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nove barve za suzuki v laguni seci:



Suzuki včeraj v Laguni Seci.

Zgleda, da se jih konkurenca boji, ker jim je nekdo snel diske :blink:

Ali pa bodo vozili po sistemu: ONLY LOSERS BRAKE!!! :kva2:



Tako legenda

Randy Mamola believes that the Laguna Seca circuit at Monterey is unlike any other on the calendar and that while the former AMA and World Superbike riders should have an advantage, the fact that they are switching to MotoGP bike could prove difficult.

"Everybody has been waiting a long time for this moment of the championship," Mamola said. "There is huge anticipation amongst the teams and riders because the majority of them have never been to Laguna Seca, but there's also anticipation on this side of the pond because MotoGP hasn't been here for 11 years!

"Laguna Seca is so different to any other circuit because it has the Corkscrew, which is unlike any other corner in the championship," he adds.

"When I went down the corner for the first time I nearly ran off the race track, it is just so steep that it must be two or even three storeys high - it really takes your breath away!

While riders such as Nicky Hayden, Colin Edwards and Troy Bayliss will benefit from their vast experience of the circuit, the fact that they were riding heavier Superbikes compared to the MotoGP machines could work against them as they'll have to change their approach to the circuit.

"Another interesting part of the circuit is going through the main straight, or turn one as they call it, because of the bump," Mamola explains.

"Nobody really knows how fast the MotoGP bikes are going to hit that hill and I can remember when we were riding 750's over there that we had to spin up the tyre just to keep the front down!

"There is the steep incline coming out of turn 6 that is in itself very hilly and I can imagine that it's going to be difficult to keep the front end of these bikes down," he adds.

"Edwards and Hayden are the most recent riders to have ridden the circuit, and it's quite interesting that Valentino Rossi, Sete Gibernau and a number of other riders have never been here and I'm wondering how long it will take Rossi to adapt - it will be interesting to watch," Mamola concluded.

The American public have been coming to Laguna Seca for the past two decades to watch the AMA and World Superbikes, and with MotoGP not having raced there since 1994, they risk being overwhelmed by the enormity of the championship.

"The most noticeable difference between the two categories will be the sound," Mamola explains." The AMA and World Superbike championship have regulations limiting the sound to a maximum of 107db, and you could pretty much talk on the grid while the bikes go by, but when a MotoGP bike starts up, then nobody can talk, so that's going to be the main difference."





Grand Prix USA Moto GP Practice



live- Grand Prix USA Moto GP Race

na ojrošportu seveda ! :grim


Eddie Lawson tudi uradno legenda

Eddie Lawson, eden izmed najboljših voznikov v razredu 500ccm vseh časov bo ta vikend uradno razglašen za legendo MOTOGP ter postal član galerije slavnih v Laguni Seci. Lawson je v svoji karieri dosegel 4 naslove svetovnega prvaka v razredu 500ccm in sicer v letih 1984, 1986, 1988 in 1989 ter osvojil 31 posamičnih zmag z tremi različnimi motorji: Yamaha, Honda in Cagiva.

Lawson bo tako postal 17. po vrsti med legendami motošporta. V t.i. galeriji slavnih so razvrščeni le tisti dirkači, ki so pustili velik pečat v zgodovini motociklizma.

Tukaj so tako svoje mesto našli že:

- žal pokojni Daijiro kato

- Mick Doohan

- Giacomo Agostini

- Angel Nieto

- Mike Hailwood

- Kenny Roberts Sr.

