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povlečeš dol dva rar arhiva (na download strani sicer vidiš tri rar-e, vendar sta prva dva enaka, zato povlečeš samo prvi in zadnji rar) jih razpakiraš in dobiš instalacijo za Mapsource. Simpl k pasulj!

Malo več jajc je z novim CNEUNT2009, ki je samo v .img! Je pa in celo deluje!

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Nadgradil, :worship: čeprav ne vem v čem je nova verzija drugačna.


Samo to:

Ispravke, dopune i izmene u SCG Route karti, verzija 1.8 (septembar 2008):

Unete su mape do nivoa ulica u 16 novih naseljenih mesta:

1. Arilje

2. Begeč

3. Biskuplje

4. Čenej

5. Desine

6. Donji Milanovac

7. Đurakovo

8. Kisač

9. Kruščić

10. Lalić

11. Ljubinje

12. Nadalj

13. Popovac

14. Ruski Krstur

15. Srednjevo

16. Turija

Komplet popravki so :

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povlečeš dol dva rar arhiva (na download strani sicer vidiš tri rar-e, vendar sta prva dva enaka, zato povlečeš samo prvi in zadnji rar) jih razpakiraš in dobiš instalacijo za Mapsource. Simpl k pasulj!

Malo več jajc je z novim CNEUNT2009, ki je samo v .img! Je pa in celo deluje!

Jaz bom rajši počakal do drugega leta, da ne zjebem kaj... :whistle:

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Malo več jajc je z novim CNEUNT2009, ki je samo v .img! Je pa in celo deluje!

Na zumutu zbrišeš gmapprom.img 2008

preneseš novi img 2009 gor

in vneseš v unl datoteko serijsko.

V treh korakih stvar rešena :worship:

In po tem postopku se priklopiš na on line update naprave in ostaneš brez .img!

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No ...tukaj je odgovor uradne osebe pri garminu

Thank you for contacting Garmin(Europe)Ltd.

I will be happy to help you with this. The Zumo 550 US and Euro are both the same unit with the same hardware and the same memory.

The only difference with be the mapping that is preloaded on the internal memory of the Garmin unit.

If there is anything else I can help with please let me know.

Kind regards

Emma Dalwood Garmin (Europe) Ltd

The Global leader in satellite navigation

Če bo še kdo kupoval v ZDA, bo tole mogoče koristno....

Po dolgem čakanju in ping-ponganju sem le prišel do odgovora, ki potrjuje, da ima ameriška verzija zumo 550 manj razpoložljivega prostora :headbang: . Sam to razumem kot nateg, gospodje šparajo pri čipovju, prave informacije pa skrbno skrivajo.

Pripenjam celotno korespondenco.

LP, nduro.

zadnji mail, "priznanje":

Re: Zumo usb drive size (KMM10821933I15977L0KM)

Thursday, October 16, 2008 5:11 AM


"" <>

Dear nduro,

Thank you for contacting Garmin(Europe)Ltd.

European mapping is larger in size than North American mapping so EU

units do tend to have a larger hardrive.

If you wish to remove the NA mapping from the unit then please not that

the preloaded NA mapping on the unit is the following file:


If you wish to free up some more memory on the unit then I would suggest

removing voices, vehicles, temporary music files, pictures etc...But

make sure you leave all other files alone because this will validate the

warranty on the unit if you were to delete a file that caused a

fundamental error.

If after removing the map set and other files, and you are still having

problems then the mapping will need to go on an SD card.

If there is anything else I can help with please let me know.

Kind regards

Jon Colyer Garmin (Europe) Ltd

The Global leader in satellite navigation

Tell us what you think, take the Support Survey


Liberty House | Hounsdown Business Park | Southampton | SO40 9RB | UK

T: 08082380000 | F: +44 (0)23 8052 4004 |

Registered office: Liberty House, Hounsdown Business Park, Southampton,

SO40 9RB, UK. Registration no. 2724437 VAT Reg. No. GB568 6978 58

ponovno vprašanje podpori, ko prvi odovor ne pove dosti

Original Message Follows:

------------------------<br>Dear sir's,

thank you for your answer. I think you did not fully understand my

question. I'l try to formulate it again.

My intention is to temporary remove American mapping from the zumo's

internal storage and load the European mapping into it, this is easily

done by using map install software.

The problem is, that my zumo's drive capacity is only 1,21Gb and this is

800MB (or 60%) less than on the zumos that are being sold in Europe

with 1,94GB capacity.

