bobek Objavljeno Januar 17, 2003 Objavljeno Januar 17, 2003 Pozdravljeni. Danes mi je po mailu prišlo naslednje sporočilo. Subject: FW: POZOR VIRUS-NUJNO!!!! POZOR VIRUS! Ker je tudi Vaš naslov v našem imeniku, imate verjetno tudi VI virus! Virusa ne prepozna ne Norton ne Mcafee antivirusni program. 14 dni stoji na sistemu, predno se aktivira. Preko imenika (adresarja) se avtomatsko pošilja na vse naslove, ne glede na to ali so bili poslani e-mail na ta naslov ali ne. VIRUS SE ENOSTAVNO BRIŠE: 1. Pojdite na START / NAJDI 2. Nato na DATOTEKE ali MAPE, vpišite po ime - jdbgmgr.exe 3. Preverite, da ste na C 4. Kliknite NAJDI 5. Virus je prikazan kot ikonica v obliki medvedka z imenom jdbgmgr.exe 6. Z desnim klikom miške kliknite nanj in ga IZBRIŠITE. 7. Nato pojdite še v KOŠ in ga še tam izbrišite. V KOLIKOR NAJDETE VIRUS, MORATE VSE, KI JIH IMATE V IMENIKU (ADRESARJU) OBVESTITI S TEM OBVESTILOM! Nato pa naslednje sporočilo Da nebi slucajno kdo to naredil!!!!! Ti XXX pa ne širi takih bedarij! Me prav zanima če se ti potem da ukvarjat z računalnikom, ko ti ne bo več delal. Drugače je pa to Microsoftova datoteka "Microsoft® Debugger Registrar for Java" Joj XXX, to se pa zgodi ko ima danes že vsak amater e-mail in vidi prvi exe file direktoriju system, ki mu je zanimiv. Jaz ti XXX priporočam da zbrišeš datoteko win.exe in seveda poddirektorij system, garantiram ti da ne boš nikoli več dobil virusa :))))), če pa nisi siguren da si dobro zaščiten, potem zbrisi se system32, pa vse *.reg datoteke, dll in vxd. Uspeh zagarantiran!!! P.S. Kids, do NOT try this at home, we are all trained professionals... no vsaj jaz, za XXX pa ne vem :)))))))) No sedaj me pa zanima kaj je res in kaj ne! Ali je to spet ena od potegavščin??
šufer Objavljeno Januar 17, 2003 Objavljeno Januar 17, 2003 Jst sm dobil enkrat tudi tak meil od nekega prjatla iz Amerike(in izbrisati bi moral isto datoteko, kot tebi piše): My e-mail address book was infected by this virus from another person's computer. We have virus protection, as they did too, but it did not detect it. Your system may be infected as well. Please run the following test to ensure your computer's safety. SORRY FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE THIS MAY CAUSE. I DID FIND THIS VIRUS IN MY "C" DRIVE THIS MORNING. PLEASE FOLLOW THE SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW TO DETECT IF YOU HAVE IT SO YOU CAN DELETE IT. As your name is in my address book, it may be that the virus has transferred itself to your computer. In fact, it is highly likely. In order to check, please follow the instructions set out in the following circular. It is simple to remove (...just follow the instructions...) The virus (called jdbgmgr.exe) is not detected by Norton or McAfee or VET anti virus systems. The virus sits quietly for 14 days before damaging the system. It's sent automatically by messenger and by the address book whether or not you send e-mails to your contacts. Here's how to get rid of it. YOU MUST DO THIS- 1. Go to start (bottom left corner), find the search option (or "find") 2. In the files/folders option, write the name jdbgmgr.exe 3. Be sure to search your C: drive and any other drives you may have. 4. Click "find now" 5. The virus has a teddy bear icon with the name jdbgmgr.exe DO NOT OPEN IT. 6. Go to edit: choose "select all" to highlight the file without opening it. 7. Now go to file and select "delete". It will go to your recycle bin. 8. Go to your recycle bin and delete it there as well. IF YOU FIND THE VIRUS YOU MUST CONTACT ALL THE PEOPLE IN YOUR ADDRESS BOOK SO THEY CAN ERADICATE IT IN THEIR OWN ADDRESS BOOKS. SORRY ABOUT THIS. I'M SURE EVERYONE IN THE ADDRESS BOOK WILL HAVE IT. To do this. open new e-mail message and click every name and add to BCC (blind carbon copy). Copy this message, enter subject, paste to e-mail, then "send". ------------------------------------ In pol mi je poslal še en mail: just received a message from att that the virus is a hoax so do nothing. hope everything is okay. now you know as much as we do. first time this has ever happened to us. sorry Se pravi, da je to šala. :roll: Če pa izbrišeš, pol pa maš probleme, tako je najbolš pustit namiru.
