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No nevem če paše glih tuki noter ampak vseen:

Danes v prilogi Slovenski novic - Finale je članek z naslov Snežna deska ni Yamaha. Novinar piše o Rossijevi nesreči na smučišču. Na koncu članka pa slika rdeče yamahe z Max-om na njej. :blink:

Trikrat :BUA: :BUA: :BUA: za novinarja!


Si že vse povedal s tem, da si prebral v Slo. Novicah....... .)


Jurček kdo pa je tisti model s kawo?

Spidy - lahko bi vedu, da novinarji itak same bedarije pišejo,

najlažje se je norca iz drugih delat!


Jurček kdo pa je tisti model s kawo?

Veš da to pa nebi vedu na žalost.

PS: NOVICE in njen novinar: :SS :SS


Biaggi tudi uradno v ekipi HRC Repsol Honde!

Včeraj je moštvo Repsol HRC Honde tudi uradno objavilo ime dirkača, ki bo vozil ob Nickyu Haydnu- kot vsi že nekaj časa vemo je to Max Biaggi, 4-kratni svetovni prvak v 250ccm (1994, 1995, 1996 in 1997) ki pa ga lahko štejemo za enega izmed največjih dirkačev vseh časov, zmagovalec 42. dirk za Veliko nagrado (250cc: 29, 500cc: 8, MotoGP: 5) ter lastnik 56. najboljših štartnih položajev (250cc: 33, 500cc: 15, MotoGP: 8)

Max ima seveda le en cilj: naslov svetovnega prvaka v najmočnejši eliti svetovnih asov! "Dirkati za Hondino tovarniško moštvo so sanje vsakega dirkača, celo tistih, ki dirkajo za druga moštva. Vedno sem hotel biti tovarniški dirkač. Danes lahko preko Honde najbolje izrazim ves svoj potencial in vse svoje sposobnosti. Moje življenje dirkača se danes ponovno začenja,” je povedal Biaggi.

Biaggi bo prvič preizkusil motor v Sepangu in sicer 23., 24. in 25. januarja.



No upam da bo zdaj konec jamranja, material bo imel vrhunski...

...."Moje življenje dirkača se danes ponovno začenja,” je povedal Biaggi...

Upam da bo bolj konkurenčen in bodo boji še hujši...


2005 Desmosedici breaks cover :devil:

Ducati's MotoGP season got off to a flying start today on the Grostè glacier (at an altitude of 2470 metres) as the Desmosedici GP5 appeared in its 2005 livery for the first time amidst the spectacular Dolomite mountains in northern Italy.

"The bike that Loris Capirossi and Carlos Checa will race this season is the result of an evolution, not a revolution of the GP4" explained Ducati Corse CEO Claudio Domenicali yesterday during the press conference. "We learnt from the mistakes we made last year, when we arrived at the first Sepang tests with a completely different bike from the previous version and with no chance of turning back.

"The Desmosedici GP5 is the result of the work we did last season when, despite the difficulties, we didn't lose heart and we found the equilibrium we were looking for, as was demonstrated by our improving performance over the last few races and the two podiums at the end of the season. The studies that led to the creation of this bike follow a principle of reversibility, which allows us to retrace our steps at any time and make comparisons with previous solutions".

The bike actually differs very little from the one that was seen in the final GP of the year at Valencia except for the chassis, swing-arm and ECU innovations that will be fitted to the Desmosedici GP5.The chassis is now also attached to the swing-arm pivot, unlike the GP4. This has already been tested at Phillip Island but it will be tested again by Carlos and Loris in Malaysia to see how it works with the new Bridgestone tyres.

Instead it has already been decided to use the new swing-arm in testing and the races. This is lighter than the previous version, albeit somewhat stiffer.

Finally the ECU engine control system is new and gives greater calculation power for more sophisticated race strategies. The ECU has a number of different levels of use, but is in line with the decision to continue development one step at a time, leaving open the possibility of being able to change components at any moment. The software currently being deliberated is not radically different to the one used on the GP4, but more complex, evo-spec versions are also being developed.

Other innovations currently being developed by Ducati are a new 'step' engine, which is already running on the dyno, and which may be used in the second half of the season.

