batzajla Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 yamaharji se tolčejo po prsih že samo ker se dela prah okol njihovga mopeda-dobesedno in predvsem v prenesenem pomenu... .)
Noise Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 VATANEN KONČAL SVOJ DAKAR 2004, ROMA SE IZGUBIL IN PADEL, STANOVNIK NA CP2 ODLIČEN 17., FRETIGNE PONOVNO VISOKO 08:00 Ayoûn el Atrous – Tidjikja Sand, more sand, even more sand ! Dunes, higher and higher, one after the other forming a real sea of sand all the way up to the Taskast cliff. For the competitors, this stage will certainly be one of the highlights of the rally. A special that will be technical, tactical and maybe decisive. They’ll have to avoid the traps on fast tracks and also manage a perfect navigation and technique to go through the dunes. To be in good position at the finish, one will have to go, of course, fast but most of all find the good (and only) path to head to the Tidjikja road. Tidjikja was founded in the XVIIth century by the Idoualis, that came from the Ardrar. They made the city an important cross-road for trading and a religious settlement. Today the town is divided in two on each side of the Tidjikja wadi. 11:44 ROMA LOSES TIME AND FALLS At CP1 (km 180) Nani Roma (KTM n°4) has lost a lot of time (around 16min, to be confirmed) on Sainct (KTM n°1) after losing himself. At km 190, he even suffered a fall, losing more time. 12:45 VATANEN QUITS AND IS ON THE TIDJIKJA BIVOUAC After hitting a tree at km 10 of the special, Ari Vatanen (Nissan n°205) has officially retired from the race. He drove back to the bivouac in Ayoun El Atrouss and immediately took a plane to go to Tidjikja where he is right now. 12:52 WHAT VATANEN HAD TO SAY "At kilometre 10, we were going too fast. On a bump, the car went sideways and we couldn't avoid a tree. We broke it but we also broke the car. We carried on for 2kms but we ran out of oil. I'm very disappointed because we had made so many efforts between Tidjikja and Nema. A lot would have retired in our situation". Rezultati MOTO CP2: 1 002 - DESPRES 03:40:04 2 010 - COX 03:44:46 3 012 - FRETIGNE 03:46:44 4 001 - SAINCT 03:47:31 5 004 - ROMA 03:49:24 6 003 - MEONI 03:52:38 7 183 - VINTERS 03:53:42 8 006 - LUNDMARK 03:56:50 9 015 - ULLEVALSETER 03:59:03 10 008 - DE GAVARDO 04:03:02 ... 17 030 - STANOVNIK 04:25:21 Rezultati MOTO CP3: 1 002 - DESPRES 05:32:12 2 010 - COX 05:34:37 3 004 - ROMA 05:36:10 4 012 - FRETIGNE 05:37:13 5 001 - SAINCT 05:38:23 6 003 - MEONI 05:43:05 7 183 - VINTERS 05:43:58 8 006 - LUNDMARK 05:46:34 9 015 - ULLEVALSETER 05:49:54 10 008 - DE GAVARDO 06:02:52 (ostalih še ni)
Noise Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 Stanovnik je zdržal svoj tempo... Stage 14 - 15 Janvier 2004 - AYOÛN EL ALTROÛS > TIDJIKJA Special 547 km Liaison 4 km Total 551 km Rezultati - 14. etapa 1 002 DESPRES KTM 6h 55' 10" 00' 00" 2 010 COX KTM 6h 56' 33" 01' 23" 3 004 ROMA KTM 6h 59' 24" 04' 14" 4 001 SAINCT KTM 7h 01' 39" 06' 29" 5 012 FRETIGNE YAMAHA 7h 04' 32" 09' 22" 6 003 MEONI KTM 7h 09' 33" 14' 23" 7 183 VINTERS KTM 7h 13' 00" 17' 50" 8 006 LUNDMARK KTM 7h 13' 42" 18' 32" 9 015 ULLEVALSETER KTM 7h 20' 24" 25' 14" 10 019 ESTEVE PUJOL KTM 7h 30' 46" 35' 36" ... 17 030 STANOVNIK KTM 8h 07' 58" 1h 12' 48" Rezultati - skupno po 14. etapi 1 004 ROMA KTM 46h 16' 24" 00' 00" 2 001 SAINCT KTM 46h 26' 04" 09' 40" 3 002 DESPRES KTM 46h 57' 49" 41' 25" 4 010 COX KTM 47h 00' 07" 43' 43" 5 006 LUNDMARK KTM 47h 35' 13" 1h 18' 49" 6 015 ULLEVALSETER KTM 47h 59' 11" 1h 42' 47" 7 003 MEONI KTM 49h 23' 21" 3h 06' 57" 8 012 FRETIGNE YAMAHA 49h 23' 50" 3h 07' 26" 9 008 DE GAVARDO KTM 49h 42' 28" 3h 26' 04" 10 022 FLICK KTM 49h 52' 23" 3h 35' 59" ... 16 030 STANOVNIK KTM 53h 09' 52" 6h 53' 28"
