Jure007 Objavljeno September 27, 2005 Objavljeno September 27, 2005 Aleš..pol sva pa oba mela nesrečo v nedeljo :cry: :( ← U ja, lowc___46 koko je pa s tabo? Sm vidu da si biu kr lepo plou... Sam modrice al je kej polomanga?
lowc__46 Objavljeno September 27, 2005 Objavljeno September 27, 2005 U ja, lowc___46 koko je pa s tabo? Sm vidu da si biu kr lepo plou... Sam modrice al je kej polomanga? ← ne sam očke je modro pa mal opraskan po obrazu sm...nč hudga... O:-) sam tko neumno k sm padu ejj... :slap: :slap:
lukec Objavljeno September 27, 2005 Objavljeno September 27, 2005 Sem se tok ulegu da nisem sam tam po roki popraskan,ampak sem tok na levi bok padel da sem še m.znamenje odtrgal :cry: .In to kar čez kombinezon. Pol veš kako so se šele kosti počutile :yea2: . ← tisto v prvi vožni ko si padu na makadamu je kar grdo zgledal.a je 14tica pol dobil kašno kazen ka je črno zastavo ignorirau? :worship:
bajs Objavljeno September 27, 2005 Objavljeno September 27, 2005 tisto v prvi vožni ko si padu na makadamu je kar grdo zgledal.a je 14tica pol dobil kašno kazen ka je črno zastavo ignorirau? :worship: ← Tisto v prvi vožnji ko sem padel si še kombinezona nisem umazal. Moral bi videti kvalifikacije,pa bi videl kako se pade :OK: .So kar progo mal zaprl da so vse bale pospravl k sem jih na progo spravu :fight2: Tist 14tica pa je bil zaradi neupoštevanja zastavc diskvalificiran :lol1: .
GUMY Objavljeno September 27, 2005 Objavljeno September 27, 2005 Neki me zanima oz. bom predlagu neki, kar je enkrat razmišlu že Aleksej Hladinov ( .) ): Da bi po koncu sezone, ki je bila za nekatere verjetno tudi dokaj naporna, naredili neko družabno in sproščujoče srečanje na kakšnem dirkališču npr., kjer nebi bilo nervoze, treme in psihičnega pritiska, mal napekli čevapčičev, pleskavic in podobnega ter se nato še zadnjič letos pognali na štart na eno sproščujočo dirko za klobase in kozarček rujnega oz. penečega :) Seveda bi nabrali nekaj denarja in pripeljali še kakšnega reševalca, ki je tudi pri takšnih zadevah pač nujno potreben. Baje naj bi tudi lastnik proge v Logatcu pokazal odobravanje takšnega srečanja na njegovi stezi.... No ja, sam predlog :blush: ← Ja bi blo fino kej takega.
sleser Objavljeno September 27, 2005 Objavljeno September 27, 2005 Zgleda, da je prišel direkt s poroke in ni imel časa odstraniti vseh trakcev... :)
gidl Objavljeno September 28, 2005 Objavljeno September 28, 2005 (popravljeno) Neki me zanima... Da bi po koncu sezone, ki je bila za nekatere verjetno tudi dokaj naporna, naredili neko družabno in sproščujoče srečanje No ja, sam predlog... Gidl ima pa tud eno idejo... Sicer piknik ni slaba, mi smo ga že delali dvakrat, bilo je lepo.... Ampak glede na to da se bliža pokal Evropskih narodov (16.10) in da je letos v Varanu (I) bi si lahko privoščili en avtobusni izlet z ogledom te dokaj prestižne tekme. Bila bi to zelo spodbudna akcija za Slovensko ekipo, idealna priložnost za druženje pa še dirko bi si lahko pogledal na progi ki je ulala...hitra (obvezno slajdanje pri 160km/h) ... in še ... :yea1: piknik bi lahko nardil na avtobusu...sam nevem če firma Krstič še vozi :kva2: Popravljeno September 28, 2005. Popravil gidl
Izo Objavljeno September 28, 2005 Objavljeno September 28, 2005 Gidl, odlična ideja :OK: ← Točno to :OK: Do sedaj smo bili vedno brez pdpore s tribun :( Upam, da lahko letos računamo na vas :yea1: Za Krstiće ne vem, mogoče bi pa lahko pomagal pri organizaciji avobusa...
GUMY Objavljeno September 28, 2005 Objavljeno September 28, 2005 Ja smo se že menili, da bi šli z avto, če bi nas blo za en bus pa tolk boljš.
salsa Objavljeno September 28, 2005 Objavljeno September 28, 2005 Ja super ideja!! Kakšen je pa kej urnik prireditve v Varanu in kdaj točno to je??
gidl Objavljeno September 28, 2005 Objavljeno September 28, 2005 Varano je mal pod Milanom, gre se proti Boloniji in nato proti Modeni. Iz Mengša je točn 320km...če bo kdo iskal po Avtorutu je to Varano De\' Melegari 43040 (IT) Sicer pa evo linka o pisti in dogajanju pa si sami poglejte...kilk če se zmenmo da gremu skup z busom bi blo dobr čimprej zvedt kolk približno folka bi šlo, ker od tega je odvisna velikost busa in od tega posledično cena... Dajte se mal poment pa se lahko kar tu naredi spisek vseh ki bi šli, jaz pa se bom potrudu naprej.
