Noise Objavljeno Januar 9, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 9, 2005 Jutri nova fantastična etapa za saharske specialiste in gurmanski obrok za oboževalce peska... Stage 10 - 10 January 2005 - ATAR > ATAR Liaison 8 km Special 483 km Liaison 8 km Total 499 km == Competitors usually have a smooth start to the stage following the rest day. That will not be the case this year! This loop Special is the hardest in the rally in terms of dune crossing. At the very beginning of the stage, a 40 km erg will filter the competitors, and then they will have to climb the difficult Thaga pass. A sea of sand and numerous dune fields will enliven the route to the El Beyyed Erg: another 40 km of non-stop dunes, amongst the most difficult ever crossed by the competitors. The “return” route will be easier, marked out through the plains for 200 km over the Sebkhet Chemchâm “chott”.
avbi Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Ja, Meoni je včeraj zgubil vodstvo... ← Iz desetih minut so mu kazen zmanjšali na "samo" dve ... Skupni: 1 004 MEONI KTM 23h 43' 32" 00' 00" 02' 00" 2 002 DESPRES KTM 23h 44' 27" 00' 55" 3 006 COMA KTM 23h 46' 23" 02' 51" 4 003 COX KTM 23h 47' 56" 04' 24" 5 007 ESTEVE PUJOL KTM 23h 51' 41" 08' 09" 01' 00" 6 005 ULLEVALSETER KTM 23h 54' 56" 11' 24" 01' 00" 7 012 FRETIGNE YAMAHA 23h 58' 02" 14' 30" 01' 00" 8 023 CALDECOTT KTM 24h 03' 21" 19' 49" 17' 00" 9 014 SALA KTM 24h 29' 20" 45' 48" 05' 00" 10 022 BLAIS KTM 24h 44' 30" 1h 00' 58" 01' 00"
BOJZ Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 (popravljeno) Yamaha ima 9 zmag na dakarju.Tenere yamaha!! Popravljeno Januar 10, 2005. Popravil BOJZ
Noise Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Iz desetih minut so mu kazen zmanjšali na "samo" dve ... Skupni: 1 004 MEONI KTM 23h 43' 32" 00' 00" 02' 00" 2 002 DESPRES KTM 23h 44' 27" 00' 55" 3 006 COMA KTM 23h 46' 23" 02' 51" 4 003 COX KTM 23h 47' 56" 04' 24" 5 007 ESTEVE PUJOL KTM 23h 51' 41" 08' 09" 01' 00" 6 005 ULLEVALSETER KTM 23h 54' 56" 11' 24" 01' 00" 7 012 FRETIGNE YAMAHA 23h 58' 02" 14' 30" 01' 00" 8 023 CALDECOTT KTM 24h 03' 21" 19' 49" 17' 00" 9 014 SALA KTM 24h 29' 20" 45' 48" 05' 00" 10 022 BLAIS KTM 24h 44' 30" 1h 00' 58" 01' 00" Tole sem videl ja, hudiča, pa nisem vedel, da je to "nova" "nova" razvrstitev oziroma malenkostno spremenjena prva... Takole pravijo na These big gaps at the end of the special meant changes for the overall standings. On the finish line of the stage the new leader was Fabrizio Meoni, but a few hours later an official decision from the race jury decided to give the Italian and quite a few other riders time penalties (5') for not remaining in the GPS XTE corridor. At 20h00, the new leader had become Cyril Despres. A new jury meeting, considering that no intentional cheating had been intended saw the officials reduce the penalty to 1', sending Meoni back in top spot.
bLuZoNdEr Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Če Meoni nebi bil Meoni in se nebi tako zgrožal nad tem in pljuval po organizatorju kako je po njegovem dakar izgubil smisel rallyja in da je vse bolj podoben motokrosu :lol1: , potem tudi kazni ne bi spremenili (kurc ga gleda sej je že pred štartom bil seznanjen s pravili) :BUA:
marem Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Noise lepo da nas obveščaš :OK: . Zanima me če kdo morda ve kdo od dirkačev (motor/avto/kamion) ima največ etapnih zmag? Glede na staž kak Schlesser, Vatannen al ta Rus k KAMAZ-a vozi? Tudi Peterhansel, ki je včasih motor vozil (če se ne motim) zna biti visoko. ← Anyone ?
