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Dakar 2004


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kdaj ga pričakamo in pazljivo raztrgamo na koščke :D

Tale stavk mi je pa simpatičen hehe - previdno raztrgamo :)

Samo škoda ga je raztrgat, ga je že butasta krava dost načela. Hvala bogu da ni blo kej hujšga...

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Na POPu so rekli, da je Miran ZMAGAL v svoji kategoriji! ČESTITKE!!! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK:

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400 on the start line, 163 in Dakar (41%) including 65 bikes, 60 cars and 38 trucks. The 26th Telefonica Dakar held all its promises as many consider it was one of the hardest in years. The final stage form the Lac Rose to the beach in Dakar didn't, as expected, change anything in the overall. Two competitors claimed their very first victories : Nani Roma in the bikes, and Stephane Peterhansel in the cars. In the truck race, Vladimir Tchaguine won his third consecutive rally added to the one in 2000. On the 14 stages of the race (not counting the prologue), there were 6 different special winners in the bike race, 8 in the cars and 5 in the trucks.

At last ! This morning at 9h10 exactly, after the final 27kms of special at a nice and easy speed (17th at 2min17 of the day's winner Cyrl Despres), 'Nani' Roma (KTM n°4) could finally raise his triumphant arms in the air. A real relief : since the 2000 edition where he dominated the event until three days from the finish when his engine blew up, he had always been on the favourites list but never quite managed to cope with the pressure. This time, he's done it… Not only has he lifted his total special wins to 12 (the first in 1999) but also fulfils a childhood dream.

"When I was little, my mother gave me a book on the history of the Dakar, from its creation to 1985. Every night I would read it. I would have never imagined riding a bike one day, compete on a Dakar and win it ! It's amazing being a part of its history". Leading the overall since the 8th stage (Atar-Tidjikja), 'Nani', this time kept the lead until the finish line in Dakar. On the podium, the Catalan dedicated his triumph to Heinz Kinigadner, the first to bring a KTM on the Dakar. "I've often been compared to him. People would say that neither him nor me would have what it takes to win. Well, now I've done it…" If on the day, Cyril Despres (KTM n°2) clinched his 3rd special of the rally, Richard Sainct's (KTM n°1) very poor performance (47th at 9min53) could be explained by mechanical worries : "This morning, I had a battery problem. The bike stopped suddenly but I found the problem quickly. I'm very lucky to still be here".

Certainly frustrated by his 2nd spot overall (at 12min38), the triple Dakar winner (1999-2000-2003) remains positive. "I'm very proud of myself. It wasn't my turn this year. I'll be back next year to try and regain my title". While, Fabrizio Meoni (KTM n°3) was still well decided to retire, a enthusiastic newcomer seems well decided to come back for many Dakars : David Fretigné (Yamaha n°12). Added to his 7th place overall (the first of the non KTM riders), the Yamaha biker wins the 'Super Production under 450cc' standing, as well as the 'first time on a Dakar' category. In the 'Production' standing, Gilles Algay (KTM n°27) takes 1st spot (19th overall) :? :cry: :doze: while in the 'Production under 450cc', the winner is Benoit Maillard (Honda n°80, 47th overall). The 'Production under 250cc' category goes to Belgian Jeroen Raimon (Yamaha n°83), 53rd overall. Finally, South African Cornel De Villiers (Bombardier n°910) wins the quad competition, 54th overall. Surprisingly, the number 1 fan of the car winner, is … bike winner 'Nani' Roma. "Peterhansel was my hero. I remember 1993 during an enduro in Assen when I took advantage of the fact he was in the shower to steal his t-shirt and socks. I still have them". Stephane Peterhansel (Mitsubishi n°203) becomes the 2nd competitor after Hubert Auriol to win both on a bike and in a car. With a one year delay, the 6-time bike winner dominated the rally almost from the start (1st overall as of stage 3) and only left the lead to his main rival Hiroshi Masuoka (Mitsubishi n°201) for two days (After stages 6 and 7). "It's a great relief and a lot of happiness, that I share with my co-driver Jean-Paul Cottret. On a bike you're alone but this time we built the win together". On the finish line, the Frenchman received a congratulation fax on behalf of the French minister for sports. This morning Peter left the special win to a notorious newcomer, Colin McRae (Nissan n°202) who grabs his second win on the race.

