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Dragi novopeceni moderator


Prosim te za nepristranskost, ne glede kako dober odnos imas s Hondinim uvoznikom in ne brises objav brez tehtnega razloga.




PS: v naprotnem primeru bodo najina "ljubavna" pisma postala javno berljiva   :smoke:






Noah Horak, one of the most traveled adventure riders currently on the road, writes a letter to the motorcycle industry.



If you are an adventure rider, chances are you’ve heard of Noah Horak. For the last two years he has ridden his KTM 690 around the world by way of more than 42 countries covering some of the most challenging terrain imaginable. Putting it lightly, he’s learned a thing or two about what it takes to pilot two motorized wheels in proper adventure style. Below is his open letter to the motorcycle industry and those influencing motorcycle design. 




Dear Motorcycle Industry,


With the recent announcement of the Honda CRF1000L I can not sit quietly anymore and watch the “Adventure” bike grow to obese proportions. I must speak up. Adventure is a word thrown around so freely in the motorcycle industry now, I am not sure you remember what a true adventure actually is.


Who am I? I’m a guy who has spent the last two and a half years riding a KTM 690 around the world. It was not an adventure bike when I bought it, but with some work, it has taken me to hell and back. After 120,000km and 42 countries, she is still going strong. My bike and all my camping gear is about 210 kilo. If you can not pick up your bike fully loaded in any situation, it is not an adventure bike.

Now I see the adventure bike market treading into Harley Davidson territory, which is to say selling and idea or image rather then a capable bike. Sorry to the HD fans out there, but the XR750 is the only HD I drool over. Every year manufacturers pump out more and more street touring bikes and slap an “Adventure” bike name on it.  Honda, KTM, BMW, Triumph, Suzuki, Aprilia, Ducati, Yamaha, are all doing it. The list of 1-liter behemoths is so long I can not keep up. They sell the image of adventure, but when you try to go off the pavement, you quickly find out the bike was not designed for it. So you search for a smaller bike only to find there is a huge gap in the market that no manufacturer seems to want to cash in on. I’ll call the small adventure bike market what it is, the enduro bike market: 250s, DRZ400, 450 race bikes, and outdated air cooled 650s. 450 race bikes are to high strung for travel. Most of the air cooled 650s are great bikes, but they are all in desperate need of a update. So there is basically the choice between DRZ400 and KTM 690. Both are very capable off-road bikes and have been ridden around the world many times by many people. The gap between these 2 bikes is huge. What gives?

The formula for a proper adventure bike is easy: less then 150 kilos, good tune-able off-road suspension, around 50 hp, fuel injected, liquid cooled, and at least a 7500 km oil change interval. A 500 km fuel range would be icing on the cake. I challenge the manufacturers to build the adventure bike I described above and I will be the first person in line with a fist full of dollars.

Maybe this is asking too much. Take one of your 450 race bikes and give it a reliable engine. The weekend warriors would love it if they didn’t have to change their oil every 10 hours. I would love to travel on a that bike. As stated before, the gap between DRZ400 and KTM 690 is huge. So once again, take a minute to let this sink in. We want a reliable lightweight off-road travel bike. We don’t want another 200 + kilo street bike. Adventure comes from the ride and the bikes you are pushing off onto the public are limiting that adventure.


Thank you,

Noah Horak.


You can read more about Noah, his amazing adventures, and the possibilities of travel on a non-bohemoth adventure motorcycle on his website at:

  • Všeč mi je 2

Da bo tudi Nearrain mel svoj plac.

Tako kot sem "probal" spucat ostale teme ki so mogoče nekomu v pomoč in niso namenjene čit-čatu bom pucal tudi temo AT.

Upam da bo tole temo prebral tudi Sergej iz AS-a in se mal nasmejal.

In ja, nova AT mi je všečen motor zato ne bom pustil da po temi serješ s svojim malikovanjem uber-stroja.


Objavljeno (popravljeno)

Biker 77


Sprosti jih...zdej si MODERATOR  . . .  zdaj jih lahko 


Lepo, da si ze tako izpopolnil svoje moderatorske vescine, da si mene vpisal za avtorja teme.   ccccc  hahaha





PS: malega cloveka lahko v generala obleces, vendar to se ne pomeni, da ni vec mali clovek   :smoke:

Popravljeno . Popravil Nearrain
  • Všeč mi je 2

Da bo tudi Nearrain mel svoj plac.

Tako kot sem "probal" spucat ostale teme ki so mogoče nekomu v pomoč in niso namenjene čit-čatu bom pucal tudi temo AT.

Upam da bo tole temo prebral tudi Sergej iz AS-a in se mal nasmejal.

In ja, nova AT mi je všečen motor zato ne bom pustil da po temi serješ s svojim malikovanjem uber-stroja.


Ko si že pri delu, spucaj še tega:


Da bo tudi Nearrain mel svoj plac.

