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21 članov je glasovalo

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Zanima me če ima kdo z čem takim kakšne izkušnje??

Če vas zanimajo kaki takšni programi mi pišite na msn ker tukaj nesmem davati linkov in oglaševati ničesar. :blush:

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Delite na drugih straneh

in kaj je to drugega kot oglas?

Če vas zanimajo kaki takšni programi mi pišite na msn

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Delite na drugih straneh

in kaj je to drugega kot oglas?

ja pa se ni nekaj posrednega al pač??če je se opravičujem.

Vseno me zanima vaše mnenje o tem??

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Delite na drugih straneh

Zanima me če ima kdo z čem takim kakšne izkušnje??

Če vas zanimajo kaki takšni programi mi pišite na msn ker tukaj nesmem davati linkov in oglaševati ničesar. :blush:

Glede na to, da te programe poznas/imas, sklepam, da si tudi ze probal. Se pravi lahko ti poves o izkusnjah...

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Delite na drugih straneh

Ja, povej malo več o tem :) Jaz sem vsekakor kandidat za kakršen koli dodaten zaslužek. Tako da če se dejansko da prislužit kakšen tolar kar na dan z informacijami :) Lahko tudi na PM

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Delite na drugih straneh

Ja, povej malo več o tem :) Jaz sem vsekakor kandidat za kakršen koli dodaten zaslužek. Tako da če se dejansko da prislužit kakšen tolar kar na dan z informacijami :) Lahko tudi na PM

Ja jaz to prakticiram komaj nekaj dni. Sem pa dobil podatke iz prve roke. Od dveh frendov. Oba sta delala okoli en mesec po pol ure na dan al pa še majn in sta zaslužila okoli 150 tisoč. Tak da na msn. PM mi nena ležijo :D

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Delite na drugih straneh

če koga zanima, tile me gnjavijo že 2 mesca po skypu ... jaz pa v bistvu za statistično obdleavo štejem njihove maile in analiziram besedišče

Hi Simon,

We are now seeing people from all over the world, who today are also enjoying the great benefits of the P.A.S. System.

You are now discovering one of the most advanced and sophisticated businesses on the internet today - yet one of the EASIEST to handle. And as a successful PAS business owner, you never have to worry about having to explain this System, as ALL OF THAT is done for you, by the company.

You know, Simon, when I first discovered this program, I really thought it sounded way too good to be true. As a result I almost didn't take a 2nd look at it. But, today... you can not imagine, how glad I am that I did.

So, Simon, let's first take a good look at what we've got.

Here is a Company or a Program that Claims:

You DO NOT have to do your own expensive hit & miss Advertising

You DO NOT need to purchase expensive Leads

You DO NOT have to speak to any Prospects

You DO NOT need to make any phone calls or do 3-way calls

You DO NOT have to do any Presentations or Explanations

You DO NOT need to Answer any of your Prospect's Questions

They make an Explicit Promise that:

You WILL NEVER have to do any Selling or "Closing"

You WILL NEVER need to do any "Cold Calling" to anyone

You WILL NEVER need to do any "Calling" of Prospect - period.

You WILL NEVER need to build or program any Websites

You WILL NEVER have to design AutoResponder Messages

You WILL NEVER have to Drag your Prospects to Conference Calls

All this Because:

The Company does absolutely EVERYTHING for you 24-7

The Advertising is done FOR YOU by the Company

The Filtering of the Prospects is done FOR YOU by the Company

The Personal Follow up, via Phone, is done by the Company

And yet, you will still:

earn a staggering US$ 3,000 £ 1,725, Euro 2,500 per sale

Plus an extra Powerful Residual of US$ 3,000 again and again

And to really Top it Off:

The business is run by a 12 Year old, Debt F'ree Company

A company that has never received a single complaint.

It does almost SOUND TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, doesn't it?

Let me share about something that very few people know about:

- it's an entire Paradigm Shift in the Home-Based Business field.

Simon, let me explain...

In the past, companies have expected us Distributors, or Members, or Representatives, or Affiliates or whatever they want to call us TO DO A LOT OF THE WORK.

a) For us to do the Recruiting Work:

via talking to your Friends & your Family

by doing your own Advertising

You have to know how to write AD-copy

You have to know WHERE to place your advertising

or you have to purchase tons of Expensive Leads

or by using previously developed Contact Lists

which most people don't have

In addition, the other Companies, expect...

B) For us to do the Filtering Work:

by spending hours/days weeding through these Leads

by trying to filter out the Dreamers and Tyre Kickers

by figuring out who is serious and who is not

by trying to filter out who has the capacity and who has not

by figuring out who was really motivated and who is not

In addition, the other Companies, expect...

c) For us to do the Follow-Up Work:

by getting on the Telephone as follow up

by inviting these people to attend Conference Calls

being patiently available to answer all of the Questions

be alert and ready to close the sale

For more information on Prosperity Automated System (PAS) please submit a call back now at:

Some companies even claim that they have done 98% of the Work

Yeahhhh... don't you love it, Simon?

