Noise Objavljeno Januar 12, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 12, 2004 KTM PRESS RELEASE Dakar 2004: At the bivouac at Bobo Dioulasso 11.01.2004 Knights of the road, a lady and the team-lottery Today the KTM team-riders had to ride 545 kilometers on their bikes. The route offered no challenges and no difficulties. It was just a liaison on a tarred road. Around noon the teams arrived at the bivouac in Bobo-Dioulasso. The rally-crews have now reached Burkina-Faso. Among the crowd: Silent heroes Riding along was also a small woman with a great potential. Yuki Tanaka is the only woman on a motorbike who has made it so far. The 31-year-old Japanese woman participates for the first time at the Dakar rally. For the giant task she chose a KTM and also booked the support-package with the manufacturer from Mattighofen. If you watch Yuki, you can’t help but marvel about her. The woman is 1.60 meter tall, weighs 53 kg and just loves the challenge. For example, she took on the task to cross the desert on a KTM 660 Rally. "I like the desert and I love motorbikes," explains Yuki, who looks scarred and bruised from her crashes. "I suppose that has got to do with my job as a journalist for several motorcycle magazines." The delicate KTM-rider collected first experiences in the desert in Dubai and Morocco. However, riding the Dakar rally is a whole new experience for her. And it also has its grim sides. Until noon today the Japanese was hoping to continue the rally after the rest day. "I’m missing a stamp from CP 2 from the stage on Friday," explains Yuki, "I hope the jury can accept that. It really was a brutal special after all. And I really want to go on. Overall I’m gratified with everything, my motorbike, my mechanic and with the support I receive from KTM. I can just hope and pray." Unfortunately, all hope was in vain. This afternoon the jury decided that Yuki Tanaka is cancelled from the race. As a small comfort she’s allowed to fly along to Dakar and to experience the end of the rally by the end of next week. At the moment the small Japanese woman is very disappointed. At the afternoon in Bobo-Dioulasso the managers of the KTM manufacturer-teams debated about the brand new KTM team-standings. All teams, but the Spanish one have lost one rider. Gio Salo is missing among the International team, Jean Brucy among the French team and Scot Harden among the US-team. The two fastest riders from each team are taken into the valuation. Only the Spanish team is still in the position to have the advantage of three riders. The Spaniards seem to be bundled in the most perfect way. After all Nani Roma, the current leader of the overall standings, is a member of their team. This is what the present team-standing looks like: (Points are rewarded to the two fastest members of a team for their performance that day, e.g. place 4 is rewarded 4 points): 1st Team Repsol KTM Spain 62 points 2nd Team Gauloises KTM France 67 points 3rd Team Gauloises KTM International 113 points 4th Team Red Bull USA KTM 277 points Jordi Arcarons, manager of the Team Repsol KTM Spain, is content with these preliminary results, "The team-standings are very important to us. We want that our sponsors, who really support us, are satisfied with our performance. That is exactly why I’m just going to find out why Isidre was given a one hour penalty. Even without that he is already several hours behind. We really want to make a great impression at his Dakar rally." Gilles Salvador (Team Gauloises KTM France) is more concerned about the rankings of each rider. "It is a sport for individuals after all. Richard has a chance to win. And Cyril, too, could stand on the podium. For us it is already a success if one member of the team ranks among the top three finalists." Richard Sainct adds, "The only thing that counts is the individual victory. If we rank among the best as a team as well, it is even better. But I think it is a great idea for the private riders. Due to the team-standings it will be easier for them to step in the spotlight." Guiliano Cecconi (Team Gauloises KTM International) thinks alike. "Yeah, the team-standings. We will see how it will end up. Unfortunately, we have lost Gio. But we still got Alfie and Fabrizio. There are still stages coming up when Fabrizio can make the best use of his skills. We will see how everything will develop. As a team manager, I want most of all that both of the remaining riders reach Dakar." It is the same goal that is also most important to the Dakar-newcomers from the United States. They want to obtain a good reputation for themselves to have something to show for back home. Joe Barker, coordinator of the Team Red Bull KTM USA, "It is most important for us to reach the finish line at Dakar. Unfortunately, Scot had to drop out of the race. As rookies we are collecting lots and lots of experience at the Dakar rally. This will be highly important for the future. After all we want to raise the Dakar’s fame back home. It will already be a great success for us if one of our riders ranks among the top 10. That will mean that we rank up front as a team as well." Last night, Scot Harden flew from Bamako to Paris and afterwards to Los Angeles. Saying good bye was tough. "It was a great adventure for me. I was able to collect many new experiences and we all became a great big family. Never had I thought that the Dakar is so extraordinary. There are so many nations and they all get along so well. It is like the whole world has shrunk together. I am really happy to have been part of it, even when I had to drop out of the race. I hope that others from the States do want to experience the adventure Dakar just like we did. I want to thank everyone who has supported us rookies: Carlo de Gavardo, Hans Trunkenpolz, Claudia Patuzzi, the Spanish riders – simply everyone. Thank you very much." Tomorrow it is the official rest-day at Bobo-Diolasso. We will keep you updated with news from the bivouac.
