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Rallye Des Pharaons 2003


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29.9. se je začel Rallye des Pharaons 2003, bolj znan kot Rallye of Egypt 2003. Za motocikliste in avtomobiliste velja za resno preizkušnjo in ogrevanje pred Dakarjem 2004, ki se tudi že nezadržno bliža.

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BAHARIJA – The first leg of the Rally of Egypt 2003 took the competitors from Cairo to Baharija, a stage not very difficult, but sufficient to “warm” the engines and to measure oneself with the ground. The first pilot left the Sphinx’s place at 10h00 to cover a road section of 57 km, and then beginning the selective section along the route of Baharija. 230 km of selective section, a very fast stage mostly off-road.

Among the bikes the fastest has been Richard Sainct, who took advantage even if he started seventh. Since the refuelling, located after 92 km, the transalpine winner of the last year edition reached the challengers preceding him. From that point on the best pilots continued the race together except Fabrizio Meoni, who usually attacked from the beginning, but he had to renounce after his GPS broke down. Moreover, after he has been reached and overtook by the challengers, Meoni had also some problems with his bike, which suddenly stopped, losing precious minutes.

The second place went to the Catalan Joan “Nani” Roma, at around 3 minutes, while the Chilean Carlo De Gavardo completed the first provisional podium.

Fourth place to the Polish Marek Dabrowski, always closer to the official pilots after the victory of Cappadocia and fifth place to Cyril Despres.

Fabrizio Meoni arrived only sixth, at 6 minutes from Sainct, and the other top ten were the South African Alfie Cox, the French François Flick and two Spanish Esteve Isidre and Marc Coma.

Among the cars, at 17h00 only six had arrived at the finish. At the head the French Yves Loubet who preceded Giorgio Beccaris by 2 minutes. Only the third place to Kenjiro Shinozuka, at his return to the African races, after the terrible accident occurred at the last Dakar.

The Japanese was in late due to a bad track error, which made him arrive three minutes late from Loubet.

Fourth place to Tony Carello, before Franco Picco racing with a Fornasari prototype, and Edi Orioli with the first of the Nissan Tecnosport cars.

Tomorrow second leg from Baharija to Mutt, going south: 476 km mostly of selective section.

Eodardo Bauer

Ready to race!

The creme de la creme of rallye sports has lined up at the start line for the Rallye des Pharaons 2003. The Gauloises KTM Team with their five riders

(Brucy, Cox, Despres, Meoni, Sainct), and the Repsol KTM Team (Coma, Esteve, Roma). The field is completed by Carlo de Gavardo and the good privateers Dabrowski, Flick and Graziani. All KTM riders are highly motivated and the

competition is on, between the teams (Gauloises/Repsol) and between the

bikes (LC4/LC8). This is the last big test and motivation race before Dakar, so everybody wants to be in front at this prestiguous rallye.

In yesterday’s briefing, Jacky Ickx promised that this will be a fast rallye, so it will be interesting to see how far the powerfull LC8 950 rallye twin can profit from the characteristics of this race course.

The race started today for the 79 bikes and 22 cars at the Pyramids of Giza,leading the competitors to Baharija, a stage well known from the last years. The track was very fast and Cyril Despres had to open the track, followed by Marek Dabrowski and Fabrizio Meoni. It was clear from the start

that the riders starting behind will be in front at the end of the day, as the riders started one minute by one which made it easy to catch up. Richard

Sainct started seventh and was the fastest man today. Nani Roma was on the gas with his LC8 twin and marked the 2nd position. Fabrizio Meoni was

leading for a while, but then had a problem with his GPS which forced him to back off and wait for the others so he could follow. Carlo de Gavardo has

rediscovered the pleasure of going fast. Still on his long way back from the injuries he suffered in the last year, he is regaining confidence and has no

problem in keeping the pace. A good start also for Marek Dabrowski who did not lose too much time after starting second in the morning.

The new regulations of the rallye des Pharaons sais that the first five riders can chose their starting positions for the next day. And from

tomorrow on the start will be every 3 Minutes. We can expect the first five to chose their start positions beyond the first ten, so they can make time


Tomorrow the longest special stage of the rallye is waiting for the riders, and it will be a crucial day for the determination of the final result.

