GUMY Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Meoni danes končal kot 34. in padel na 18. mesto v skupnem seštevku. Vodstvo prevzel Despres.
Noise Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Ja res je Dakar 2004 Caldecottov prvi Dakar pa še to z navadnim KTMom...model rula :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: No ja, navaden KTM že ni... je še vseeno rally replika... je pa tudi res, da so tovarniški vseeno še bolj našpičeni, mislim, da je Miran lansko leto, ko je bil na obisku pri motosvetovcih, povedal, da imajo tovarniški cca. 15-20km/h višjo končno hitrost :hmm:
Noise Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Meoni danes končal kot 34. in padel na 18. mesto v skupnem seštevku. Vodstvo prevzel Despres. Res je, ja... Da je Dakar popolnoma odštekana stvar, se je pokazalo ponovno danes, na izredno zahtevni etapi Maroko-Mavretanija. Okrog polnoči so se prvi že odpravili na pot, nekateri (sploh ne-tovarniški dirkači) sploh niso šli spat, velika večina avtomobilistov je v tem trenutku še v sipinah, le ducat-dva so že v cilju. Nič na boljšem ni več kot polovica motoristov, saj jih je v cilju šele 63. Stanovnik se je zelo dobro izkazal in dokazuje, da ima pogum, znanje, izkušnje in motor! Sicer se mu je odlomil tripmaster in je izgubil okrog pet minut, saj je malo zašel s proge in popravljal tripmaster, pravi pa tudi, da je bila etapa "idealna za zaklat motor". Peter Kavčič, kontakt v Sloveniji tudi pravi, da Miran sporoča, da "jutri napade!" :yea2: Tudi med najboljšimi motoristi se je odvijala prava drama - najprej se je po CP1 zložil dosedaj vodeči Esteve Pujol in izgubil slabe pol ure, nato se je na 650km oz. 51km pred ciljem ustavil zaradi tehničnih težav in ga še vedno ni v cilju. Meoni je imel na 580km hude težave z zadnjo gumo, rezervno zračnico mu je dal David Casteu (Cagiva n°41)... kljub temu je izgubil skoraj dve uri, danes pristal na 34. mestu in skupno na 18. mestu :ph34r: Najverjetneje to pomeni, da letos ne more več upati na uvrstitev med prvih deset! Tudi novinec, avstralec Caldecott, je padel, a je na srečo izgubil le 25 minut... V cilju so ugotovili, da ima zlomljen gleženj in odpeljal ga je reševalni helikopter -- jutri najverjetneje NE bo več štartal! Poškodovani Sainct, lanskoletni zmagovalec, je danes pokazal svoje borbene lastnosti in v cilj pripeljal prvi, izjava: "Thankfully it was much sandier today, which meant that I got less shock through the handlebars, which in turn helped my arm. The only problem now is that my back is hurting as I have been compensating for my injury. To be honest I thought Fabrizio would win. Now I'm back in the race after three days of hanging on. I just hope that I haven't used up my reserves in the process and won't pay for the effort I have made in the days to come!" Despres, danes tretji, je v skupnem seštevku prevzel vodstvo! Rezultati sedme etape 1 001 SAINCT KTM 6h 39' 33" 00' 00" 2 009 BRUCY KTM 6h 46' 40" 07' 07" 3 002 DESPRES KTM 6h 48' 06" 08' 33" 4 010 COX KTM 6h 48' 33" 09' 00" 5 004 ROMA KTM 6h 51' 52" 12' 19" 6 006 LUNDMARK KTM 6h 55' 10" 15' 37" 7 015 ULLEVALSETER KTM 6h 55' 45" 16' 12" 8 008 DE GAVARDO KTM 7h 05' 02" 25' 29" 9 072 CALDECOTT KTM 7h 05' 07" 25' 34" 10 022 FLICK KTM 7h 08' 46" 29' 13" ... 25 030 STANOVNIK KTM 7h 57' 24" 1h 17' 51" ... 34 003 MEONI KTM 8h 32' 29" 1h 52' 56" (v cilju je v tem trenutku le 63 tekmovalcev) Skupni rezultati po sedmi etapi 1 002 DESPRES KTM 15h 23' 30" 00' 00" 2 004 ROMA KTM 15h 26' 33" 03' 03" 3 001 SAINCT KTM 15h 26' 51" 03' 21" 4 010 COX KTM 15h 28' 31" 05' 01" 5 009 BRUCY KTM 15h 34' 56" 11' 26" 6 015 ULLEVALSETER KTM 15h 43' 44" 20' 14" 7 072 CALDECOTT KTM 15h 46' 52" 23' 22" 8 008 DE GAVARDO KTM 15h 48' 17" 24' 47" 9 006 LUNDMARK KTM 15h 53' 26" 29' 56" 10 045 GRAZIANI KTM 16h 30' 28" 1h 06' 58" ... 15 012 FRETIGNE YAMAHA 16h 48' 24" 1h 24' 54" ... 18 003 MEONI KTM 17h 09' 48" 1h 46' 18" ... 20 030 STANOVNIK KTM 17h 29' 29" 2h 05' 59" Med avtomobilisti je zmagal Masuoka, pred Peterhanslom (oba Mitsubishi) in De Meviusom (BMW). Bruno Saby ima v sipinah še vedno tehnične težave s svojim VW, težave s sipinami je imel tudi rallyist McRae (izgubil 20 minut z "vkopom"). Pri tovornjakih Tchaguine nadaljuje s svojim pohodom proti Dakarju.