The GP5's aerodynamic package has also undergone modifications: after tests carried out in the wind-tunnel, a new fairing aimed at improving the bike's handling will appear for the first time at the forthcoming IRTA tests at Barcelona (March 18-20).


lp flero


Team SUZUKI MotoGP Hungry for Sepang Test

Team SUZUKI MotoGP riders Kenny Roberts Jr and John Hopkins are fired up for the initial test of 2005 at Sepang in Malaysia, where they will have their first chance to ride the latest version of the Suzuki GSV-R.

Former Champion Roberts Jr and MotoGP's hottest young prospect Hopper desperately want to get back onboard the Suzuki GSV-R and put the latest engine and chassis developments through their paces. Race technicians at Suzuki's headquarters in Hammamatsu, Japan, have been working hard during the closed season to advance the improvements that the Bridgestone shod 990cc V4 GSV-R showed throughout last year.

The Sepang International Circuit is an ideal testing ground for the Suzuki. The 5.5km track consists of numerous medium to fast corners and four slow turns that follow full throttle straights, as well as the spectacularly smooth and sweeping chicane, capable of being negotiated at speeds in excess of 200km/h. This demanding and fast circuit will give the riders and technicians plenty of chances to push the developing GSV-R to its limits.

This will be the first time Roberts Jr and Hopper will work with new team manager Paul Denning, who takes over at the helm of the MotoGP team after winning the British Superbike Championship with Rizla Suzuki in 2004. Also joining the team at Sepang is the vastly experienced Tom O'Kane, Roberts Jr's new chief technician.

The Sepang test runs from January 21st-24th and is the first in a grueling schedule for Team SUZUKI MotoGP before the racing starts at Jerez in Spain on April 10th. The pre-season testing program will return to Sepang in February before going on to Phillip Island in Australia and then more tests in Europe.

Kenny Roberts Jr

"I'm really looking forward to Sepang, it will be great to see what the guys in Japan have got for us. I've been working hard all through the winter break to get ready, my elbow feels 100 per cent and now my focus is totally on the first test."

John Hopkins

"I just want to get out there and ride. I'm excited about the new season and what Suzuki can achieve. I know I am as good as the other riders but I need to prove it and the first test is a good place to start."

Paul Denning - Team Manager

"Sepang is very important for us as it will be the first time the new team will get together. I have been in close contact with the riders and other team crew throughout the last few months and look forward to seeing everyone together and forming a strong working relationship. We are under no illusions as to the effort required to get Suzuki challenging for the top positions, but the news from Japan on the GSV-R's development is very encouraging and we are keen to start work."

lp flero

Objavljeno (popravljeno)

Fantje dejte to vsaj mal prevedt oz. na kratk izluščt tisto bistveno, komu se da pa brat tole, pa še u angleščini :grrr

Popravljeno . Popravil Jure007

Naoki Matsudo se po 5. sezonah poslavlja iz razreda 250ccm in dirk za veliko nagrado, ter se seli nazaj na Japonsko, kjer bo vozil Hondo CBR1000R v japonskem prvenstvu. Vendar pa 31. letni Japonec ne izključuje možnosti povratka med najboljše GP voznike v prihodnosti...


Ducati zelo hiter...

Testiranja so se začela.... Skoraj vsa velika moštva so se zbrala v malezijskem Sepangu. Prvi dan je bil presenetljivo najhitrejši Loris Capirossi z Ducatijem, ki je imel obute Bridgestonove gume. Capirossi in Checa sta motocikel Desmosedici GP5 sploh prvič preizkusila. Odpeljala sta 46 oz. 39 krogov brez večjih težav in zelo hitro, saj je Capirossijev čas znašal le 2min 02sek in 18 stotink.

Tretji med vsemi, ter tudi najhitrejši med hondinimi vozniki je bil Alex Barros, ki letos vozi v moštvi Sita Ponsa. Njegov moštveni kolega Troy Baylies se še ne znajde dobro na Hondinem motociklu, zato je v Sepangu prvi dan le krožil po stezi in nabiral kroge.

Max Biaggi je prvič kot član tovarniške ekipe Honda Repsol HRC preizkusil motocikel, glavni Maxov mehanik pa bo Erv Kanemoto (zanj je Max vozil v svoji prvi sezoni 500ccm klase).