See the attached pictures for details.

The consequence is, that i cannot load the EU maps to the unit, since

the size is about 1.4GB.

I know the solution with the SD card, but i'd prefer to use internal


Can you give me clear answer, if my zumo's storage size is OK?

If not, why EU end US version vary so much?

Please escalate this to second level support, if you do not understand

my issue.

Thank you for your answer and best regards,


prvi odgovor Garmina (čakal sem ga kak mesec...)


--- On Wed, 10/15/08,

<> wrote:

From: <>

Subject: Re: Zumo usb drive size (KMM10815153I15977L0KM)

To: "nduro

Date: Wednesday, October 15, 2008, 9:16 AM

Dear nduro,

Thank you for contacting Garmin(Europe)Ltd.

I am more than happy to assist you

with this issue.

The internal memory does vary but only slightly on the Zumo's.

Unfortunately there is not enough internal memory to take two full

mapping regions such as Europe and North America so the only way to do

this would be to store the information on an external source such as an

SD card.

There are two ways in which you can provide European mapping for your


You can purchase both items from our website,

The first is from an SD card with Europe mapping preloaded onto it:

P/N ? 010-10680-50 priced at £79.99 inc VAT.

The second is a DVD loaded with European maps. With this disc you will

be able to update it when the updates come out bearing in mind that

these are normally chargeable updates.

P/N ? 010-10887-00 priced at £139.99 inc VAT.

Alternatively you can purchase through a third party site.

If there is anything else I can help with please let me


Kind regards

Jon Colyer Garmin (Europe) Ltd

The Global leader in satellite navigation

Tell us what you think, take the Support Survey


Liberty House | Hounsdown Business Park | Southampton | SO40 9RB | UK

T: 08082380000 | F: +44 (0)23 8052 4004 |

Registered office: Liberty House, Hounsdown Business Park, Southampton,

SO40 9RB, UK. Registration no. 2724437 VAT Reg. No. GB568 6978 58

Original Message Follows:

Moje originalno vprasanje

------------------------<br>Form Message

Knowledge Job Ticket:





Zumo usb drive size

Message Body:

Hello, i have a new zumo 550 which was bought during my motorbyke travel

in the US. I would like to load european maps (City navigator EU


2008) to the device storage, but i found out that the zumo usb volume

size is only 1,21G and whole EU is quite bigger. I found out that

devices sold in eu have bigger volume size. Is the storage size on EU

size different or just differently allocated? Can the volume allocation

be changed? I know, i could use only part of the map or memory card, but

i prefer to have maps in internal storage. Thanks for your answer.








General Question




xxx ZUMO 550AM

Full Name:


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Jaz se zanimam za nakup Samsung Omnie, ki ima tudi GPS. Telefon ima naložen windows mobile in me zanima če mi lahko kdo pove, ali mi bo GPS glasovno vodenje med poslušanjem glasbe ustavilo glasbo in mi po koncu navodil potem tudi nadaljevalo?

Kolega ima Nokio N95, ki mu to omogoča ampak N95 ima operacijski sistem Symbian.

l.p. Jure

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SD varijanta... :rolleyes:

A misliš? :closedeyes:


Download the installer and save it on the Desktop on your PC.

If Auto Drive Hellas is installed on a card (SD, miniSD or microSD), remove the card from your device, and insert it in a Card Reader attached to your PC.

If Αuto Drive Hellas has been preloaded in your GPS device, connect your device to your PC, using the USB cable.

Run the installer you downloaded and follow the on-screen instructions.

After the installation is completed, disconnect your device or Card Reader using the "Safely Remove Hardware" icon, on your Windows taskbar.

CAUTION: If you fail to safely disconnect the USB device using the relevant icon on the taskbar (green arrow icon, on the lower-right of your screen) data will become corrupt. Always remember to use this icon BEFORE removing devices, memory cards or USB cables.

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Mislim, da se ne da in da smo že debatirali o tem. Drugače, če mene vprašaš sploh ne rabiš, ker za Atene je na Europski karti, za ostala mesta pa itak ne rabiš. Lp

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Pretvoriš exe fail v img, potem pa je postopek isti kot pri nt 2009 :OK:

A, je to že kje opisano kako se naredi?


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Zakaj meni, ko pride do klica na mobi nič ne piska al kako drugače obvesti? Če mi igra muzika se pač zaustavi.

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