MOTOVILC Objavljeno Januar 6, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2004 a je đovani sala odstopu? KO J... SERĐOTA :D PIŠEJO ŽE TAKO
<=YaMaHa=> Objavljeno Januar 6, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2004 Kaj je blo pa narobe da sta Krajnc/Prislan pršla na cilj s 5 in pol urno zamudo?!?!? :blink: :blink: :blink: :BUA: Sta se mogoče zgubila???
Climber Objavljeno Januar 6, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2004 (popravljeno) Prekopirano z uradne strani dakarja! Italian Giovanni Sala (N°7) crashed around km 117 of the special between Ouarzazate and Tan Tan in Morocco. The KTM rider launched a distress signal and appears to suffer from a thoracic trauma and broken ribs. Popravljeno Januar 6, 2004. Popravil Climber
Noise Objavljeno Januar 6, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 6, 2004 Res je pestro na današnji etapi... Samo da se Miran Stanovnik tako dobro drži -- očitno mu bo uspelo držati obljubo, ki jo je dal, namreč, da v Maroku ne bo padel (kot že na dveh Dakarjih dosedaj)... Danes je na sporedu ena "pasjih" etap, kjer se izmenjujejo hitri odseki s tehničnimi odseki in je bistveno, da prideš "cel" čez. Sala se je hudo razbil in že sprožil signal za pomoč... 13:23 ROMA WINS SPECIAL Nani Roma (KTM n°4) claimed stage 6 special between Ouarzazate and Tan Tan. The Spaniard beats his compatriot Isidre Esteve (KTM n°19) by 2min25. Third is Caldecott (KTM n°72) at 3min41 in front of Despres (KTM n°2) at 4min03. Fifth is De Gavardo (KTM n°8) at 4min31. Cox (KTM n°10) at 4min38, Brucy (KTM n°9) at 4min52, Sainct (KTM n°1) at 6min and Meoni (KTM n°1) at 6min47. Rezultati 5. etapa @ 16:11 1 004 ROMA KTM 3h 32' 26" 00' 00" 2 019 ESTEVE PUJOL KTM 3h 34' 51" 02' 25" 3 072 CALDECOTT KTM 3h 36' 07" 03' 41" 4 002 DESPRES KTM 3h 36' 29" 04' 03" 5 008 DE GAVARDO KTM 3h 36' 57" 04' 31" 6 010 COX KTM 3h 37' 04" 04' 38" 7 009 BRUCY KTM 3h 37' 18" 04' 52" 8 001 SAINCT KTM 3h 38' 26" 06' 00" 9 003 MEONI KTM 3h 38' 47" 06' 21" 10 015 ULLEVALSETER KTM 3h 38' 52" 06' 26" ... 24 030 STANOVNIK KTM 4h 01' 53" 29' 27" In the new overall, Esteve keeps the leadership but only by 1min54 on Roma. Third is Despres at 2min37. Meoni is fourth at 4min32 and Cox at 7min11. Sainct is at 14min31 of the rally leader. Stanovnik je po šesti etapi še vedno na dobrem dvajsetem mestu! Pestro tudi med avtomobili: -- številni crashi in morebitni odstop Biasiona... 12:13 TWO MITSUBISHIs STOPPED IN SPECIAL Stephane Peterhansel (N°203) is stopped at km 113 with a puncture. His team mate Miki Biasion (N°206) is working on mechanical problems at km 79 12:39 KLEINSCHMIDT AND VATANEN STOPPED AT KM 117 After crossing a little river, it appears that water went into the engine. The same problem has occurred to Ari Vatanen (Nissan n°205) also stopped. 14:57 BIASION CRASHES At km 240, Italian Miki Biasion (Mitsubishi n°206) seriously crashed and went tumbling of the track. Both driver and co-pilot are OK but the car appears to be seriously damaged. 14:38 MASUOKA WINS SPECIAL AND TAKES THE LEAD With 6 cars on the finish line, Hiroshi Masuoka (Mitsubishi n°201) clocks the fastest time of the 6th special. The Japanese title holder beats De Villiers (Nissan n°208) by 2min57. Third is Colin McRae (Nissan n°202) at 5min41, followed by Stephane Peterhansel (Mitsubishi n°203) at 7min52. Fifth is De Mevius (BMW n°212) at 8in12 ahead of Alphand (BMW n°207) at 9min03. In the new overall, Masuoka conquers leadership with a 6min40 advantage on Peterhansel. Third is De Villiers at 17min50. Rezultati 5. etapa @ 16:11 1 201 MASUOKA / PICARD MITSUBISHI 3h 09' 40" 00' 00" 2 208 DE VILLIERS / JORDAAN NISSAN 3h 12' 37" 02' 57" 3 202 MC RAE / THORNER NISSAN 3h 15' 21" 05' 41" 4 203 PETERHANSEL / COTTRET MITSUBISHI 3h 17' 32" 07' 52" 5 212 DE MEVIUS / GUEHENNEC BMW 3h 17' 52" 08' 12" 6 207 ALPHAND / MAGNE BMW 3h 18' 43" 09' 03" 7 209 SERVIA / BORSOTTO SCHLES-FORD 3h 23' 07" 13' 27" 8 259 AL ATTIYAN / BARTHOLOME MITSUBISHI 3h 24' 48" 15' 08" 9 200 SCHLESSER / LURQUIN SCHLES-FORD 3h 24' 59" 15' 19" 10 233 MILLER / VON ZITZEWITZ CHEVROLET 3h 33' 08" 23' 28"