<=YaMaHa=> Objavljeno Januar 12, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 12, 2004 In kako kaj naša avtomobilistična posadka??? :?
Noise Objavljeno Januar 13, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 13, 2004 (Peter Kavčič pošilja tekst Davida Stropnika, voznika Miranove press Toyote, ki se je končno naspal...) Rally Dakar KONČNO POČITEK! Tempo s katerim je letošnji dakarski rally pripeljal do dneva počitka v Bobo Dioulassu je osupljiv. V zadnjem tednu je karavana rallyja premerila več kot 5000 kilometrov in pri tem seveda zahtevala svoje žrtve. Dvanajstnevni tempo z težkimi etapami, prečkanjem minskih polj Zahodne Sahare in ogibanjem terorističnim skupinam v Maliju je bil skupaj z morjem sipin v Mavretaniji preveč za skoraj polovico udeležencev. Sredi puščave sta zaradi okvare dirkalnika ostala tudi tako legendarna dirkača kot Ari Vatanen in Collin McRae, izgubil se je aktualni svetovni prvak vzdržljivostnih rallyjev Cyril Despres in seveda desetine drugih. Dirkače je povsem zdesetkala predvsem etapa Tidjikja – Nema, ki jo je najhitrejši zmogel v desetih urah, mnogi pa jo končujejo še danes, tri dni po štartu. Motorista Johana Puipa je tako reševala celo mavretanijska vojska. V takih razmerah je pred nadaljevanjem dirke v vodstvu z več kot eno urno prednostjo Stephane Peterhansel. Večkratni zmagovalec Dakarja v motoristični kategoriji, kljub vlogi absolutnega favorita že več let neuspešno naskakuje avtomobilistično zmago. Vedno mu zmanjka kanček sreče, spomnimo se kako je lani po tri tedenskem vodstvu odstopil le 40km pred ciljem. Na to računa tudi legenda Jean Louis Schlesser, ki skuša gigantski ekipi Mitshubishija dokazati, da lahko s svojim prototipnim bugijem užene vse. V igri za zmago pa ostaja tudi BMW z kar dvema voznikoma Gregoirom De Meviusom in Lucom Alphandom. Za lepo presenečenja je med avtomobilisti poskrbela ženska voznica, nekoč najuspešnejša dakarska motoristka Andrea Mayer, ki se med stotinjo moških tekmecev drži na šestem mestu. Nekoliko slabše se je v prvi polovici letošnjega Dakarja odrezala Jutta Kleinschmidt, ki preizkluša novega Tuarega. Z le 2.3 litrskim dieselskim motorjem namreč stavi predvsem na lahkotnost in majhno porabo goriva, se pa avtomobilu poznajo porodne težave. Prav nasprotno pa je neustavljiv veteran Tchaguin, ki s tovornjakom Kamaz kot za šalo prehiteva avtomobile in se v skupnem seštevku z desettonskim gigantom drži na enajstem mestu. Med motoristi je na štartu vse presenetila Yamaha. Z revolucionarnim pogonom na obe kolesi je francoski enduro šampijon David Fretigne povedel, vendar pa je takoj po prihodu v Afriko tudi letos ostalo jasno, da bo zmagovalca potrebno iskati izključno med vozniki KTMov. Italijanski silak Fabrizio Meoni, ki še edini vztraja na gigantskem in brutalno močnem 950 kubičnem dvovaljniku, kljub končni hitrosti preko 200km/h ni dovolj hiter za vodilne: Romo, Saincta, Despresa in Coxa. Boj bo tako še zelo tesen, še posebno ker Saincta do vodilnega Rome ločijo le tri minute. In na motorjih se lahko zgodi vse, še posebno pa seveda poškodbe. Tako smo letos že lahko videli številne zlome, skorajda povsem odtrgano nogo, izpahe ramen… Polomljen je domov odšel eden skritih favoritov Jean Brucy, trikratni zmagovalec Dakarja Richard Sainct vozi z zašito roko, Verhoef še dolgo časa ne bo hodil, težave z gležnjem ima tudi Slovenec Miran Stanovnik, ki je v nočnem delu