Noise Objavljeno Januar 9, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 9, 2004 Skupno je na odličnem 16. mestu!!! 15 016 ROESELER KTM 35h 20' 25" 4h 14' 50" 16 030 STANOVNIK KTM 35h 28' 57" 4h 23' 22" No, za eno mesto je padel, na 15. je namreč pristal še De Azevedo... a še vedno brez dvoma fantastičen rezultat... 15 005 DE AZEVEDO KTM 35h 01' 58" 3h 56' 23" 16 016 ROESELER KTM 35h 20' 25" 4h 14' 50" 17 030 STANOVNIK KTM 35h 28' 57" 4h 23' 22"
Noise Objavljeno Januar 9, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 9, 2004 Enkrat v Evropi, ali pa kakšen mesec nazaj doma... :o Pa ko smo ravno pri tem... Fotka Krajnca iz (pred)včerajšne etape... Zmatran... :o A še vedno v igri, kolikor vem...
<=YaMaHa=> Objavljeno Januar 10, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2004 (popravljeno) Ja zdej pa 3 dni zasluženega počitka!!! Sta Krajnc/Prislan že na cilju 9. etape??? Se bosta vsaj naspala v teh parih dneh! Popravljeno Januar 10, 2004. Popravil <=YaMaHa=>
Freemanx Objavljeno Januar 10, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2004 Sporočilo Miranu poslal. Spremljam traso po zemljevidu in a je to mogoče da je Bobo Dioulasso v Burkini faso? pa to je že sredi Afrike bemtiš! Dobri so tekmovalci, da sploh vozijo te etape. Predvsem pa se mi zdi da je odločilnega pomena psihofizična pripravljenost. Najtežje je vzdržati vse te napore če ne spiš. Miran samo tako še naprej pa bo! Go,go,go... :grupni:
gidl Objavljeno Januar 10, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2004 Ja zdej pa 3 dni zasluženega počitka!!! Sta Krajnc/Prislan že na cilju 9. etape??? Se bosta vsaj naspala v teh parih dneh! Na uradnih Dakakr straneh jih ni v cilju...prišla sta na CP1 ob petih popoldne, na CP2 pa ne in tud v cilj ne....upam da so to samo makajoči podatki in da sta prispela... :xx:
<=YaMaHa=> Objavljeno Januar 10, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2004 A sm prov vidu na Evrosportu carja Stanovnika izstopat iz letala??? :kva2: :kva2: :kva2: :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: A je komu znano kaj je zdej z McRaeom in Vanatenom...naj bi bla še v etapi z enimi problemi če sem prov zastopu in sta menda podpisala neki da ne vozita več na svojo odgovornost ker nista hotla da ju asistenčni tovrnjak zategne do cilja??? :huh: :huh: :huh: ...tko nekako sem jst zastopu celo štorjo.
simonsi Objavljeno Januar 10, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2004 Ja meni se je tut zdelo, da je Miran, sam nisem bil ziher. :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: :notworthy:
trco Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 A sm prov vidu na Evrosportu carja Stanovnika izstopat iz letala??? :kva2: :kva2: :kva2: :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: A je komu znano kaj je zdej z McRaeom in Vanatenom...naj bi bla še v etapi z enimi problemi če sem prov zastopu in sta menda podpisala neki da ne vozita več na svojo odgovornost ker nista hotla da ju asistenčni tovrnjak zategne do cilja??? :huh: :huh: :huh: ...tko nekako sem jst zastopu celo štorjo. ja je bil Miran sem zdele posnel pa se trikrat prepriču sam v naslednem kadru pa enga druzga pokaže u hrbt pa te zmede k ma isto plavo mikico bil je bil naš JUNAK DEJMO MIRAN :grupni:
<=YaMaHa=> Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Pa še ves nasmejan je dol skoču če se prov spomnm tko da mu že ne more bit tolk hudo :P :P :P
mato Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Mene pa zanima, kaj si drugi Dakar-Loverji mislite o tem, da Eurosport non stop pri dnevnih porocilih fura ene in iste face...Sainkt, Despres, Meoni,... Je ze res, da so najboljsi, ampak zame to ni pravi Dakar...kje so tiste mnozice motoristov in avtov, ki se cele dneve mucijo, da sploh pridejo do cilja??? Clovek razen zelo redkih posnetkov dobi obcutek, da vsi Afriko preletijo s 150 na uro. Po moje bi si res lahko vzeli malo vec casa in pokazali kako bolj zanimivo zgodbo, ki se jih vsak dan na Dakarju odvij nesteto mnogo!