Noise Objavljeno Januar 6, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 6, 2004 press release 6.1. 2004, 6. etapa Quarzazat – Tan Tan (HP 351 km, skupaj 803 km) Začetek pravega maratona Šesta etapa se je izkazala za zahrbtno kot so mnogi napovedovali. Odstop Giovanija Sale pri motociklistih (polomljena rebra) in resne tehnične težave Vatanena (voda v motorju) ter Biasiona (ostal je brez treh koles) so le nekatere najbolj odmevne težave vodilnih tekmovalcev. Miran Stanovnik je etapo končal na 24. mestu, skupno pa je sedaj dvajseti. »Z rezultatom sem zadovoljen, le enkrat sem narahlo padel in jo odnesel brez praske, pa še to se je zgodilo zaradi puščanja olja na tesnilu vilic, zaradi česar je bil motocikel vedno bolj nevozen. Ves čas je sprednji del nihal in v nagibih spodletaval, saj je v vilicah zmanjkalo olja. Verjetno mi je tudi zato kmalu odpovedal bib mousse (penasta zračnica), ki se je potem, ko sem prišel v tabor dobesedno raztreščil na koščke. Sedaj me čaka delo, to tesnilo moramo namreč zamenjati, če želim dirkati na naslednji etapi kamor štartamo ob polnoči. Tako lahko na spanje kar pozabim, očitno bom buden od današnje četrte ure zjutraj in do jutrišnjega poznega popoldneva, a to je del te dirke«, še dodaja »puščavski lisjak«. Med motoristi je danes potekal pravi boj med Špancema Pujolom in Romo (zmagal je slednji), skupno pa vodi Pujol pred Romo in Despresom, ki zaostaja le dobri dve minuti in čaka na razplet vročekrvne bitke. Med avtomobilisti je pravi polom (dobesedno) doživel Miki Biasion, ki je bil prisiljen čakati na asistenčni tovornjak, ostal je namreč le še z enim kolesom na tovarniškem Mitsubishiju Pajero EVO. Vatanen je zaradi vode v motorju izgubil tri ure in je danes pristal na 72. mestu, skupno pa je dvainštirideseti. Najbolje je šlo Masuoki, ki je po kazenskem pribitku prevzel vodstvo pred Peterhanslom. Mc Rae je dosegel prvo odmevno uvrstitev, tretje mesto. Brane in Barbara sta včeraj napredovala brez tehničnih težav in sta zjutraj štartala kot 101. Zaradi slabe vidljivosti (prah in sonce, ki je svetilo naravnost v oči ter na koncu še tema) pa nista uspela vidneje napredovati po razpredelnici. Danes jima je šlo dobro, trenutno (ob 22:30) sta na 87. mestu in 84. skupno. Rezultati po 6. etapi: Moto: 1. Pujol (ŠPA, KTM), 2. Roma (ŠPA, KTM), 3. Despres (FRA, KTM),… 20. Stanovnik,… Avto: 1. Masuoka (JAP, Mitsubishi), 2. Peterhansel (FRA, Mitsubishi), 3. De Viliers (JAR, Nissan),…, 84. Kranjc Prvi motoristi bodo štartali že danes ob polnoči. Karavana se bo ustavila na meji z Mavretanijo od koder bo ob zori štart hitrostne preizkušnje do Atarja (skupno 1.055 km) Vir: Peter Kavčič,
marem Objavljeno Januar 6, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 6, 2004 A samo mene čudi da se Collin McCrae uvršča tako visoko? Ne dvomim o njegovem znanju vožnje, saj je v Afriki že zmagoval a Dakar je nekaj čisto drugega tu se etape tudi 700km in več :ph34r:
Noise Objavljeno Januar 6, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 6, 2004 A samo mene čudi da se Collin McCrae uvršča tako visoko? Ne dvomim o njegovem znanju vožnje, saj je v Afriki že zmagoval a Dakar je nekaj čisto drugega tu se etape tudi 700km in več :ph34r: Ja, da o novincu na Dakarju, avstralcu Caldecottu s številko 72 sploh ne govorimo... tip se je vzel od nikoder in sedaj meša štrene tovarniškim dirkačem... Heheh, pri McRaeu mi je najbolj všeč ime njegove sovoznice... Tina Thorner :D (beri Tina Turner ehehee)...
