enduraš Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Overall Standings - Moto 1 Nani (joan) ROMA (REPSOL KTM) 53:15:29 2 Richard SAINCT (GAULOISES KTM FRANCE) 53:22:36 + 00:07:07 3 Cyril DESPRES (GAULOISES KTM FRANCE) 54:01:58 + 00:46:29 4 Alfie COX (GAULOISES KTM INTERNATIONAL) 54:02:41 + 00:47:12 5 Pal anders ULLEVALSETER (SCANDINAVIA) 55:11:44 + 01:56:15 6 Fabrizio MEONI (GAULOISES KTM INTERNATIONAL) 56:19:07 + 03:03:38 7 David FRETIGNE (YAMAHA MOTOR FRANCE) 56:37:50 + 03:22:21 8 Carlo DE GAVARDO (KTM DE GAVARDO) 57:16:43 + 04:01:14 9 Francois FLICK (ALLIER DYNAMIQUE) 57:25:35 + 04:10:06 10 Jacek CZACHOR (ORLEN TEAM) 58:28:57 + 05:13:28 11 Matteo GRAZIANI (ASS SPORTIVA) 59:11:18 + 05:55:49 12 Larry ROESELER (RED BULL USA KTM) 59:13:17 + 05:57:48 13 Michel MARCHINI (AJACCIO DESERT AVENTURE) 60:42:20 + 07:26:51 14 Jean DE AZEVEDO (PETROBRAS - LUBRAX) 61:04:35 + 07:49:06 15 Miran STANOVNIK (SLOVENIAN ARMY) 61:12:47 + 07:57:18 stanovnik med prvimi 15. :notworthy: :notworthy: :kva2:
Freemanx Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Dajmo Miran!!!! Go,go,go,go... kljub smoli vedno boljši!!!!! :OK: :kva2: :notworthy: :grim
<=YaMaHa=> Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 (popravljeno) 15 Miran STANOVNIK (SLOVENIAN ARMY) 61:12:47 + 07:57:18 :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: Popravljeno Januar 16, 2004. Popravil <=YaMaHa=>
bLuZoNdEr Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Kdo je kral', kdo je car...... QUOTE 15 Miran STANOVNIK (SLOVENIAN ARMY) 61:12:47 + 07:57:18
trco Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 lohk napišem samo BRAVO ker slišat se itak ne more mojga zadovoljstva. DEJMO MIRAN GO GO GO GO GO GO GO :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni:
BRANE Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 na poročilih so rekli, da bo najbrž diskvalificiran iz marathon klase zaradi predolge tačke zadnje bremze..pa da so francozi to prjavli..
lightning Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 TO NAM DELI MIRAN :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: :yea2:
Sitko Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Sem tudi jaz slisal na poročilih.... Mislim, krneki! A so se Francozi že mal usral, ker jih bo naš vojak namahal! :chase: Ti nizki udarci (ki so itaq po moje brezveze, ampak neko obešanje na rešilne bilke oz. brezvezne paragrafe), so samo dokaz, kako dober je Miran Stanovnik. Za dobrimi konji se kadi! Dajmo, Miran, GIVE 'EM HELL!!