Freemanx Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 jaz še Eurosporta nimam :angry: Na rtv SLO pa je vse tako nahitro, praktično nič! No pa saj si pomagam z temle forumom... :OK:
bladzo Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Glede na to, da je malo pavze, vam bom (probal) pokzat kakšno slikco, ki sva jo naredila z anO. 2. Evropska etapa (Narbonne), ljudje stojijo čisto ob progi in se v zadnjem hipu razmikajo, kar pa zgleda, da tekmovalce nič ne moti in tišijo na polno.
bladzo Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Takole je čakala na tehnični pregled Yamaha WR250F. Motorček namenjen za vse tiste, ki imate še vedno omejitev v vozniškem dovoljenju (do 350ccm), pa ste se dozdaj spraševali, kako bi se tudi vi udeležili Dakarja. :yea2: B) :lol1: :kva2:
bladzo Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Spredaj pa je ta reč (wr250f) zgledala takole.
bladzo Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 (popravljeno) Dobri stari BMW r100gs na prologu, jasno z nekaj predelave (vzmetenje WP kot na KTMih) Na sliki pa je tudi že vidnen pričetek močnega sneženja. Popravljeno Januar 11, 2004. Popravil bladzo
bladzo Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Miran na prologu, ko je pri -2°C in močnem sneženju prečkal lužo. Sigurno mu tega ne zavida nihče. :xx: :cry: :wacko: Ko sem najprej videl to lužo sem takoj pomislil, da ko jo bo prečkalo 170 motoristov pred Miranom, jo bo itak že zmankal, bo pri straneh odtekla in se Miranu ne bo treba v mrazu voziti po vodi. Kakšna sreča, a ne? Zelo sem se motil, saj so tik pred pričetkom dirke prižgali vodne črpalke, tako da je bila luža vedno polna. :hmm: :?
Noise Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Press Release Peter Kavčič -- 26. rally Dakar 2004 - 10. etapa Včeraj bi morala biti na sporedu deseta etapa od Neme do Moptija v skupni dolžini 910 kilometrov. Zaradi grožnje napada militantnih skupin pa so tako včerajšnjo kot tudi današnjo etapo odpovedali. Tudi sicer poostreno politično stanje v Maliju pride še kako prav organizatorjem, ki jim je rally ušel iz vajeti. Do Neme je namreč v predvidenem času prišlo le 169 vozil. Od tega 76 motoristov, 55 avtomobilov in 38 tovornjakov. Vsi ostali tekmovalci, ki so še vedno na deveti etapi in si želijo še nadaljevati z dirko bodo nadaljevanje omogočili, če do ponedeljka 12. januarja pridejo v Bobo Diulaso, kjer je sicer predviden dan počitka. Miran Stanovnik je poletel v Bamako z letalom, tako kot vsi ostali motoristi, nekoliko bolečin mu povzroča zatekel gleženj (zvin), verjame, da bo lahko nadaljeval, saj škorenj nudi dovolj opore. Težava bo le, če zateklo stopalo ne bo uspel »stlačiti« vanj . Avtomobilisti so včeraj bili na poti v Bamako, danes pa vse skupaj čaka transfer po cesti do Boba Diulaso v Burkini Faso. Žal ni trentno nikakršnih novih informacij o Branetu in Barbari. Foto: Miran z zvitim gležnjem (
Noise Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 ... in sta menda podpisala neki da ne vozita več na svojo odgovornost ker nista hotla da ju asistenčni tovornjak zategne do cilja??? :huh: :huh: :huh: ...tko nekako sem jst zastopu celo štorjo. Hmm, ne bi vedel kaj točno se dogaja z njima, kar pa se tiče podpisovanja itd... Ne gre za asistenčni tovornjak (njun) ampak "metlo", tovornjak organizatorjev, ki "zapira progo" po koncu etape. Če si avtomobilist, imaš dve možnosti, če te metla dohiti (in imaš probleme z avtomobilom) -- 1) pustiš avto v puščavi in se odpelješ s tovornjakom do bivaka, kjer uradno končaš dakar 2) podpišeš, da odslej voziš na lastno odgovornost in da organizatorje odvezuješ kakršnihkoli obveznosti do tebe ter pustiš metlo, da se odpelje naprej. V tem primeru si seveda popolnoma sam... v tem primeru se lahko pripelješ na štart in nadaljuješ naslednjo etapo (seveda s časovnim pribitkom od prejšnje etape), lahko pa se tudi obrneš nazaj in odpelješ domov... Sicer pa VEDNO vozijo na lastno odgovornost...
