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:? malce zamudiš, pa gre tolk stvari mim :oops:  


AL PA KAK DAN DLJE!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

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Naj bodo najslabši dnevi pred vami boljši od najboljših, ki ste jih že preživeli 8)

:olympic: :silly: :drinking: :bday: :robot: :eggface: :usa

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:lol: :smilecolros: :lol: :smilecolros: :lol: :smilecolros: :lol: :smilecolros: :lol: :smilecolros: :lol: :smilecolros: :lol: :smilecolros: :lol: :smilecolros:

Sem skromna! :lol:

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:lol:  :smilecolros:   :lol: :smilecolros:  :lol:  :smilecolros:  :lol:  :smilecolros:  :lol:  :smilecolros:  :lol:  :smilecolros:  :lol:  :smilecolros:  :lol:  :smilecolros:  

Sem skromna! :lol:

Ne,pisana :D

vse naj DTW

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Danes praznuje internet 20 let.

Da bi še dolgo vrsto let, povezoval ta naš svet.

:new-bday:   :new-bday:    :new-bday:

Od kod to tebi?

Kar tko mal, al je res? :roll:

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In the earliest days of Internet development, starting roughly in 1973, the activity was essentially part of a research program sponsored by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). The ARPANET was the principal backbone of the system and local host and network systems were owned and operated by university research groups and various industrial research organizations. In 1975, ARPA turned the ARPANET over to the Defense Communications Agency to operate. The system was used only for research and for unclassified defense applications. Until about 1981, the use of the Internet was constrained by rules set forth by ARPA and DCA and locally augmented by rules of use on university campuses and within the research organizations involved. Around 1981, other agencies became interested in the use of the ARPANET and, in particular, the National Science Foundation (NSF) began its Computer Science Network (CSNET) effort which used TCP/IP to link universities to ARPANET by gateways between the ARPANET and public X.25 networks, as well as putting some universities up directly on ARPANET and others on a telephone dial-up system called PHONENET (for email exchange). By the mid-1980s, a number of agencies in the US and in other countries began to make use of Internet. In 1986, for example, the NSF initiated its NSFNET program to link supercomputer centers to each other and to the rest of the Internet. Until 1988, essentially all guidance concerning the use of the Internet was governed by policies set by research agencies and universities involved, around the world. Each network component might have local rules in addition to the general "use only for Research and Education" guidance.

Thus from 1969, when ARPANET was started, to about 1988, the general rules were that the Internet should only be used for research and education. In particular, no commercial uses were permitted and not advertising was allowed on mailing lists, nor job solicitations. These rules were largely based on the premise that the facilities had been created for research and educational use and paid for by various agencies of government. If a local net, paid for by the local organization, had multiple uses, some of which were not research and education, it was up to the local organization to assure that the government-provided resources were not abused.

In 1988, the predecessor to the US Federal Networking Council was approached with a proposal to interconnect MCI Mail with the Internet on an experimental basis on the theory that increasing the connectivity of the Internet to other email systems would result in a net benefit for everyone. This proposal was accepted with some provisions limiting charging and also prohibiting use of Internet for carrying email between commercial service providers. Very quickly, public commercial email service providers linked their systems to the Internet. This changed the policy for Internet usage at least insofar as permitting commercial users to interact with Internet users. The NSFNET backbone still had important usage restrictions associated with it and this created some confusion because it was not always possible to know whether traffic was routed over the backbone or over other alternatives (such as the Commercial Internet Exchange). By 1990, the ARPANET had been retired and the NSFNET picked up the burden of major backbone support. In the meantime, increasing numbers of non-research users and organizations were connecting to the Internet by way of various service providers, some of which were for-profit. It was around this time that the Federal Networking Council was asked to approve interconnection of commercial information services to the Internet on the theory that legitimate research and educational users had need for access to such services. Plainly, the usage profile for the system was relaxing towards relatively unrestricted applications.