Noise Objavljeno Januar 6, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 6, 2004 Še DAKAR.COM press release... SPAIN REIGNS IN THE BIKES, MASUOKA TAKES LEAD On today's stage 6 of the Telefonica Dakar 2004 between Ouarzazate and Tan Tan in Morocco, staying focused proved to be a key element for success on very difficult rocky paths. In the bike race, the Spanish KTM armada continued its victorious road to Dakar. Roma winning the special and Esteve keeping overall lead. The car event saw Hiroshi Masuoka take revenge over team mate Peterhansel who suffered a puncture that makes him lose the rally leadership. In the trucks, Vladimir Tchaguine added a second victory to his 2004 record and comforts is lead. "I had to be careful", Nani Roma's (KTM n°4) sentence says it all. To win today, one had to be first and foremost cautious. And that was unfortunately not the case of Giovanni Sala (KTM n°8), the first top victim of this Dakar 2004. The Italian suffered a serious crash after only 100km of the special and was forced to withdraw. "It happened in fast turns on little dunes. There was a big rock in the middle of the track and I hit it with my rear wheel… then I fell ! I have two broken ribs. It's really too bad because I was having a good race." Meanwhile the Spanish "boys" were flying to success, one behind the other… Isidre Esteve (KTM n°19) behind Nani Roma. On the finish line, Roma had the final advantage after taking off behind his compatriot at the beginning of the day. "I really was unlucky", admitted a disappointed Esteve who lost 2min25 on the winner. "I broke both tripmasters :kva2: so it had become impossible for navigation. At CP2, I let Roma go past and asked him if I could stay behind. It's too bad because I had the possibility to extend the gap". Third (at 3min41) on the special was Andy Caldecott (KTM n°72) who really doesn't look like a newcomer on this Dakar. "I guess it is a satisfaction to be in the top 5. But I'm disappointed because during 80kms I was in the dust of Cyril Despres. I then had a fuel problem". In fourth position came Cyril Despres (KTM n°2) at 4min03, just ahead of De Gavardo (KTM n°7) at 4min31. Birthday boy Alfie Cox, 41 years old (KTM n°10) failed to manage the feat he is normally used to on his day and finished 6th at 4min38. The day's go by but the pain remains the same for Richard Sainct (KTM n°1) still struggling with the injury that hit him two days ago after his fall. "I can still cope with the pain. The problem is that I can't remain well focused". At the end of the day, the Frenchman had conceded 6min on Roma. In the overall, it's still a Spanish 1-2 but the pressure is on Esteve who know only has a 1min54 lead over Roma. In third spot is Despres at 2min54 followed by Meoni at 4min32 and Cox at 7min11. Sainct is at 14min31 of the rally leader. The last 24hours of the car race give a good idea of how a Dakar rally can dramatically change. Yesterday, Peterhansel (Mitsubishi n°203) astonished his main rivals by winning with a 4min35 advantage. A few hours later he was given a 5min penalty for having pushed his car keeping his overall leadership by just over a minute. Today, it was Masuoka's turn to stun opposition. "Eighty percent of the special was rocky. If you went 10cm out of the good track, it cost a puncture. It's an important result". The Japanese beat De Villiers (Nissan n°208) by 2min57. Colin McRae, his Nissan team mate (n°202) climbed on his first Dakar special podium, at 5min41. Acording to Peterhansel : "Normally a puncture makes you lose 3 or 4 minutes but we had problems changing the rear wheel". Indeed, at km 79, it cost him 7min52 on the finish line in fourth position. Two previous winners of the rally, Ari Vatanen (Nissan n°205) and Jutta Kleinschmidt (Volkswagen n°204) suffered similar fates at km 117 when crossing a river. They both broke down because of water in the engine. The Finn was able to get back on track after… a 2h50 hour repair. The German however had to be towed to the finish by an assistance truck and was still expected at the bivouac. In the new overall, Masuoka has a 6min40 advantage on Peterhansel. "It's only the beginning so I'm not concerned about my position. After Bobo Dioulasso, I'll start thinking about it", insisted the Japanese driver. Third and far behind is De Villiers at 17min50 ! Alphand is 4th at 18min48 and De Meviius 5th at 22min33.
Noise Objavljeno Januar 6, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 6, 2004 Noro, ravnokar se je končala reportaža... :blink: :wacko: :kva2: :yea2: Čez dve uri pa gre karavana naprej... 345km transferja do Mavretanijske meje... nato 701km HITROSTNE PREIZKUŠ nato še 9km transferja... :ph34r: Jutri se bodo moški ločili od fantov... oz. bodo fantje postali moški... Prvič... potem pa še nekaj takih etap :o
marem Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Dečki od moških....ravno gledam izmučenega in obupanega japonc na GS 1100 se mi zdi.... :hmm:
MOTOVILC Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 :hmm: ali je možno kje izvohat kakšna je skupna uvrstitev Mirana v njegovi klasi maraton? :hmm:
Noise Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Dečki od moških....ravno gledam izmučenega in obupanega japonc na GS 1100 se mi zdi.... :hmm: Na Yamahi je bil... YAMAHA SEROW 225 ??? Popolnoma izmučen, v deliriju... dobro, da so ga domačini vlekli, drugače bi po moje kar umrl tam sredi puščave... se je pa videlo, da je noro mehek pesek, avtomobili so kar padli noter... "kot moka" je en nizozemec rekel... :o
Noise Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Stage 7 - 7 January 2004 - TAN-TAN > ATAR Liaison 345 km Special 701 km Liaison 9 km Total 1055 km 06:00 Tan Tan – Atar A lot already say that this should be «the» stage of the 2004 Dakar. It will indeed be the longest with a total of 1055kms including 701 of special and a start in the middle of the night for the first 345kms of liaison from Tan Tan to the Mauritania border. One can expect a real challenge for the mechanics, without big surprises however on the course despite dunes along the way. After a very fast first part, this special will tackle the start of the dune fields, with the demanding and scary crossing of the Erg Oumaghawaba at the end of the stage. In the final part, competitors will have to be extremely careful with the crossing. Quite a few could be trapped, especially after such a long tiring stage behind the stirring wheel! This is the only way to get to Atar, where the checkpoint will stay open all night to receive competitors... One will need to stay consistent and very focused until the finish line .in Atar, founded in the XVIIth century by a Chinguetti tribe. Sicer pa je Miran Stanovnik štartal ob 01:20, ne vemo pa še, če mu je uspelo zamenjati semering na vilicah ali ne (menda je imel težave z rezervnim delom?) in v kakšnem stanju je njegova makina. Krajnc/Prislan sta štartala ob 04:52 in danes bo nedvomno zelo zelo dolg in naporen dan. Tudi Jutta Kleinschmidt, ki ji je včeraj voda zalila agregat, je štartala današnjo etapo, očitno so VW mehaniki zadevo uredili... Na štartu se je pojavil tudi Biasion, italijan, ki se je včeraj prevračal in ostal brez treh koles...