Foto -- najhitrejši prvega dne: Richard Sainct, KTM


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The second stage of the Rallye des Pharaons 2003 went to its end, taking the competitors from Baharija to Mutt through 439 km.

A very long stage with a great range of grounds, which seriously tested the pilots’ ability and vehicles technology.

Among the bikes Joan Roma (KTM 950 Rally LC8) won the special stage in 4h 30’ 39”. Second place to Cyril Despres (KTM 650 Rally LC4) at 3’ 25”, third Alfie Cox (KTM LC4 660) at 4’33”.

Fabrizio Meoni made a remarkable race, arriving 6th. Due to the delay of 3’ of the yesterday special leg he cannot choose his departure position. He did not make any mistake, but unfortunately he couldn’t make up for the delay.

Despres had a problem with his glasses. Even if they have been studied for the African weather, they caused some problems of misting during a particularly fresh sunrise.

Among the cars the victory goes to Yves Loubet (Nissan Pick Up) in 4h 52’27”, second place to Kenjrio Shinozuka (Nissan Pick Up) at 12’45”, thirdly arrived Francesco Germanetti at 28’02”.

The French won the stage despite his clutch broke down, while the Japanese, who was in the lead had to stop for 24’ at CP2 for changing the front left wheel transmission.

Baharija - Mut / 440 km SS / 36 km Liaison / 436 km Total

Not for chicken...

It was a very very fast day, except for the last 15 km of the special. Fabrizio Meoni started first this morning, followed by Alfie Cox. Both had to pay for their positions six and seven of yesterday, as the first five could chose their start position and certainly chose to start behind today. So Meoni had to open the track and do the navigation. There are not many riders who can navigate and go really fast at the same time - he can! Alfie Cox had difficulties to follow him because the track was extremely fast - and dangerous. "Sometimes Fabrizio was only a small spot on the horizon, and I thought: If he can go that fast without crashing, I can as well! and kept the gas wide open hoping that there are no bad surprises not marked in the roadbook. A tough day for the motorbikes, too, the engines had to work hard but no problem for our rallybikes."

Everybody else plaid their tactics. Richard Sainct chose to start in 10th position hoping to make a lot of time, unfortunately it was very dusty today so he ended up only in 4th position. Despres and Roma started 5 and 6 this morning, and their tactics worked out, they could make time and Nani Roma is now taking the lead in the overall standings.

Meoni ended up in the unfortunate 6th place again today thanks to Marek Dabrowski who had a very good day today marking 5th position.

The temperatures in Mut ar around 40°C, and heading south the next three days will be even hotter, this goes for the temparatures as well as for the race.

Foto -- Nani Roma, najboljši druge etape


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3rd Stage – MUTT- EL OWAINAT

A really fast leg has seen the arrival at El Owainat; 386 km of selective section towards south, through the huge “sand sea”. A track of mere speed towards Sudan.

The leg has been won, among the bikes, by the Spanish Roma on KTM 950 RALLY LC8 in 2.53’.42”. At the second place Richard Sainct on KTM LC4 660 at 4’19” followed by Cyril Despres on KTM 660 RALLY LC4.

The race of Fabrizio Meoni (13th) has been unlucky; the high temperature of the sand and the speed caused a break down of the bib mousse at 155 km from the arrival. Other competitors avoided the danger by replacing it at the assistance point.

With this delay Meoni goes down at the 9th place of the general classification.

Among the cars, Kenjrio Shinozuka (Nissan Pick Up) won this leg in 2h54’54”. At the second place Yves Loubet (Nissan Pick Up) at 2’39”, third Francesco Germanetti (Nissan Patrol GR).at 20’25”

Beccaris fell at the last place of the general classification for penalty inflicted by the judges for CP missing.

Mut - El Oweinat / 7,5 km Liaison / 386 km SS / 393,5 km Total

A very "tiring" day...