trco Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 MA JA SEJ SO MEL VALDA TEHNIČNI PREGLED PRED DIRKO :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:
rokpecar Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 16, 2004 Stanovnik 15!!!!! Kaj naj re?en!!!!!!! DEJMO TKO NAPREJ!!!!! :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: :OK: :OK: :notworthy: :notworthy: :kva2: :kva2:
Noise Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 Zgodba 16. etape -- by stanovnik.com - Peter Kavčič press release 26. rally dakar 2004 16. 1. 2004, 16. etapa Tidjikja – Nouakchott: 652km MIRANU NAGRADA IN »NOŽ« V HRBET Le še eno pravo etapo pred ciljem se je dirka začela razpletati. Nani Roma in Stephane Peterhansel še vedno vodita in obema se izgleda nasmiha tako željena in po vsej smoli na Dakarjih tudi zaslužena zmaga. Nissanu pa kot kaže ne bo uspelo, po tem ko se je včeraj Vatanen zaletel v drevo je imel danes z elektroniko svojega dirkalnika težave tudi Collin McRae. Rallystični as je sicer že vidno izčrrpan zaradi dolžine in surovosti tega rallyja. Dnevne etape tukaj se namreč lahko merijo z dolžino enega celotnega rallyja za svetovno prvenstvo in na Dakarju je tako že oddirkal toliko kot v vsej lanski sezoni. Sicer sta bila danes najhitrejša Despres in Masuoka, kljub hudim bolečinam v zapestju in omejeni vidljivosti zaradi zatečenega očesa pa je na skupno štirinajsto mesto napredoval Miran Stanovnik. »Etapa je bila res surova. Izjemno dolga hitrostna preizkušnja v veliki vročini in na težkem terenu. Imeli smo kar dvesto kilometrov kamelje trave, kar pomeni neskončno morje grbin, ki te premetavajo in razmetavajo. Zame je to še posebej problem, zaradi bolečin v zapestju. Zato še toliko bolj stiskam motor s koleni in imam od trenja že skoraj povsem uničene hlače. Pa tudi tempo še vedno ni popustil niti za hip. Komaj prestavljivo je, da na polno in tako na nož dirkamo že 10.000 kilometrov.« Toda prav pri njem in še nekaterih nefrancoskih amaterskih voznikih, za katerimi ne stojijo gigantski proizvajalci se dirka ne le razpleta, ampak tudi zapleta. Francozi svetovno znani po svoji kuhinji so tudi letos uspeli zakuhat kar nekaj razpletov in po taboru se mnogi že sprašujejo zakaj jim sploh dovolijo organizirati tako velike in pomembne dirke. Po tem, ko so včeraj Miranu Stanovniku podelili nagrado za dosežek dneva – saj je močno poškodovan ne le nadaljeval z dirko ampak celo napredoval v skupnem seštevku, so tudi izračunali, da je v napoto enemu od njihovih tekmovalcev. Izločiti ga namreč hočejo iz razreda maraton, zaradi banalne serijsko podaljšane stopalke zavore, ki so jo na tehničnih pregledih pred dirko suvereno potrdili. Ugotovili so namreč, da je Miran, ki je favorit v tem razredu, v napoto trem Francoskim dirkačem. Zgodba bo najverjetneje dobila epilog šele ponoči in pobrala Miranu še ščepec preostale moči pred jutrišnjo zadnjo težko etapo. Sicer pa vsi že komaj čakamo, da se premaknemo iz umazanije in kaosa Mavretanijskega glavnega mesta v podobne, a vsaj cilju bližnje razmere Senegalske prestolnice. ----
Noise Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 Dakar.com press release MEONI WINS, ROMA UNDER PRESSURE… EASY FOR MITSUBISHI ! With three days to go before the finish line of the Telefonica Dakar 2004, today's stage between Tidjikja and Nouakchott (579kms of special) was one of the few last chances to make a difference or gain precious minutes. In the bike race, Fabrizio Meoni clinched his 2nd win while Sainct gained time on Roma, still leader in the overall. In the car special, Masuoka and Peterhansel left everyone far behind with the Japanese beating his rival by over 9min. Kabirov won his 5th special and Tchaguine is now just two stages away from a 4th success. When Fabrizio Meoni (KTM n°3) climbed off his bike after yesterday's special the pain could be seen on his face. His twisted knee appeared to be forgotten 24hours later as the Italian grabbed his second special of the rally (his13th on a Dakar). The 'Lion of the desert' marked his possible retirement from the rally-raid scene with another piece of glory. "This special victory pleases me because it'll remain as one of my last memories of the Dakar. I'm convinced it's time to stop". Meanwhile all eyes were on the battle between Roma (KTM n°4) and Sainct (KTM n°1) for overall leadership. Finishing 2nd of the special at 46sec from Meoni, Sainct reduced the gap on Roma, 3rd on the day at 3min19, but gained only 2min32 on the Spaniard. "I didn't have much to do except go full speed. Roma did the same and we finished together. We can't say quite yet that Nani has won. We'll see in two days but things are going his way", admitted Sainct. In the new overall, Roma keeps a 7min07 advantage but doesn't want to think about the victory. "Many things can still happen on a bike. Every kilometre that we ride is a kilometre less, but there still are 250kms (exactly 219)". If the battle for