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In da ob vsem sranju preverim, kaj (mi) pravijo The One and the Only Iron Maiden? Seveda ob "randomu" pri slabih 2eh giga MP3jev (hehe :evilgrin: Dam raje 100 ojrotov za majce kot 10 za cd. Jebat ga, sem se evolviral)

Aja, skoraj bi ob vsej formi pozabil na sporocilo. In BMK, ce je spet pol stirih zjutraj:

I'm on the run, I kill to eat (no, ponavadi ne)

I'm starving now, fealing dead on my feet

Going all the way, I'm nature's beast

Do what I want

and do as I please

Run, fight, to breathe,

it's tough

Now you see me

now you don't

Break the walls, I'm coming out

If you kill me it's self defense

If I kill you then I call it vengeance

Spit in your eye, I will defy

You'll be afraid when I call out your name


Hehe.... taksnih ni vec.....

In naslednji komad je bil: (ce komu to kaj pove): A Poet's Quest (For a Distant Paradise)

Pa ne od Vanesse Mae. Ampak od:


All my dark dreams

Drift like smoke in the breeze

The fear grips me as I fall towards my sleep

Here comes the nightmare that never ends

Here is the dream that makes monsters of men

In the house of my soul

In rooms of ugliness and cold

Memories locked away

All the doubts and fears I never faced

Now they come again

I am falling down to meet with them

fear is within us all

Mine awake and they stand up tall

Look for the truth

Deepest cut of all from you

Knife of the truth

Blade of hatred slicing through

It's my final stand

I make a fist out of each hand

To the shadows of the past

Take a breath and I scream attack

Kako primerno.


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Delite na drugih straneh

Po prekrokani soboti NFP zakjučni prednovoletni žur in po preležani nedelji zopet na stare tire.

Megadeath-Symphony-of destruction :OK:

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Delite na drugih straneh

Open Road B. Adams
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Delite na drugih straneh

Najboljše pesmi:

metallica: nothing else mathers, gansi itak, europe, pa evergrini tudi...

res nullius so za prebavit

nickelback so tud ok

madžarski republic so tud ker so rock

pa še kaj bi se najšlo

lp, nina

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Delite na drugih straneh

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