Leteči Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 yamaharji se tolčejo po prsih že samo ker se dela prah okol njihovga mopeda-dobesedno in predvsem v prenesenem pomenu... .) Mislim da se ve kake plane majo drugo leto :D LP Leeteči
bladzo Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 (popravljeno) Yamaha bo očitno prehitela velikega favorita ne velikem KTM-u LC8, saj vneto zmanjšuje svoj zaostanek. biti ali ne biti........................450ccm ali 950ccm, to je zdaj vprašanje. :hmm: :hmm: :doze: :afro1: Popravljeno Januar 15, 2004. Popravil bladzo
batzajla Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 ma itak,bo zanimiva dirka še med proizvajalci,zdej se lahko samo oranžni (s tem mislm lastnike KTMov) tolčejo po prsih :D lahko bi še BMW nazaj pršu,honda,mogoč še bi blo nekej! :yea2: stanovnik skupno 16! :OK: YES :OK:
D.J. Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 biti ali ne biti........................450ccm ali 950ccm, to je zdaj vprašanje. :hmm: :hmm: :doze: :afro1: 660 ^_^ -_-
Noise Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 26. rally Dakar 2004 15. 1. 2004. 14. etapa Ayoun El Atrous – Tidjikja (skupno 551 km) Stanovnik skozi zadnjo zares težko etapo, Brane in Barbara sta še na progi. 14. etapa, ki je dakarsko karavano ponovno pripeljala v Mavretanijo je upravičila zloglasni sloves. Čeprav lahko tekmovalci z mislimi že počivajo na toplem dakarskem soncu s koktejlom v roki, rallyja še daleč ni konec. To zelo dobro ve in čuti tudi naš Miran Stanovnik, ki je tokrat preživljal enega od težjih dni v svoji dakarski zgodovini: »Po včerajšnji operaciji, ko so mi zašili rano, posledico trčenja z govedom sem zjutraj štartal z veliko muko. Zapestje me tako močno boli, da komaj stisnem dlan, upam da ni kaj zlomljeno, vse kar so mi zdravniki storili je bilo, da so mi ga tesno povili. Za povrh vsega mi oteklina na obrazu preprečuje, da bi videl na desno oko, torej sem na terenu bolj tipal kot gledal. Etapa je bila zares zahtevna, polna skal, peska, tehničnih prehodov, tako da ne bom presenečen, če bodo številni tekmovalci prihajali v tabor pozno v noč in tja do jutra. Ker sta do Dakarja le še dve pravi etapi upam, da bom nekako zdržal. V veliko oporo so mi tudi sporočila, ki jih prek uradnega naslova na organizatorjevi spletni strani dobivam vsak dan v tabor. Naj povem, da sem vesel vsake spodbudne besede, žal pa bom lahko na vsa sporočila odgovoril šele, ko bom v Sloveniji«, še dodaja Miran, ki je etapo zaključil na 17. mestu in je skupno na 16. mestu. Etapo je sicer dobil Cyril Despres. Med avtomobilisti, je najhitreje vozil Luc Alphand (BMW), Brane in Barbara pa sta vztrajno na poti. »Na trinajsti etapi sva pri bližnjem srečanju s štorom poškodovala podvozje in s popravilom vred izgubil uro in pol«, je pred štartom današnje etape povedala Barbara.