hitrostne preizkušnje z nogo zatahnil v globok pesek. Miran po taktičnem začetku iz etape v etapo napreduje proti cilju in uvrstitvi v prvo petnajsterico med več kot 200 motoristi. V svojem razredu maraton pa je favorit in seveda tudi v samem vrhu. Ker dirkače do cilja ločijo še vsaj tri res težke etape lahko od Mirana pričakujemo preboj še višje. »Napovedi o težkem Dakarju se uresničujejo, a dirke še niti približno ni konec. Pričakujem še napete boje in zelo zahtevne etape, ki lahko zelo premešajo vrstni red. Vse kaže, da bo letošnji dakar eden najzanimivejših. Zato še kako prav pride današnji dan počitka, da poskrbim za gleženj, ki bo v nadaljevanju še zelo obremenjen. Sicer danes veliko pozornosti posvečam motorju in pa seveda svojemu telesu. Zaradi precejšnje vročine – tukaj je sedaj namreč preko 35 stopinj skrbim predvsem za hidracijo telesa.« Po hudih težavah v igri ostaja tudi prva slovenska avtomobilska posadka Krajnc – Prislan. Podobno kot številni drugi sta se Brane in Barbara, kar tri dni prebijali preko etape Tidjikija-Nema. Ker se je na tej etapi do noči v cilj prebila le peščica motoristov in še sploh noben avtomobilist se je organizator odločil naslednjo etapo spremeniti v transfer. Zaradi hkratnih terorističnih groženj v osrednjem Maliju pa tudi prusmeriti traso preko Bamaka. V izjemno prijaznem vzdušju lokalnih porebivalcev Burkine Faso tako po dveh tretjinah dirke danes čakamo na jutrišnje nadaljevanje rallyja preko Malija nazaj v Mavretanijo in Senegal ter predvsem nabiramo nove moči. Letošnji dakar se je namreč resnično izkazal za enega najzahtevnejših. Ne le za dirkače med katerimi jih je odstopilo že več kot 200, ampak tudi za asistenčna vozila. V tem tednu dni smo namreč prevozili več kot 5000 kilometrov zahodne Afrike - v povprečju vozili 15 ur na dan in redko spali več kot tri ali štiri. Ampak seveda je skupaj z osupljivo naravo in pastmi Sahare prav to čar in neka mazohistična privlačnost dakarskega rallyja, ki s tem samo potrduje svoj primat – najtežje dirke pod soncem. David Stropnik
Noise Objavljeno Januar 13, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 13, 2004 Stage 12 - 13 January 2004 - BOBO-DIOULASSO > BAMAKO Liaison 85 km Special 213 km Liaison 368 km Total 666 km The rally takes a new turn. The vehicles will go through new terrain, with turning tracks and valleys. A real WRC rally special ! Those who are used to this kind of terrain will enjoy this stage with real driving skills. A special that should go fast, very fast for the best. But the competitors will have to be careful at the numerous traps on the road through he tropical forest of Banfora. At the end of the day they will discover with delight the city of Bamako. Founded in 1640, in the heart of the mandingue country, Bamako, « the river of caïmans » in old Bambara dialect, is settled between mountains and rivers in a splendid landscape. Bambaras, Kogoras, Markas, Malinkés, Maures, Peuls and Sarakolés cross paths on the colored old market, and full of the typical thousand perfumes of western Africa. Torej, Dakar se seveda nadaljuje... Sicer oskubljen -- na štartu je bilo le 77 motociklov, 72 avtomobilov in 41 tovornjakov... Trije dnevi počitka so, se mi zdi, tako-tako... resda so si tekmovalci lahko opomogli in bodo nekateri samo zaradi te prekinitve zadevo lahko nadaljevali, je pa tudi res, da je ta premor marsikaterega tekmovalca, predvsem boljše, vrgel iz tira... Ruse očitno sploh... Ivanov (Mitsubishi n°350) se je skaramboliral na 87. km hitrostne preizkušnje, na 10. km pa Orfanos (KTM n°48) je padel in si zlomil ključnico... Kakorkoli že... Stanovnik je bil ponovno soliden 24. in je skupno še vedno na odličnem 17. mestu! 