- Kevin Schwantz

- Wayne Rainey

- Carlo Ubbiali

- Freddie Spencer

- Anton Mang

- Wayne Gardner

- Barry Sheene

- Geoff Duke

- Phil Read

- John Surtees

Kdor je kdaj videl Eddia dirkati ve, da si zasluži mesto med legendami :worship:



nove barve za ekipo yamahe


pa je meu se prov un

nevem kje on dobi informacije tok prej

Melandri in Gibernau sta se "zapela" že pred dirko :fight2:

Zanimiva je  burna reakcija Gibernaua, najbrž ne prenese da je Melandri hitrejši in ga popljuva če ga le lahko

Gibernau :BUA:  :BUA:  :BUA:

ce mene prasas je proga res prenevarna

Tale Gibernau se pa boji da bo tovarnisko Hondo zgubu :D

Objavljeno (popravljeno)

melandri še vozu ni po proh pa že razpravla de je prenevarna :slap:

Popravljeno . Popravil nekdo
melandri še vozu ni po proh pa že razpravla de je prenevarna  :slap:

zakaj bi pa moral voziti po njej, da vidi, da je prenevarna, če se že na oko vidi, da so betonske ograje preblizu proge...

zakaj bi pa moral voziti po njej, da vidi, da je prenevarna, če se že na oko vidi, da so betonske ograje preblizu proge...

Če se prav spomnim je imel E. Lawson v Laguni Secu hudo nesrečo, ko je po koncu ciljne ravnine ostal brez zavor in z polno hitrostjo treščil v zid. Razlog je bil banalen: mehanik mu je pozabil zategniti zavorne čeljusti. Ko so mehanika potem hoteli odpustiti, je bil E. Lawson proti: "Ta mehanik mi nikoli več ne bo pozabil zategniti zavor!"


kaj pa zdej čez Seteja pluvate, sej je prov povedal, nej se pritožuje pri za to pristojnih


Marco Melandri told an Italian journalist this afternoon that racing MotoGP here at Laguna Seca is 'a scandal'. He formed this opinion after a lap or two on a scooter.

če se mu pa proga že ob vožnji s skutarjam zdi nevarna poj bolj de sploh ne dirka (če se mu zdi že tko nevarn)

Marco Melandri told an Italian journalist this afternoon that racing MotoGP here at Laguna Seca is 'a scandal'. He formed this opinion after a lap or two on a scooter.

če se mu pa proga že ob vožnji s skutarjam zdi nevarna poj bolj de sploh ne dirka (če se mu zdi že tko nevarn)

:slap: pa ni reko, da se je po tej progi nevarno voziti s skuterjem, ampak da je proga nevarna za motoGP motorje, ki so hitrejši od superbike in ostalih motorjev, ki tekmujejo ne tej stezi že vsa leta. Človek, ki je drugi v skupnem seštevku najbolj prestižnega motorističnega tekmovanja bo pa že vedel, kaj je nevarno in kaj ne.

Pa sej se Marco veseli nastopa:

“It is a tight and completely blind ‘S’ bend and on your way out there it is like an almost vertical wall, with a quick turn. The Corkscrew is for the brave - your stomach must be in your mouth on the way through… I’m really looking forward to racing at one of the most legendary tracks in motorcycle racing.”

Več: tukaj!

Objavljeno (popravljeno)

za zbrisat

Popravljeno . Popravil nekdo

pa sej jest tud nism mislu de je nevarna za skuter, ampak dost o tem.

čez 10 minut se začne 1. prosti trening, live timing je seveda mogoče spremljat na


.. a na evrosportu ne bo nič :?


če mislš live timing bo po moje tud, ampak 100% sm za, zato sm ga izpostavil

prenosa prostih treningov pa ne bo

:OK:  :kva2:

Hude fotke ej.Kje si jih pa staknu?

Komaj čakam dirko-sicer je malo pozno

zvečer v nedeljo- ampak se bo splačalo počakat! :P :P :P :P

Vikend se približuje, po moje bo spet!!

sam mislim, da se bo tokrat po zadnem kolesu

vozu v rumeni-beli ter črni kombinaciji!!HUDO-

UPAM DA BO TOKRAT USPELO TUDI EDWARDSU!! :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1:


Trenutno v USA poteka prvi prosti trening. Do konca je še dobrih 20 minut vrstni red pa je trenutno takle:

1. Hayden

2. Bayliss +0,070

3. Barros +0,303

4. Hopkins +0,309

5. Edwards +0,422

6. Rossi +0,570

7. Buaggi +0,688







10. Gibernau +1.132




.14. Melandri +1.478


Končni rezultati:









Roberts Jr.





14. Melandri

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