ixs Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 "Get Drunk!" One should always be drunk. That's all that matters; that's our one imperative need. So as not to feel Time's horrible burden one which breaks your shoulders and bows you down, you must get drunk without cease. But with what? With wine, poetry, or virtue as you choose. But get drunk. And if, at some time, on steps of a palace, in the green grass of a ditch, in the bleak solitude of your room, you are waking and the drunkenness has already abated, ask the wind, the wave, the stars, the clock, all that which flees, all that which groans, all that which rolls, all that which sings, all that which speaks, ask them, what time it is; and the wind, the wave, the stars, the birds, and the clock, they will all reply: "It is time to get drunk! So that you may not be the martyred slaves of Time, get drunk, get drunk, and never pause for rest! With wine, poetry, or virtue, as you choose!"
Jurij Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 mater se ga je blo v srednji šoli ob baudelairu dobr zakadit... dej me spominjat na to, bom še depresivn ratu... :cry:
ixs Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 Avtor Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 "Afternoon Song" Though your wicked eyebrows call Your nature into question (Unangelic's their suggestion, Witch whose eyes enthrall)> I adore you still - O foolish terrible emotion - Kneeling in devotion As a priest to his idol will. Your undone braids conceal Desert, forest scents: In your exotic countenance Lie secrets unrevealed. Over your flesh perfume drifts Like incense 'round a censor: Tantalizing dispenser Of evening's ardent gifts. No Philtres could compete With your potent idleness: You've mastered the caress That raises dead me to their feet. Your hips themselves are romanced By your back and by your breasts: By your languid dalliance. Now and then, your appetite's Uncontrolled, unassuaged: Mysteriously enraged, You kiss me and you bite. Dark one, I am torn By your savage ways, Then, soft as the moon, your gaze Sees my tortured heart reborn. Beneath your satin shoe, Beneath your charming silken foot. My greatest joy I put My genius and destiny, too. You bring my spirit back, Bringer of the light. Exploding color in the night Of my Siberia so black.
ixs Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 Avtor Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 "To The Reader" Stupidity, delusion, selfishness and lust torment our bodies and possess our minds, and we sustain our affable remorse the way a beggar nourishes his lice Our sins are stubborn, our contrition lame; we want our scruples to be worth our while- how cheerfully we crawl back to the mire: with few cheap tears washing our stains away! Satan Trismegistus subtly rocks our ravished spirits on his wicked bed until the precious metal of our will is leached out by this cunning alchemist: the Devil's hand directs our every move- the things we loathed become the things we love: day by day we drop though stinking shades quite undeterred on our descent to Hell! Like a poor profligate who sucks and bites the withered breasts of some well-seasoned troll, we snatch in passing at clandestine joys and squeeze the oldest orange harder yet. Wriggling in our brains like a million worms, a demon demos holds its revels there, and when we breathe, the Lethe in our lungs trickles sighing on its secret course. If rape and arson, poison and the knife have not yet stitched their ludicrous designs onto the banal buckram of our fates, it is because our souls lack enterprise! But here among the scorpions and the hounds, the jackals, apes and vultures, snakes and wolves, monsters that howl and growl and squeal and crawl, in all the squalid zoo of vices, one is even uglier and fouler than the rest, although the least flamboyant of the lot; this beast would gladly undermine the earth.