12. etapa 1 002 DESPRES KTM 1h 43' 13" 00' 00" 2 011 COMA KTM 1h 54' 00" 10' 47" 3 004 ROMA KTM 1h 54' 38" 11' 25" 4 010 COX KTM 1h 55' 10" 11' 57" 5 006 LUNDMARK KTM 1h 56' 20" 13' 07" 6 015 ULLEVALSETER KTM 1h 58' 01" 14' 48" 7 001 SAINCT KTM 2h 01' 11" 17' 58" 8 003 MEONI KTM 2h 01' 33" 18' 20" 9 016 ROESELER KTM 2h 02' 33" 19' 20" 10 008 DE GAVARDO KTM 2h 02' 52" 19' 39" 11 022 FLICK KTM 2h 03' 03" 19' 50" 12 045 GRAZIANI KTM 2h 03' 50" 20' 37" 13 012 FRETIGNE YAMAHA 2h 06' 28" 23' 15" 14 019 ESTEVE PUJOL KTM 2h 10' 33" 27' 20" ... 24 030 STANOVNIK KTM 2h 19' 05" 35' 52" od skupno 77-ih na štartu Skupno po 12. etapi 1 004 ROMA KTM 33h 00' 13" 00' 00" 2 001 SAINCT KTM 33h 10' 19" 10' 06" 3 010 COX KTM 33h 29' 06" 28' 53" 4 002 DESPRES KTM 33h 33' 42" 33' 29" 5 015 ULLEVALSETER KTM 34h 01' 56" 1h 01' 43" 6 006 LUNDMARK KTM 34h 03' 00" 1h 02' 47" 7 011 COMA KTM 35h 17' 15" 2h 17' 02" 8 022 FLICK KTM 35h 26' 58" 2h 26' 45" 9 008 DE GAVARDO KTM 35h 30' 54" 2h 30' 41" 10 023 CZACHOR KTM 35h 47' 09" 2h 46' 56" 11 003 MEONI KTM 35h 49' 44" 2h 49' 31" 12 012 FRETIGNE YAMAHA 36h 08' 53" 3h 08' 40" ... 17 030 STANOVNIK KTM 37h 48' 02" 4h 47' 49" 18 024 CHARBONNEL KTM 38h 07' 02" 5h 06' 49" Med avtomobili je bil najhitrejši Alphand pred Schlesserjem in Peterhanslom, ki kljub temu v skupnem seštevku še vedno ostaja eno uro pred Masuoko... Nissani, ki so se tri dni kopali iz puščave, so tudi v cilju (npr. McRae 13. , Vatanen 14. ...). V cilju sta tudi že Krajnc/Prislan, ki jima je trodnevni odmor nedvomno koristil... 12. etapa 1 207 ALPHAND / MAGNE BMW 1h 54' 53" 00' 00" 2 200 SCHLESSER / LURQUIN SCHLES-FORD 1h 56' 21" 01' 28" 3 203 PETERHANSEL / COTTRET MITSUBISHI 2h 00' 33" 05' 40" 4 201 MASUOKA / PICARD MITSUBISHI 2h 01' 16" 06' 23" 5 224 SABY / STEVENSON VOLKSWAGEN 2h 01' 34" 06' 41" 6 204 KLEINSCHMIDT / PONS VOLKSWAGEN 2h 03' 27" 08' 34" ... 64 297 KRAJNC / PRISLAN MERCEDES 3h 10' 21" 1h 15' 28" od skupno danes 72-ih na štartu Skupno po 12. etapi 1 203 PETERHANSEL / COTTRET MITSUBISHI 30h 16' 53" 00' 00" 2 201 MASUOKA / PICARD MITSUBISHI 31h 21' 36" 1h 04' 43" 3 200 SCHLESSER / LURQUIN SCHLES-FORD 32h 35' 09" 2h 18' 16" 4 207 ALPHAND / MAGNE BMW 34h 10' 51" 3h 53' 58" 5 212 DE MEVIUS / GUEHENNEC BMW 34h 32' 23" 4h 15' 30" ... 65 297 KRAJNC / PRISLAN MERCEDES 69h 45' 34" 39h 28' 41"
<=YaMaHa=> Objavljeno Januar 13, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 13, 2004 Vidim da Krajnc/Prislan ne nameravata poseči po višjih uvrstitvah .) ...39h pa pol :wacko:
batzajla Objavljeno Januar 13, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 13, 2004 pomoje bosta skakala do neba že če bosta do konca pršla brez večjih težav!že to je dobro da sta sploh še v igri... drugač pa držim pesti za stanovnika,ma da pokaže zdej kva zna in nej njegovmu gležnju škorenj dobro služi .) da ga ne bo preveč oviral. mimogrede,kateri je bil že stanovnik lani?
Noise Objavljeno Januar 13, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 13, 2004 mimogrede,kateri je bil že stanovnik lani? Skupno sedemnajsti, drugi v svoji kategoriji (marathon)... Več o Dakarju 2003 ...
