ajgor the mad dog Objavljeno Marec 23, 2005 Objavljeno Marec 23, 2005 (popravljeno) Minili sta dve leti odkar je Bush ukazal napasti Irak.In tukaj ni videti da so jih Iračani pričakali kot osvoboditelje.Nekaj slikc... :krneki: Popravljeno Marec 23, 2005. Popravil ajgor the mad dog
ajgor the mad dog Objavljeno Marec 23, 2005 Avtor Objavljeno Marec 23, 2005 Ulični boji v Fuluji >klik< zanimivo
ajgor the mad dog Objavljeno Marec 23, 2005 Avtor Objavljeno Marec 23, 2005 Če že mislijo cel Irak raztreliti se naj pazijo letečih skal
GorazdH Objavljeno Marec 23, 2005 Objavljeno Marec 23, 2005 kaj bi mi brez američanov...je vsaj kaj gledat in za modrovat a ne? :afro1:
ajgor the mad dog Objavljeno Marec 23, 2005 Avtor Objavljeno Marec 23, 2005 In takole se marinci zabavajo na bojišču
Thundercat Objavljeno Marec 23, 2005 Objavljeno Marec 23, 2005 kaj bi mi brez američanov...je vsaj kaj gledat in za modrovat a ne? :afro1: ← predvsem modrovat in kritizirat ta narod, ki z vojno nima nič....
Insallah Objavljeno Marec 24, 2005 Objavljeno Marec 24, 2005 In takole se marinci zabavajo na bojišču ← Tole je artilerija iz pozadine, ki se je zgleda res dolgočasila. :ninja:
Thundercat Objavljeno Marec 24, 2005 Objavljeno Marec 24, 2005 ajgor a veš še za kake take posnetke zadnjih spopadov v iraqu....če prilepiš še kak link ali po Pm....
lina Objavljeno Marec 24, 2005 Objavljeno Marec 24, 2005 Minili sta dve leti odkar je Bush ukazal napasti Irak.In tukaj ni videti da so jih Iračani pričakali kot osvoboditelje.Nekaj slikc... Ne vsi..... Par dni nazaj sem se pogovarjala s kolegico, ki drugače živi v Iranu.....najbolj presenečena nad: ,, Mislit si ne moreš koliko ljudi verjame in čaka, da jih bodo Američani rešili,, :blink:
cyc Objavljeno Marec 24, 2005 Objavljeno Marec 24, 2005 Saj je precej logično, pri taki kretenski ureditvi kot jo imajo je jasno, da si večina gotovo želi normalnih razmer ... obisk amerov je pa začasno sranje ki slej ko prej mine. Unih fanatikov se pa zlepa ne bodo sami rešili <_<
JEJŽ Objavljeno Marec 24, 2005 Objavljeno Marec 24, 2005 Američani so........Američani! Pa probajte vetru dopovedat,da naj ne piha več... :wacko:
Thundercat Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 Pa probajte vetru dopovedat,da naj ne piha več... :wacko: ← si predstavljaš brezveterje??
ajgor the mad dog Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 Avtor Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 Ne vsi..... Par dni nazaj sem se pogovarjala s kolegico, ki drugače živi v Iranu.....najbolj presenečena nad: ,, Mislit si ne moreš koliko ljudi verjame in čaka, da jih bodo Američani rešili,, :blink: ← Ja tako kot v Iraku ali pa v Somaliji,ki so bili zadolženi samo za humanitarne zadeve,pol so jih pa par potolkl in so se pobral domov...
