Black Knight Objavljeno Februar 14, 2006 Objavljeno Februar 14, 2006 Linkin Park - Breaking the Habit :music4:
Einherjar Objavljeno Februar 14, 2006 Objavljeno Februar 14, 2006 Ob treh zjutraj na sihtu - tisina... Razen ventilatorjev racunalnikov.
Špilferderber Objavljeno Februar 14, 2006 Objavljeno Februar 14, 2006 Situacija je taka: imamo ugrabljeno princesko, ki jo pazi "mogočen"zmaj. Metalci vsega sveta se združijo da bi jo rešili: Power metal: The protagonist arrives riding a white unicorn, escapes from the dragon, saves the princess and makes love with her in an enchanted forest. Thrash metal: The protagonist arrives, fights the dragon, saves the princess and fucks her. Heavy metal: The protagonist arrives on a harley davidson bike, kills the dragon, drinks some beers and fucks the princess. Folk metal: The protagonist arrives with some friends playing acordeons, violins, flutes and many more instruments, the dragon falls asleep (by all the dancing)... Then all leave... Without the princess Viking metal: The protagonist arrives in a ship, kills the dragon with his migthy axe, cooks and eats it, rapes the princess to death, steals the castle and burns all the place before he leaves. Death metal: The protagonist arrives, kills the dragon, fucks the princess and kills her, then leaves. Black metal: The protagonist arrives at midnight, kills the dragon and impales it in front of the castle... Then sodomizes the princess, drinks her blood in a ritual before killing her... Then he impales the unvirgen princess. Gore metal: The protagonist arrives, kills the dragon and spreads his guts in the front of the castle, fucks the princess and kills her... Then he fucks the dead body, slashes her belly and eats her guts... Then he fucksthe carcass for the third time, burns the corpse and fucks it for the last time. Doom metal: The protagonist arrives, sees the size of the dragon and thinks that he never could beat him, then he gets depressed and commits suicide... The dragon eats his body and the princess as well...(the end of thesad story). Progressive metal: The protagonist arrives with a guitar and plays a solo of 26 minutes... The dragon kills himself out of boredom... The protagonist arrives to the princess' bedroom, plays another solo with all the technics and tunes learned in the last year of the conservatory... The princess escapes looking for the heavy metal protagonist. Glam metal: The protagonist arrives, the dragon laughs of the guy's appearance and lets him enter... He then steals the princess' make-up and tries to paint the castle in a beautiful pink color. Grind metal: The protagonist arrives, screams something completely undecipherable for about 2 minutes and then leaves... Industrial metal: The protagonist arrives wearing greasy overcoat, makes an obscene gestures towards dragon, and gets escorted out of fairy tale land by security guards. NU-Metal: Protagonist arrives in pimpin' SUV and baggy pants. Dragon sees protagonist's nose ring and snickers. Protagonist whines about bad childhood where his beloved pet canary died and ever since he has been Broken, Numb, Dead Inside, Thoughtless and not Alive. Dragon gets highly annoyed, and eats the protagonist. Princess thanks Dragon. Enough said.
pirrulz Objavljeno Februar 14, 2006 Objavljeno Februar 14, 2006 (popravljeno) Situacija je taka: imamo ugrabljeno princesko, ki jo pazi "mogočen"zmaj. Metalci vsega sveta se združijo da bi jo rešili: bla bllla bla.... bla bla.... bl.l.l.aaaaaa.... bla špil, juhu :) ;) Ne vem sicer od kod, ampak: Down - New Orleans Is A Dying Whore BTW komad nastal kako leto pred jebo v N.O. :) Popravljeno Februar 14, 2006. Popravil pirrulz
krava Objavljeno Februar 14, 2006 Objavljeno Februar 14, 2006 Goblini To je prava roba! :grim Momentalno; Bolje da nosim kratko kosu... <_< :smoke:
Jurij Objavljeno Februar 14, 2006 Objavljeno Februar 14, 2006 Atomic Fireballs - Torch this place :kva2:
Pervy Objavljeno Februar 14, 2006 Objavljeno Februar 14, 2006 Metallica - St. Anger :OK: ne razumem kaj folk tolko moti ta plata, meni je pa čisto cool :yea1:
Black Knight Objavljeno Februar 14, 2006 Objavljeno Februar 14, 2006 Ravno potegnu z neta... :worship: ...
Špilferderber Objavljeno Februar 15, 2006 Objavljeno Februar 15, 2006 špil, juhu :) ;) I never read jokes.. I kill 'em all.. :krneki:
Jurij Objavljeno Februar 15, 2006 Objavljeno Februar 15, 2006 ACstrelaudarlaDC - You shook me all night long :yea2: :yea2: :yea2:
pirrulz Objavljeno Februar 15, 2006 Objavljeno Februar 15, 2006 Pantera - I'm broken Najs. :grim Gehenna.
Špilferderber Objavljeno Februar 15, 2006 Objavljeno Februar 15, 2006 U2 - I Will Follow :whistle: prvi cd, prvi komad.. :rolleyes:
Rude Boy Objavljeno Februar 15, 2006 Objavljeno Februar 15, 2006 prvi cd, prvi komad.. :rolleyes: na drugi strani so boljšji ! :fredy:
Einherjar Objavljeno Februar 15, 2006 Objavljeno Februar 15, 2006 Death - Flesh and the power it holds
krava Objavljeno Februar 15, 2006 Objavljeno Februar 15, 2006 Pankići, kitaristi, bobničarji, rigači, muzikanti pivoljubi,.. navalite tukaj :OK:
batzajla Objavljeno Februar 15, 2006 Objavljeno Februar 15, 2006 dons so me razveselili eni stari mp3-ji:) cranberries,CCR,soundtrack il postino,faithless,kosheen fajn
krava Objavljeno Februar 16, 2006 Objavljeno Februar 16, 2006 lojze slak je car Trdi kdo nasprotno?! :eek: :smoke:
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