Vrtnica Objavljeno Januar 17, 2003 Objavljeno Januar 17, 2003 Poznam te reci ne brisat ker to je ena windowsova datoteka! ne nic brisat to vsak racunalnik vsebuje!
cyc Objavljeno Januar 17, 2003 Objavljeno Januar 17, 2003 No sedaj me pa zanima kaj je res in kaj ne! Ce ti je do popravljanja sistema, vsekakor brisi :) Ne vem sicer zakaj ravno jdbgmgr.exe in ne kaj pomembnejsega ... odgovor verjetno tici v tem da to sistem se dovoli brisat ... kernel32.dll pa morda ne bi, nisem poskusal :D Ali je to spet ena od potegavščin?? Ja ... kako se ze temu rece "bosanski virus" al kako? Dela na principu zaupanja in postenja :lol: :twisted: :wink:
hotschko Objavljeno Januar 18, 2003 Objavljeno Januar 18, 2003 Ne vem sicer zakaj ravno jdbgmgr.exe in ne kaj pomembnejsega ... Zato ker ima za ikonco enga medvedka, se vsem zdi sumljiv, in zato da nihče ne opazi, da je z sistemom potem kaj narobe, saj ne bi mogel več posredovati sporočila naprej ... spretno napisan bosanski virus ... ni kaj ... :D :D ... skratka HOAX ...
bobek Objavljeno Januar 18, 2003 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 18, 2003 Kako lepo je vsak dan spoznavat nove viruse :D :D :D :D :D Sedaj tudi bobo ve kako se rač sesuje :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: ni vse v format C: he he he :twisted: :twisted:
manjak Objavljeno Januar 18, 2003 Objavljeno Januar 18, 2003 Zanimiv virus. Pol bi jst poslov ene 1000 folku e-mail, k bi pisal de majo en virus pa de se ga ne morjo znebit drgač k de grejo po macolo pa sujejo računalnik. Če po tem posegu računalnik deluje so rešeni :lol: :wink:
cyc Objavljeno Januar 19, 2003 Objavljeno Januar 19, 2003 Glede teh varnostnih reci ... ce res ne gre za kako resno mailing listo, taka sporocila lepo ignorirajte, ker so nesmisel. Ce ne drugega preverite izvor maila (headerje) ... Najbolj varno je, da se glede takih reci drzite uveljavljenih spletisc - recimo - tam so take reci lepo popisane. :wink:
Treker Objavljeno Januar 20, 2003 Objavljeno Januar 20, 2003 tule imate
Thundercat Objavljeno Januar 20, 2003 Objavljeno Januar 20, 2003 Za računalnik od ene kolegice je bil tak meil zbrisala fajl pa je šlo k malori! Pol pa serviserji.... Tudi sam sem dobil nato od nje mail da mi je poslala sem se prej pozanimu pri enmu ki to bolj obvlada pa sem za mišji k.... rešu stvar... 8)
BC Objavljeno April 16, 2003 Objavljeno April 16, 2003 heh CRYSTAL LOTTERY INTERNATIONAL FROM: INTERNATIONAL PROMOTION/PRIZE AWARD DEPT. REF: OHS/2311986708/01 BATCH: 14/011/IPD /NL RE: WINNING NOTIFICATION / FINAL NOTICE Sir/Madam We are pleased to inform you of the result of the Lottery Winners International programs held on the 1st of January 2003. Your e-mail address attached to ticket number 20599465886-629 with serial number 3772-44 drew lucky numbers 7-14-17-25-31-29 which consequently won in the 2nd category, you have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of 1,000,000.00 Euro. (One Million Euro) CONGRATULATIONS!!! Due to mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep your winning information confidential until your claims has been processed and your money Remitted to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants. All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from over 100,000 company and 50,000,000 individual email addresses and names from all over the world. This promotional program takes place every three year. We hope with part of your winning you will take part in our end of year 50 million Euro International lottery. To file for your claim, please contact our fiducially agent MR DAVID ROBINSON of the, SOUTH ATLANTIC CONSULTANCY TEL:+31-630-681-697 FAX:+31-645-568-336 Email: Remember, all winning must be claimed not later than 15TH of MAY 2003. After this date all unclaimed funds will be included in the next stake. Please note in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications please remember to quote your reference number and batch numbers in all correspondence. Furthermore, should there be any change of address do inform our agent as soon as possible. Congratulations once more from our members of staff and thank you for being part of our promotional program. Note: Anybody under the age of 18 is automatically disqualified. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Erika Overmars Lottery Coordinator.
gorazd Objavljeno April 17, 2003 Objavljeno April 17, 2003 Tudi jaz sem pred kakim mescom dobil ta mail. :?: Nič nisem brisal :arrow: vse dela normalno :P
cyc Objavljeno April 19, 2003 Objavljeno April 19, 2003 A je res treba sem spam maile pasteat ali v cem je hec tele teme :?: :twisted:
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