XDR Objavljeno Julij 22, 2010 Objavljeno Julij 22, 2010 Najprej naj na kratko predstavim HAPKIDO. To najdete tukaj. Sedaj bi vam rad pokazal še nekaj tehnik samoobrambe na kateri, kot veste že sami (če ste prebrali zgodovino HAPKIDO-ja), temelji celotna borilna veščina. http://www.youtube.c...feature=related Sedaj pa še borbe. Hapkido borbe so full contact borbe. (tekmovanja so običajno sestavljena iz specialnih tehnik (padanja itd.) in borb, ki jih lahko vidite v vsej veličini pod tem linkom). Letos se bodo štirje Slovenci prvič udeležili svetovnega prvenstva, ki bo potekalo od 06.08. do 08.08.2010 v Ameriki v Michigen-u. To torej pomeni, da še ni bilo Slovenca, ki bi se kdajkoli boril na svetovnem prvenstvu v borilni veščini HAPKIDO. Na svetovno prvestvo tako pošiljamo kar dva evropska prvaka (mladinski evropski prvak 2009 Rene Voglar in članski evropski prvak v absolutni kategoriji 2009 Jure Žnidarič). Svetovnega prvenstva se bo udeležil še vice državni prvak Denis Lazar in novinka v Hapkido tekmovanjih Ana Zadnik. Bodite z nami in spremljajte vso dogajanje na Facebook-u na naslovu FB-HAPKIDO Če slučajno kodga interesira, da bi se nam pridružil na treningih me lahko pokliče 070/828-707, s treningi začnemo septembra. 1 1
Dolenc™ Objavljeno Julij 24, 2010 Objavljeno Julij 24, 2010 (popravljeno) Meni zgleda kot mal bol grob aikido, boji pa taekwondo, če si prov razlagam. Kje pa so treningi, če sem prav videl na strani samo v MB? Popravljeno Julij 24, 2010. Popravil Dolenc™
XDR Objavljeno Julij 24, 2010 Avtor Objavljeno Julij 24, 2010 Tako je. treningi so samo v MB. Želja pa je, da se zadeva razširi po celi Sloveniji. Iz lajičnega stališča gledano je res podobno Aikidu in Taekwondo-ju. Hapkido je Korejska borilna veščina, več pa si lahko prebereš tukaj. Ji Han-JaeMain article: Ji Han-JaeJi Han-Jae (Hangul: 지한재) was undoubtedly the prime mover in the art of Korean hapkido. It is due to his physical skills, technical contributions, promotional efforts and political connections as head hapkido instructor to the presidential body guard under Korean President Park Jeong-Hee (Hangul: 박정희) that hapkido became popularized, first within Korea and then internationally. Whereas the martial art education of Choi Yong-Sool is unconfirmed, the martial art history of Ji Han-Jae's core training is somewhat easier to trace. Ji was an early student (Dan #14) of Choi. He details that prior to opening his martial art school in Seoul, the Sung Moo Kwan (Hangul: 성무관), he also studied from a man known as Taoist Lee and an old woman he knew as 'Grandma'.[5][12] As a teacher of hapkido, Ji incorporated traditional Korean kicking techniques (from Taoist Lee and the art Sam Rang Do Tek Gi) and punching techniques into the system and gave the resulting synthesis the name hapkido in 1957. Hapkido is the Korean pronunciation of (Japanese) aikido and is sometimes erroneously referred to as its Korean cousin. Although a founding member of the Dae Han Ki Do Hwe (Korea Kido Association) in 1963 with Choi Yong-Sool as titular Chairman and Kim Jeong-Yoon as Secretary General and Head Instructor for the association Ji found himself not able to exert as much control over the organization as he might have wished. To this end and with the support of the Head of the Security Forces, Park Jong-Kyu, Ji founded the very successful Korea Hapkido Association (Dae Han Hapkido Hyub Hwe; Hangul: 대한 합기도 협회) in 1965.[10] Later when this organization combined with the organizations founded by Myung Jae-Nam (Korea Hapki Association/Hangook Hapki Hwe; Hangul: 한국 합기회) and Kim Moo-Hong (Korean Hapkido Association/Hangook Hapkido Hyub Hwe; Hangul: 한국 합기도 협회) in 1973 they became the very extensive and influential organization known as the Republic of Korea Hapkido Association (Dae Han Min Gook Hapkido Hyub Hwe; Hangul: 대한민국 합기도 협회). In 1984, Ji moved first to Germany and then to the United States and founded Sin Moo Hapkido (Hangul: 신무 합기도), which incorporates philosophical tenets, a specific series of techniques (including kicks) and healing techniques into the art. Two of Ji Han-Jae's notable students in Korea were Kwon Tae-Man (Hangul: 권태만), Myung Jae-Nam (Hangul: 명재남). Ji can be seen in the films Lady Kung-fu and Game of Death in which he takes part in a long fight scene against Bruce Lee. Prior to the death of Choi Yong-Sool in 1986, Ji came forward with the assertion that it was he who founded the Korean art of hapkido, asserting that Choi Yong-Sool taught only yawara based skills and that it was he who added much of the kicking, and weapon techniques we now associate with modern hapkido.[13] He also asserts that it was he that first used the term 'hapkido' to refer to the art. While both claims are contested by some of the other senior teachers of the art,[14] what is not contested is the undeniably huge contributions made by Ji to the art, its systematization and its promotion world wide.
ImenitnaPriložnost Objavljeno Julij 24, 2010 Objavljeno Julij 24, 2010 To torej pomeni, da še ni bilo Slovenca, ki bi se kdajkoli boril na svetovnem prvenstvu v borilni veščini HAPKIDO. No, tudi na svetovnem prvenstvu enonogcev samobrcanja v rit še ni bilo nobenega Slovenca ... 4
XDR Objavljeno Julij 25, 2010 Avtor Objavljeno Julij 25, 2010 No, tudi na svetovnem prvenstvu enonogcev samobrcanja v rit še ni bilo nobenega Slovenca ... Patetik.
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