BRANE Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 miran pred to etapo ni spal, baje, saj je moral vilice popravlat, na prejšnji etapi zgubil vse olje..
Noise Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 miran pred to etapo ni spal, baje, saj je moral vilice popravlat, na prejšnji etapi zgubil vse olje.. Res je ja.. več o včerajšnjih dogodkih eno stran nazaj!
Noise Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Še malo novic iz press izjave... (by Peter Kavčič) Najdaljša Afriška etapa doslej je postregla s kar nekaj presenečenji v samem vrhu razpredelnice. Zmagovalec Richard Sainct je z napadalno vožnjo prišel do skupnega tretjega mesta, vodilni po sedmi etapi pa je sedaj njegov rojak Cyril Despres. Miran Stanovnik je dosegel 25. mesto in je skupaj dvajseti. Dobro se držita tudi Branko Krajnc in Barbara Prislan, ki dirkata okrog 100 mesta. Včeraj jima je kamen pretrgal cev servo sistema in sta ostala brez servo volana, za nameček pa so jima lokalni otroci z zalučanim kamnom (to je sicer običaj v Afriki) razbili vetrobransko steklo. ... Miran je današnjo preizkušnjo komentiral z besedami: »Najprej je šlo zelo hitro, kot po avtocesti, v drugem delu je proga postala nekoliko bolj tehnična in navigacijsko zahtevna, nisem imel nobenih težav, le malo pred ciljem sem izgubil potni računalik in sem zašel. Zaradi tega sem izgubil kakšnih 5 minut, kar pa v skupnem seštevku ni tako zelo narobe«. ... Siper se prava avantura odvija med asistenčnimi vozili, ki se ubadajo s težavno progo, David Stropnik naprimer, je potem, ko je Miran že zdavnaj privozil v cilj iskal pravo pot med sipinami. Do konca ga še čaka nekaj ur vožnje, kar pomeni, da bo v cilju okrog polnoči. ... Jutri bo na vrsti raznolika in zahtevna etapa od Atarja do Tidjike (389 km), asistenčna vozila pa bodo morala prepeljati 1.535 kilometrov dolgo pot bo bolje prevoznih cestah. Spanje in počitek prideta na vrsto malce kasneje!