Na delu so bili tudi svetovni prvak in ekipa Yamahe. Dr. Rossi je bil drugi za Capirossijem, dobro pa se je odrezal tudi Colin Edwards, saj je pristal na petem mestu.

V drugi ekipi Yamahe Tech3 so imeli nekaj težav predvsem zaradi padca novinca Tonia Eliasa, ki si je spahnil mezinec na desni roki.

Testiranja se nadaljujejo že jutri....

Loris Capirossi (Ducati): 2'02.18

Valentino Rossi (Yamaha): 2'02.30

Alex Barros (Honda): 2'02.71

Kenny Roberts (Suzuki): 2'03.00

Colin Edwards (Yamaha): 2'03.08

Carlos Checa (Ducati): 2’03.57

Troy Bayliss (Honda): 2’04.8

Ruben Xaus (Yamaha): 2'04.9

Toni Elías (Yamaha): 2'05.2



Geiger Sturzflug tnx za posnetek :004 :OK:


Današnja testiranja v Sepangu

Biaggi navdušen nad Repsolom

"Repsol me zares navdihuje, da HOČEM vozit" je danes ves navdušen razlagal Biaggi, ki je danes zaključil testiranja s časom 2.02.35 in je odpeljal kar 43 krogov!

"Nisem mogel verjeti svojim očem, saj to je nemogoče! Nikakor nisem pričakoval, da se bom peljal tako dobro že na prvih testiranjih takoj po zacelitvi poškodbe! Zares mi je všeč vzdušje v teamu. HRC ljudje so zelo motivirani da naredijo svoje delo najbolje. Zaenkrat se še učim in opazujem, saj nima smisla da bi ne vem kako prenastavljal motocikel že prvi dan. Treba se je navaditi in predvsem spoznati motocikel."

1 Capirossi 2m01.95

2 Rossi 2m02.18

3 Gibernau 2m02.22

4 Barros 2m02.33

5 Biaggi 2m02.35

6 Roberts 2m02.38

7 Edwards 1m02.46

8 Hayden 2m02.49

9 Tamada 2m02.69

10 Hopkins 2m02.69

11 Melandri 2m02.80

12 Elias 2m03.25

13 Xaus 2m03.40

14 Bayliss 2m03.89

PS: Moja prejšnja objava velja za včerajšnji dan, ti rezultati so današnji!


Jure tnx za filmčka :004

Le kaj bi mi tuki brez tebe :hmm: :D


Ej Jure hvala ti za te linke, kar sedejo zdaj v zimskem času :OK: :OK: :OK:

Ja zgleda da bo letos treba na Maxa kar resno računat , če bo mu to dobro vzdušje v ekipi dolgo trajalo.... Ker zna bit presneto hiter, ko ima vse poklapano...

Fajn bi blo če bi se jih več borilo za naslov... kar pa ni tak nemogoče :eek:

al so pa to samo pobožne želje... Na koncu se tak ve kdo bo prvak :yea2:


Np in tnx Katja za :004 :yea2:

Drgač je pa Max skos moj tihi favorit, pa čeprou vem, da ga Rosi premaga kadar hoče, vedno zanj držim pesti :D


Baj d vej: Checa danes ni testiral, ker so ga odpeljali v bolnico, ker ga je bolela glava in je imel omotico. Predvidevajo kao da nej bi bla to posledica oz. reakcija zdravil, ki jih je dobil po odstranitvi šivov, ki si jih je pridelal na roki, ko so z sneženimi gokardi dirkal v Madonni.

Po padcu Eliasa včeri, se je dons sesul še Ruben Xsaus samo, ni nič hujšega tko da jutr že spet s polno paro naprej :D



Carlo Fiorani: Max bo Honda`s No.1!

Sete pa v jok.


Če se dobro pogleda tistele rezultate zgoraj, se vidi da ima daleč najboljši čas Edwards :lol1:

Če se dobro pogleda tistele rezultate zgoraj, se vidi da ima daleč najboljši čas Edwards :lol1:

Pa res! Mogoče ma pa njegov motor 6000cc in V16! :kva2:

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