Tako kot sem "probal" spucat ostale teme ki so mogoče nekomu v pomoč in niso namenjene čit-čatu bom pucal tudi temo AT.

Upam da bo tole temo prebral tudi Sergej iz AS-a in se mal nasmejal.

In ja, nova AT mi je všečen motor zato ne bom pustil da po temi serješ s svojim malikovanjem uber-stroja.



Ce ti dobr placajo, al pa vsaj fajn na roke gredo . . . Naj ti bo   :smoke:

  • Všeč mi je 1

ja nekdo mi more Aprilie poservisirat da se lahko včasih peljem. Honda je ravno pravi naslov.


Zakaj je spamerjeva objava samo zaklenjena in ne zbrisana? S tem je dosegel svoj namen in ima povezavo na svojo prodajno stran še aktivno.


Dragi novopeceni moderator


Prosim te za nepristranskost, ne glede kako dober odnos imas s Hondinim uvoznikom in ne brises objav brez tehtnega razloga.




PS: v naprotnem primeru bodo najina "ljubavna" pisma postala javno berljiva   :smoke:







Noah Horak, one of the most traveled adventure riders currently on the road, writes a letter to the motorcycle industry.



If you are an adventure rider, chances are you’ve heard of Noah Horak. For the last two years he has ridden his KTM 690 around the world by way of more than 42 countries covering some of the most challenging terrain imaginable. Putting it lightly, he’s learned a thing or two about what it takes to pilot two motorized wheels in proper adventure style. Below is his open letter to the motorcycle industry and those influencing motorcycle design. 




Dear Motorcycle Industry,


With the recent announcement of the Honda CRF1000L I can not sit quietly anymore and watch the “Adventure” bike grow to obese proportions. I must speak up. Adventure is a word thrown around so freely in the motorcycle industry now, I am not sure you remember what a true adventure actually is.


Who am I? I’m a guy who has spent the last two and a half years riding a KTM 690 around the world. It was not an adventure bike when I bought it, but with some work, it has taken me to hell and back. After 120,000km and 42 countries, she is still going strong. My bike and all my camping gear is about 210 kilo. If you can not pick up your bike fully loaded in any situation, it is not an adventure bike.

Now I see the adventure bike market treading into Harley Davidson territory, which is to say selling and idea or image rather then a capable bike. Sorry to the HD fans out there, but the XR750 is the only HD I drool over. Every year manufacturers pump out more and more street touring bikes and slap an “Adventure” bike name on it.  Honda, KTM, BMW, Triumph, Suzuki, Aprilia, Ducati, Yamaha, are all doing it. The list of 1-liter behemoths is so long I can not keep up. They sell the image of adventure, but when you try to go off the pavement, you quickly find out the bike was not designed for it. So you search for a smaller bike only to find there is a huge gap in the market that no manufacturer seems to want to cash in on. I’ll call the small adventure bike market what it is, the enduro bike market: 250s, DRZ400, 450 race bikes, and outdated air cooled 650s. 450 race bikes are to high strung for travel. Most of the air cooled 650s are great bikes, but they are all in desperate need of a update. So there is basically the choice between DRZ400 and KTM 690. Both are very capable off-road bikes and have been ridden around the world many times by many people. The gap between these 2 bikes is huge. What gives?

The formula for a proper adventure bike is easy: less then 150 kilos, good tune-able off-road suspension, around 50 hp, fuel injected, liquid cooled, and at least a 7500 km oil change interval. A 500 km fuel range would be icing on the cake. I challenge the manufacturers to build the adventure bike I described above and I will be the first person in line with a fist full of dollars.

Maybe this is asking too much. Take one of your 450 race bikes and give it a reliable engine. The weekend warriors would love it if they didn’t have to change their oil every 10 hours. I would love to travel on a that bike. As stated before, the gap between DRZ400 and KTM 690 is huge. So once again, take a minute to let this sink in. We want a reliable lightweight off-road travel bike. We don’t want another 200 + kilo street bike. Adventure comes from the ride and the bikes you are pushing off onto the public are limiting that adventure.


Thank you,

Noah Horak.


You can read more about Noah, his amazing adventures, and the possibilities of travel on a non-bohemoth adventure motorcycle on his website at: saj je (menda) vsem jasno da AT,GS & co niso v istem rangu z mopedi navedenimi v članku...če pač proizvajalci zaradi lažjega trženja motor imenujejo "adventure" je pa to njihova pravica...vsak sam pa ima mnenje kaj je "adventure" motor zanj...če pa kupiš 230+ kilsko kravo in misliš, da boš z njo vozil po motokros progi, je pa bolš, da vrneš vozniški izpit in počneš kaj drugega...moje mnenje...


To je vse le stvar marketinga ... Prav tako, kot piše v članku, je situacija ista; terenci (SUV) so postali le povišane kombilimuzine na velikih pnevmatikah. 