Noise Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 KTM PRESS RELEASE Dakar 2004: 7th stage Tan Tan – Atar 07.01.2004 A French triumph after pacing across the vast number of dunes We want to offer our respect for anyone who has reached the finish at Atar or is still to reach it throughout the night. On a day like this everyone is a hero. The stage was extremely tough on the riders and tortured them beyond thought. And it was a stage that would ask its due. Fabrizio Meoni probably lost his chances for the title after a serious tire problem had stopped him. Isidre Esteve severely damaged his bike after a crash. Richard Sainct finished the stage with some painful backache. Jean Brucy fell as well… At the finish Alfie Cox mentioned tonight, “I suspect that half of the drivers will drop out today. This stage was extremely tough... And crossing the 150-km-wide field of dunes in darkness is almost impossible.” The Erg Oumaghawaba, already known for the trouble it causes, has decided about the outcome of the stage. Its rim of the dunes are not really all that large, only about 10 to 30 meters, but they are facing in a direction that hides whatever looms behind them to the riders. The dunes are built like combs in the landscape. Therefore, one won’t find regular crossings or times to rest. Instead the drivers have to strain and concentrate without end on the 150 km run. The field lay at the end of the already long stage. Of all people the hurting Richard Sainct mastered the difficulties best. “I’m back,” gladly exclaims the triple-champion of the Dakar rally. “The days after my injury I rode above my limits, only to keep up with the others. Now I’m motivated for the rest of the Dakar rally. I hope I won’t have to pay the price for today’s stage sometime later along the race. At the moment a terrible backache is bothering me.” Ralf Pariasek, physiotherapist, faces a lot of work. Every one of the riders turned to him looking for help after reaching the bivouac. Jean Brucy, second today, came to him as well, “It is especially my fingers and legs that hurt. This long stage was brutally tough. I’ve crossed this stage four times already. And I get the feeling that it gets tougher each time. Today I followed Cyril for a while. But he was too fast for me. And I fell as well. My handlebars were bent and I got bruised as well. At first I thought a vertebra was broken. Luckily I could go on.” Cyril Despres managed a 3rd position in today’s standings. He rode at a fast but balanced pace. With that he now leads the overalls. “I could have been 5 to 10 minutes faster. Unfortunately, I have lost the right track about 130 km along the way and needed some time to get back on it again. Too bad. Now I’m just glad to be here at the bivouac. To get some rest is the only thing important today. That Fabrizio Meoni gets some sleep soon can surely be doubted. The Italian lost about two hours after some serious tire problems. At the bivouac one could tell that he was mad and silent. “Not a pleasant day for me,” was all he wanted to tell. Alfie Cox told us that he wanted to help out with a tube for his tire at kilometer 600, but it was also broken. He had probably grazed during the long ride. It had been lying at the cockpit. Finally, the French private rider, David Casteu, helped out. Unfortunately, his tube was punctured about 80 km in front of the finish. It just wasn’t a pleasant day. Isidre Esteve had a bad one as well. Due to a crash he lost his navigation system. Apparently however, his Rally 660 had suffered worse damage then it was assumed at first. He had to stop his run about 50 kilometers away from the finish line. At the moment the fast mechanics from the KTM assistance truck take a look at his motorbike. They feverishly try to get it working again. We hope Isidre soon reaches the finish. This 7th stage mixed up the overalls thoroughly. Now Cyril Despres leads ahead of Nani Roma and Richard Sainct. Tomorrow won’t be a day for relaxation. The stage from Atar towards Tidjikja leads the rally crews through sections where they have never been before. Competitors familiar with navigating will have it easier to find the hidden passes and favorable entrances into the field of dunes. The 8th special is 355 km long.
Noise Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Še nekaj uradnih izjav... SAINCT BACK IN IT, MASUOKA CONFIRMS "This is the kind of day that shows how hard the Dakar is…" And Alfie Cox (KTM n°10) knows what he's talking about. ... Meoni however was forced to give way to the Frenchman when after 580kms he damaged his rear tyre. "Once again, it's a mechanical problem, like last year. After last year's Dakar, I found it hard to have the will to start again. I told myself that if I won this year, I would quit. If I didn't I would carry on for another year. Now I don't know". "I didn't expect it to go that well today. But in the sand, my arm is less painful than on rocky paths", admitted Sainct. Peterhansel: "We were focused and got lost. It's a pity. We had a good start but a bad finish". Third place of the special went to Jean-Louis Schlesser (Schlesser Ford n°200) on his two wheel drive buggy, at over… 20min. "We managed to climb up the standings but the two Mitsubishi cars are untouchable. It'll depend on their mistakes". Colin McRae: "Unfortunately in the last dune, we got stuck and lost around 20min. The speed of Peter is unbelievable", insisted the Scotsman.
Noise Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Sicer je v tem trenutku v cilju le 70 motoristov in 25 avtomobilistov... Noč v puščavi je kriza in kaj lahko se zgodi Coxova napoved: "polovica jih bo danes odpadlo"... Smo optimistični in upamo seveda, da Krajnc/Prislan in Stanovnikov press avtomobil (Stropnik D.) ne bodo ostali za karavano... :o Sicer že dve uri in pol ni bilo nobenega avtomobilsta skozi cilj, zadnji prispeli motorist je prišel pred pol ure...
simonsi Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Niti pod razno si ne morem predstavljati, kako svinjsko je ta Dakar težek. Lansko leto sem se vozil po 30 cm snegu, pa sem bil po 1 uri čist izmučen. Motor ima 130 kg, 10 krat se ga da pobrat, v 11 je pa že hudo. Kako jim uspe tiste 200 kg mrcine spravt iz peska, ko pa si vsakih 5 minut docilindra zakopan. :?