Noise Objavljeno Januar 13, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 13, 2004 KTM PRESS RELEASE Operation "attack" at full blast For Cyril Despres the days of enforced rest must have been difficult to endure. There was nothing he could do to change anything. These tough rally kilometers where he could have attacked his opponents had been canceled and in the overalls he is still behind the leader by about 45 minutes. And it is the first place in Dakar he is dreaming of. Now there is only one tactic left for the young Frenchman. "Since the day I made the big mistake I’m attacking. It is the only thing I can do," explains Cyril Despres at the bivouac in Bamako. It was the 8th of January when Cyril went astray on the way from Atar to Tidjikja. He lost one hour that day. He won the longest special on Friday and he was victorious on today’s special as well. With that gained 10 minutes back on Nani Roma. His opponent and team-mate Richard Sainct however lost some precious minutes. "Thank goodness we don’t have a team order, neither with KTM nor with Gauloises," mentions Cyril Despres. "And I’m glad about that because I get to attack. Every one of us has the chance to win and everyone is allowed to win." At the finish Richard Sainct wasn’t completely satisfied with himself. "I couldn’t ride as I wanted to. The holder of my seat was broken and it got loosened. Of course this was a big hindrance for me because after all the stage wasn’t all that harmless. We had to endure lots of dust and there were lots of people and animals on the track. One had to be extremely careful." It was an outstanding race for Larry Roeseler from Team Red Bull KTM USA. He claimed a 9th place today, his best placement so far. The track was made for the Dakar-newcomer. It had a fast and firm surface and lots of zigzags – much like the tracks that the 46-year-old Californian is used to. "I liked the heat and the dust. That is what reminds me of home. Today everything was working out well." And his team coordinator Joe Barker was happy as well. "Larry knows what he is doing. He is fast and that was what he was able to prove. The terrain was made for him." Larry Roeseler enjoys every day that he can go on in this rally. "I want to climb on that podium in Dakar. That is my biggest goal. I’m collecting lots of experiences here. This Dakar rally is the climax of my racing career. It is just like the Super Bowl." Carlo de Gavardo reached the bivouac in the same great mood. The 35-year-old Chilean arrived in 10th position today. "I’m glad about every stage that I perform well. The victory isn’t within reach this year. As a rally-rider I need to find to myself first. I still a little beside myself. My crashes in spring and in September and the two times I broke my arm are still inside my head. Because of that I’m not all that content with my performance here." Carlo is in 9th place in the overall standings. Even if the order of the standings has not yet changed there has still been some movement in the overalls. Nani Roma is still leading; he was even able to widen the gap on Richard Sainct. Alfie Cox is in 3rd position and Cyril Despres is gaining time, but still staying on 4th position. But the signal is clear: Nothing is decided yet. It is what Winfried Kerschhaggle, KTM head of marketing, sees as well. "Even when the rally is half over a decisive part of the rally has just began. Even a change on the leadership is still possible. This week will show just how good the team-work within the teams actually is. Discipline among the team will decide who as individual and which team will finish up top. Every team has its own strategy." Positive news has reached us from Paris: Jean Brucy has not broken his collarbone, but he has yanked out his shoulder blade. Jean doesn’t need to be operated on. That means he will fly to Dakar on Saturday and can celebrate the finish of the rally. Maybe he even gets to celebrate the victory of one of his team-mates. Tomorrow the fight for the top of the overalls will go on in the next level. The 13th stage leads back to Mauritania, towards Ayoún El Altroús. Time is only taken of 478 km of the 734 km route. The course is new to the rally crews. Again it is important to know how to navigate properly. Who will find its way best – Nani or Cyril? Or is it for a third party to take advantage.
Noise Objavljeno Januar 13, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 13, 2004 Še poročilo Davida Stropnika "v živo"... Bobo Dioulasso - Bamako --- NADALJEVANJE RALLYJA Včerajšnji dan počitka, ki smo ga porabili predvsem za krpanje teles in strojev je že povsem pozabljen. Štart ob štirih zjutraj je karavano dirke vrnil na stare tire in iz Burkine Faso pripeljal nazaj v Mali. V izredno težkih razmerah velike vročine – blizu 40 stopinj in ogromno prahu sta vodilna še povečala prednost. Stephane Peterhansel tako vodi že za dobro uro in če se bo uspel ogniti večni smoli njegova zmaga ne bi smela biti vprašljiva. Vprašanje pa ostaja ali bo Naniju Romi uspelo obraniti deset minut skozi tri zelo težke in dolge etape, ki prihajajo in tri zelo zagrizene tekmece ki ga napadajo. Slovenec Miran Stanovnik je na današnji relativno kratki hitrostni preizkušnji obdržal skupno 17.mesto, kljub temu da je bil precej obtežen s snemalno opremo in kamero. »Danes se je tako kadilo, da prehitevanje praktično ni bilo mogoče. Vozili smo kot vlak in lahko si zamenjal le en vagon naenkrat. Dalo se je le veliko izgubiti in praktično skoraj nič pridobiti saj je bilo v prahu skritih veliko pasti. Predvsem ogromno od vode razjedenih lukenj ostrih in povsem nepredvidljivih robov. Kakorkoli že dirka se bo razpletla v prihodnjih treh dneh,« je povedal Miran, ki se že pripravlja na jutrišnjo etapo v Mavretanijo, ki se bo začela že ob treh zjutraj. Sicer sta bila danes najhitrejša Luc Alphand in Cyril Despres, v dirko pa se je po treh dnevih težav vrnila tudi prva slovenska avtomobilska posadka Kranjc – Prislan. tekst in foto: David Stropnik
Noise Objavljeno Januar 13, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 13, 2004 Opis jutrišnje (današnje) etape... Stage 13 - 14 January 2004 - BAMAKO > AYOÛN EL ALTROÛS Liaison 230 km Special 478 km Liaison 26 km Total 734 km Leaving the capital of Mali by the north, the competitors will find themselves back in the Sahel and on their way to Mauritania. After 200 km of lovely tarmac road comes an entirely new special. This itinerary should please the drivers; it is a fast special along a series of beautiful sandy tracks, but with many changes of direction. Navigation will make all the difference in this stage. At the time when we were making the reccees the wadis were in full flood, obliging us to make a large number of detours.