Noise Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 KTM PRESS RELEASE Dakar 2004: 14th stage Ayoûn El Altroûs – Tidjikja 15.01.2004 Roma wards off all attacks His beaming calmness might just be on the surface. Nani Roma must be boiling on the inside. What kind of triumph will he be gaining? The Spaniard suppressed all thoughts about the finish at Dakar yet. “Of course I’m really content about my 3rd place today. Especially do I like how I accomplished it.” Roma was able to ward off any attacks from Cyril Despres and Richard Sainct. In the dunes he was able to catch up with them. While the two Frenchmen made a navigational mistake again, Nani Roma did not have any problems orientating. Almost - at least. “At km 30 I made a small mistake, but afterwards everything worked out well. Especially, since this slip did not make me nervous at all. I think that I have learned a lot from Jordi. We talk together every night and work on my road book. Jordi has collected lots of experience here in Africa. He is the calming influence of our team. He makes me feel secure about myself.” Jordi Arcarons, manager of the Team Repsol KTM Spain, has had an irritating night. So he was even more relaxed at the finish line. “Nani rode an exceptional race. Yesterday we were more than worried about Marc Comas’ the state of health. Marc has been very important for Nani as well. Now he has to take care of everything by himself. Luckily it worked out perfectly today.” Cyril Despres was much quieter than the Spaniard while walking through the bivouac. His third victory of a stage did not really make him happy. And he didn’t want to listen to questions about his chances of the top place in the overall standings. “I’ll be attacking tomorrow again for sure. At least I’m going to try to do so.” The young Frenchman is mad about the navigation mistakes that he made today.” What about Richard Sainct? The leadership in the overall standings has moved in a far distance. However, he is much more relaxed in his situation. “I have won this rally three times already. Tomorrow will be the last possibility to close in on the 4th victory. And I’m going to do anything that is necessary. Today I had to lay the track for the field. Fretigne has chosen his starting position and decided to start second. It is a regulation which neither one of us follows.” For all members of the KTM team it still astonishes that in spite of the injury on his arm Richard Sainct is performing so well in the race. He claims an excellent 2nd place in the overall standings. After today’s stage his leeway on Nani Roma is about 10 minutes, while Cyril Despres is about 41 minutes behind the Spaniard. Let’s take a look at the team-rankings. Team Gauloises KTM France (91 points) leads ahead of Team Repsol KTM Spain (109 points). If nothing unexpected happens there is hardly a chance that this will still change. In 3rd place is Team Gauloises KTM International (161). In the professional rankings Team Red Bull KTM USA is in 4th place (410). The Scandinavian team (217) is better than the Dakar newcomers from America. They lead the amateur rankings. There should not be a question who rides in that team. It is P.G. Lundmark and Pal Anders Ullevalseter. Respect! After the first part of the marathon stage, at the bivouac in Tidjikja, the only help the riders can hope for comes from the fast assistance trucks. These are the trucks that participate in the race. The service-trucks and –cars are already on their way towards tomorrows finish at Nouakchott. Among the participants in the cars are: Silent heroes They drive their own race – the people from KTM that take care of that the material and mechanics reach the next bivouac on time. It is not unusual that the service-crews pack up everything when it is still dark and leave for the next finish line of the stage. Sometimes they lay more than 1000 km away. Today it was 830 km from Ayoûn El Atroûs to Nouakchott. It is a 24-hour-job for the boys and girls from KTM. Right after arrival they need to unpack, organize and work on the bikes. Even after a 12-or-more-hour drive they need to fully concentrate on their work. “It demands a lot,” explains Wilfried Kershhaggl, KTM head of marketing. He rides in a Nissan assistance-vehicle. “Sometimes it is close to everyone’s limits. As an average we sleep about 6 to 7 hours within two days.” In order not to endanger the crews in the cars and trucks by the over-fatigue of the driver they switch driving. “Driving is really tough,” tells Ernest Loedl. Everyone calls him Arafat. For a cure, the experienced assistance-truck driver suggests to get stuck once in a while, to drink a lot and to exercise. It isn’t the first time Loedl participates, but the route the assistance has to drive is exceptionally hard. “Daily you are put under time pressure and you drive on tracks that are similar to the rally routes,” he states. “Partly we are driving on the race tracks. And we carry along 3 to 3.5 tons of weight. This isn’t all that easy.” Nevertheless nobody wails and nobody complains. Everyone contributes its best that the rally becomes a full success for KTM. After all everyone knows that the Dakar is the toughest rally in the world – for the assistance too! Tomorrow the second part of the marathon stage has to be challenged. The special is about as long as today’s (579 km). The dreaded camel grass will probably annoy the riders. Further their navigational skills are asked for. The stage towards Nouakchott is the last one that can mix up the overall standings.