Noise Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 7, 2004 Niti pod razno si ne morem predstavljati, kako svinjsko je ta Dakar težek. Noro ja... na reportaži se je lepo vidlo... odrasli ljudje jokajo kot otroci... :notworthy:
<=YaMaHa=> Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 No ja, navaden KTM že ni... je še vseeno rally replika... je pa tudi res, da so tovarniški vseeno še bolj našpičeni, mislim, da je Miran lansko leto, ko je bil na obisku pri motosvetovcih, povedal, da imajo tovarniški cca. 15-20km/h višjo končno hitrost :hmm: To je že res...mislim da s popolnoma originalnim motorjem sploh nebi imel kaj iskat na Dakarju! Drugače pa res škoda da se je Caldecott zvrnil... :cry: :cry: :cry:
Noise Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 To je že res...mislim da s popolnoma originalnim motorjem sploh nebi imel kaj iskat na Dakarju! Ja ne, vsi ki peljeljo v production razredu (tudi Miran) imajo popolnoma originalno rally repliko, ki jo lahko (tudi ti) kupiš pri KTM-u... Več o tem...
Noise Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 V cilju je dosedaj 91 motoristov in 61 avtomobilov, med njimi še NI slovenske posadke Krajnc/Prislan... Čez nekaj ur morata biti na štartu nove etape... :o Drugače pa DANAŠNJA ETAPA: A shorter stage : less than 400kms, but a difficult special. It is designed to allow people to recover from yesterday's mammoth stage. The competitors will discover a track never used in the past and a very technical special requiring excellent navigation to find the good passages that takes them to the arrival. After a short 34km liaison the competitors will then have to find a track that they have never taken before, starting from Far Aoun en route to Tidjikja. The stage is very technical, requiring expert driving and careful navigation between the passes, cliffs and dunes. The landscape will become breathtaking before the competitors come to the end of the 355km stage and with it the end the day in Tidjikja. Tidjikja was founded in the XVIIth century by the Idoualis, that came from the Ardrar. They made the city an important cross-road for trading and a religious settlement. Today the town is divided in two on each side of the Tidjikja oued.
Meglenšček Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 Noise a mogoče veš ti ko si na tekočem če je prišel v cilj tisti ki se je včeraj jokal koo mali otrok ker je uničo baterijo pa ima samo el. starter...etapo zvozit brez da ti crkne motor pa je nemogoče ali....jaz bi mu tak privoščo :OK: :OK:
Ata Slon Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 Goooo Miran :OK: :OK: Goooo David Casteau :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: Goooo Mauro Miron :yea2: :yea2: :yea2:
marem Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 Za motorje sem slišal, da nekateri dosegjo tudi 200 km/h (Meoni-jev). Kaj pa avtomobili, vrjetno ne zaostajajo (glede na čas, ki ga dosegajo po etapah) ali pa je večja le njihova povprečna hitrost ?
MOTOVILC Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 (popravljeno) Stanovnik napada po oblubi! :D :D :D :yea2: Stage 8 1 001 - SAINCT 10:46:45 2 004 - ROMA 10:47:30 3 009 - BRUCY 10:47:43 4 006 - LUNDMARK 11:20:45 5 025 - HARDEN 11:23:06 6 171 - COAKER 11:23:25 7 028 - CROQUELOIS 11:24:54 8 032 - PEREZ 11:25:04 9 020 - MARCHINI 11:27:19 10 049 - CHEVALLIER 11:27:26 11 017 - KRAUSE 11:27:32 12 029 - VERHOEF 11:29:25 13 030 - STANOVNIK 11:29:34 14 005 - DE AZEVEDO 11:29:41 15 023 - CZACHOR 11:29:50 16 024 - CHARBONNEL 11:30:48 17 155 - VERCOELEN 11:41:06 18 003 - MEONI 11:43:17 19 010 - COX 11:43:29 20 011 - COMA 11:43:38 Vir: Popravljeno Januar 8, 2004. Popravil Noise Data
trco Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 DEJMO MIRAN :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni: :grupni:
lightning Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 Joj jst sem tud čist vesel(šeenkrat tolko navijačev kot jih je nalimal Trco(drugo leto gre tudi on na Dakar če kdo še ne ve :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :OK: :OK: ) Trco brez zamere,sej veš da maš edini taprav motor :D
D.J. Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 miran, prtegn un gas pa naj se ti adrenalinska tema nad oči spusti in maš da poletiš kot raketa, vsi navdušenci te 100% podpiramo :notworthy:
Noise Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 WE'RE NOT WORTHY WE'RE NOT WORTHY :notworthy: :notworthy:
<=YaMaHa=> Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 Ja ne, vsi ki peljeljo v production razredu (tudi Miran) imajo popolnoma originalno rally repliko, ki jo lahko (tudi ti) kupiš pri KTM-u... ... A tako :blink: :blink: :blink: Ja glede povprečne hitrosti se tud jst čudim... :blink: čist na pamet govorim...bla je etapa okol 300+km dolga in so jo prevozil motoristi v 3h pa še se prav je povprečna 100km/h(15+-)...85 povprečne hitrosti čez PUŠČAVO je pa tud več kot preveč :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: CP01 1 001 - SAINCT 10:46:45 ... 13 030 - STANOVNIK 11:29:34 GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MIRAN :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: P.S.: Kje je pa Yamahca 2WD??? :?