Noise Objavljeno Januar 14, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 14, 2004 07:29 Bamako – Ayoûn el Atrous After leaving Bamako and Mali by its northern border, the competitors head back to the Sahel and Mauritania. Numerous tracks, all similar on a brand new special that should surprise many. The drivers should enjoy the fast sandy tracks but will have to be careful with navigation. GPS and road book will be key and the co-pilots will have an important role on the day to make it in a good position at Ayoûn el Atrous. Lost in the heart of western Hodh el Gharbi, Ayoûn el Atroûs looks like an unknown place at the end of the world. Al around the town is desert with dunes and rocks. Far ahead are natural towers in the middle of nowhere !
Noise Objavljeno Januar 14, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 14, 2004 Stanovnik na CP1 soliden 28. ... <-- brez panike, to pomeni samo dve minuti zaostanka za Despresom... 1 002 - DESPRES 01:46:11 2 001 - SAINCT 01:46:22 3 004 - ROMA 01:46:38 4 012 - FRETIGNE 01:46:59 5 010 - COX 01:48:36 6 008 - DE GAVARDO 01:49:36 7 006 - LUNDMARK 01:50:29 8 003 - MEONI 01:51:20 9 016 - ROESELER 01:51:44 10 015 - ULLEVALSETER 01:53:09 ... 28 030 - STANOVNIK 02:08:14
Lunč Objavljeno Januar 14, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 14, 2004 In še ena Miranova... :o :o A ne fura NOLAN? :o :o
Lunč Objavljeno Januar 14, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 14, 2004 :OK: :OK: YAMAHA 2 trac danes 1.mesto :xx: :xx:
trco Objavljeno Januar 14, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 14, 2004 :o :o A ne fura NOLAN? :o :o sej a ni to ista nolanka kot jo ima beno pri SM :o
gidl Objavljeno Januar 14, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 14, 2004 sej a ni to ista nolanka kot jo ima beno pri SM :o Ne, AIROH...
flero Objavljeno Januar 14, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 14, 2004 Baje, da je našmu lisjaku pot prekrižala krava, v katero se je zaletel, rog pa mu je predrl očala in se mu zapičil blizu oči!!! Krava :angry: Etapo je dec vseeno končal na 24. mestu!!! Noro! :kva2: p.s. Miran srečno pa brez okužbe :devil:
<=YaMaHa=> Objavljeno Januar 14, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 14, 2004 :OK: :OK: YAMAHA 2 trac danes 1.mesto :xx: :xx: :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: Baje, da je našmu lisjaku pot prekrižala krava, v katero se je zaletel, rog pa mu je predrl očala in se mu zapičil blizu oči!!! Krava Evo pa ravn tole sem med prispevkom na evrosportu razmislu...kaj pa ce ti z motorjem pri ene 70-80 kokr letijo direkt eno to veliko zval sej ti ni resitve!!! .) Pol pa se zvem da se je to Miranu zgodil :cry: :cry: :cry: P.S.: GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MIRAN!!!!! :yea2: :yea2: :yea2:
trco Objavljeno Januar 14, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 14, 2004 (popravljeno) Ne, AIROH... JE PA PODOBNA ANE....PA LEPA TUD... :rtfm: MIRAN GOOOO :yea1: :yea1: :yea1: :yea1: :yea1: :yea1: :yea1: :yea1: :yea1: :yea1: :yea1: Popravljeno Januar 14, 2004. Popravil trco
flero Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 Etapo je dec vseeno končal na 24. mestu!!! Noro! :kva2: Ups, na 23. mestu! Še bolš!!! :D :devil:
Noise Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 Baje, da je našmu lisjaku pot prekrižala krava, v katero se je zaletel, rog pa mu je predrl očala in se mu zapičil blizu oči!!! Krava :angry: :angry: Ayoun El Atrous, 14.01.2004 Stanovnik zbil kravo! 26. rally Dakar 2004 14. 1. 2004, 13. etapa Bamako – Ayoun El Altrous (HP 478 km, skupaj 734 km) Stanovnik zbil kravo! Trinajsta etapa je bila za našega puščavsega lisjaka skoraj usodna. Kakšnih 200 km pred ciljem je namreč na hitrem makadamskem delu s hitrostjo okrog 80 km/h priletel v kravo, ki se je ravno takrat odločila prečkati pot. Na srečo jo je Miran odnesel le z lažjim pretresom in brazgotino pod očesom. Kot kaže bo rally lahko nadaljeval kar je ob trenutnem skupnem 16 mestu in tretjem mestu v kategoriji maraton podbudna novica. Med motoristi je bil sicer najhitrejši David Fretigne na yamahi s pogonom na dve kolesi, med avtomobilisti pa Colin McRae v