Noise Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 Še dve fotki Mirana... Najprej pri zdravniku... :cry: :cry: :cry:
simonsi Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 Pri trčenju s kravo si je skoraj iztaknil oko?????????? pobrano s 24 ur. Mislim svašta, če ti pa motor ne crkne, se pa v kravo zaletiš :?
Noise Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Še malo komentarjev včerajšnje etape... -- Se MEONI poslavlja od Dakarja, kot je komentiral že na eni prvih etap (preberite nekaj strani nazaj...) ?? Today's 552km stage including 548 of special was considered by many bikers including Alfie Cox as "the best one so far. A nice twisty piste, and because of the rain, the sand was nice and wet". To Cox's despair ("I thought I had won !"), Cyril Despres (KTM n°2) carried on his solo effort to win his third special (after stage 9 to Nema and 12 to Bamako) with a 1min23 lead on Cox. "This victory takes away the deception I've been carrying since Tidjikja and after yesterday's mistake. My goal is not winning specials. My only priority is doing my best." While the Frenchman was catching up his team mate Richard Sainct (KTM n°1) to capture the best time, 'Nani' Roma (KTM n°4) had his first big fright of the Dakar. "I made a navigation mistake at around 30kms from CP1. It was a shame because all was going well". According to Despres : "A doctor told us to go one way. I had already made stupid things so I decided to go my own way. Nani didn't and got lost". The Spaniard however, kept his cool and slowly but surely came back on the leaders. "What I'm satisfied about is that I kept my calm when I saw that I was losing 5min on Sainct. I'm very happy to have adapted and then kept the same rhythm because there were still many kilometres". On the finish line, Roma even gained some time on Sainct, taking 3rd spot at 4min14 with his main rival was fourth at 6min29. "It's a day less to catch up my delay and honestly, I believe there's only one more hard special. It won't be easy for me". In the new overall the 3-time Dakar winner is now 9min40 adrift while Despres comforts his 3rd spot (at 41min23) with a small 2min18 lead on Cox, fourth. This 26th edition of the rally certainly won't remain a good memory in the mind of Fabrizio Meoni (KTM n°3). The Italian suffered a bad fall and twisted his knee. "This year, I've gone through all the problems : mechanical, navigational… and now I injure myself. It means that the moment has come to stop". He eventually finished 6th at 14min23. Like Meoni, Ari Vatanen's Dakar is one to forget quickly (despite his 50th special win). The "flying Finn" hit a tree after only 10kms of the special and was forced to retire with a broken radiator. "On a bump, the car went sideways and we couldn't avoid a tree. We broke it but we also broke the car. I'm very disappointed because we had made so many efforts". Taking off in 9th on the start line, Luc Alphand (BMW n°207) overtook everyone to clinch a impressive best time of the special. "Today I took off on a better rhythm. It all happened at km 160 with excellent navigation by my sniffer-dog Henri (Magne, co-driver). All the tracks were bad so we went off-road. Unlike the others that got lost". At the end of the special, Alphand beat Colin McRae (Nissan n°202), by 14min20. Certainly the best compliment for Alphand came directly from the 95 WRC World champion on the finish line: "I thought you were a skier".