In November, 1988, Robert T. Morris released a "worm" program into the Internet which affected several thousand UNIX hosts and caused a major flap in the press - raising the Internet to public awareness for the first time. The ensuing debates and legal proceedings brought forward a spate of Internet Codes of Conduct developed by EDUCOM, the Internet Activities Board, Association for Computer Machinery and others [references?]. Even 6 years ago, the Internet was still regarded as a largely research-oriented system with resources that had to be protected and treated as a privilege to access. The various offerings were still largely cast in terms of protecting shared research resources.

As we approach the middle of the last decade of the 20th Century, things have changed and are changing. The Internet is becoming the first step towards global information infrastructure and our views of its use and abuse need to grow and change along with it.

Tle ni nič od tega.


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Je rekel 202, da ima internet danes rojstni dan, tudi jaz to čul.

Zato lahko, RAN, objavljaš kakršne koli ekspozeje že hočeš.

Če radio rekel da je, potem je. Pika. :wink: :P

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Je rekel 202, da ima internet danes rojstni dan, tudi jaz to čul.

Zato lahko, RAN, objavljaš kakršne koli ekspozeje že hočeš.

Če radio rekel da je, potem je. Pika. :wink:  :P

A je to prepricevanje prepricanih, al kaj :wink: :?: :P

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Brrrm, hvala za informacijo.

Sem se že bau, da slišm po radio stvari, ki niso res.

Pa saj to bi blo grozn, a ne :?: :roll: :wink:

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A je to zlo hudo :?: :?: :?:

To z leti pride.

Pa srečo morš imet. :D :wink:

s prvim se delno strinjam - ran,ti mislis na svoja leta?! ti lahko "sapnem",da se to ze tudi prej dogaja (hurikaniceladypress :oops: 8) )

z drugim se pa 100 % strinjam - sreco _moras_ imeti. :wink:

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A je to zlo hudo :?: :?: :?:

To z leti pride.

Pa srečo morš imet. :D :wink:

s prvim se delno strinjam - ran,ti mislis na svoja leta?! ti lahko "sapnem",da se to ze tudi prej dogaja (hurikaniceladypress :oops: 8) )

z drugim se pa 100 % strinjam - sreco _moras_ imeti. :wink:

Tud men se je vse sorte dogajalo. Pa upam da se bo še.


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:lol: :smilecolros: :lol: :smilecolros: :lol: :smilecolros: :lol: :smilecolros: :lol: :smilecolros: :lol: :smilecolros: :lol: :smilecolros: :lol: :smilecolros:

Sem skromna! :lol:

Ne,pisana :D

vse naj DTW

KAJ??????????? :oops:

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:lol:  :smilecolros:   :lol: :smilecolros:  :lol:  :smilecolros:  :lol:  :smilecolros:  :lol:  :smilecolros:  :lol:  :smilecolros:  :lol:  :smilecolros:  :lol:  :smilecolros:  

Sem skromna! :lol:

Ne,pisana :D

vse naj DTW

KAJ??????????? :oops:

No ja, pa tolko lepih pac pisanka.

se enkrat:

vse najboljse DTW :lol:

p.s.: kje je doma doma??????

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:lol:  :smilecolros:   :lol: :smilecolros:  :lol:  :smilecolros:  :lol:  :smilecolros:  :lol:  :smilecolros:  :lol:  :smilecolros:  :lol:  :smilecolros:  :lol:  :smilecolros:  

Sem skromna! :lol:

Ne,pisana :D

vse naj DTW

KAJ??????????? :oops:

No ja, pa tolko lepih pac pisanka.

se enkrat:

vse najboljse DTW :lol:

p.s.: kje je doma doma??????

Aja, mi včasih "potegne" z zamudo? :oops: -Hvala,hvala :lol:

Doma, doma? Hmmmmm, ma niti ni tako daleč od tebe :lol:

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