top spot is mouth-watering, the fight for the last place on the podium is even more exciting. Indeed Despres (KTM n°2), fifth on the day at 8min23 lost precious time on Cox (KTM n°10), fourth at 6min48. In the overall, the Frenchman only has a tiny 43sec advantage on the South African. "Tomorrow will be difficult because Cox will try everything to attack and he's a great rider", insisted Despres who will take off just behind Cox in the penultimate stage. PG Lundmark's dream to finish on the podium in Dakar, fell to pieces on the road to Nouakchott. The Swede broke a rear suspension and lost all hope to keep his 5th spot overall while waiting for his assistance truck. In the car special, Mitsubishi added a 6th win to their 2004 team record and this time it was Hiroshi Masuoka's (n°201) turn to triumph (4th special, 2 for Peterhansel). If Peterhansel (n°203) was able to finish under 10 minutes (9min11) from the Japanese, all the others were, once again, well behind. When the EVO2 boys decide to go fast, there's not a lot one can do. Giniel De Villiers (Nissan n°207) tried his best, finishing third at 17min32 while Jutta Kleinschmidt (Volkswagen n°204) took fourth spot at 21min54. Fifth was Jean-Louis Schlesser (Schlesser Ford n°200) at 32min43. In the overall, Masuoka (55min53) is now under an hour behind 'Peter' in the overall. The Frenchman has one foot on the highest step of the podium but he'll certainly keep in mind what happened last year on the penultimate day of the race when he lost the rally despite having a 25min50 lead. "A mechanical problem can happen at any moment. Every kilometre has its own surprises." Comfortably settled in third spot, Jean-Louis Schlesser is at 2h55min while Alphand (BMW n°207) is fourth at 4h04min. Nissan's Colin McRae struggled with a prop-shaft problem at km 138. Forced to wait for his assistance truck, the Scotsman was still expected at the bivouac. In the truck special, Firdaus Kabirov (Kamaz n°410) became the special win record holder on this edition with 5. 2nd place went to Gerard De Rooy (DAF n°417) at only 3min01 while Vladimir Tchaguine (Kamaz n°414) captured 3rd spot at 28min16. It was however a longer day for André De Azevedo (Tatra n°412), still expected in Nouakchott. The Brasilian damaged his front traction and had to work on it for at least 6hours. In other words, he loses his 2nd place overall to Kabirov (now at 1h02min04) while De Rooy climbs on the 3rd step of the podium at 1h29min39 of the overall leader Tchaguine.
Noise Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 Danes pa DAKAR!!! 08:38 Nouakchott – Dakar The main difficulties of the rally are now behind, but the competitors should however stay focused on this penultimate stage. They will discover many new tracks, without the possibility to use the GPS system. On the course : many sandy, sinuous and fast tracks that will take the competitors to dunes all the way to the Mauritania-Senegal border where the finish line of the special will be set. The liaison that then awaits them to go to Dakar will look like a gigantic parade for those still in this 26th edition. To really discover Dakar, one has to wait for the moment in the day when the sun sets and the colors change. On the pavements of the city, Wolofs, Toucouleurs, Peuls, Lebanese and French meet each other. It isn’t surprising to see a Maure go by a Japanese businessman or a sorcellor in his traditional clothes cross the road with no concern for the crazy traffic. And for the typical atmosphere, why not head to the island of Gorée because Dakar, now looks a lot more like a European city in the middle of Africa.
Noise Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 Izločiti ga namreč hočejo iz razreda maraton, zaradi banalne serijsko podaljšane stopalke zavore, ki so jo na tehničnih pregledih pred dirko suvereno potrdili. Za kozlat... lani se je čudežno "odlosala" bremza, letos pa mu nič ne morejo glede tega ker ima uradnega mehanika, mu pa s takim težijo... Mislim, halo, stopalka bremze? Tega valjda "niso opazili" na tehničnem... :SS :SS :SS Kje si, dobri stari Auriol.... ??? :cry:
enduraš Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 in jz sem se smejal, ker sm mislu, da se brane heca :xx: :blink: :ph34r: :angry: :angry: :( kako to sploh lahko možno, če je bil motor že na tehničnem in zarad tako mejhne stvari?!?!? :blink: :ph34r:
<=YaMaHa=> Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 Pa to je noro :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: ...pa ne morjo mu težit zarad stopalke bremze!!! Drugače pa:GO Miran :yea2: :yea2: :yea2:
spidy Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 Glede na to, da je bil motor ze na tehničnem predvidevam da je to bolj kuhinja v taboru morda tudi za to, da stanovniku pade koncentracija ter morala!!! Slovenci se ne damo! Če Mirana zaradi tega diskvalificirajo (kar težko verjamem) gremo na po pravico na evropsko sodišče !!