Noise Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Če Meoni nebi bil Meoni in se nebi tako zgrožal nad tem in pljuval po organizatorju kako je po njegovem dakar izgubil smisel rallyja in da je vse bolj podoben motokrosu :lol1: , potem tudi kazni ne bi spremenili (kurc ga gleda sej je že pred štartom bil seznanjen s pravili) :BUA: Sem ravno hotel pokomentirati, ja. Odkar šef organizacije ni več Hubert Auriol, ga res serjejo. Najprej so lani naredili takšno ruto, da so morali eno za drugo etapo odpovedovati. Kot lani so tudi letos šli spreminjati pravilia, ki so prej veljala n- let. Potem pa se nekdo pritoži, pravila "upognejo", in ponovno spremenijo rezultat. Se spomnite lani "zalite" volkswagnove Jutte? Če se že odločijo za neke ukrepe, naj to potem res striktno upoštevajo. Ne pa da najprej dajo penale, potem spet ne, itd. Al pa da rečejo da morajo zaradi grožnje terorističnega napada prekiniti dirko in jo čez dva dni transferja nadaljevati drugje, očitno pa je bilo, da so ga usrali s trasiranjem (lansko leto npr.). Skratka, trda roka pri organizaciji manjka. In ne upogibanje hrbtenice pod težo "velikih" tovarniških ekip.
bLuZoNdEr Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Iz dakarskega rallyja prihajajo žalostne novice! Po tem, ko je bil po nesreči na 7 etapi (6 januarja) prepeljan v bolnišnico v Alicante, je tam danes, v 41 letu starosti, umrl španski dirkač José Manuel Perez. R.I.P. 13:35 DEATH ON THE RALLY: OFFICIAL RELEASE It is with great sadness that we have been informed of the death of José Manuel PEREZ (biker n°69) after an accident during stage 7 between ZOUERAT and TICHIT on the 6th of January. Immediately treated by the medical teams of the rally, he was transferred to the Zouerat bivouac and operated in emergency for a serious abdominal trauma by the surgeons on site. He was then sent to the 'clinique du Cap' in Dakar on the 6th of January and then transferred to Alicante. José-Manuel died of his serious injuries on this 10th of January 2005 in an Alicante hospital. He was 41 years of age and was competing in his fourth Dakar. To his family, his relatives and friends, the entire Dakar organisation wishes to express its sincere and sad condolences.
bLuZoNdEr Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 več o nesrečnem
marem Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Motošport je zaradi sposobnosti vozil in zahtevnih prog vedno bolj nevarn (to že vemo). Dakar pa nas vsake toliko časa spomni da je "mama" vseh dirk in zato je davek toliko večji. R.I.P.
avbi Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Skupno po 10. etapi: Pos. Dos. Name Mark Time Variation Penalty 1 002 DESPRES KTM 29h 12' 53" 00' 00" 2 004 MEONI KTM 29h 22' 06" 09' 13" 02' 00" 3 007 ESTEVE PUJOL KTM 29h 32' 31" 19' 38" 01' 00" 4 003 COX KTM 29h 32' 48" 19' 55" 5 023 CALDECOTT KTM 29h 50' 38" 37' 45" 17' 00"
marem Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Skupno po 10. etapi: Pos. Dos. Name Mark Time Variation Penalty 1 002 DESPRES KTM 29h 12' 53" 00' 00" 2 004 MEONI KTM 29h 22' 06" 09' 13" 02' 00" 3 007 ESTEVE PUJOL KTM 29h 32' 31" 19' 38" 01' 00" 4 003 COX KTM 29h 32' 48" 19' 55" 5 023 CALDECOTT KTM 29h 50' 38" 37' 45" 17' 00" ← toliko o konkurenčnosti yamahe (mislim da končni rezulrat ne bo nevem kako spremenjen)
marem Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 morda malo :topic: a vseeno: Zadnjič (malo depresiven) gledam report na Eurosportu in kaže (mislim da je bil)Caldecott-a kako leti čez puščavo. 5 km pred njim nič, 5 km za njim nič, na desno in na levo 5 km nič....le on praznina in pesek, ki se dviguje za njim....čarobno. To je lahko samo Dakar. :worship: :worship:
Noise Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 It's Despres time… On a stage shocked by the sad death of biker José Manuel Perez who had suffered an accident during stage 7 to Tichit, Cyril Despres conquered both his first special and the overall leadership of the Telefonica Dakar 2005. The race organisation had announced a very tricky stage going up north to Atar and back again. Well it almost looked like a walk in the park for Cyril Despres. Taking off in seventh position this morning for the 483 kms of the special, the Frenchman on his KTM 660cc stormed past all his rivals, clocking best times at CP1 (km 203) and CP2 (km 293) and negotiating the difficult dune portions in impressive manner. Always in the leading ten on all specials (including a second spot and three third positions), the KTM Gauloises rider clinched his first success on the 27th edition, his eighth overall. After riding most of the day with Cox and Ullevalseter, Despres took off just before CP2 when the riding got tough. He eventually caught Meoni and Esteve and crossed the finish line with a huge 10'08" lead on the Italian and 12'24" on the Spaniard. Fourth on the day (after taking off in 15th spot) David Frétigné finished 12'51 adrift alongside Marc Coma (at 14'06) who ran out of fuel and lost precious time before CP2. In the top ten of the overall (6th), Norway's Pal-Anders Ullevalseter suffered a fall at km 410 and was forced to retire from the race with a shoulder injury. Despres grabbed the overall leadership for the second time (after Zouerat) but this time the 30-year-old biker has a significant 9'13" lead over Meoni. Third is now Marc Coma, over 16' adrift.
bLuZoNdEr Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 (popravljeno) Izjavi Meonija in Fretigneja po današnji etapi: Fabrizio Meoni (ITA – KTM – 2nd of the stage) - 004 I rode as hard as I could. But the problem is that I opened the way to Cyril Despres just behind me. So, he just had to follow my tracks :lol1:, and joined me during refuelling. (Po dogodkih okoli kazni se mi je Meoni kar malo zameril, imam občutek da ne zna prenesti poraza, po teli izjavi pa mu prav privoščim da ne zmaga v skupnem seštevku :devil: ) After that, I was worried about the bib-mousse of my tires. So I let him overtake me, and tried to follow as I could. The problem is that it will be the same thing tomorrow, but without any other competitors between us.(pa kako ima samo on probleme s tem bib-mousse-om?) David Fretigné (FRA – Yamaha – 4th) - 012 Really, I'm very happy of my position, because it was again a very quick stage today. I was sometime riding at 163km/h, but I slowed down to 150km/h to take care of my engine. So, the others with their KTMs gained a lot of time, but with no problems in the dunes, I managed to come back on Sala, Caldecott and Coma. Riding the dunes is a pleasure with my two wheel drive system, and it was really easier than last week. The organisation told us that it would be a difficult stage, but I liked it, and didn't find it that hard. For the next stage, I will try to do my best, but if the course is fast I can't do anything for the overall standings. Actually, I hope to have very technical portions, to make the difference. Popravljeno Januar 10, 2005. Popravil bLuZoNdEr
Noise Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Meoni je malo paranoičen glede bib moussa, ker ga je na LC8 zadeva vsa leta zajebavala do amena... Je pa to kdo štarta in kdo sledi pač "jeba" prvoštartajočega; to se res dogaja na veliko, samo tako pač je. Meoni should know. Kar se tiče kazni so se pa meni zamerili brezhrbtenični organizatorji ne pa Meoni. Itak se ni "on" pritožil, ampak KTM. Tako kot lani, ko je VW imel s sabo odvetnike, ki so se pritožili zaradi tega, ker jo je organizator legitimno hotel izključiti iz tekmovanja. In so jo zaradi tega lepo pustili, da dirka naprej. Toda to so tiste črne strani tega športa. Meni osebno dosti ljubše so tiste ta lepe. V smislu objave od Marem-ja... puščava, sonce, man and the machine. In to je vse.