Nissanu. Po prihodu v cilj je Miran takole komentiral današnjo zahtevno etapo: »Šlo mi je kar dobro, na začetku sicer nisem mogel kaj pridobiti, saj je bilo ponovno polno prahu, v nadaljevanju pa sem priletel v to nesrečno kravo. Kar naenkrat se je prikazala pred mano. Ko sem se po padcu zavedel je ni bilo nikjer več, torej je žival preživela. Ves okrvavljen sem tako prispel v cilj kjer so mi zdravniki kar brez lokalne anestezije zašili rano pod očesom. Rog je tako prebil očala in za las zgrešil moje oko. Nekoliko sem si pri tem poškodoval tudi zapestje a kot kaže zlomljenega ni nič«, je še dejal Miran, ki bo kot kaže lahko nadaljeval z dirko. Podobno smolo je imel tudi vodilni v skupnem seštevku, Španec Juan Roma, ki je kravo zgrešil a pri tem precej močno padel (sicer ostaja v vodstvu). Cyril Despres je prav tako dirkal z bolečinami, saj je pri sekanju ovinka s ščitnikom na krmilu zataknil vejo polno trnov, ki so se mu zarili globoko v desno roko. Med avtomobili je bil najhitrejši Colin McRae, drugi je bil Vatanen, tretji pa De Viliers, kar je nissanu prineslo trojno etapno zmagoslavje. Besedilo: Peter Kavčič, foto
Noise Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 DAKAR.COM press release FIRST AFRICAN SPECIAL FOR FRETIGNE… NISSAN 1-2-3 ! After yesterday's 'transitional stage', the Telefonica Dakar 2004 headed back to Mauritania with a 734kms stage including 478kms of special, all the way to Ayoun El Atrouss. In the bike race, David Fretigné manoeuvred his Yamaha to success, taking advantage of Despres' bad end to the special. On four wheels, the Nissan boys forgot all the previous worries to clock the three fastest times. Colin McRae clinched his very first win on the rally. Meanwhile, Karel Loprais in the trucks grabbed his 2nd win while Tchaguine remained overall leader. "It was a great day until the last 40kms", were Cyril Despres' first words after getting off his bike on the bivouac of Ayoun El Atrouss. Indeed until that mark, the Frenchman was, once again, riding the perfect race, clocking fastest times at all three CPs (kms 139, 286 and 399), and grabbing precious minutes on his main rivals, despite his difficult starting position (1st). But like during stage 8 to Tidjikja, Despres got lost and lost…"I did a mistake. I knew that the GPS point was wrong and I lost myself looking for it. I was looking for a little track but never found it. I wasn't focused". The rally-raid World champion eventually had to settle for 5th place of the special. Full credit however goes to his compatriot, David Fretigné (n°12), a late starter in 13th spot. On his 2-wheel drive Yamaha, he proved that he could also manage a good result in Africa. Frétigné had captured two specials in Europe (Narbonne and Castellon), he was yet to prove that his bike could perform on another continent. "At the start of the race, everyone thought that a 450cc wouldn't manage anything on this Dakar. Now, not only am I close to the goal of finishing the rally but I also win an African special." Second spot went to Richard Sainct (KTM n°1) at 3min41 while 3rd was Roma (KTM n°4) at 6min22 and 4th, PG Lundmark (KTM n°6) at 8min06. In the overall, Sainct gained some ground on Roma's overall leadership but still remains at 7min25. Despite his poor end to the special, Despres overtakes Cox (KTM n°10) for 3rd spot at 49min39 of the leader. In the car race, the nightmare is over for Nissan. After all the mechanical problems in the first part of the race and the long, the very long way out of stage 9 to get to the rest day in time, the Japanese constructor saw its three cars grab the leading position of the special. A day in 'red and silver'! And to add to this team win, Colin McRae (n°202) became the first Brit since Andrew Cowan (winner of a special in Senegal back in 1990), to clinch a Dakar special. Quite a performance for the Scotsman on his very first edition. "It's my first stage with a good clean run. I felt good overtaking everyone. You obviously know you're doing well. It's nice to be alongside Andrew". Second was Giniel De Villiers (n°208) at 7min40 : "It's a little bit better. The team needed it after the hard times we've had". And