Noise Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 KTM PRESS RELEASE Dakar 2004: 15th stage Tidjikja - Nouakchott 16.01.2004 The Italian old hand presents his skills Last week some tire problems had irredeemably thrown him back. On Monday, the rest day at Bobo Dioulasso, Fabrizio Meoni confidently assured, “I’m waiting for the Mauritanian stage.” Meoni knew, on that day he would be able to present his skills. A farewell performance? After all Meoni said, too: “Maybe this is my last Dakar rally. I’m 47-years-old and I think it is normal that I’m thinking about quitting. One has to accept his limits. I’ll probably never race more cautious in the future either. But I don’t want to take such a risk. One has to be modest enough to recognize his age. I’m not immortal.” Today Fabrizio Meoni was able to show just how great he can perform. And he was content with himself. Arriving at the bivouac in Nauakchott the pleasant Italian exclaimed, “Today was the first day that everything went the way I wanted. I didn’t make any mistake and my motorcycle was running very well. It was a great race. Maybe I have a chance to win again tomorrow.” Richard Sainct managed to gain some time, but it looks like Nani Roma isn’t about to give up his leadership. The Spaniard arrived in 3rd position. After arrival at the bivouac he kept to himself looking for rest. Jordi Arcarons, his team manager, knew exactly why, “The race is not over yet. Just imagine some little repairs need to be made then the 7 minutes lead on Richard will quickly melt away. Isidre is riding too far in the back; he can’t help Nani quickly enough. Tomorrow Nani needs to ride very careful, very relaxed. Tomorrow’s stage is the last one that counts. Hopefully, he’ll safely get to Dakar.” At this time of the race everyone within the large KTM-team is content with the long Spaniard winning the rally. Fabrizio Meoni states, “Nani has tried it so many times now. He really deserves it. And with the time gap he has got he can surely reach Dakar in the top position. That is his opportunity now.” The fight for the 3rd position is still loaded with suspense: Cyril Despres against Alfie Cox – youthful ambitions against long lasting experience. Only 43 seconds separate the two. “43 seconds,” states Alfie, “that really isn’t all that much. Tomorrow I will start ahead of Cyril. So I really need to pace forward and push for power.” Lee Palmer, his mechanic, is working to prepare his KTM 660 Rally really well. “I’m going to prepare the bike so that Alfie will be able to fly!” And hopefully he will safely land in Dakar. After all these strenuous stages, the 16th stage from Nouakchott to Dakar is a route for pleasure. Time is taken on 191 km out of the 647 km of the stage. The track isn’t all that bad either. The route to Dakar could become a show run. The A.S.O. is expecting thousands of Senegalese people along the track cheering for the “survivors” of the 26th edition of the Dakar rally.