In the other standings, Luc Alphand (BMW n°207) claimed the diesel category and 4th overall and Yoshio Ikemachi (Nissan n°247) wins the T1 'Production car' standings, finishing in an excellent 22nd spot overall on his fourth rally ever. Isa Nisan Cohen (n°295) wins the 'Production diesel car' standings. In the truck race, Vladimir Tchaguine (Kamaz n°414) conquered his fourth Dakar victory (added to the ones in 2000, 2002, 2003) while a newcomer on the rally, Hans Stacey (DAF n°442) ended his excellent race (9th overall) with a special victory. The Dutchman wins the '1st time on a Dakar' standing. On the podium of Dakar, Tchaguine saw his team mate and winner of 6 stages, Firdaus Kabirov (n°412) climb on the second spot while Gerard De Rooy (DAF n°417) was more than happy to settle with third place.

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»To sploh ni pomemno, bistveno je da sem letošnji Dakar, ki je bil eden najtežjih, gotovo pa z najmočnejšo konkurenco vseh časov, oddirkal na polno.

Bravo Miran!!!! Spirit, ki ga premorejo le še redki dirkači tega sveta!!!!

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Ja frajerji so vsi ki so bli dol ,jasno POSEBNE ČESTITKE MIRANU OB TAKO ODLIČNEM REZULTATU!!!!!!!!!!!

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Čestitke obema našima ekipama, zlasti pa Miranu za njegovo najboljšo uvrstitev prav na najtežjem Dakarju doslej!!! :notworthy: :notworthy:

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Čestitke zmagovalcem in našim še enkrat!!!

Dele sem gledu prispevk o Dakarju na Evrosportu in ugutovu da se je Fretigne na Yamahi 2WD prov pošteno razbil...upam da mu ni nič hudega sam ga je pa kar pošteno vrglo po tleh! :wacko:


Samo zanima me :hmm: ...ali je production klassa maraton klasa ali je to dvoje različna stvar??? :?

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Dele sem gledu prispevk o Dakarju na Evrosportu in ugutovu da se je Fretigne na Yamahi 2WD prov pošteno razbil...upam da mu ni nič hudega sam ga je pa kar pošteno vrglo po tleh! :wacko:

P.S.:Samo zanima me :hmm: ...ali je production klassa maraton klasa ali je to dvoje različna stvar??? :?

Noro se je razkantal ja, samo se je čisto lepo odpeljal potem naprej menda... po moje hujšega ni, morda kakšno zlomljeno rebro itd... :hmm: :hmm: (tudi Miran je vozil lani tak, se spomnete?)

Mislim da NI ista stvar production in maraton... :?

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Miran!!!,Miran!!!,....... čestitke tudi iz moje strani vsem Slovencem v Dakarju :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :OK: :OK: :OK:

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Bravo Miran, ti si CAR! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Eurosportu pa FUCK YOU! Vceraj niso niti pokazali niti omenili Mirana. Kot zmagovalca so v production klasi kazali enega francoza na zelenem KTM-u. Z njim so naredili tudi krajsi interviju. Mars u kurac banda!


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Miran, svaka čast!

Tudi jaz nisem podvomil vate! Krave pa bodo začele, če boš tako vozil :lol1: !

Čestitke in lepo se pozdravi!!!

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zakaj nikjer na ne najdem Mirana kot zmagovalca katerekoli klase (v eni je sicer na drugem mestu).....a to slucajno pomeni da so dosegli tisto diskvalifikacijo zaradi daljse stopalke zavore??? :angry: :angry:

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Eurosportu pa FUCK YOU! Vceraj niso niti pokazali niti omenili Mirana. Kot zmagovalca so v production klasi kazali enega francoza na zelenem KTM-u. Z njim so naredili tudi krajsi interviju. Mars u kurac banda!

tedo, a najprej smo rekl fuck you RTV SLo, zdaj pa še Eurošportu? :lol1:

Pa moraš vedet, da ipak ni Miran najpomembnejši na celem Dakarju ... saj so ga že lani malo pokazali :)

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zakaj nikjer na ne najdem Mirana kot zmagovalca katerekoli klase (v eni je sicer na drugem mestu).....a to slucajno pomeni da so dosegli tisto diskvalifikacijo zaradi daljse stopalke zavore??? :angry: :angry:

Počakajmo na uradno razlago...