ixs Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 Avtor Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 (popravljeno) The Murderer's Wine My wife is dead; I am free ! I can drink to my heart's content. When I came home without a cent Her crying was torture to me. With air pure and a sky that is clear, I'm as gay as a king could be . . . This summer recalls the year That we fell in love -- I and she ! The grave of that wife of mine Would hardly hold enough wine To quench the thirst that I've got; -- and that is saying a lot. I threw her corpse down a well With the stones that rimmed it yonder. She lies asleep where she fell. -- Shall I ever forget her, I wonder ? But our sweetest vows of yore (And nothing annuls such an oath) And to patch things up so that both Could be drunk with love as before, I begged for a rendezvous At night, in a lonely lane, She came, mad thing ! -- No ado ! -- We're all more or less insane ! She still was pretty, although Worn out with working -- while I, I loved her past bearing; and so I said : "You've got to die !" Who understands me ? Has one 'Mong those fellow sots of mine Ever dreamt in his nights, as I've done, Of weaving a shroud out of wine? How could hopeless debauchees As soulless as things of steel Ever know the love I feel, True love with its mysteries, Its black enchantments and fears, Its hellish procession if pains, Its poison phials and tears, Its rattle of bones and of chains ! At last I'm alone and free ! Tonight dead drunk I shall be; Without fear or remorse, like a dog On the ground I shall lie; like a dog I shall sleep -- as dead men do. And maybe some skidding truck Or great cart piled with muck And stones will cut me in two, Or crush in my guilty head. -- But why worry about the Hereafter ? The thought of it moves me to laughter ! -- To hell with the Devil and God ! Popravljeno Marec 25, 2005. Popravil ixs
ixs Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 Avtor Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 A ni car Baudelaire?!?!?... Poezija darkerjev, satanistov.......ali zgolj iskanje drugačnosti, odštekanega!?! Baudelaire, Edgar Poe, Srečko Kosovel,.....koga bi še postavil(a) ob bok??
ixs Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 Avtor Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 The Vampire Thou who abruptly as a knife Didst come into my heart; thou who, A demon horde into my life, Didst enter, wildly dancing, through The doorways of my sense unlatched To make my spirit thy domain- Harlot to whom I am attached As convicts to the ball and chain, As gamblers to the wheel's bright spell, As drunkards to their raging thirst, As corpses to their worms - accurst Be thou! Oh, be thou damned to hell! I have entreated the swift sword To strike, that I at once be freed; The poisoned phial I have implored To plot with me a ruthless deed. Alas! the phial and the blade Do cry aloud and laugh at me: "Thou art not worthy of our aid; Thou art not worthy to be free. Though one of us should be the tool To save thee from thy wretched fate, Thy kisses would resuscitate The body of thy vampire, fool
ixs Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 Avtor Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 za vse tiste, ki ga še vedno prebirate in za tiste, ki bi radi prebudili stare občutke in spomine...... http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Arc/5340/bflowers.htm Se spomnite Rož zla?! Današnji zamorjen petek je kot nalašč za Baudelaira......chat and coffie with........:)
Einherjar Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 Objavljeno Marec 25, 2005 Moja najljubsa: The Litanies of Satan O thou, of Angels loveliest, most wise, O God betrayed by fate, deprived of praise, Satan, have mercy on my long distress! O Prince of exile, who was dispossessed, Who ever rises stronger when oppressed, Satan, have mercy on my long distress! O thou who knowest all, Hell's sovereign, Known healer of mankind's afflictions, Satan, have mercy on my long distress! Thou who the lepers and pariahs doomed Show out of love the Paradise to come, Satan, have mercy on my long distress! Thou who in Death, your mistress old and strong, Breeds Hope - delightful aberration! Satan, have mercy on my long distress! Thou who dost give the outlaw the proud glance Which damns the crowd who watch his sufferance, Satan, have mercy on my long distress! Thou who dost know where greedy earth enfolds The precious stones a jealous God concealed, Satan, have mercy on my long distress! Thou whose clear eye knows the deep sepulchres Where multitudes of metals lie interred, Satan, have mercy on my long distress! Thou whose great hand conceals the precipice From the somnambulist whom roofs entice, Satan, have mercy on my long distress! Thou who by magic softens the old bones Of loitering drunks by horses trampled down, Satan, have mercy on my long distress! Thou who, consoling frail mankind in pain, Taught us to make our guns and gun-cotton, Satan, have mercy on my long distress! Thou who didst set thy mark, accomplice skilled, Upon the heart of Croesus harsh and vile, Satan, have mercy on my long distress! Thou who put into women's hearts and eyes The cult of wounds, the love of poverty, Satan, have mercy on my long distress! Staff of the exile and discoverer, Confessor of condemned conspirator, Satan, have mercy on my long distress! Father to those whom in his sombre wrath God drove from his Paradise on earth, Satan, have mercy on my long distress!
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