bLuZoNdEr Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Praviš da se Meoni ni pritožil....mogoč ni on uradno pritožbe podal, je bil pa vsaj v prispevku na eurosportu najbolj glasen in pljuval čez organizatorja (zakaj se ni potem že pred dirko pritoževal da mu pravila niso pogodu). Se pa strinjam da tudi organizatorji niso brezmadežni :BUA: Drugače pa to so le detaljčki v primerjavi z vsem kar se tam lepega dogaja (man and the machine stuff) :OK:
Ice Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 ce je ze omenjeno se opravicujem....... sem pri porocilih na SAT 1 ravno slisal, da je perez umrl v bolnici zaradi poskodb pridobljenih pri padcu v cetrtek(?!). :(
bLuZoNdEr Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Med avtomobilisti je De Mevius 40km za CP2 doživel hudo nesrečo in sprožil klic na pomoč. 16:39 Cars – De Mevius crashes Forty kilometres after the second check point, Gregoire De Mevius suffered a serious crash in his Nissan Pickup and launched his distress signal. Both the driver and co-driver were shocked but are slowly recovering.
BiciMiX Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 (popravljeno) Pa si ziher da je tole Africa twin, ker kolikor jaz vem AT nikoli ni bila na dakarju, so pa imeli hondaši zelo podoben motor mislim da je bila oznaka NR750 nisem pa siguren. Vsekakor je zadeva hudo podobna africi ← dva dni nazaj je debata nanesla na Afriko.. motor se je imenoval NXR 750 Popravljeno Januar 10, 2005. Popravil BiciMiX
motorko Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 :topic: Alo bikerji! K vidm d ste dost na tekočm..... a mogoče kdo ve kašn je un motor od yamahe k nej bi mel pogon na obe kolesi (tko piše pr intervjuju Stanovnika na siol-ovi strani) ŠE MAL PA BO POLETJE :OK:
Noise Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Fretigne... kar dobro se je obnesel danes... splezal na skupno šesto mesto, če se ne motim... Sicer pa še report od KTM-a... Despres je res totalno rastural. ---------------------------------------- RALLY Dakar 2005: 10th stage Atar - Atar (10.01.2005) ---------------------------------------- <b>7.15 p.m.</b> Due to bad weather conditions (strong winds, vision below 300 m) the officials have decided to reduce the length of tomorrow's stage from the original 656 km to 400 km. <b>Despres dominated dune stage</b> After a well deserved rest day on the Dakar usually follows a rather easy stage. For the previous years, the day after was designed to help the participants getting accustomed to their bikes and used to the desert again. But this year the organizers had something different in mind. The 483 km special looping around Atar can surely be called one of the toughest stages, which was crossing through dunes, in the history of the Dakar. But one person was meant to conquer it all, without much trying as it seemed. Cyril Despres has made his imprint on this stage. He dominated it in a cunning way, won the day and has made his clear claim on the victory of this 27th edition of the toughest desert rally. When passing the finish line the Frenchman had a 10 minute and 8 seconds lead on Fabrizio Meoni, which his teammate clearly admired. "Early in the stage I caught up with Isidre Esteve. I had the impression that I was moving at a brisk pace. But when Cyril caught up with us I realized just who was riding fast today. This morning he had left 10 minutes after me." His joy about leading the overall standings was therefore short-lived. Now Despres has a clear 9'13 minutes lead. "Now the rally has really started," he smiled, "I have found my rhythm. My bike tipped over twice in the dunes, but I believe that has happened to everyone today. I didn't run into any problems. I'm simply just happy!" We'll have to wait and see what prints the pleasant young man will draw in the sand during the next days. It looks that he finally talks business. The dunes of today's stage have left a great impression on many. One of them is the man in third place, Isidre Esteve Pujol (Team KTM Repsol-Red Bull, + 12'24). He claimed, "The dunes after the second CP were gigantic. Crossing them was very difficult for me." Another competitor, Alfie Cox, who came in 6th today (+16'62) was deeply moved, "I have been riding the Dakar for quite some time now, but never before have I seen dunes like these. The sand was unbelievably deep and it surely was