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tedo, a najprej smo rekl fuck you RTV SLo, zdaj pa še Eurošportu? :lol1:

Pa moraš vedet, da ipak ni Miran najpomembnejši na celem Dakarju ... saj so ga že lani malo pokazali :)

Ja pa najbolj vzdržljiv. V cilj je prišel kot iz vojne (ves potolčen). Dobil je posebno nagrado. Zmago v Production kategoriju mu hočjo vzet...

To kuhinjo o odvzemu zmage bi lahko mal razkrili in raziskali. Ne to pa ne! Tudi Eurosport je pristranski!!! Kaj pa bo en sloveček proti francozom. Marš!


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Narod je vidu kva dela slovenc na motorji - zmaka v svoji klasi :OK: pol pa tist francozi vihajo nos :BUA:

No uglavnem vse čestitke vsem trem slovencem ki so dokončal reli :notworthy: posebno pa miranu :notworthy: :yea2:

Drug let pa zmaga s tovrniškim he he.. :naughty:

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Povzetek - čeprav jih je bilo že kar nekaj, pa vseeno!

Dakarski relly je padel. Osvojila ga je le tretjina prijavljenih tekmovalcev kar je še toliko bolj zgovoren podatek, da so relly končali vsi trije Slovenci! Solze in veselje so zaznamovali cilj letošnjega - že 26. dakarskega rellyja. Bil je eden najtežjih doslej!

Miran Stanovnik je znova pokazal, da mu med vztrajnostnimi dirkači v karavani ni para. Nekoliko grenak priokus daje le njegova izključitev iz uglednega razreda maraton, kjer bi naš lisjak z naskokom zmagal. ker pa ni Francoz, so mu to zaradi centimeter predolge ročice zadnje zavore preprečili. Letos, ko za vodstvo dirke ne skrbi več Hubert Auriol, so vsi nefrancoski tekmovalci namreč le drugorazredna kasta v očeh organizatorjev Miran na koncu vseeno ni skrival navdušenja: Uresničile so se mi vse želje, prišel sem do cilja in to celo med prvo petnajsterico. Tako težkega rellyja še nisem vozil. Po 11.000 kilometrih je bilo treba tudi na zadnji, 27 km dolgi preizkušnji odpeljati s polnim plinom. Prehitel sem številne svetovne ase, najbolj pa me veseli, da sem ugnal Laurenta Charbonella, enega najboljših francoskih endurašev v Franciji. Trikratni zmagovalec Gilles Lalay Classica, najtežje enduro dirke na svetu, si je zadnje dni v navezi s sotekmovalcem na vse kriplje poskušal prisvojiti moje 15. mesto. Za nameček pa ga je na koncu prehitel še moj dirkaški prijatelj PG Lundmark. Šveda sem kar objel, saj je na koncu le zmagal šport in ne spletkarjenje.

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Dakar je amaterska dirka, v kateri sodelujejo profesionalci.

Bojim se da bo za amaterje postal pretežak, v primeru da bi bil še izziv za profesionalce. Mogoče bi lahko drugo leto naredil dve trasi. eno za amaterje, eno za profesionalce.

Letos je šlo zelo na nož, če ne bi tisti dve etapi odpadli, bi bilo zelo žalostno vse skupaj. Če bi že v začetku vedel, da bo Dakar toliko težak, da imam recimo 10% da končam, bi to odvrnilo mnoge amterje in začetnike, in s tem bi Dakar izgubil ves čar.

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:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

MIRANOV PRIHOD V DOMOVINO JE V ČETRTEK 22 JANUAR TOČNO O POLDNE BI BILO LEPO DA NAS JE TAM ČIM VEČ pa tudi zaradi tega da ne bojo govorili veljaki in tv da pri nas za ta šport ni zanimanja :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni:

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