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lol... that picture ISN'T me, it's a friend. I have use a bullet camera from It works really nicely. The video camera that I use is pretty high-end, it's a Canon GL-2 3 CCD camera which produces near broadcast quality picture. It works very nicely for creating a DVD.

Thanks for the comments.


I loked the first video is prety much cool,but try more 2cilindrs lets say that you tape Ducati :) i am sory i am just inlove in this firm

i saw a supersport in first video am i right :OK:

keep on the good work

za vse tiskarske napake se ne prituzujte ker sm str 14let :)


some pretty nice videos :OK:

but be advised ;) .....we love your videos as long as u are in one piece... ;) :)


Does anybody know wich band preforms in 060504Palomar video :?

Cool material to keep me warm in winter days :OK: Hope there is more to come.

Grassy are you familiar with shagy studio( made a lot of their videos in Palomar Mt. too.



Hey everybody,

Just a note to let you know I redesigned the web page. If you're at all interested in the DVD coming out soon go check it out and use the form to send me your email address and I'll make sure you get an email letting you know when it's out.

Grassy Knoll Productions

Thanks for your support.



Ali kdo mogoče ve kje bi se dalo v Sloveniji ali kupit tako kamero?? :naughty: pa koliko stane taka kamera?

(Does anybody know where can you get such camera in Slovenia and how much does it cost?) :D

  • 2 tedne pozneje...
Does anybody know wich band preforms in 060504Palomar video :?

Delerium - Silence

Make sure you download/buy the 6:03 minute version as the rest are missing the middle part of the song.




Mislim,da se ne razumeva,Silence poznam,jaz iščem rock komad iz videa posnetega 060504.TNX anyway!



Hey grassy!

how much will this DVD cost? does anyone knows how much post services would cost? :?


Objavljeno (popravljeno)

"Tapped off racing" part rox :yea2:

Popravljeno . Popravil bLuZoNdEr
Objavljeno (popravljeno)

Damn man, great videos. No trafic bullshiting just pure pleasure. Since its dead season over here with winter comming and all, I cant stop drooling while waching your videos and hoping march comes soon so i can get my baby back on roads. Anyways wellcome to Slovenias leading biker site and forum. Hoping to see some new stuff soon.

Cheers m8. :OK:

Popravljeno . Popravil KeC
Mislim,da se ne razumeva,Silence poznam,jaz iščem rock komad iz videa posnetega 060504.TNX anyway!

Ups, zamešal datume.

3 Doors Down - When I'm Gone

Namig: v Googla vpišeš "lyrics" in del refrena v navednicah. Ponavadi takoj najdeš.




HVALA,sem bil že čist obupan! Once again thenk ju veri mač! :)


  • 2 mesecev pozneje...

Hello everyone,

I have just finished up a year-long project of documenting 4 of the roads where I live in Southern California. I have made a full length DVD and am selling it.

Please check out our web page and check it out. There are some little web videos and a movie trailer from the DVD as well. You've probably seen and enjoyed some of our work

I ride a sport bike, but the purpose of the video wasn't about the rider or the bike. I wanted to show how beautiful it is where we ride. Whether you live in the Southern California area or not... whether you ride a sport bike or not... you will surely enjoy watching this over and over.

Please check out our web site and if you have any questions please feel free to email me.

Grassy Knoll Productions



Hey Grassy!

Congratulations! These are very interesting videos :OK: Just keep going on!

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