They claim this because they may have developed the Product, or they developed the Pricing and Compensation Plan, or had developed some of the Presentation Materials... so, they claim that we only need to do the other 2%... And yet... soon enough... We find that this 2% the Recruiting Work - and the Filtering Work - and the Follow-Up Work is often:

- the Hardest,

- the Most Time Consuming,

- the Most Expensive,

- and the Most Risk taking part

- plus requires a lot of Skill and Expertise

- and it's so easy to loose or waste money on it

So, after you sign up for these programs, you discover that you still:

- You have to do your own advertising

- You have to know how to write ad-copy

- You have to know where to place your advertising

- You have to purchase leads

- You have to spend hours/days weeding through these leads

- You have to do all of your own follow-up via Telephone

- You have to provide all the Answers to their Questions

- You have to guide them towards a Closing

So, if you want to survive with any of these programs, Simon, you have no other choice but to become an Expert Marketer, Expert Advertiser, an Expert Sales Presenter, an Expert Organizer, Expert Telephone Communicator or Telemarketer, Expert Sales Closer.... plus you have to become an Expert in all the Technologies that permit you to do the above

Is it any wonder that so many people they say, as much as 99% of all the folks to try to set up a Home Business actually fail in doing so?

Is it any wonder, even if you were blessed with all that know how and expertise, that it is nearly impossible to find enough people, who also have it, or wanted to learn all of that?

For more information on Prosperity Automated System (PAS) please submit a call back now at:

Now, here is a company that claims that THEY will DO THIS FOR US...

Well, before you say...


Let us take a look at what a Typical Investor of a McDonalds Franchise or any other very well managed franchise would be expected to do, or would be willing to do. Do you believe, Simon, that a McDonald Franchise Owner is expected to or would really love to

learn to flip hamburgers?

hire, fire, train and manage the employees?

No way...

....he/she expects McDonalds to do that for them.

Do you think that this McDonald Franchise Investor really is eagerly wanting to figure out:

which is the best location for this Restaurant?

how to creatively design Television Ad Campaigns?

You are right... Simon! ... he/she expects McDonalds to do that for them.

And yet.... he/she still GETS PAID, right?

Well, we have the same concept here...

- P.A.S. will do your Advertising - for you

- P.A.S. will do your Prospect Filtering - for you

- P.A.S. will do the Telephone Follow-Up - for you

And yet, YOU STILL GET PAID, each and every time that a prospects, purchases a system via your Website.

- Even if you don't know the first thing about Marketing,

- Even if you don't know anything about Internet e-Commerce

- Even if you have never done anything like this

- Even if you don't have any experience or expertise


- Even if you have failed at every other program before

- Even if you are the most negative person in the world

well, if you were the most negative person, you probably would not be reading this email, right?

All YOU are expected to have:

- is the wisdom to recognize this Excellent Opportunity

- and the wisdom to invest in such a Smart System

Simon, over the next few days.... I will share with you, that what I have come to believe as the most important things to know about a Program, BEFORE YOU JOIN... and as such in to MAKE SURE that you actually make a Wise Investment Decision, of your money, your Hope and your Expectation.

Practically - you may want to save these messages, in a sub-folder of your INBOX of your e-mail program. This way, you can reference them any time.

Thanks again for taking time out to seriously evaluate our Program today.

Prosperous regards,

P.P.P.S: over the next few days, Simon, I will share also with you WHY this program really works so well, and will also be able to work for you. And I will also share about all the great Support Features that are in place to make sure that you effectively come to enjoy a positive experience, with this program. This will naturally result into a really profitable income-stream for you and your family. And that is my promise & my passion.

And the beauty, Simon, is that you will not just have to take my word for it - for you will come to meet many other people, who will also be happy to share their experience. Even in the Online Conferences, you will be able to hear and meet them LIVE and be able to ask them questions.

Here is what other's say about PAS...

"I want to thank you for this awesome opportunity. This is the first Internet business that I have made money with and I have tried a lot of them. The reason everyone can succeed here is that it is totally automated. I have made $'12,000 in the past few months and the hardest work I had to do was be patient. It will happen for everyone here. With this program I am able to get out of debt and start living debt free. Start enjoying life !!!!"

- Bill Rislov - United States

If you would like to get one of the PAS Team Leaders to personally give you a Call Back, so you can get all of your Personal Questions answered - simply fill out a CallBack Request here:

Yours in Success and Prosperity,

Prosperous regards,


od njihovga podpisa naprej je pa še post scriptum sekcija, ki je kar zajetna:

Success Coach

UK 07971 88 55 60

US 727-475-1287

Successful PAS Business Owner

P.S. Don't forget, submit a Callback request now, today, do it NOW! No excuses! it only takes 2 minutes!!