not an easy task to cross them!" Marc Coma, a young promising talent from Spain, had to pay toll for his temperament today. Attacking had been on his agenda. But he had lost track of his fuel gauge. "In the beginning I really opened the throttle and was riding at a brisk pace, but I ran out of gasoline another 4 kilometers before the refueling spot. Luckily Jo Sala caught up with me quickly. It was for his help that I could ride on." In the end he claimed a 5th spot (+ 14'06). In the overalls he is in third (+ 16'02). It is worth a thought to imagine where Coma could rank now. Andy Caldecott (place 7, + 18'51) learned the hard way today. "I'm still missing a great deal of experience riding the dunes. But that is why I'm here. I want to learn." Scot Harden started riding with a handicap this morning. He explained, "Already on the last stage I had to make a wide step; to almost spread my legs to a complete split. I pulled the muscle in my tight and it tore." The doctors have done a maximum to treat it most efficiently. "They did a great job. I still cannot walk all that well, but it is okay to sit and ride on a motorcycle." Therefore the guy from the US was satisfied arriving in Atar in the 20th spot (+ 1h23'57). After all he'll still be able to keep on going. Pal-Anders Ullevalseter on the other hand had to retire from the rally. The KTM private rider crashed at kilometer 410 and broke his left shoulder. He had to be transported via helicopter to the finish in Atar. Today's stage was overshadowed by sad news. José Manuel Perez died of severe inner injuries in the hospital at Alicante. On January 6th he had crashed just before CP 1 on the difficult stage from Zouerat to Tichit. The medical emergency staff transported him to the next bivouac at Zouerat immediately. An emergency operation followed. Still on the same day he was transported via Dakar to Alicante. Hans Trunkenpolz, KTM team manager, stated, "After Richard Sainct's fatal accident we all know how it feels to loose someone. It is a very painful experience. We offer sympathy to the relatives." A 656 km stage is on tomorrow's agenda. Until the participants reach the finish line in Kiffa (Mali) they will have to cross plenty of dunes and deep sandy passages. Marc Coma and the others will have to keep an eye on their fuel gauge! Also Cyril Despres will have to pay close attention especially to the first part of the stage. Last year a crucial navigation mistake happened here and he ended up loosing more than half an hour. It is a mistake which shouldn't happen again if he wants to stay ahead of the pack. They'll cross through the valleys of the massive Tangat and ride along the rocky road to the Naga crossing.
Noise Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2005 Fretigne... kar dobro se je obnesel danes... splezal na skupno šesto mesto, če se ne motim... Pozabil povedati prej, da je Fretigne danes ponovno vklopil 2WD... očitno je Yamaha zrihtala prvi pogon :D
Noise Objavljeno Januar 11, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 11, 2005 K vidm d ste dost na tekočm..... a mogoče kdo ve kašn je un motor od yamahe k nej bi mel pogon na obe kolesi jep: tukaj podrobnosti o Yamahi W-Trac 2WD prototipu... -->
Noise Objavljeno Januar 11, 2005 Objavljeno Januar 11, 2005 Fabrizio Meoni, ena največjih figur, je danes po padcu na 184km rallyja umrl. Truplo je v Atarju, dakarska karavana pa je pretresena. :ninja: 13:22 DAKAR OFFICIAL RELEASE DEATH OF FABRIZIO MEONI It is with huge sadness that the rally was informed this morning of the death of Fabrizio MEONI (n°4), one of the greatest rally-raid champions ever, after a crash just after CP1, at km 184, at 10h15 (GMT) during stage 11 between Atar and Kiffa. A medical helicopter of the organisation was immediately sent on the scene of the accident at 10h36 (GMT) and the doctors treated the champion for 45 minutes. However, the two-time Dakar winner, aged of 47 years, died of his injuries at 11h11 (GMT). Fabrizio MEONI, a huge figure of the rally, was 2nd overall in the bike standings, behind Cyril Despres and was competing on the race for the 13th time. His body was taken to Atar. The entire Dakar caravan wishes to express its sincere condolences to his family, his friends and his many admirers. === No comment. :trance_33_sleep:
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