SiR Objavljeno September 28, 2005 Objavljeno September 28, 2005 (popravljeno) V Italijanski Gorici na velikem parkirišču oddaljen 20 metrov od Slovenske meje, je bilo res zanimivo. pa še tole ... Campionato Triveneto: il campione è Ales Hlad ma perchè non parlo italiano? :OK: pa še prevod z babelfishom, izbral sem opcijo Rossi-english :P "Fantastic day for the public of Gorizia, is from the meteorological point of view, is as far as the show! Already, why Public square of the Red Houses, chosen exceptionally like location for ill-fatedly the last stage of, has been transformed from the excellent organization of the EASTeam supermotard in one of the beautifulst city tracks than supermotard never seen! Fast, spaziosa and sure! The day is begun with the free ones of the morning that they have seen to primeggiare on the Slovene Ales Hlad, fort of its extremely choreographic style in curve. After that the pilots have taken confidenza with the fast tracing of Gorizia, particularly insidioso in a sterrato tight feature of, is begun and cronometrate tests, valid for the positions in departure grill. He returns in large I dust the likeable pilot with the nr. 5, Stefano Poloniato, organizer of the M.H.T., trophy monomark Honda, that we remember it are injured person little after the departure of the first contest to Jesolo. Via therefore to cronometrate of the trophy Monomarca Honda, unified thanks to normative new FMI to the KTM-Husaberg trophy! The first time is of Dario From the Beautiful one, that it puts to sign an optimal one 51"178, followed from Bettega Loris and Chiavelli Guid. For the Open To, first it is Bartolini Fabrizio with 50"182. To wheel it follows Zanatta Ivo and Carnelos Alberto. We pass to a Open the B instead, that it sees to tear better crono the fastest Hlad Ales with 49"314, followed nearest from puts into effect them first in classifies Matteo Piva and from the effective Poloniato Stefano, that it celebrates therefore its I re-enter! As far as instead the category Open C, first with 49"559 it is Christian medizza, than between the other the next week it will take the way to the" Blue Track "of jesolo for a stage of the WORLD-WIDE supermotion!!! They follow Pahor Alan and Orso Cristian. The most numerous public accorso, crowded on even walls, scaldato from the spectacular ones derapate of the tests applauds the departure of before also of the unified category Honda, KTM-Husaberg! Optimal the departure of From the Beautiful one that leader of the race sees to it until the term! Row instead for the third party place between Bettega and Marson. After it lives exchanges to us has the better Bettega, that with I surpass inflames the public! Therefore to the term: From the Beautiful one, Bronca and Bettega. The way comes given endured after to category FUN DRIVER! It buys Gianluca releases fastest and around 5° the turn it succeeds to detach its direct one avails again Lubiana Stefano, marked tightened from Piccin Mirco! After numerous exchanges to say little moving, it has the better Lubiana, that it is taken according to place, leave Buys victorious and piccin in third position! As far as contest 1 of category DRIVER, the show is offered the young idolo of teenager the Elia Sammartin, quattordicenne vicentino, that it goes to above all gain manche in front of Brunello Stefano and Bronca the George... but of incredulo and a papà esultante! Before manche of the category Top Driver instead it has been characterized from moments of incredible spettacolarità offered from Medizza Christian, that it succeeds to pass endured the poleman, Ales Hlad. Medizza extension of that paste is made making to spark the footrests of the motion to every curve. Piva door much neighbor to Ales but because of a behavior judged from the commissioners "unsportsmanlike" whom ago to incappare Hlad in one fallen, comes disqualified, losing points to say little precious for classifies it of championship! They pass first in front of the goal medizza, Hlad and Carnelos! After the show given to the public crowded one from before manche of the several categories, the unified Honda, KTM-Husaberg open the dances for the second one manche. Part well Chiavelli, but From the Beautiful one succeeds to exceed it in flight to the first jump! The crowd applauds it! It succeeds to maintain the first position until to the goal. They follow Bettega and Roman Marson. The way comes given also to the second one of category FUN DRIVER! To the term of the first turn, Piccin door, followed gives close from Babich! Lubiana falls unfortunately to the first turn, but it succeeds in the term to reach quite 4°! Compri and Babich give the way to ignited a sport row that not ago other that to give rivers of adrenalin to the spectators, that they applaud! To the term, Babich wins, second Buys and third Piccin! The departure of the DRIVER instead sees to newly release in head quattordicenne the Sammartin. This time but, to 6° the turn must yield to the experience of Bronca. Sammartin finishes according to continuation from Caravita! The most