As the Italians would say: "A la manetta" - full gas!! again today. The riders burnt down the 386 km special stage in less than 3 hours. A stage for the V-twin LC8, high speed of Nani Roma today 199 km/h, average speed of the whole stage 147 km/h. Who of you dares to go that fast on a highway??? So Roma won today, followed by Richard Sainct and Cyril Despres who did their best to lose as little time as possible on this extremely fast track. The name of the problem today was bib mousse. It was hot today, the temperature of the sand was close to 50°C already in the morning. The bib mousse of Alfie Cox was melted about 30 km before the assistance point and he lost precious minutes riding with a flat tire. Nani Roma made it to the assistance, but then had to change. Unfortunately, Fabrizio Meoni’s rear mousse broke only after the assistance point, so he rode the last 100 km of the special on the plain rim and lost 32 min., a fabulous job but it doesn’t make him any happier after the misfortunes of the last days. Isidre Esteve seems to have found his rhythm marking 4th position, and privateer Dabrowski keeps the pace with the "big boys". Jean Brucy is doing a very good race on his 450 rally prototype leading his class. The fast pists of this race are definitely in the favour of the bigger engines, but Jean keeps fighting for a top ten position.

Foto -- Fabrizio Meoni vozi odlično, a nima sreče


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As the Italians would say: "A la manetta" - full gas!! again today. The riders burnt down the 386 km special stage in less than 3 hours. A stage for the V-twin LC8, high speed of Nani Roma today 199 km/h, average speed of the whole stage 147 km/h. Who of you dares to go that fast on a highway???

:eek: :eek: :eek:

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The caravan has arrived at Abu Simbel, in the deep south of Egypt, where the temple of Ramses II was a perfect landscape for the Rallys des Pharaons.

The 4th stage has arrived near the Sudan border, on the riverside of Nasser lake.

The 40 C° degrees and the over 50 C° degrees of the sand were not a handicap for Fabrizio Meoni that won the stage in 2.45’.19”.

Both Sainct and Despres had some problems with their motorbikes: the former arrived second at 3.18 and the latter at 4.40. Sainct drove for 75 Km on his rim due to the break of his bib mousse while the KTM motorbike of Despres had problem of leak of oil. After this stage Sainct is leading the general classification followed by Despres and Roma.

Kenjrio Shinozuka (Nissan Pick Up) in 2.46.45 is leading the general classification in the car. Second is still Yves Loubet (Nissan Pick Up) to 2.47, very good third place for Toni Carello (Chevrolet Sport Sid) with 17.32.

El Oweinat - Abu Simbel / 338 km SS / 9 km Liaison / 347 km

Some like it hot...

Though this was another fast stage today, there was some big changes. Fabrizio Meoni won this stage, a well-earned compensation for the last days. However, Nani Roma had to experience what it means to destroy the work of three days in a couple of kilometers without having any influence on it. The bib mousse of his rear wheel disolved after 170 km, and he lost a lot of time ending up only in 14. position at the finish. "It’s a shame, I had fighted so hard and taken a lot of risks for nothing. The tire and mousse problem is there for every rider, but the LC8 twin bike is even more affected because it has more power." says Roma, understandingly disappointed. Fast man Richard Sainct is now taking a comfortable 8 minute overall lead in front of Cyril Despres, Nani Roma has gone back to third position. Dabrowski, Cox and Esteve are going excellent and will still get some possibilities in the next days to take their chances.

The rallye has arrived at its southernmost point, close to the border to Sudan. Today’s bivuac is located in Abu Simbel, a famous place of Egyptian history. From here, the race will turn back north and reach Cairo on Saturday.

Foto -- Razmere v puščavi niso rožnate


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A Stanovnik vozi to dirko? Nisem zasledil njegovega imena - upam, da nisem površen :notworthy: .

LP Bajsi

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A Stanovnik vozi to dirko? Nisem zasledil njegovega imena - upam, da nisem površen :notworthy: .

Ne vozi...

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Abu Simbel – El Kharga

“The track of the big return”: this is the leitmotif of the fifth leg of the Rallye des Pharaons 2003. The marvellous Abu Simbel - where yesterday evening a night show has been organized for the Rally caravan at the Ramses Temple -has been the turning point of this year’s race. Today’s leg was the longer one, 549 km, of which 420 km were of selective section, up to El Kharga.