Noise Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Vtisi iz devete etape Stage 9: Leading Quotes The leading competitors were unanimous after a gruelling 739km stage, saying that it was incredibly difficult and felt for the privateers. Stage winners Cyril Despres and Hiroshi Masuoka took over nine hours to get to the finish line while privateers were expected to take twice as long. Cyril Despres (KTM) - 1st "It was hell! Ten hours on the bike, those behind will take twice as long! I drank my camel back dry twice, nearly ran out of petrol just before the second refuelling CP and had to fix an electrical problem. Fortunately I didn't make the same mistake as I did yesterday. Towards the end of the special the others went slightly off the route and rather than follow them I took my own way which turned to be the right one -- that was good for my confidence. "Concerning the stage cancellation, I think it's a shame that sport is taken in hostage. The Dakar is our most important event. We've been thinking about it for months and now it's like if the rally was cut into two. The rally is also an endurance race and I'm disappointed because I'm in top shape and I won't be able to defend my chances properly in the next two specials." Alfie Cox (KTM) - 2nd "I started 20 minutes behind the others this morning, but despite that, when I got to the first refuelling CP there they all were! Then they left the CP and I finally caught them up on the piste around the 'Elephant Rocks'. Cyril joined us shortly after and we rode all together until nearly the end of the special. Richard Sainct (KTM) - 3rd "Fortunately we spent most of the day riding together -- fortunately 'cos riding for 10 hours on your own can be a little boring! I have already ridden this stage in the opposite direction and I knew that any mistake could be very costly so I took it easy. I caught Roma up fairly early on but didn't try and overtake him -- I just sat behind him and let him do the navigation." Fabrizio Meoni (KTM) - 11th"At about 100 km from the end my navigation equipment support broke and I lost a lot of time fixing it. Everyday I go out and try my hardest but everyday something goes wrong." CARS Gilles Picard - Co-driver to Hiroshi Masuoka (Mitsubishi) - 1st "It was the toughest special so far, even harder than yesterday's. 750kms none stop. Not even the time to stop and p... or a puncture. With Hiroshi (Masuoa) our thoughts are for those who are far behind, the privateers. It's already tough for us and we're prepared! Added to that, most of them will drive at night and that doubles the time. These two rest days will allow us to rest even though the liaisons are long." Stephane Peterhansel (Mitsubishi) - 2nd "Now that's a real special! 9h20 on the road! The hardest part is not the physical exhaustion but the concentration. It becomes difficult to analyse the distances. There were no major difficulties but it was so long. I spent most of the day in 2nd and 3rd gear at 60km/h. My time is not as god as Masuoka's but it was important to make it here in one piece. "We didn't drive together. I only saw him behind me at the end. At the beginning, I thought that the cancellation of the next two stages was to allow the competitors to rest, but it really is for security reasons. Anyhow, it'll be good for everyone." Jutta Kleinschmidt (Volkswagen) - 3rd "It was really long. It was difficult to go fast because of the rocks and the camel grass. But I prefer this kind of course, compared to the fast tracks. I like it when it's hard but my thoughts are with the privateers that will drive all night. These two rest days are part of the Dakar. I'm used to it." Jean Louis Schlesser (Schlesser Buggy) 4th "It was a very long hard special but we had no particular problems. The first 200km that were supposed relatively fast turned out to be harder than announced - today has been the hardest day so far. Still I'm happy with our result - 3rd overall is pretty good especially given the pace the two 'extra-terrestrials' are going at - they are fast everywhere."
