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Sam Cooke - Twistin' the Night Away :010

Popravljeno . Popravil Black Knight
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Ministry - Jesus Built My Hotrod ...

Danzig - Firemass

Frank Black - Hang on to Your Ego

Iggy Pop - I Wanna Be Your Dog

Ice-T - Cop Killer

Metallica - One

Metallica - Four Horsemen

Judas Priest - Painkiller

Skid Row - Slave to the Grind

Anthrax - Bring the Noise

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Lepi dasa.. :slap: ...videl na Izklopu... in zazibam joške od obale do koroške???

Kaj pa prekmurke (spredaj deska zadaj fosn)?...jaz sem jih že videl ene par z zizami :blink:

Slovenska turbofolk scena :hmm: jih nagnal vse čez Kolpo med ostale turbofolkaše.

Še hvala bogu da sem mel zajtrk z Blues brothersi...smo en Green onion maznili :OK:

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Visions of Atlantis - Cast Away

Visions of Atlantis = Eternal Endless Infinity

In potem....Hehehe :OK:

"Pay to kill, die to lose, hunted, hunter which are you"


"Diablo come again to make trophies out of men"

Kr prid

"Lose your skin, lose your skull, one by one the sack is full"

Hu kers?

"In the heat dehydrate, know which breath will be your last""

No, ker? A je sploh vazno?

"Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, you've got to kill to stay alive"

Ne, ni mi treba. Okej, al pa tut ucasih. Pa kaj pol?

"Show them no fear, show them no pain"

Pokazem.... ker si upam....

"Human heart, human mind, intellect intertwined

Focus sharp in the night, watch the jungle burning bright..."

Vidim....kam grem.... In ravno zadnjic sem imel spet en "flashback". S pogreba leta '82. Dvakrat sem se zlagal :)

Have you ever felt the future is the past, but you dont know how...?

A reflected dream of a captured time, is it really now, is it really happening?

"Dont know why I feel this way, have I dreamt this time, this place?

Something vivid comes again into my mind..."

The dream is true, the dream is true....

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