This has been a very fast stage, a mere Grand Prix in the desert, where the power of twin-cylinder engines of KTMs has been favoured.

Choosing to start 13th, as per new regulation, Fabrizio Meoni has commanded the today’s stage, even though he had some problems with his saddle.

Meoni has resolutely attacked his challengers overtaking five of them. At the finish line he scored the amazing time of 3.32.24 (more than 120 Km/h his average), preceding the Catalan Nani Roma of about 2 minutes.

Third place for Richard Sainct, the leader of the general classification. Fourth the South African Alfie Cox at 6’30”, and fifth Cyril Despres, who left the second position in the general classification to Nani Roma

After the fifth stage, Richard Sainct is still the leader, while Meoni is now at the sixth place.

Among the cars, the Japanese Kenjiro Shinozuka has finished this very fast stage in 3.33.32, just a minute later than the first motorbike.

He left behind him his team companion , Yves Loubet, of 36 minutes, becoming the new leader in the general classification with 23’ lead. This morning the transalpine had a problem with his Nissan Pickup for a little fire. Third place to Etienne Smulevici (Nissan Patrol GR), before Tony Carello and Edi Orioli.

Tomorrow another very long stage which will take the rally again to Baharija, a total of 558 km, 398 of which are of selective section.

Abu Simbel - El Kargha / 13 km Liaison / 420 km SS / 116 km Liaison / 549 km Total

Twin Festival....

A good day for Meoni and Roma on their 950 LC8 rally bikes. Not necessary to say that today’s stage was very fast again, that’s just the general characteristics of this race. Richard Sainct is undoubtedly the fastest LC4 man, and if he keeps going like this he has a good chance to

keep his lead untill the finish. After the tire problems of the last days the wheels were changed obligatory at the assistance point, nevertheless the 450 pilot Jean Brucy was the victim today. A broken bib mousse plus a little electrical problem cost him some minutes. Marc Coma had a big crash in which his handle bar broke in two on the right side and the navigation system was smashed completely. By the looks of the bike it was a wonder Marc himself was o.k. He rode onehanded to the assistance point with the gas grip on his lap. The problem could be fixed as far as possible and he could continue, but he lost a lot of time today. Alfie Cox and Isidre Esteve are giving everything and are rewarded with overall positions 4 + 5 in front of Dabrowski.

Another early morning start is waiting for the riders tomorrow, the first bike will start at 5.00.

Foto -- Meoni vozil povprečno s 120 km/h


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Liaison 151,27

SS 397,81

As the one of yesterday, also today’s stage was very long. The Rally caravan moved from El Kharga to Baharia. After a road section of 151 km, which made the first bikes to start at 5.00 a.m., the selective section of 397 km started with the amazing climb to the falaise of Tineda, among an incredible lunar landscape, which dominates all the valley and Dahkla Oasis.

Among the bikes Fabrizio Meoni still dominates. Practically out from the final classification, Fabrizio is giving demonstration of his strength day after day. Today he won in 3.55.26, even though he had to slow down in the last part of the race for the rupture of his GPS.

Second again, at 1’16” from Meoni, the other twin-cylinder LC8, that of Nani Roma, who had problem with the bib-mousse also today.

Third place for Cyril Despres with 3’13” delay, followed by Richard Sainct, who maintains the leadership in the general classification.

The French now has a lead of 3’31” over Roma, not too much to run the last stage quietly.

Third place for Despres, at 12’05”, while Fabrizio Meoni has climbed up the fourth place.

Among the cars, the rupture of the engine has obliged Kenjiro Shinozuka to abandon, just before an easily victory.

Problems also for his team companion Yves Loubet, who remained without fuel and obliged to wait for the refuelling for more than 50 minutes, arriving sixth.

The victory goes to the Spanish Josè Maria Salinero in 4.42.28, who preceded Marco Tempestini and Edi Orioli.

Behind the four time Dakar Champion, there is the Japanese Jun Mitsuhashi and the Italian Tony Carello.

With the “Shino” abandon and notwithstanding the problems, Yves Loubet is now the leader of the general classification with 1 hour and 38 minutes lead over Marco Tempestini and 2 hours and 22 minutes over Tony Carello.