P.P.S. By the way, In case you've not seen this, I also want to share my personal Video testimonial with you on how the amazing PAS business has been going for me since I joined just a short while ago. I captured it on Video here for you. Just hit this Link to watch now ---> Video <--- (Just updated)

P.P.P.S. Compare the high start-up costs of a conventional business enterprise or Franchise, against that of PAS ...

• Tire Sealant Franchise - $36,000

• Carpet Cleaning business - $24,950

• Will Writing business - $17,950

• Office Services Franchise - $95,000

• Cafe / Fast Food (Local) - $180,000

• Gold Plating business - $17,995

When comparing businesses, you should also take into account:

1. The hours you would be required to put in to the business,

2. Their respective ongoing weekly running costs, and ...

3. The time it would take to fully recoup your initial outlay.

The above randomly chosen businesses may well be very good ones, but you will be very hard pressed to find any other business as immensely profitable and with as many amazing benefits as those offered by The Prosperity Automated System (PAS) ...

P.P.P.P.S: over the next few days, Simon, I will share also with you WHY this program really works so well, and will also be able to work for you. And I will also share about all the great Support Features that are in place to make sure that you effectively come to enjoy a positive experience, with this program. This will naturally result into a really profitable income-stream for you and your family. And that is my promise & my passion.

And the beauty, Simon, is that you will not just have to take my word for it - for you will come to meet many other people, who will also be happy to share their experience. Even in the Online Conferences, you will be able to hear and meet them LIVE and be able to ask them questions.

Here is what other's say about PAS...

"I want to thank you for this awesome opportunity. This is the first Internet business that I have made money with and I have tried a lot of them. The reason everyone can succeed here is that it is totally automated. I have made $'12,000 in the past few months and the hardest work I had to do was be patient. It will happen for everyone here. With this program I am able to get out of debt and start living debt free. Start enjoying life !!!!"

- Bill Rislov - United States

If you would like to get one of the PAS Team Leaders to personally give you a Call Back, so you can get all of your Personal Questions answered - simply fill out a CallBack Request here:

Quick Links:

Visit my main PAS website:

Submit a Callback request:

Watch the awesome 6-minute PAS Movie presentation:

PAS Member Testimonies:

PAS Traffic Pack Information:

To download your 3 FREE BONUS GIFTS, "The Master Key System", "SpeedWealth" and "Think & Grow Rich" - click the following link and enter Code 7272 when prompted:

Dare to Soar… Your Attitude almost always determines your altitude in life.

One Life… Live It!

Skype mentorofmillionaires

UK Tel: 01270 626271 | Fax: 01270 611371 | Mobile: 07971 88 55 60 | US Tel: 727-475-1287

96 Welsh Row



United Kingdom

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Delite na drugih straneh

in še neodvisna dost fer recenzija tega poslovno-finančnega sistema:

hja, enostavno - finančni tokovi, v katerih nekateri tvegajo več, kot bi si želeli, da bi pridobili več, kot si dejansko zaslužijo

basically: loterija, ampak brez plačevanja davkov na loterijo državi (udeleženci pa nekateri še vedno bogato plačajo, da se drugim kurci pozlatijo).

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Delite na drugih straneh

SymRu kaj ti tudi to delaš?? in si že dobil kaj?? Baje se najbol splača služit preko reševanja raznih ankete. Več na PM :OK:

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Delite na drugih straneh

SymRu kaj ti tudi to delaš?? in si že dobil kaj?? Baje se najbol splača služit preko reševanja raznih ankete. Več na PM :OK:

:lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1:

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Delite na drugih straneh

Ja jaz to prakticiram komaj nekaj dni. Sem pa dobil podatke iz prve roke. Od dveh frendov. Oba sta delala okoli en mesec po pol ure na dan al pa še majn in sta zaslužila okoli 150 tisoč. Tak da na msn. PM mi nena ležijo :D

Pa daj, a ti verjameš takšne klamfe ali kaj? 150k za pol ure dela dnevno. A te lahko povabim na predstavitev Amwaya? Pa še kaj bi se našlo. Jebemu potem pa folk jamra kako so jih zlobni strici nategnili da so svoje življenske prihranke vložili v vzrejo 2 nožnih kobilic.

Realno lahko z kar nekaj dela, klikanja in podobnih pizdarij (veliko več kot pol ure dnevno) dobiš do nekje 10k sit na mesec na kaj več pa ne računaj.

Sicer pa, go ahead be my guest, mislim da bom šel počasi eno piramidno igro delat. Naivnežev očitno nikoli ne zmanjka. :xx:

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evo kec, če mi plačaš 50.000 SIT, ti razložim, kako lahko obogatiš s postavitvijo piramidne igre..

če pripelješ še prijatelja, imata 10% popust.. za skupino nad 50 ti organiziram še prenočišče, ampaj brez popusta (dobiš pa zraven komplet nožev iz titana, ki nasprotuje vsem fizikalnih zakonom in ne postane top)

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