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konec suprnove, torrentbitsa.....


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Mah tu gre pač za avtorske pravice. Sej če bo mel solidnega odvetnika mu ne bodo mogli nič, vsaj glede na pravila ki so bila napisana na vstopni strani suprnove, ki pa se jih seveda nihče ni držal. Nova zadeva bo zastavljena malo drugače, brez strežnikov, ki bi ponujali torrente ampak bo vse direkt p2p, kar bo vsaj za slončka bolj legalno :D

Torrentbits suck!

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Tale se kar veselo dela naprej......vsaj meni.... B)

Ma sej se mi zdi, da ni (vec) problem v tem al kej se dela alpa ne, ampak v ponudbi teh strani. Malo torrentov/datotek imajo, to je meni problem. Suprnova je mela svega in svasta, sam na teh straneh k so ostale pa malo krat najdem sploh kej. Verjetno zato k ne iscem najbolj iskanih stvari ala nfs:undeground x, half life, britney in podobne reci. <_< Kje bom jst zdej dubu se ostale sezone od recimo Scrubs, Futurame, Simpsonov, Star treka in mogoce Sex and the city? :blush: :ninja: O:-)

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Torrentbitsi2 delujejo normalno.

Trenuten naslov je:

se bo pa kmalu preslelilo na nov naslov:


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Pismo, vse je polno. Se ne morem registrirat :angry:

Popravljeno . Popravil Polž
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Na strani LokiTorrent, kjer so na voljo povezave za uporabnike BitTorrenta, so pričeli z zbiranje finančnih sredstev, s katerimi bodo pokrili sodne stroške zaradi tožbe Združenja ameriške filmske industrije MPAA. Predvidevajo, da bodo za en mesec sodnih bojev z združenjem MPAA, ki jih je obtožilo kršenja avtorskih pravic in zahtevalo takojšnjo ukinitev strani, potrebovali najmanj 30.000 USD. Do sedaj so zbrali že več kot 28.000 USD. (Vir - aNET)

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Na strani LokiTorrent, kjer so na voljo povezave za uporabnike BitTorrenta, so pričeli z zbiranje finančnih sredstev, s katerimi bodo pokrili sodne stroške zaradi tožbe Združenja ameriške filmske industrije MPAA. Predvidevajo, da bodo za en mesec sodnih bojev z združenjem MPAA, ki jih je obtožilo kršenja avtorskih pravic in zahtevalo takojšnjo ukinitev strani, potrebovali najmanj 30.000 USD. Do sedaj so zbrali že več kot 28.000 USD. (Vir - aNET)

pa smo spet pri tem, da je treba nekaj plačevat ;)

mimogrede - soulseek comes to mind vsaj za musko ...

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  • 3 tedne pozneje...

:kva2:  :naughty:

Thundercat,a si zadevo že kej sprobu?kako dela?je dosti robe gor? :hmm: dej ratpiši se kej :)

sicer pa klapa glede na to da vsi neki dol pobiramo in iščemo,mogoče bi bilo pa zanimivo kakšno novo kategorijo odpret pa povedat kej ne dobiš in ti kdo od nas zrihta,pošlje, zapeče.... :grim

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Thundercat,a si zadevo že kej sprobu?kako dela?je dosti robe gor? :hmm: dej ratpiši se kej :)

delam na temu.... :)

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Spostovani motosvetovci in motosvetovke ne pozabit, da ima exeem Cydoor-ja to pa pomeni da the ads appearing on the Web site and within eXeem™ application are delivered by our web advertising partner, Cydoor. Information about users of eXeem™ and, such as the number of times they have viewed an ad (but not user name, address, or other personal information) <_< , is used to serve ads to users. Sicer pa vec informacij na tej strani.

Vir: Jokerjev mn3enjalnik :o

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na njihovi strani piše tudi to....

We will not collect personally identifiable information such as name, address, or telephone number. All of this information is aggregated for the purposes of presenting advertisers with potential user base that can be reached.

sej to je že praksa pri internetnem oglaševanju....

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za tiste ki jih to moti obstaja Lite verzija...

drugače pa:

Three years later and eXeem is now touted as the hottest download of the year. Developed as a joint venture between Swarm Systems and the late SuprNova, the software promises to bring all the benefits of BitTorrent swarming, but without the use of problematic Torrent websites.

However, the software comes at a price. As part of the installation, there will be optional and compulsory adware installations.

“I made eXeem Lite because eXeem has Cydoor spyware that installs on your pc every time you start it up,” Dan told Slyck.

Dan, who did not wish to disclose his real name, is developing eXeem Lite in order to make a preemptive strike against eXeem’s potential mass scale invasion of privacy. The homepage of the project can be found at

Dan believes that “Cydoor adware…with a cookie tracker and a banner” will be included in the full version of eXeem.

eXeem lite!!

The optional adware will pose a further threat to new users, who are unlikely to receive a clear warning about any dangers of the additional files. The setup is expected to resemble Ares Galaxy, which gives users the chance to opt-out rather than opt-in. However, the full version has not yet been seen publicly, so may be safer than some file sharers fear.

Sloncek of SuprNova has been defensive of the adware included in eXeem, telling readers on the SuprNova Forums:

“What this Cydoor is going to do is, display the ads inside the program, just like the ads on the have been right now. But nobody complained that they will not use the, because it had ads on it. Well guys, those ads were Cydoor ads too. I would have not allowed this kind of ads being in the program, if I was not sure if they are safe!"

“There will NOT be any spyware or very annoying adware bundled with the software. You will have an option to also install sponsor toolbar inside would also include features for helping you use eXeem (searching through eXeem, your UP and DOWN speed, and similar funtions).”

Dan is not concerned about what Swarm Systems thinks of his software,

“…any program that has any type of spyware is wrong so I am just doing my part,” he told Slyck.

The current version of the eXeem Lite removes Cydoor which is included in the private eXeem betas.

However, this release also circumvents a required serial key, giving access to what is essentially a private network. As such, it is not recommend.

In addition, users have also complained that the software is buggy.

Dan believes that an eXeem Lite based on the full version of eXeem will be available within one day of the public beta release.

Nsane Productions have also promised to launch a version of eXeem Lite in the future.

Swarm Systems are unlikely to sit by. To them, eXeem is an investment for which they want to be paid. Although eXeem Lite may help improve the quality of the sharers on the network, history has shown that copyright holders do not react kindly to groups who take away from their control.

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Še enkrat, kot je bilo omenjeno prej, poglejte si kam uvrščajo Cydoor proizvajalci varnostnih programov.

Kaj pravi:

- CA

- Norton

in tako naprej. Sicer pa se zmeraj najde dovolj čudakov, ki so pripravljeni namestiti karkoli in to celo zagovarjati.

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  • 4 tedne pozneje...

Kaj je zdaj z Anyone?

Izvoli .)

Are you getting errors like this "Connection Error (", well you get them because we updated our DNS. The new adress should be updated in 24-48 hours in your ISP's dns-servers! Just wait and it will work soon!

Popravljeno . Popravil Skubaduba
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