Edi Orioli is fifth, preceded by Etienne Smulevici, who arrived seventh today.

Tomorrow the last stage of the Rallye des Pharaons 2003, 345 km of selective section before the least road section which will take the participants back to Cairo, in the sight of the Sphinx.

Ready to race!

El Kargha - Baharija / Liaison 151 km / SS 398 km / Liaison 10 km / Total 559 km

The fast and the furious...

On the gas again was the motto of this nearly 400 km special. The LC8 twins ploughed their way through the plain desert, and the enemy again was not the other riders but the bib mousse. Nani Roma’s mousse broke 15 km before the service point, he lost about 3 minutes when he had to cruise at about 80 km/h instead of powering at a 180. The fastest man anyway was Fabrizio Meoni who continuously has made his way back into the top four. Hard work for the LC4 single bike riders who try to keep pace with the twin bikes taking big risks and reving their engines to the max. Alfie Cox had a bigger crash today when he tried to cross from one the pist to another, unfortunately there were some big stones in between. He is already suffering from a really painfull tendinitis in his right hand and feeling even more sore after now. He went back from 4th overall to 6, and his only goal is to make it to the finish tomorrow. The gap between big and small bikes is even bigger for Jean Brucy on his 450 prototype. He’s performing fantastic and has done a great job losing only 27 minutes under the conditions of this special stage. All KTM factory riders are still in the race and we hope it will stay like this to the end. On tomorrow’s last day the rallye will take the competitors back to Cairo where the finish will be at the Sphinx.

Foto -- Meoni se je z odličnimi predstavami vrnil med prve štiri (P. Batini // KTM Press)


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LIAISON: 94,32 km

The winners of the sixth edition of the Rallye des Pharaons are Joan “Nani” Roma for the bikes, Yves Loubet for the cars and Teruhito Sugawara for the trucks. Today‘s leg was the last one, from Baharia Oasis to Cairo.

The cars ran only the first 36 km of the selective section, because of a lack of Avgas fuel and so the jury decided to end the race there. For the bikes it has been again a hard and difficult leg, 347 of selective section, the first part being slow and wise and the second faster, and in fact there have been some surprises!

Nani Roma started with the firm intention to fill up the handicap of 3’31” from Richard Sainct and, in winning the selective section in 3h39’16”, he managed to precede the French of 5’03. The third place in today’s leg went to Cyril Despres, at 11’39 from Roma and this is also his position in the general classification.

Today Fabrizio Meoni - who started really fast to lift up, with another victory, a race full of troubles - had to face a problem in the rupture of the fuel joint which filled his boots of fuel and caused him some burns. He lost half an hour to put in order his tank, thanks to the help of Jean Brucy, who dismantled from his bike his joint and this let Meoni start again. The Tuscan pilot arrived only tenth and lost two positions in the general classification, arriving sixth.

Fourth place both in the leg and in the final classification to the Polish Marek Dabrowski, who has been a revelation demonstrating to be able to compete with the official pilots.

Fifth place both in the leg and in the final classification to the Spanish Isidre Esteve, who preceded Fabrizio Meoni, the Chilean Carlo De Gavardo, the French François Flick and the best among the Italian pilots, Matteo Graziani.

Today unlucky race for Alfie Cox, who broke down his engine obliging him to give up at one km before the assistance point at half race.

Among the cars, today’s leg has been a mere formality, with only 36 km of selective section, but Yves Loubet has been able to give rise to a little suspense for being lingered in a difficult passage. His delay is anyway limited to 8’25”, nothing compared to his lead in the general classification of the eve. Josè Manuel Salinero won today’s leg, followed by Edi Orioli at about a minute, while the Japanese Jun Mitsuashi arrived third at 2’46”. Yves Loubet and his navigator Jacky Dubois celebrate their first victory in an African Rally, with a lead of 1h35’57” over Marco Tempestini, very happy for this result at his first experience in an off-road rally.

Great happiness for Tony Carello too, absolute third at 2h23’40”, who obtains a result above any expectations. Behind the Torinese, Etienne Smulevici and Edi Orioli.