ajgor the mad dog Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 Avtor Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 Neke vrste Iraškega Full metal jacket >klik<
ajgor the mad dog Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 Avtor Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 Nekaj fotk ,ki jih je Bush sprva prepovedal objaviti iz Iraka tukaj
Avatar Objavljeno Marec 30, 2005 Objavljeno Marec 30, 2005 Saj je precej logično, pri taki kretenski ureditvi kot jo imajo je jasno, da si večina gotovo želi normalnih razmer ... Normalnih razmer? A misliš, da jim bo ameriški izvoz (oz. uvoz) turbokapitalizma omogočil normalne razmere? Sicer je normalnost sila relativna...pa vseeno...se ti zdi, da naš način življenja postaja vedno bolj normalen? To, da se večina peha cele dneve v službah, da jih vedno več ostaja brez služb, na dnu....in da si lahko nadvse hvalažen, če ti gospodar omogoči opravljati tlako. In da gospodarji ...tisti, ki so bolj odprtega duha...ne morejo kaj posebej humanitariti, ko pa jih imperativ večne konkurence in širjenja (oz propadanja) sili v nenehen boj, minimizacijo stroškov&maximizacijo produkcije. Iz ene diktature v drugo. No ja, v zdajšnji jih ne bo nihče ubil, če bodo kritizirali sistem. Živela svoboda. P.S. Sploh pa se pričakovanja lahko (in se jih) zmanipulira. To se dogaja tam, to se dogaja tu in nič ne kaže, da bo kmalu konec te sporne prakse.
cyc Objavljeno Marec 30, 2005 Objavljeno Marec 30, 2005 Hja. Še vedno si lahko izberejo novega Saddama, da jih bo cuzal in maltretiral na nekapitalističen način ... in bodo happy. :OK: :naughty:
cyc Objavljeno Marec 30, 2005 Objavljeno Marec 30, 2005 Nekaj fotk ,ki jih je Bush sprva prepovedal objaviti iz Iraka tukaj ← Zdaj pa še povej, kaj je tako spornega recimo na tejle sliki: - da bi jo Bush prepovedal? Vprašanje kako bi dosegel to "prepoved" pa za kdaj drugič ... konec koncev - o njihovem sistemu lahko človek marsikaj nerazveseljivega pove ... ampak tako direktne cenzure pa nimajo ... manipulacija ja ... Da bi pa kar predsednik osebno odobril ali naj kdo kaj objavi ali ne ... ta je pa bosa :lol1:
Špilferderber Objavljeno Marec 31, 2005 Objavljeno Marec 31, 2005 :topic: :topic: :oops: :topic: :topic: Lessons of a Vietnam Helicopter Crewman 1. Once you are in the fight, it is way too late to wonder if it was a good idea. 2. Helicopters are cool! 3. It is a fact that helicopter tail rotors are instinctively drawn toward trees, stumps, rocks, etc. While it may be possible to ward off this natural event some of the time, it cannot, despite the best efforts of the crew, always be prevented. It's just what they do. 4. NEVER get into a fight without more ammunition than the other guy. 5. The engine RPM, and the rotor RPM, must BOTH be kept in the GREEN. Failure to heed this commandment can affect the morale of the crew. 6. A billfold in your hip pocket can numb your leg and be a real pain in the ass. 7. Cover your Buddy, so he can be around to cover you. 8. Letters from home are not always great. 9. The madness of war can extract a heavy toll. Please have exact change. 10. Share everything. Even the Pound Cake. 11. Decisions made by someone over your head will seldom be in your best interest. 12. The terms "Protective Armor" and "Helicopter" are mutually exclusive. 13. The further away you are from your friends, the less likely it is that they can help you when you really need them the most. 14. If being good and lucky is not enough, there is always payback. 15. "Chicken Plates" are not something you order in a restaurant. 16. If everything is as clear as a bell, and everything is going exactly as planned, you're about to be surprised. 17. The B.S.R. (Bang, Stare, Read) Theory states that the louder the sudden bang in the helicopter, the quicker your eyes will be drawn to the gauges. 18. The longer you stare at the gauges, the less time it takes them to move from green to red. 19. It does too get cold in Vietnam. 20. No matter what you do, the bullet with your name on it will get you. So too can the ones addressed "To Whom It May Concern". 21. Gravity may not be fair, but it is the law. 22. If the rear echelon troops are really happy, the front line troops probably do not have what they need. 23. If you are wearing body armor, the incoming will probably miss that part. 24. It hurts less to die with a uniform on than to die in a hospital bed. 25. Happiness is a belt-fed weapon. 