Noise Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Pa še reakcije po včerajšnjem transferju... Riders bemoan long liaison With Stages 10 and 11 of the Dakar being cancelled, the competitors were forced to head South to Bamako - a 900km run that was 'boring'. While the riders had the luxury of taking a plane to the Malian capital, the cars were required to complete the long liaison and many found it tedious. Reactions. Richard Sainct (KTM) - Second overall "It's great to do the stage on a plane. It's relaxing. On the other hand, I would have preferred to do it on my bike in the race. Now, for the other competitors, it's a good thing that they can rest. If I had been leading the overall, this break wouldn't have disturbed me. Now, I lose chances to gain time in the overall. But I have to remain positive, today I'm second overall and on the 4th day of the rally, I was 30th. "That's great. I'll be back in the race in good condition for the second week. Last year, the Dakar was too easy, this time it's very difficult. The Dakar however shouldn't become impossible ! Let's not forget that the weather conditions are very bad, the sand is very soft. Those who will finish he rally can be very proud." Alfie Cox (KTM) - Third overall "On a sporting point of view, this neutralisation of the race is a pity. But when security is at stake, one can only understand. I totally support the organisation's decision. I believe this stop will be welcomed on a physical point of view. Even for me who has done hard Dakars, like in 98 and 99, I find it at the limit. And it's only the start! It isn't a bad thing." Cyril Despres (KTM) - Fourth overall "It's a strange feeling being here today. On one hand it's good to rest but on the other hand, I don't really need it. I was counting on my physical strength to make a difference, so I have an advantage less. For this first day, it's OK but with two more days with no special, I think I'm going to find it long. We'll ride tomorrow on the liaison but it'll really be cool." Fabrizio Meoni (KTM) - Eleventh overall "Concerning the victory, it's over for me. That's for sure. The first problem I had made me lose 2 hours and the two following days, I also had little technical worries on stages where I could have caught up time on the leaders. Now, I'm too far behind and it's impossible to finish with the first. It's sad because it's a magnificent rally, very tough, like I like them. It was my rally and that's why it's a shame. But that doesn't change the main goal now : to make it to Dakar." CARS Stéphane Peterhansel (Mitsubishi ) - Leader "These two days of liaison are a surprise. 900kms is very long. Of course it's not the kind of pressure as in a special, but it wasn't restful. I handed the steering wheel to Jean-Paul Cottret so he could he have fun, especially on tricky paths. We'll try to cope with these two days in a relaxed manner. Tomorrow, there will be another 500kms. We'll have a good rest in Bobo Dioulasso." Jean Louis Schlesser (Schlesser Ford) - Third Overall "Over 900kms of liaison is worst than a special. At least in a special you can attack. We left at 8.30am this morning, we drove fast when we could. There were 100kms of difficult course. The other car (Servia) won't get here before 9.00pm. They did the mistake of not leaving early this morning". Bruno Saby (Volkswagen) - Seventh overall "I was worried about driving all these kilometres in the night. The day before I drove with no power steering. I take the Dakar as it comes. The race is the race. People have a short memory. I remember a stage in 94 in the dunes of Mauritania. We were the only ones to have gone through it with Fontenay." Jutta Kleinschmidt (Volkswagen) - Fourteenth overall "We left at 8.30am. It was tiring but also very boring. I took it easy. If I had the choice, I would have preferred a special." vir:
Noise Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Pa še odličen komentar iz Eurosporta glede letošnjega Rallyja, prihodnosti, pa tudi o McRaeu in Vatanenu... A blessing in disguise For the first time in four years the Dakar Rally has been forced to cancel two of its stage due to a security threat in Mali, but could it be an blessing in disguise for the event organisers as this year's challenging course has already taken victim over half of the original field. In past years the leaders of the Dakar have had a fairly easy path to victory thanks to less than challenging stages, but this year Patrick Zaniroli, course designer and successor to Hubert Auriol, decided to create a challenging course in order to 'keep suspense until the end'. "I have tried to create a route that will keep the suspense right until the end, using difficult stages," Zaniroli said at the Dakar presentation on November 18th. "The future will tell us if we are right this time." However, nine days into this year's event and only 6,000 over the 11,000 kilometres completed, only 132 of the 400-strong field remain in the event following three incredibly difficult stages. Stage 7 totalled over a thousand kilometres and was backed up by a marathon stage consisting a technical 389km stage 8 and another 740km test yesterday, the longest of the Dakar. Auto leader Stephane Peterhansel described the situation in a nutshell: "At the beginning, I thought that the cancellation of the next two stages was to allow the competitors to rest," he hoped."Anyhow, it'll be good for everyone." Gilles Picard, co-driver to Hiroshi Masuoka, mirrored Peterhansel's comments. "With Hiroshi our thoughts are for those who are far behind, the privateers," he said. "It's already tough for us and we're prepared! Added to that, most of them will drive at night and that doubles the time." A Dakar without amateurs, who scrimp and save all year long in order to fulfill their dreams, means the end of the Rally. If the Organisation has to depend only on the professionals, there would be an exodus, which can also happen now. If the chances for the amateurs to reach the Dakar beaches are being confined to a minimum, their pleasure for saving their money for next year will disappear like snow in summer. But thankfully the next two stages, which would have been equally difficult, have been cancelled, allowing the privateers the possibility of recovering from the previous three days. Meanwhile for organiser Zaniroli, who apparently knew of the security threat in Mali prior to the start on Januray 1st, the additional two recovery days has certainly come as a blessing in disguise. "Riders are at their limit" "After three difficult successive stages the harshness of the rally has become obvious today," said Winfried Kerschhaggl, KTM's head of marketing. "We are talking about strains that brought the riders to their limits. Most of the private riders overextended themselves." "It was been a typical Dakar Rally so far," reflected Mitsubishi Director Sven Quandt. "But maybe the organisers pushed it a little too far this time in terms of stretching the resources of teams and privateers. However, on a competitive level, the cancellation of stages 10 and 11 and diminished the possibility of riders such as Cyril Despres and Richard Sainct to fight for victory, with Sunday's test between Mopti and Bobo Dioulasso expected to have been the 'toughest stage yet!'. "This is a bad decision for me," said Sainct, who is three minutes down on overall leader Nani Roma. "The stages will be missing for my results. I cannot make up time because during these two days and I would have had chances to do so." Cyril Despres felt equally disappointed after battling back from over an hour down on Thursday to narrow the gap to Roma to just 44 minutes yesterday. "For me it is not good that they have cancelled the next two specials," he said, "as I am feeling fit and the shorter the distance to Dakar the less chance I have to pull back." As for Nissan, both Colin McRae and Ari Vatanen are still stuck in yesterday's stage with gearbox and clutch problems respectively. The assistance truck is with them and are carrying out repairs and, along with all the other competitors still stuck in the desert, will be able to cotninue their Dakar campiagn if they get to Bobo Dioulasso by 18:00 on Monday January 12th.