Kdor bo iskal "adventure" motor bo pač kupil GS-a ali pa kroslo, odvisno za kakšne avanture ga bo koristil. :) Če prevoziš 120k km še nisi nujno strokovnjak iz izrazoslovja in marketinga. :P

Objavljeno (popravljeno)

A bo ta nova AT primerna za sexualne avanture :hmm:

Popravljeno . Popravil sayo
  • Všeč mi je 3

A tuki se lahko piše o rdečih yamahah?


Noup, sam o rumenih suzukijih :grrr

  • Všeč mi je 3

Dragi novopeceni moderator


Prosim te za nepristranskost, ne glede kako dober odnos imas s Hondinim uvoznikom in ne brises objav brez tehtnega razloga.




PS: v naprotnem primeru bodo najina "ljubavna" pisma postala javno berljiva   :smoke:







Noah Horak, one of the most traveled adventure riders currently on the road, writes a letter to the motorcycle industry.



If you are an adventure rider, chances are you’ve heard of Noah Horak. For the last two years he has ridden his KTM 690 around the world by way of more than 42 countries covering some of the most challenging terrain imaginable. Putting it lightly, he’s learned a thing or two about what it takes to pilot two motorized wheels in proper adventure style. Below is his open letter to the motorcycle industry and those influencing motorcycle design. 




Dear Motorcycle Industry,


With the recent announcement of the Honda CRF1000L I can not sit quietly anymore and watch the “Adventure” bike grow to obese proportions. I must speak up. Adventure is a word thrown around so freely in the motorcycle industry now, I am not sure you remember what a true adventure actually is.


Who am I? I’m a guy who has spent the last two and a half years riding a KTM 690 around the world. It was not an adventure bike when I bought it, but with some work, it has taken me to hell and back. After 120,000km and 42 countries, she is still going strong. My bike and all my camping gear is about 210 kilo. If you can not pick up your bike fully loaded in any situation, it is not an adventure bike.

Now I see the adventure bike market treading into Harley Davidson territory, which is to say selling and idea or image rather then a capable bike. Sorry to the HD fans out there, but the XR750 is the only HD I drool over. Every year manufacturers pump out more and more street touring bikes and slap an “Adventure” bike name on it.  Honda, KTM, BMW, Triumph, Suzuki, Aprilia, Ducati, Yamaha, are all doing it. The list of 1-liter behemoths is so long I can not keep up. They sell the image of adventure, but when you try to go off the pavement, you quickly find out the bike was not designed for it. So you search for a smaller bike only to find there is a huge gap in the market that no manufacturer seems to want to cash in on. I’ll call the small adventure bike market what it is, the enduro bike market: 250s, DRZ400, 450 race bikes, and outdated air cooled 650s. 450 race bikes are to high strung for travel. Most of the air cooled 650s are great bikes, but they are all in desperate need of a update. So there is basically the choice between DRZ400 and KTM 690. Both are very capable off-road bikes and have been ridden around the world many times by many people. The gap between these 2 bikes is huge. What gives?

The formula for a proper adventure bike is easy: less then 150 kilos, good tune-able off-road suspension, around 50 hp, fuel injected, liquid cooled, and at least a 7500 km oil change interval. A 500 km fuel range would be icing on the cake. I challenge the manufacturers to build the adventure bike I described above and I will be the first person in line with a fist full of dollars.

Maybe this is asking too much. Take one of your 450 race bikes and give it a reliable engine. The weekend warriors would love it if they didn’t have to change their oil every 10 hours. I would love to travel on a that bike. As stated before, the gap between DRZ400 and KTM 690 is huge. So once again, take a minute to let this sink in. We want a reliable lightweight off-road travel bike. We don’t want another 200 + kilo street bike. Adventure comes from the ride and the bikes you are pushing off onto the public are limiting that adventure.


Thank you,

Noah Horak.


You can read more about Noah, his amazing adventures, and the possibilities of travel on a non-bohemoth adventure motorcycle on his website at:

jest sem zato ,da se piše v Slovenskem jeziku! zato naj se takele jejca zbriše. me zanima kolk pišejo v angliji Slovensko na forumih.

  • Všeč mi je 2

Gusar, ampak b'k s pa tud!
Dej se zaplankat u en slovensk sekret, pa vse playboye prej ven zmeč, če slučajno niso not sam slovenski opisi pičk!

  • Všeč mi je 4



Jel to Čita?


Ne čita... bere slike   :smoke:

  • Všeč mi je 3

js se tut sprošćam :P


jest sem zato ,da se piše v Slovenskem jeziku! zato naj se takele jejca zbriše. me zanima kolk pišejo v angliji Slovensko na forumih.

Js sm zato da če se že gremo jajca brisat je tvoj post prvi na spisku, ki nima tu kaj iskati.


zelo lepo da znaš citirat cel wall of text zato da poveš svoje blesavo otroško mnenje.


Eni se že sproščajo :-D

  • Všeč mi je 1

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