The arrival at the Sphinx of Giza with the parade on the arrival podium has closed the sixth edition of the Rallye des Pharaons. Tomorrow evening the prize giving ceremony will conclude this very amazing adventure.

Baharija - Cairo / SS 345 km / Liaison 95 km / Total 440 km

Victory in the last minute...

for Nani Roma, who amazed everybody today when he took more than 5 minutes on Richard Sainct riding like a god. Yesterday, Sainct had been in the lead of 3,5 minutes, and everybody thaught that the race is decided. But the stage was fast again apart from a technical section on the first kilometers, and Roma knew he had no choice but attack to the max. He did an excellent navigation and must have found the most direct route today. He has been fighting all week and had been pushed back by unlucky tire problems, but he never gave up. He has been rewarded with this superbe victory. Richard Sainct is a fair loser, though naturally he would have liked to see himself on the top of the results list.

The true losers today were Alfie Cox and Marc Coma, both had to stop because of mechnical problems and couldn’t finish the race. A pity for both of them, they had been doing a very good race until the last day. No luck also for Fabrizio Meoni. A fuel hose came off his tank, and he lost a lot of fuel and had to wait for Jean Brucy to help him out. The fuel had run into his boot and burnt his leg, so he needed medical treatment at the assistance point. Nevertheless he finished the race and ends up in 6th position behind Isidre Esteve.

All KTM factory riders finished in the top 10. Special congratulations go to Marek Dabrowski who performed great on a 660 standard replica bike. He was riding all week with the "big boys", and finished in 4th position. The same for Jean Brucy who pushed his 450 rally prototype to 10th overall position. The fast race course was anything else than in the favour for this small engine.

The desert is orange - once again!

Še finalni rezultati:

1. Roma 23’52’09 (KTM)

2. Sainct 1’32 (KTM)

3. Despres 20’13 (KTM)

4. Dabrowski 38’00 (KTM)

5. Esteve 44’23 (KTM)

6. Meoni 51’52 (KTM)

7. De Gavardo1’05’56 (KTM)

8. Flick 1’33’58 (KTM)

9. Graziani 1’57’25 (KTM)

10. Brucy 2’55’37 (KTM)

Foto -- Veliki zmagovalec - španec Joan "Nani" Roma na svojem twinu (P. Batini // KTM Press)


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(Še nekaj fotk ob zaključku rallyja...)

Foto -- Richard Sainct (660rally) je za las zgrešil zmago... (P. Batini // KTM Press)


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Foto -- Privatni voznik poljak Marek Dabrowski je na svoji rally REPLIKI dokazal, da sodi med elitne tovarniške dirkače -- poznavalci pravijo, da je prestop "v fabriko" le še vprašanje časa (P. Batini // KTM Press)


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Foto -- Meoniju se je v zadnji etapi snela cev za dovod goriva in v škornje mu je tekel bencin -- z opeklinami se je cilja privlekel na 10. mestu in v skupni razrvstitvi pristal na šestem mesu


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A Stanovnik vozi to dirko? Nisem zasledil njegovega imena - upam, da nisem površen :notworthy: .

LP Bajsi

Kolikor sem bil seznanjen je Stanovnik bil poškodovan, pri padcu z motorjem si je poškodoval nogo. Ampak od tega je že kar nekaj mesecev, in Dakar za njega sploh ni vprašanje :yea2: .

No pa držimo pesti zanj na Dakarju.

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Kolikor sem bil seznanjen je Stanovnik bil poškodovan, pri padcu z motorjem si je poškodoval nogo. Ampak od tega je že kar nekaj mesecev, in Dakar za njega sploh ni vprašanje :yea2: .

No pa držimo pesti zanj na Dakarju.

Poškodoval se je najprej na Dakarju 2003 (, potem "okreval" in se nato kmalu na italijanski Baji spet razbil... :(

Pred kratkim je šel na operacijo kolen in ima - kot mi je znano - sedaj "vgrajene" neke implante al ojačitve al nekaj takega.

Sva se pogovarjala malo zadnjič na Rakeku (24 ur Huse) in izgleda nabit s pozitivno energijo (itak vedno), spet je postal pravi "bik" (mišice itd.), trenira na veliko itd. itd...

Dakar ni vprašanje :)

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