bladzo Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Da vam razodenem Noisov podpis. Tukaj vidimo kako pošasti res počivajo :zzz: :zzz: v parku ferme pred pričetkom dirke. Pod odejo je motor lanskega zmagovalca Richarda Saincta. Vsi motorji morajo v park ferme po opravljenem tehničnem pregledu. Noise, kokr vem ti svojo beastko nonstop budiš in jo pojaš za Savo. Kaj pa zimsko spanje. :topic: :hmm: :zzz:
Noise Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Da vam razodenem Noisov podpis. :chase: :yea1: Noise, kokr vem ti svojo beastko nonstop budiš in jo pojaš za Savo. Kaj pa zimsko spanje. :topic: :hmm: :zzz: Spala bo, ko rikne... :xx: :topic: :topic:
bladzo Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 (popravljeno) Kaj imajo skupnega vozniki motornih koles in pa voznika tegale protrucka :? :? :? :? :? :? Če niste opazili je tale protruck brez kakršnihkoli stekel. Torej voznikom je skupen veter v laseh, ali bolje prepih okoli čelad. Si predstavljate, kako jima je bilo, ko sta pa prologu morala po snežnem metežu, -2°C, narediti 500km do cilja v Narbonnu. Popravljeno Januar 11, 2004. Popravil bladzo
Noise Objavljeno Januar 12, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 12, 2004 Peter Kavčič press release 26. rally Dakar 2004 11. 1. 2004 Bamako - Bobo Diulaso (transfer 500 km, odpovedana etapa) Namesto dirke turistični ogled skozi savano Da, predno so odpovedali 11. etapo so se nekateri kar malce bali preizkušnje skozi gosto grmičevje savane, ki je pripeljala do prikupnega mesta Bobo Diulaso v Burkini Faso. Udeleženci rallyja so tako nenapovedano postali turisti, ki se v nekoliko bolj umirjenem tempu lahko celo opazovali lepote podsaharske Afrike. Miran je sproščeni dan komentiral takole: »V resnici sem kar malce slabe volje, saj so nam z odpovedjo dveh etap onemogočili dirkanje in tem prekrižali taktične načrte. Sam bi veliko raje dirkal, tako pa do cilja v Dakarju (18. januar) ostanejo le še šest etap, ki pa jih seveda ne smemo podcenjevati. Kdor misli, da je s tem, ko je prišel do Boba že v Dakarju se močno moti, saj so etape v Mavretaniji vedno težke«. Avtomobilista Berane Krajnc in Barbara Prislan sta še v dirki, zadnje tri etape sta se ubadala s tehničnimi težavami, saj se je motor v njunem Mercedesu pregreval, nato je odpovedal servo. Brabara je takole opisal njune zadnje štiri dni: »Nenehno sva na poti, ko prideva v cilj pobereva vodo in hrano, mehaniki popravijo kar se da popraviti v uri in pol, nato pa že štartava na novi etapi. Tako nisva spala štiri noči, kljub temu pa ostajava optimista, saj sva še v dirki«. Jutri je uradni dan počitka, ki bo prišel prav vsem, ki niso spali v zadnjih dneh več kot le nekaj uric. ------------ Ja, Krajnc/Prislan sta ponovno (oz. še vedno) v dirki... Včeraj zgodaj zjutraj sta prišla v Nemo... Olajšanje pri teamu, ki več kot 48 ur ni mogel stopiti v kontakt z njima. Trenutno sta še na poti v Bobo Dioulasso, kamor morata prispeti danes do 18:00.
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