 in Milan.
flero Objavljeno December 7, 2003 Objavljeno December 7, 2003 (popravljeno) B) Popravljeno December 7, 2003. Popravil flero
flero Objavljeno December 7, 2003 Objavljeno December 7, 2003 BMW K 1300 If one remains in ground marked out with the GS, the new series K involves us for its part towards the unknown. Finished the transverse mechanical provisions, new the four cylinders inclines its cylinders with 60° vis-a-vis the road. Thus passing under the beams of the framework, it makes it possible to design a more rigid and compact frame without having recourse to oversize parts (as on the news Yamaha R1 ). Of a cubic capacity probably in the neighbourhoods of the 1300 Cm3, this engine takes again a rather traditional architecture in addition today. Its "swing" within the framework makes it possible to defer more weight on the front one, pledge of agility, and to release from space to the back to install a longer arm oscillating, pledge of stability and motricity, without increasing the footing. The motor bike tends towards a fast road use, while preserving the "leg house". Thus, this "K" transmits the power to the wheel via a tree sheltered in one will monobras in the same way standard than that of the GS, but this time moved on the left. Here in any case one "more" compared to road the sporting competitors, the obvious advantages of the "Cardan joint" in term of longevity and d?entretien. It well is seen, this BMW thus promises a top-of-the-range but relatively standard mechanical technology today. On the other hand, it is the first motor bike of great series since good to a long time take again the principle of such a nose gear. Cultural revolution With this intention, the German mark has to draw inter alia the lessons from famous Yamaha GTS , which at its time, had without any desired doubt to impose too brutally its will monobras before with a very preserving considered public. The sanction was immediate: in spite of obvious qualities, this beautiful road made a resounding bide. Strategy BMW is very different, since the flat twin already "prepared the customers" with this small Cultural revolution by introducing dice 1993 famous Telelever, which under the appearance of a traditional telescopic fork, offers a very significant dynamic progress. The manufacturer thus estimated that it was time for new "K" to continue this evolution, and it is extremely probable that the customers s?en do not acknowledge this time little or "not destabilized". Thus finished here the fork such as it today is known, replaced by two rigid arms connected to two triangles and a central shock absorber. S?il brings a radical change, it however should be known that this principle was already used strong a long time ago on the motor bikes, and qu?il is especially usually widespread in l?automobile. More technically, this "fork" offers dynamic arguments quasi equivalent to those of Telelever. Thus, it dissociates the functions guidance and damping, with with the key a more rigorous behavior (bus without "parasitic" reactions), decorated of a very effective effect "antiplongée" during brakings. Moreover, and c?est undoubtedly above all for this reason that BMW l?a retained, its compactness and its lightness make it possible "to place it" much more easily and aesthetically that Telelever (handicapped person by its large lower triangle). Here in any case what these first very promising photographs inspire to us, since this BMW should without any doubt reveal us still new qualities in the range, and this all the more in version "full power". The BMW K 1300 (cubic capacity to be confirmed) would be presented at the Intermot show in Munich with the re-entry 2004.
flero Objavljeno December 15, 2003 Objavljeno December 15, 2003 (popravljeno) ,,, Popravljeno December 15, 2003. Popravil flero
Noise Objavljeno December 17, 2003 Avtor Objavljeno December 17, 2003 Še VELIIIIKO fotk in opis novosti za prenovljene enocilindraše in K1200LT najdete v novici...
ceco Objavljeno December 17, 2003 Objavljeno December 17, 2003 Odpravili so največji "feler" 1200 LT, premalo konjičev in navora. Končno, ampak bo treba sprobati, če ni samo na papirju.
Špilferderber Objavljeno December 18, 2003 Objavljeno December 18, 2003 ...zgolj ena (za potencialne kupce še kako pomembna) opazka: informacija glede topcase-a za Scarverja je po moje iz trte zvita, saj po pregledu njihovega sporočila za javnost nisem nikjer zasledil te informacije, hkrati pa tudi niso nikjer objavili pripadajoče fotografije.
Noise Objavljeno December 18, 2003 Avtor Objavljeno December 18, 2003 informacija glede topcase-a za Scarverja je po moje iz trte zvita, saj po pregledu njihovega sporočila za javnost nisem nikjer zasledil te informacije, hkrati pa tudi niso nikjer objavili pripadajoče fotografije. Ne vem katero sporočilo za javnost si ti gledal, a takole piše pravijo uradne BMW press strani oz. press release: F 650 CS. Die erst Anfang 2002 auf den Markt gekommene F 650 CS geht bis auf den neuen Doppelzündungsmotor (siehe F 650 GS) weitgehend unverändert ins neue Modelljahr. Der Scarver bekommt ebenfalls den verstellbaren, griffgünstigeren Kupplungshebel der F 650 GS, den geänderten Blinkerschalter und eine serienmäßige Bordsteckdose. Windschildhalter, Gepäckreling und Gepäckträger sind beim Modelljahrgang 2004 nicht mehr transluzent, sondern bestehen aus schwarz eingefärbtem Kunststoff. Auf vielfachen Wunsch ist jetzt ein Topcase lieferbar. Die neuen Farben sind nachtblau-metallic, ginstergelb-metallic, titansilber-metallic und stonegrey uni.
Špilferderber Objavljeno December 18, 2003 Objavljeno December 18, 2003 (popravljeno) maš prav.. našel v širšem poročilu... peejača v dobrem, drugič.. in gospodje bavarci: tudi jaz sem eden izmed mnogih, ki bi radi imeli original topcase na mopedu, pa me nihče ne usliši... Popravljeno December 18, 2003. Popravil spilferderber
SiR Objavljeno December 18, 2003 Objavljeno December 18, 2003 in gospodje bavarci: tudi jaz sem eden izmed mnogih, ki bi radi imeli original topcase na mopedu, pa me nihče ne usliši... a original Givi ali kaj podobnega ni dobr? :D
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