balti Objavljeno April 17, 2004 Opozori Objavljeno April 17, 2004 Se še mogoče kdo spomni Yamahe iz daljnega leta 1978? :hmm:
BIG YELLOW Objavljeno April 18, 2004 Opozori Objavljeno April 18, 2004 Ja red dragon 400 2-taktna v Kranju je še ena. Zelo dobri mlinčki za tiste čase! :notworthy:
cirkusdirektor Objavljeno April 18, 2004 Opozori Objavljeno April 18, 2004 Res da nima E končnice, vendar lahko da je to to General information Model: Yamaha RD 400 Year: 1978 Category: Classic Engine/transmission Displacement: 399.00 ccm (24.35 cubic inches) Engine type: Twin Stroke: 2 HP (kW): 43.00 (31.4) @ 7500 Compression: 6.0:1 Bore x stroke: 64.0 x 62.0 mm (2.5 x 2.4 inches) Fuel control: Membrane Cooling system: Air Gears: 6 Transmission type/final drive: Chain Physical measures Weight (incl. oil and gas): 175.0 kg (385.8 pounds) Chassis/dimensions Front tyre dimensions: 3.00-18 Rear tyre dimensions: 3.50-18 Front brake(s): Single disc Rear brake(s): Single disc Speed/acceleration Top speed: 175.0 km/h (108.7 mph) Other specifications Fuel capacity: 16.50 litres (4.36 gallons)
strom Objavljeno April 18, 2004 Opozori Objavljeno April 18, 2004 Moj post nekam pobegnu Skratka... 1978 letnik yamahe rule... :D Fletnozgledajoča zadevca... kestl mal spominja na xj 650, feltne na une od XS-e... LP
Ice Objavljeno April 18, 2004 Opozori Objavljeno April 18, 2004 strom, tvoj post ni nikamor "pobegnil"; je bil pobegnjen. :devil: in tvoj zadnji bo tudi. namrec neke relevantne informacije ni zaslediti.
balti Objavljeno April 18, 2004 Avtor Opozori Objavljeno April 18, 2004 E končnica pomeni elektronski CDI vžig, nekoliko drugačne dize v fergazerju, spremenjene kanale v cilindru in seveda zaradi tega nekaj več konjev (46). Morem reči da ima za tako staro garo, neverjetne pospeške. Včasih in tudi danes ga še vedno uporabljajo za drag-racing predvsem v ZDA. Največ jih še najdemo v V.Britaniji in ZDA, kjer obstajajo tudi klubi. Sam sem navezal stike z Aircooled RD klubom iz V. Britanije. Brez njihove pomoči mi verjetno ne bi uspelo usposobiti moje Yamahice. Še eno vprašanje: ali ga ima red dragon v voznem stanju?
balti Objavljeno Julij 5, 2004 Avtor Opozori Objavljeno Julij 5, 2004 Še nakaj branja za tiste, ki ne veste, da so te Yamahe imele v preteklosti nek pomen: MOTORCYCLE OF THE CENTURY 1st August 1999 Motorcycle of the Century Guest column The giant-killing RD by Mike Pero The Yamaha RD series was responsible for luring me into the wonderful world of motorcycles. When I first saw my cousin's new RD250 in 1974 I knew that I had to have one. At age 14 it was a long hard year of savings ahead to accumulate enough cash to go out and buy one of these hot machines by my 15th birthday. All went according to plan and I did exactly that - in January of 1975 I took possession of an almost new sparkling blue Yamaha RD250A with a disc brake and TT100 tyres - the real go back then. Three months later I had lost my licence for speeding. BUGGER! But on the brighter side I learned that I was legally allowed to ride my RD on the track - Ruapuna, here I come! >From then on I bought and sold various models of the RD series - right through to the water-cooled LCs and my favourite TZ race machines. Often referred to as 'the charge of the light brigade' the RDs were for many years the only bikes to race in the 410cc production class. You would often have start grids of up to 40 or more machines. These powerful 2-stroke 'pocket rockets' could easily outperform bikes twice or three times their cubic capacity, they outbraked and outhandled the larger Hondas and Suzukis and they even embarrassed many a seasoned rider on the larger Kawasakis. In a very short time I realised I was able to finish races at the front end of the bunch. The little rockets were magic - for me they seemed to handle well, they were reliable, they were not expensive to run (except for TZs - they were notorious for eating engine parts) and most of all they made me look good in front of my sponsors. Topping the wish list for all RD racers was more ground clearance. For many years we had to use hacksaws and files to expedite the road grinding process. Finally in 1978 Mr Yamaha launched the RD400E - the first RD with footrests above the pipes. Instantly lap times decreased on every circuit for all riders and I took my second consecutive 410cc Production Championship on Bernie Turner's RD400E. I was a Yamaha man through and through. I got to know every angle and part of the machines and I was forever striving to improve my riding style; my bike and I were a unit. Needless to say the next few years brought me all sorts of adventures, opportunities and results. Understandable technology, speed and performance (not to mention price) have all come a long way since my day but when it comes to choosing the Motorcycle of the Century I could only choose from the RD series. For me the single best machine in the world would have to be the original old Yamaha RD350. Mike Pero was, in all, six times National Motorcycle Road Racing champion - 1977/78 and 1978/79 410cc Production Racing and 350cc and 500cc Racing Class champion in 1981 and 1982. He held the NZ land speed record for 350cc machines from 1979 and he was the only New Zealander ever to win four consecutive NZ Grand Prix titles in one year (1980). Today Mike Pero is Managing Director of Mike Pero Mortgages - his bikes are no longer but the memories are still there. Today you'll find the 39-year-old still keen on adrenalin pumping - he drives a 5.0 litre V8 Holden VT and now relives his motorcycle racing days on the water on a Yamaha Waveblaster
balti Objavljeno Julij 5, 2004 Avtor Opozori Objavljeno Julij 5, 2004 Pa še nekaj - ponovno sem ga registriral! :yea2: Vsako leto je v boljšem stanju, vendar ga vseeno moram čuvati, ker krvavo potrebuje brušenje cilindrov in nove bate. :cry: Kljub vsemu pa ne zdržim in ga morem občasno naviti do konca. :naughty: Še sreča da imam rev limiter in ga ne morem spraviti preko 9k rpm.
balti Objavljeno Avgust 23, 2004 Avtor Opozori Objavljeno Avgust 23, 2004 Popolnoma isti model Yamahe je uporabljen za drag racing v Novi Zelandiji. Več slik in podatkov na : RRRACING In še zanimiva slika predelave motorja za drag racing:
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