to add to this glorious day Ari Vatanen (n°205) took 3rd place and kept his typical sense of humour talking to McRae : "I let you win today. Now you have 49 more to catch me up !" Spain's Josep-Maria Servia (Schlesser Ford n°209) was the first… behind the Nissan trio, finishing at 16min39. Meanwhile, it was almost a walk in the park for the Mitsubishi drivers, more concerned by the overall than the special. Masuoka (n°201) finished at 7th at 24min21 and Peterhansel (n°203) 8th at 26min35. In the overall the Frenchman keeps a comfortable 1h02min29 on the Japanese. And concerning the fight for top spot, Mitsubishi head of motorsports Sven Quandt, felt important to mention that : "Mitsubishi has issued no team orders. We have told the two drivers that we wanted to see both cars in Dakar in one piece". Meanwhile, the orders in the Kamaz team were quite simple : let the others have fun while the boss Tchaguine controls the overall. Well, the Tatra trucks did have fun but it didn't really go as planned for the Russians. In the day's special six-time Dakar winner, Karel Loprais (Tatra n°415) added a second success to his 26th edition record. The Czech driver beat his team mate André De Azevedo (n°412) by 4min56 and third man on the day, Ilgizar Mardeev (Kamaz n°423) by 12min32. Meanwhile Tchaguine (Kamaz n°414) finished 5th at 14min52. The title holder and overall leader remains the leader but sees his lead go down to 44min28 on De Azevedo. What certainly wasn't planned in the Kamaz crew was Kabirov's (n°410) bad day losing third spot overall to Loprais. ---- Še rezultati... 13. etapa - moto (76 na štartu) 1 012 FRETIGNE YAMAHA 6h 10' 25" 00' 00" 2 001 SAINCT KTM 6h 14' 06" 03' 41" 3 004 ROMA KTM 6h 16' 47" 06' 22" 4 006 LUNDMARK KTM 6h 18' 31" 08' 06" 5 002 DESPRES KTM 6h 23' 57" 13' 32" 6 003 MEONI KTM 6h 24' 04" 13' 39" 7 183 VINTERS KTM 6h 30' 11" 19' 46" 8 008 DE GAVARDO KTM 6h 31' 27" 21' 02" 9 010 COX KTM 6h 34' 28" 24' 03" 10 015 ULLEVALSETER KTM 6h 36' 51" 26' 26" ... 23 030 STANOVNIK KTM 7h 13' 52" 1h 03' 27" Skupno po 13. etapi - moto 004 ROMA KTM 39h 17' 00" 00' 00" 2 001 SAINCT KTM 39h 24' 25" 07' 25" 3 002 DESPRES KTM 40h 02' 39" 45' 39" 4 010 COX KTM 40h 03' 34" 46' 34" 5 006 LUNDMARK KTM 40h 21' 31" 1h 04' 31" 6 015 ULLEVALSETER KTM 40h 38' 47" 1h 21' 47" 7 008 DE GAVARDO KTM 42h 02' 21" 2h 45' 21" 8 022 FLICK KTM 42h 04' 58" 2h 47' 58" 9 003 MEONI KTM 42h 13' 48" 2h 56' 48" 10 012 FRETIGNE YAMAHA 42h 19' 18" 3h 02' 18" ... 17 030 STANOVNIK KTM 45h 01' 54" 5h 44' 54" 13. etapa - avto (68 na štartu) 1 202 MC RAE / THORNER NISSAN 5h 52' 58" 00' 00" 2 208 DE VILLIERS / JORDAAN NISSAN 6h 00' 38" 07' 40" 3 205 VATANEN / REPO NISSAN 6h 01' 45" 08' 47" 4 209 SERVIA / BORSOTTO SCHLES-FORD 6h 09' 37" 16' 39" 5 204 KLEINSCHMIDT / PONS VOLKSWAGEN 6h 16' 09" 23' 11" 6 212 DE MEVIUS / GUEHENNEC BMW 6h 16' 56" 23' 58" 7 201 MASUOKA / PICARD MITSUBISHI 6h 17' 19" 24' 21" 8 203 PETERHANSEL / COTTRET MITSUBISHI 6h 19' 33" 26' 35" 9 207 ALPHAND / MAGNE BMW 6h 22' 34" 29' 36" 10 220 KOMORNICKI / MARTON MITSUBISHI 6h 23' 35" 30' 37" ... 66 297 KRAJNC / PRISLAN MERCEDES 10h 42' 49" 4h 49' 51" Skupno po 13. etapi - avto 1 203 PETERHANSEL / COTTRET MITSUBISHI 36h 36' 26" 00' 00" 2 201 MASUOKA / PICARD MITSUBISHI 37h 38' 55" 1h 02' 29" 3 200 SCHLESSER / LURQUIN SCHLES-FORD 39h 06' 25" 2h 29' 59" 4 207 ALPHAND / MAGNE BMW 40h 33' 25" 3h 56' 59" 5 212 DE MEVIUS / GUEHENNEC BMW 40h 49' 19" 4h 12' 53" ... 64 297 KRAJNC / PRISLAN MERCEDES 80h 28' 23" 43h 51' 57"
Noise Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 :OK: :OK: YAMAHA 2 trac danes 1.mesto :xx: :xx: Zelo lep uspeh... presenečenje vsekakor...
lightning Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 Tudi meni se zdi da nas je Yamaha vse skup zelooo presentla..vsi smo mislili da ko pridejo prave puščavske razdalje(700-1000km) Yamaha ne bo več prišla do izraza,a smo se očitno motili.Dokazali so da je to očitno konkurenčen motor in da tudi če jutri rikne so oni zmagal,kajti riknilo je tudi sigurno precej KTM-ov in ostalih več kubičnih mrcin.Se pravi se bo okoli nje še dogajalo :notworthy: :notworthy:
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