26. If something hasn't broken on your helicopter, it's about to. 27. Eat when you can. Sleep when you can. Visit the head when you can. The next opportunity may not come around for a long time. If ever. 28. Combat pay is a flawed concept. 29. Having all your body parts intact and functioning at the end of the day beats the alternative. 30. Air superiority is NOT a luxury. 31. If you are allergic to lead it is best to avoid a war zone. 32. It is always a bad thing to run out of airspeed, altitude, and ideas all at the same time. 33. While the rest of the crew may be in the same predicament, it's almost always the pilot's job to arrive at the crash site first. 34. When you shoot your gun, clean it the first chance you get. 35. Loud sudden noises in a helicopter WILL get your undivided attention. 36. Hot garrison chow is better than hot C-rations, which, in turn is better than cold C-rations, which is better than no food at all. All of these, however, are preferable to cold rice balls (given to you by guards) even if they do have the little pieces of fish in them. 37. WHAT is often more important than WHY. 38. Boxes of cookies from home must be shared. 39. Girlfriends are fair game. Wives are not. 40. Everybody's a hero on the ground in the club after the fourth drink. 41. There is no such thing as a small firefight. 42. A free-fire zone has nothing to do with economics. 43. The farther you fly into the mountains, the louder the strange engine noises become. 44. Medals are OK, but having your body and all your friends in one piece at the end of the day is better. 44a. The only medal you really want to be awarded is the Longevity Medal. 45. Being shot hurts. 46. Thousands of Vietnam Veterans earned medals for bravery every day. A few were even awarded. 48. Running out of pedal, fore or aft cyclic, or collective are all bad ideas. Any combination of these can be deadly. 49. Nomex is NOT fire proof. 50. There is only one rule in war: When you win, you get to make up the Rules. 51. Living and dying can both hurt a lot. 53. While a Super Bomb could be considered one of the four essential building blocks of life, powdered eggs cannot. 54. C-4 can make a dull day fun. 55. Cocoa Powder is neither. 56. There is no such thing as a fair fight, only ones where you win or lose. 57. If you win the battle you are entitled to the spoils. If you lose you don't care. 58. Nobody cares what you did yesterday or what you are going to do tomorrow. What is important is what you are doing NOW to solve our problem. 59. If you have extra, share it quickly. 60. Always make sure someone has a P-38. 61. A sucking chest wound may be God's way of telling you it's time to go home. 62. Prayer may not help . . . but it can't hurt. 63. Flying is better than walking. Walking is better than running. Running is better than crawling. All of these however, are better than extraction by a Med-Evac, even if this is technically a form of flying. 64. If everyone does not come home none of the rest of us can ever fully come home either. 65. Do not fear the enemy, for your enemy can only take your life. It is far better that you fear the media, for they will steal your HONOR. 66. A grunt is the true reason for the existence of the helicopter. Every helicopter flying in Vietnam had one real purpose: To help the grunt. It is unfortunate that many helicopters never had the opportunity to fulfill their one true mission in life simply because someone forgot this fact. 67. "You have the right to remain silent" is always EXCELLENT advice.
Ice Objavljeno Marec 31, 2005 Objavljeno Marec 31, 2005 Bonaca ali Bonanza, to je sedaj vprašanje. ← radajner. :beer2: 68: BOHICA: Bend Over Here It Comes Again.
lasagna Objavljeno April 1, 2005 Objavljeno April 1, 2005 Na EF prevedejo "warmongers" v "arhitekti vojne". Vse prostozidarje pozivamo v bojkot tovrstnega krajinarstva.
ajgor the mad dog Objavljeno April 5, 2005 Avtor Objavljeno April 5, 2005 Niso našli metalca so si pa pomagali s temle...
ajgor the mad dog Objavljeno Julij 31, 2005 Avtor Objavljeno Julij 31, 2005 Irak postaja novi Vietnam. Tu je zbirka fotografij, ki prikazujejo grozote te nesmiselne vojne. >klik<
jose Objavljeno Julij 31, 2005 Objavljeno Julij 31, 2005 Irak postaja novi Vietnam. Tu je zbirka fotografij, ki prikazujejo grozote te nesmiselne vojne. >klik< ← res pretresljivo :cry:
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