Noise Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 :hmm: ali je možno kje izvohat kakšna je skupna uvrstitev Mirana v njegovi klasi maraton? :hmm: Delam na tem...
Noise Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 (popravljeno) Na današnji pošastno dolgi etapi in hitrostni preizkušnji se že dogaja... Miran je ob 9:57 po lokalnem času pripeljal skozi drugo kontrolo, s časom 2 uri in dve minuti, Estevu, trenutno vodečemu, pa se je zalomilo... 12:00 FALL FOR ESTEVE A big fall after the first checkpoint has cost moto leader Isidre Esteve more than 10 minutes, promoting Fabrizio Meoni to virtual leader of the Dakar. Hiroshi Masuoka has maintained the blistering pace he set on Stage 6, heading rival Stephane Peterhansel at checkpoint 2 12:00 ALPHAND STOPPED AT KM 97 Luc Alphand (MW n°207) was forced to stop at km 97 with mechanical worries. He is now trying to repair but appears to have lost a lot of time. 11:46 MEONI FASTEST AT CP1 On the special of stage 7 between Tan Tan and Atar in Mauritania, Fabrizio Meoni (KTM n°3) has the fastest time at CP1 (km 176) ahead of Richard Sainct (KTM n°1) at 1min27. Third is Jean Brucy (KTM n°9) at 3min25, followed by Caldecott (KTM n°72) at 4min55, Esteve (KTM n°19) at 6min16, Cox (KTM n°9) at 6min29, Roma (KTM n°4) at 7min46, Despres (KTM n°2) at 8min16 and De Gavardo (KTM n°8) at 8min53. Virtually, it would mean that Meoni takes overall command with a 1min44 lead on Esteve. Vir: in -------- Medtem ko nestrpno čakamo na razvoj današnjih dogodkov (prvi motocikli med 148-imi, kolikor jih je bilo na štartu, naj bi končali okrog pol petih po našem času, avtomobilisti pa okrog sedmih... kaj se bo dogajalo s počasnejšimi pa ni nikomur jasno... :cry: ) pa še nekaj izjav po včerajšnji etapi... -- Despresova odebeljena je še posebej srhljiva -- vedeževalska... :unsure: Cyril Despres (KTM) 4th (at 4'03) 3rd overall (at 2'37) “I'm glad to get out of Morocco without hurting myself. Until the refuelling CP I sat in Fabrizio's (Meoni) dust and then, just after leaving the CP, he made a rare navigation error. When he realised his mistake he came back towards me and the gentleman he is he let me take the lead. "I think Nani and Esteve have themselves a little battle going on - all that hot Spanish blood – but I have no intention of getting involved. Knowing them, if it carries on, it won't be long before one of them crashes out.” Alfie Cox (KTM) 6th (at 4'38) 5th overall (at 7'11) “This is the third time I have done this route on the Dakar and it is as dangerous as ever. They should call it the jumping stage. It was my birthday today and before I left my son gave me a torch – he said it was to help me get home if ever I got lost.” Richard Sainct (KTM) 8th (at 6'00) 8th overall (at 14'31) “I'm not feeling great. My arm was hurting at the start this morning when the muscle was cold and giving me hell at the end over the stones. I just have to hope that it starts to get better and that it hurts less on the sandy stages where we get less shocks through the handlebars.” Fabrizio Meoni (KTM) 9th (at 6'21) 4th overall (at 4'32) “I may have lost a little time today but it isn't a problem. My bike isn't adapted to this kind of going – it is too heavy over the jumps and it is impossible to go faster without taking too many risks.” Italian Miki Biasion had a tough day on Stage 6, barrel-rolling his Mitsubishi at speed: "I was following another car and with the dust I could not see. I hit a hole and the rear kicked up putting the car on it's nose. We went end over end and lost 3 wheels." Pa še kaj si misli Schlesser o Mitsubishijih 'Two extra-terrestrials' Two-time Dakar winner Jean-Louis Schlesser conceded he could not keep pace with the two Mitsubishi's on Stage 5, despite their gearbox problems, describing the vehicles of Stephane Peterhansel and Hiroshi Masuoka as 'two extra-terrestrials' as they opened up a big overall lead. Popravljeno Januar 7, 2004. Popravil Noise Data
marem Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 OK nekaj mi ni jasno. Zanima me kdo vozi vozila med etapami. Npr. etap je dolga cca 500 km, kar vrjetno popolnoma izmuči voznika. Temu sledi cca 300 km tranporta, do druge etape. In potem je tu spet etapa dolga cca 700 km. mne zanima kdo vozi vozila, predvidevam, da motorje naložijo na kamione ali kaj pdb. Ali mi lahko kdko tole bolj podrobno razloži...