jax Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 Kaj je z slovensko posadko Krajnc/Prislan? :? :cry: Bravo Miran :010 :grupni: :010
dave the wave Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 8, 2004 Mimo grede, do zdaj izpadli motoristi (vir eurosport): 1 Marek Dabrowski (POL) Orlen Team Stage 2, broken Leg 2 Andor Baltz (GER) KTM Stage 2, personal reasons 3 Shinji Kazama (JPN) Yamaha Stage 3 4 Yannick Guyomarc'h (FRA) KTM Stage 3 5 Giulio Verzeletti (ITA) KTM Stage 3 6 Thierry Hupin KTM Stage 5, crashed bike 7 Bernard Montaz (FRA) Honda Stage 5 8 Jean-Noel Cornuaille (FRA) KTM Stage 5 9 Christopher Emerson (GBR) BMW Stage 5 10 Pierre Paillas (FRA) Yamaha Stage 5 11 Yves Theunninck (BEL) KTM Stage 5 12 Geminiano Taghetti (ITA) KTM Stage 5 13 Marie-Christine Parre Bombardier Stage 5 14 Richard Perepatics (HON) KTM Stage 5 15 Paul Vidal (FRA) KTM Stage 5 16 Juan Orta Gomez (ESP) KTM Stage 5 17 Jean-Francois Cantagrel (FRA) KTM Stage 5 18 Rik Deprez (BEL) Honda Stage 5 19 Giovanni Sala KTM Stage 6, broken rips 20 Andrea Cuminetti (ITA) Honda Stage 6, crashed shoulder 21 Gilbert Metaud (FRA) Honda Stage 6, withdraw 22 Rene Moerman (BEL) KTM Stage 6, withdraw 23 Patrice Grunewald (FRA) KTM Stage 6, withdraw 24 Ayumu Kawai (JPN) Yamaha Stage 6, withdraw 25 Shingo Sugimura (JPN) Yamaha Stage 6, withdraw 26 Shinji Sano (JPN) Yamaha Stage 6, withdraw 27 Benoit Willemot (BEL) KTM Stage 6, withdraw 28 Björn Jansson (SWE) Honda Stage 6, withdraw 29 Xavier Charpentier (FRA) Honda Satge 6, withdraw 30 Homan Mousavi (BEL) KTM Stage 6, engine 31 Maryline Lambelin (CAN) Bombardier Stage 6, withdraw 32 Rene Vogel (FRA) Yamaha Stage 6, withdraw 33 Pascal Faure (FRA) Honda Stage 7, withdraw 34 Carles Iscla Garcia (ESP) KTM Stage 7, withdraw 35 Gianernesto Astori (ITA) Honda Stage 6, withdraw 36 Jean-luc Fonjallaz (SUI) KTM Stage 7, withdraw 37 Fernando Rosello Verdaguer (ESP) Honda Stage 6, withdraw 38 Stef Wolters (HOL) KTM Stage 7, withdraw 39 Antonio Ramos Martinez (ESP) KTM Stage 7, withdraw 40 Steven Rogers Honda Stage 6, withdraw 41 Kurt Luby (UK) Honda Stage 7, withdraw 42 Tomoyuki Fujita (JAP) Suzuki Stage 6, withdraw 43 Peter Szilvasi (HUN) Suzuki Stage 6, withdraw 44 Steve Vandenberghe (BEL) Yamaha Stage 6, withdraw Dakar res ni mačji kašelj <_<
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