Noise Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Stage 15 - 16 January 2004 - TIDJIKJA > NOUAKCHOTT Liaison 2 km Special 579 km Liaison 70 km Total 651 km Having managed to avoid it ever since the start of the race, the competitors now have to deal with the terrible camel grass, along a 200 kilometre off-road route. The day before the arrival in Dakar there is everything yet to play for. This special, requiring both good navigation and courageous driving, might still cause some upsets in the final ranking. Drivers will also have to keep a close eye on fuel consumption right until the last few kilometres and the crossing of the Amoukrouz dune field just before the finish. Torej, cel kup kamelje trave, navigacija in kdo-si-upa-bolj-pritisnit bo danes odločalo, hkrati pa bo treba paziti na porabo, ker je potrebno prečkati sipine v zadnjem delu etape... Zanimivo bo! PS: Med 53.imi dirkači, ki so včeraj prišli v cilj (med avtomobili) sta bila tudi Krajnc/Prislan, na 50. mestu: 50 297 KRAJNC / PRISLAN MERCEDES 13h 06' 16" 6h 15' 09" ...
dave the wave Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Ob Miranovi nesreči z govedom dobiva pojem "nora krava" nov pomen, Miran go go :yea2: . V veliko oporo so mi tudi sporočila, ki jih prek uradnega naslova na organizatorjevi spletni strani dobivam vsak dan v tabor. Zato pa, še enkrat: Miranu bo tudi vesel vašega sporočila, ki ga lahko pošljete takole: nato pa pod login vtipkate messdakar in pod password še ASOdakar200430. Pošljite mu sporočil še in še. lp DTW
Noise Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Yamaha Press Release glede predvčerajšnje zmage 2Traca David slays the Goliaths as 2-Trac wins again 14/1/2004 Yamaha Motor France's David Frétigné took his all-wheel-drive Yamaha WR450F 2-Trac to its third stage victory of the 2004 Dakar rally, taking them into the top ten overall, despite having an engine capacity of up to 500cc engine capacity less than his main rivals. The Dakar rookie won the twisty 478km special between Bamako (Mali) and Ayoun El Atrous (Mauritania) on his revolutionary 2-Trac, which uses a hydraulic motor to provide a regulated amount of drive to the front wheel as well as the back. It was Frétigné's third stage victory of the rally, but his first in the African heartland of the rally. "That was great - I really enjoyed myself," declared the 33-year-old Frenchman. "This morning Franck and Christian (mechanics) told me that I could use 100 percent of my engine's power as they changed it yesterday evening and right from the off I felt good on the bike. When I caught and overtook Fabrizio Meoni (KTM 950) I thought to myself, 'not bad, you're in the top five' and concentrated even harder on the road book so as not to make any mistakes. That wasn't easy because the road book's electric motor became disconnected and for 90km I had to wind it on by hand. The stage victory is a really nice surprise. It is my first African Dakar special win and my third since the start of the event. This should silence those who said that a 450 wouldn't be able do anything in the desert. It is a small bike but is easy to ride and has the advantage of not tiring you out. I am really delighted for Jean-Claude Olivier (President of Yamaha Motor France) as his confidence in me has been rewarded - and it is very encouraging for the future." Second in today's special was Richard Sainct (KTM 660) with Nani Roma (KTM 660) third. Overall Roma still leads Sainct by 7'25 with Cyril Despres (KTM 660) third (at 45'39). Frétigné is now 10th overall (at 3h02'18) three places and 1h20 ahead of his rival in the 450 class Matteo Graziani.