Noise Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 OK nekaj mi ni jasno. Zanima me kdo vozi vozila med etapami. Npr. etap je dolga cca 500 km, kar vrjetno popolnoma izmuči voznika. Temu sledi cca 300 km tranporta, do druge etape. In potem je tu spet etapa dolga cca 700 km. mne zanima kdo vozi vozila, predvidevam, da motorje naložijo na kamione ali kaj pdb. Ali mi lahko kdko tole bolj podrobno razloži... :lol1: .... Vozijo jih SAMI... edino v Evropi, ko je snežilo, so organizatorji dovolili kršitev osnovnih pravil ("ustave") Dakarja... Sicer pa je etapa sestavljena iz "transferja" (liasion) in "hitrostne preizkušnje" (special), oz. večih transf. / HP...
jax Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 a sedaj pa o revolucionarni yamahi ne duha ne sluha :?
Noise Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 (popravljeno) Komentar na Eurosportu... THERE'S THE PROOF: Esteve's heavy fall cost him more than twenty minutes and it's Meoni who will head the moto rankings tonight - if he can stay on the bike!! CP3 1 003 - MEONI 4:02:37 2 001 - SAINCT 4:04:30 3 009 - BRUCY 4:06:50 4 010 - COX 4:08:43 5 072 - CALDECOTT 4:12:39 6 002 - DESPRES 4:12:49 7 004 - ROMA 4:16:30 8 006 - LUNDMARK 4:16:50 9 015 - ULLEVALSETER 4:17:15 10 008 - DE GAVARDO 4:18:39 11 019 - ESTEVE PUJOL 4:25:02 12 011 - COMA 4:25:59 ... 22 012 - FRETIGNE 4:44:55 ... 29 030 - STANOVNIK 4:56:12 Popravljeno Januar 7, 2004. Popravil Noise Data
<=YaMaHa=> Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Svaka čast vsakmu k pride na cilj :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: Pa naš Miran se kar drži kokr vidmo :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: Dons ob 23.00 pa Evrosport gledat!!!!! :OK: :P
SiR Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Svaka čast vsakmu k pride na cilj :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: Pa naš Miran se kar drži kokr vidmo :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: Dons ob 23.00 pa Evrosport gledat!!!!! :OK: :P :P :OK: :kva2: :notworthy: :naughty:
Meglenšček Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Miran končal etapo ko 25. in je v skupnem na 19. mestu...svaka mu čast :OK: :OK: :OK: :kva2: ..danes blo svašta...žal je padel andy je končal etapo na 9 . :OK: :yea2: mestu by the way mislim da njegov prvi favorite...ter počena guma pr meoniju vodilnemu po več info...od noise data like ussualy :yea2:
<=YaMaHa=> Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Miran končal etapo ko 25. in je v skupnem na 19. mestu...svaka mu čast :OK: :OK: :OK: :kva2: ..danes blo svašta...žal je padel andy je končal etapo na 9 . :OK: :yea2: mestu by the way mislim da njegov prvi favorite...ter počena guma pr meoniju vodilnemu po več info...od noise data like ussualy :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: :grupni: Go Miran, go Miran, go Miran :notworthy: :yea1: :yea1: :yea1: P.S.: Ja res je Dakar 2004 Caldecottov prvi Dakar pa še to z navadnim KTMom...model rula :yea2: :yea2: :yea2:
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