Noise Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 STANOVNIK SE NE DA! Stage 16 - 17 Janvier 2004 - NOUAKCHOTT > DAKAR Liaison 60 km Special 191 km Liaison 396 km Total 647 km Kljub KUHINJI je Miran ponovno pokazal svoje sposobnosti in v Dakar pripeljal na 16. mestu... 16. etapa - MOTO 1 001 SAINCT KTM 2h 21' 48" 00' 00" 2 004 ROMA KTM 2h 23' 53" 02' 05" 3 002 DESPRES KTM 2h 24' 12" 02' 24" 4 010 COX KTM 2h 26' 28" 04' 40" 5 003 MEONI KTM 2h 27' 39" 05' 51" 6 012 FRETIGNE YAMAHA 2h 29' 27" 07' 39" 7 015 ULLEVALSETER KTM 2h 34' 18" 12' 30" 8 045 GRAZIANI KTM 2h 34' 56" 13' 08" 9 016 ROESELER KTM 2h 35' 08" 13' 20" 10 008 DE GAVARDO KTM 2h 36' 42" 14' 54" ... 16 030 STANOVNIK KTM 2h 42' 48" 21' 00" SKUPNO po 16. etapi - MOTO 1 004 ROMA KTM 55h 39' 22" 00' 00" 2 001 SAINCT KTM 55h 44' 24" 05' 02" 3 002 DESPRES KTM 56h 26' 10" 46' 48" 4 010 COX KTM 56h 29' 09" 49' 47" 5 015 ULLEVALSETER KTM 57h 46' 02" 2h 06' 40" 6 003 MEONI KTM 58h 46' 46" 3h 07' 24" 7 012 FRETIGNE YAMAHA 59h 07' 17" 3h 27' 55" 8 008 DE GAVARDO KTM 59h 53' 25" 4h 14' 03" 9 022 FLICK KTM 60h 05' 15" 4h 25' 53" 10 023 CZACHOR KTM 61h 12' 01" 5h 32' 39" ... 15 030 STANOVNIK KTM 63h 55' 35" 8h 16' 13" 16 024 CHARBONNEL KTM 63h 59' 08" 8h 19' 46" 17 017 KRAUSE KTM 66h 04' 55" 10h 25' 33" 18 027 ALGAY KTM 66h 22' 05" 10h 42' 43" 19 032 PEREZ KTM 66h 26' 39" 10h 47' 17" 20 019 ESTEVE PUJOL KTM 67h 47' 47" 12h 08' 25" WAY TO GO!!!! Samo še jutri veliki finale, pa smo pri roza jezeru v Dakarju!!! BRAVO!
SiR Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 Kaj pa je s stopalko? A je res predolga - in kako dolga je lahko? In zakaj je to sploh omejeno - če je?
lightning Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 SymRu mi je snel besede z jezika..torej tudi mene to zanima??Mislim kar koli druzga bi blo bi še reku ajde,ampak dolžina stopalke za bremzo?????????????Kaj ma to veze???a tud za to je predpisana neka dolžina ali kaj??? :wacko: :wacko: svašta AMPAK MIRAN SE NE BO DAL HECAT :notworthy: :notworthy: IN JIH BO ZMLEL :yea2: :yea2: :yea2:
CAPIROMZY Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 (popravljeno) Mater ti Francoze :devil: :devil: :fight2: FRANCOZ-CIGAN!!! Tko je blo tko bo! Popravljeno Januar 17, 2004. Popravil CAPIROMZY
Noise Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 Kaj pa je s stopalko? A je res predolga - in kako dolga je lahko? In zakaj je to sploh omejeno - če je? Ja v klasi MARATON mora biti motocikel brez predelav... ala drugi auspuhi, agregat, itd... skratka, serijski kot se ga da kupiti v štacuni.
Noise Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 AMPAK MIRAN SE NE BO DAL HECAT :notworthy: :notworthy: IN JIH BO ZMLEL :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: Moralno morda že, vsi bomo vedeli na katerem mestu bi moral biti, a z organizatorji se ni za bosti, če ga bodo prestavili v drugo klaso... Tudi če po krivici...
Noise Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 17, 2004 Danes bo nedvomno zanimiv prispevek na eurošportu, se je kar dogajalo... Sainct Romi diha za ovratnik :D 13:49 SAINCT WINS SPECIAL Richard Sainct (KTM n°1) clocked the fastest time of the day's special. Second is Roma (KTM n°4) at 2min05, followed by Despres (KTM n°2) at 2min24, Cox (KTM n°10) at 4min40 and Meoni (KTM n°3) at 5min51. 13:49 FINISH LINE : SAINCT GAINS TIME ON ROMA… BUT NOT ENOUGH On the finish line of the special between Nouakchott and Dakar, Richard Sainct (KTM n°1) has gained 2min05 on Nani Roma (KTM n°4). In the overall, Roma still has a 5min02 lead. 13:48 ROMA MAKES A MISTAKE At km 170, Joan Roma (KTM n°4) went on a wrong track but was quickly able to find Meoni's track and follow.
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