D.J. Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 če bodo ta zadnji specijali zajebani, tehnični, je to super podlaga, da yamaha spleza še kako stopnico proti vrhu..kar naj, če lahko
marem Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 če bodo ta zadnji specijali zajebani, tehnični, je to super podlaga, da yamaha spleza še kako stopnico proti vrhu..kar naj, če lahko kot sem že rekel ...morda se KTMu (v prihodnjih sezonah) obeta malo (zdrave) konkurence
gidl Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Svaka čast Yamahi...... Drugač pa nemislt da je KTM car na Dakarju....samo nobenga druzga ni tam... :lol1: ...če bi se pa BMW spet polotu zadeve al pa YAMAHA z tavelko mašino al pa konckoncu kkšna CAGIVA bi pa KTM bl na tenk pisku....oni imajo zmer tolk železja v ognju da jim že po defoltu mora uspet, v ostalih panogah so pa letos bosi ostal...oz so z več kot tridesetimi piloti osvojil tri svetovne prvake to je komi 10% še tolk ne... :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:
Noise Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 09:03 Tidjikja – Nouakchott It’ll be the last real tough one of this 2004 edition. A special that could decide who will win between the favourites. ON the day, the competitors will have over 590kms of special, including Erg crossings and 240kms of camel grass, to put the pressure one last time on the bikers, drivers and their machines. After this tough passage, they will be delighted to find 200kms of fast tracks all the way to Nouakchott. Nouakchott, capital of Mauritania, was founded in 1958 on the ancient site of an army ground. In 1999, the city had 800 000 inhabitants. In 1966, a wharf and a deep sea harbour were built with the help of China. One can not expect to see the typical aspects of a traditional past. But it is a pleasant and friendly town. 12:37 FRETIGNE FASTEST AT CP1 David Fretigné (Yamaha n°12) has the fastest time at CP1 (km 113). Second is Sainct (KTM n°1) at 1min46, followed by Cox (KTM n°10) at 2min02, Esteve (KTM n°19) at 2min43, Roma (KTM n°4) at 3min33, Despres (KTM n°2) at 3min42. 12:57 MASUOKA FASTEST AT CP1 At CP1 (km 113), Hiroshi Masuoka (Mitsubishi n°201) has the fastest time. Second is Peterhansel (Mitsubishi n°203) at 3min46, followed by Schlesser (Schlesser Ford n°200) at 4min49, De Villiers (Nissan n°208) at 5min33, Kleinschmidt (VW n°204) at 5min47, Alphand (BMW n°207)at 7min53. 13:00 McRAE LEFT LATE + NOW IN TROUBLE The reason why Colin McRae (Nissan n°202) started today’s special 12minutes after his normal starting time, is that he couldn’t start his car due to electrical problems. At km 138, Colin McRae (Nissan n°202) is stopped repairing a mechanical problem. It appears the front prop-shaft is broken. After breaking his front prop shaft, Colin McRae (Nissan n°202) is now waiting for his assistance vehicle. 13:41 LUNDMARK STOPPED At km 185, PG Lundmark (KTM n°6) was forced to stop with mechanical problems. He appears to be waiting for his assistance vehicle. 14:00 FRETIGNE LOSES TIME-CARD David Fretigne (Yamaha n°12) has been given a 15min penalty for losing his time-card 14:13 MEONI FASTEST AT CP2 At CP2 (km 330), Meoni (KTM n°3) has the fastest time with a 3min02sec advantage on Sainct (KTM n°1). Third is Isidre Esteve (KTM n°19) at 3min36 followed by David Fretigne (Yamaha n°12) at 4min02, Ullevalseter (KTM n°15) at 5min08, Roma (KTM n°4) at 5min24, Cox (KTM n°10) at 7min46 and Despres (KTM n°2) at 10min36.
Noise Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 15:46 MEONI DOBIL DANAŠNJO HITROSTNO PREIZKUŠNJO 1 003 MEONI KTM 6h 55' 46" 00' 00" 2 001 SAINCT KTM 6h 56' 32" 00' 46" 3 004 ROMA KTM 6h 59' 05" 03' 19" 4 010 COX KTM 7h 02' 34" 06' 48" 5 002 DESPRES KTM 7h 04' 09" 08' 23" (ostalih še ni v cilju)
Noise Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Stanovnikova fotka je tudi na uradni strani Dakarja --- poglejte pod 14. etapo in PHOTOS !!!! Tzar :) :yea2: (fotko prilagam © DPPI)
Tiki Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 FRETIGNE LOSES TIME-CARD David Fretigne (Yamaha n°12) has been given a 15min penalty for losing his time-card. :( (vir:
bladzo Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 FRETIGNE LOSES TIME-CARD David Fretigne (Yamaha n°12) has been given a 15min penalty for losing his time-card. :( (vir: Verjetno so mu jo ukradli KTM-ovci. :D :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:
garfield Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Stanovnik zopet odličen 16 ! :kva2: :yea2: :yea2: Kr dober ga žge če vid sm na en uč!! :yea2:
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