waited for second gear manche of TOP DRIVER, sees to leave from the rears piva Matteo, author of a rimonta to say little furious, that to the last passage it sees to cut it the goal in 6° position! It releases Poloniato very well, than after it are carried in 3à position, has the misfortune from its and the motion is extinguished... To the head of the race we find Hlad, that but it comes soon threaded from medizza, that evidently demonstrates to more have some until the term! For which doppietta winning of medizza, followed from Hlad and Carnelos! For how many it regards instead the challenge yamaha organized from gnp racing, victorious in before manche is Bartolini, followed from Beautiful our Petrobelli and Tawny. To second, the instead first one it is Matteo Piva, according to Bartolini and third absolute winning Petrobelli... indiscusso of the challenge is Matteo Piva! We come hour to the strong plate... the winner of the championship triveneto. Its name is Ales Hlad! According to Zanatta Ivo and third Piva Matteo! To the term of the premiazioni, Mosele gives brividi with its impennate ones beyond the limit of the equilibrium, holding glue the migliaia to you of spectators noticed, than to the term of the exhibition they explode in one giocosa "invasion" in order to compliment itself with the funambolico Luciano! The last one of the championship triveneto Supermoto, organized from the EASTeam supermotard has to say little collected the hoped happened one. A particular thanks goes made the mayor of Gorizia, Vittorio Brancati and ABOVE ALL all the sponsors that they have supported to us (and because... not sopportato!) during these months and these six stages! Appointment to the next year with the championship Triveneto 2006!!!!" Popravljeno September 28, 2005. Popravil SymRu
batzajla Objavljeno September 28, 2005 Objavljeno September 28, 2005 jst sm zravn za pokal narodov! :)
Nagaya Objavljeno September 28, 2005 Objavljeno September 28, 2005 poezija :) ..blah blah....The day is begun with the free ones of the morning that they have seen to primeggiare on the Slovene Ales Hlad, fort of its extremely choreographic style in curve....
jan17 Objavljeno September 28, 2005 Objavljeno September 28, 2005 Sem se tok ulegu da nisem sam tam po roki popraskan,ampak sem tok na levi bok padel da sem še m.znamenje odtrgal :cry: .In to kar čez kombinezon. Pol veš kako so se šele kosti počutile :yea2: . ← Fak dobe si da si pol useen dirku :worship:
jan17 Objavljeno September 28, 2005 Objavljeno September 28, 2005 Offtopic sicer ... Jan, kaj ko bi ti mal bolj pozorno bral? Vse je napisano, človek bi pri tvojih letih pričakoval, da ti vsaj branje tekoče teče. ← Sory k nism 24ur na dan na tem forumu tko k ti da bi use vedu kaj je kdo napisu.
Jure007 Objavljeno September 28, 2005 Objavljeno September 28, 2005 Gidl ima pa tud eno idejo... Sicer piknik ni slaba, mi smo ga že delali dvakrat, bilo je lepo.... Ampak glede na to da se bliža pokal Evropskih narodov (16.10) in da je letos v Varanu (I) bi si lahko privoščili en avtobusni izlet z ogledom te dokaj prestižne tekme. Bila bi to zelo spodbudna akcija za Slovensko ekipo, idealna priložnost za druženje pa še dirko bi si lahko pogledal na progi ki je ulala...hitra (obvezno slajdanje pri 160km/h) ... in še ... :yea1: piknik bi lahko nardil na avtobusu...sam nevem če firma Krstič še vozi :kva2: ← Dobra ideja :OK: Jest sm tut ZA
gremilo Objavljeno September 30, 2005 Objavljeno September 30, 2005 Lep pozdrav! PRODAM KTM 450 SMR 2005 Z VELIKO DODATNE OPREME VEČ INFORMACIJ: 041-654-734 MILO
Duke666 Objavljeno Oktober 2, 2005 Objavljeno Oktober 2, 2005 :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: Hlad Aleš je novi evropski prvak !!! Več vam bodo pa drugi povedal :P :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK:
trco Objavljeno Oktober 2, 2005 Objavljeno Oktober 2, 2005 JA ALEŠ JE PRVO DIRKO ZMAGAL IN JE ŽE ZADOSTOVALO ZA ZMAGO V SKUPNEM SEŠTEVKU ZA E.P DRUGO DIRKO SO PA ORGANIZATORJI PREKINILI ZARADI PREVELIKEGA DEŽEVJA IN SEDAJ ČAKAJO . B R A V O A L E Š H L A D ktm :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: :yea1: :yea1: :yea1: :yea1: :yea1: :yea1: :yea1: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
jan17 Objavljeno Oktober 2, 2005 Objavljeno Oktober 2, 2005 Na dirko je štrumpf prpelu še enga prjatla da bi Aleša uveral sam mu ni ratal ker je bajs hitrejši od useh!!!! :worship: :worship: Čestitke Aleš od cele Podgorice!!! :OK:
Jure007 Objavljeno Oktober 2, 2005 Objavljeno Oktober 2, 2005 :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: Hlad Aleš je novi evropski prvak !!! Več vam bodo pa drugi povedal :P :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: ← And now, let's the party started :yea1: :yea1: :yea1: Č E S T I T K E
Petzl Objavljeno Oktober 2, 2005 Objavljeno Oktober 2, 2005 cestitke tut iz moje strani :OK: :yea1: :yes: :worship: , no se saj navjo uni k****** motokrosisti duval kok so carji :topic: ... qva jh ne prenesem :angry2: , pa brez zamere :)
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