SiR Objavljeno September 10, 2003 Objavljeno September 10, 2003 Jao nama sa ženama ----- For thousands of years, men have tried to understand the rules when dealing with women. Finally, this merit/demerit guide will help you to understand just how it works. Remember, in the world of romance, one single rule applies: make the woman happy. Do something she likes, and you get points. Do something she dislikes and points are subtracted. You don't get any points for doing something she expects. Sorry, that's the way the game is played. Here is a guide to the points system: SIMPLE DUTIES You make the bed +1 You make the bed, but forget to add the decorative pillows You throw the bedspread over rumpled sheets -1 You leave the toilet seat up -5 You replace the toilet paper roll when it is empty 0 When the toilet paper roll is barren, you resort to Kleenex -1 When the Kleenex runs out you use the next bathroom -2 You go out to buy her tampons +5 in the snow +8 but return with beer -5 and no tampons -25 You check out a suspicious noise at night You check out a suspicious noise and it is nothing You check out a suspicious noise and it is something +5 You pummel it with a six iron +10 It's her cat -40 AT THE PARTY You stay by her side the entire party 0 You stay by her side for a while, then leave to chat with a college drinking buddy -2 Named Tiffany -4 Tiffany is a dancer -10 With breast implants -18 HER BIRTHDAY You remember her birthday You buy a card and flowers 0 You take her out to dinner 0 You take her out to dinner and it's not a sports bar +1 Okay, it is a sports bar -2 And it's all-you-can-eat night -3 It's a sports bar, it's all-you-can-eat night, and your face is painted the colours of your favourite team -10 A NIGHT OUT WITH THE BOYS Go with a pal The pal is happily married +1 The pal is single -7 He drives a Ferrari -10 With a personalised license plate (GR8 NBED)-15 A NIGHT OUT WITH HER You take her to a movie +2 You take her to a movie she likes +4 You take her to a movie you hate +6 You take her to a movie you like -2 It's called Death Cop III-3 Which features Cyborgs that eat humans -9 You lied and said it was a foreign film about orphans -15 YOUR PHYSIQUE You develop a noticeable pot belly -15 You develop a noticeable pot belly & exercise to get rid of it +10 You develop a noticeable pot belly and resort to loose jeans and baggy Hawaiian shirts -30 You say, "It doesn't matter, you have one too." -800 COMMUNICATION When she wants to talk about a problem: You listen, displaying a concerned expression 0 You listen, for over 30 minutes +5 You relate to her problem and share a similar experience +50 You're mind wanders to sports and you suddenly hear her saying "well, what do you think I should do?" -100 ITS THAT TIME OF THE MONTH....... You talk -100 You don't talk-150 You spend time with her -200 You don't spend time with her -500 You are seen to be enjoying yourself- GAME OVER - YOU LOSE
Ice Objavljeno September 10, 2003 Avtor Objavljeno September 10, 2003 > A cannibal goes to the human meat market to buy a brain for his lunch. > He sees a little poster that boasts about the quality of IT > professional brains that are currently on sale. He asks the sales > assistant: "How much does the programmer's brain cost?" > "Three dollars per kilo" replies the salesman. > "How much for an analyst's brain then?" > "Three dollars and fifty cents per kilo" > "What about the user's brain?" > "One hundred and fifty dollars per kilo." > "What? How can it cost that much?" he asks, astonished. The salesman > replies "Do you have any idea how many users I have to kill to get one > kilo of brain?"
Klo Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Se srečata Hrvat in Slovenec in se zapleteta v pogovor: Hrvat: Danes sem sanjal, da je cel Piran naą, da smo osvojil Trdinov vrh, da smo vam zaprli dostop do mednarodnega morja, . . . Slovenec: Jaz sem pa sanjal, da sem bil v Zagrebu. Povsod se je plesalo, jedlo, pilo, veselilo in celo mesto je bilo ovito v plakate. Hrvat: in kaj je pisalo na njih? Slovenec: Nisem prebral, ker ne znam cirilice!
Kaiser Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Zakaj so zenske bolj eroticne kot moski?
AlterMann Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Objavljeno September 11, 2003 POPOLN DAN ZANJO: 08.15 Se zbudi. Poljubljanje in objemanje 08.30 Tehta 2kg manj kot dan prej 08.45 Zajtrk v postelji. Svez pomarancen sok in francoski rogljicek 09.15 Prijetna topla kopel z etericnim oljem 10.00 Aerobika z ocarljivim, zabavnim osebnim trenerjem 10.30 Masaza obraza, manikura, pranje glave, cesanje 12.00 Kosilo z najboljso prijateljico v prijetnem lokalu 12.45 Sreca zeno bivsega fanta. Ta se je zredila za 15kg 13.00 Nakupovanje s prijateljicami 15.00 Pocitek v postelji 16.00 Cvetlicar prinese ducat vrtnic. Posilja jih skrivnostni obozevalec 16.15 Aerobika po kateri sledi nezna masaza 17.30 Izbira obleko za vecerjo. Make up. 19.30 Romanticna vecerja za dva ob soju svec. Sledi ples 22.00 Tusiranje. Sama 22.30 Ljubljenje 23.00 Pogovor v postelji med rjuhami. Crkljanje 23.15 Zaspi v njegovem objemu POPOLN DAN ZANJ: 06.00 Zbudi ga alarm 06.15 Fafanje 06.30 Medtem ko serje prebere sportno stran 07.00 Zajtrk. Kranjska klobasa, krompir z ocvirki, kava 07.30 Pride limuzina 07.45 Popije dva Heinekena na poti do letalisca 08.15 Privatno letalo ga odpelje v Portoroz 08.45 Limuzina ga odpelje v Casino 09.00 V Casinu priigra 5.000.000,00 ITL 11.45 Kosilo. Ostrige in liter Refoska 12.30 Fafanje 12.45 V Casinu priigra 10.000.000,00 ITL 14.15 Limuzina ga odpelje na letalisce 14.30 Privatno letalo ga odpelje na Ibizo. Med poletom spi 15.15 Ekskurzija pokrajine s topless vodickami 17.30 Privatno letalo ga odpelje domov 19.30 Gleda porocila. Zlatko Zahovic postane clan Lazia 20.00 Vecerja. Jastog in 1963 Dom Perignon 21.00 Pocitek po vecerji z 1289 Auger Cognac-om in kubansko cigaro 22.00 Seks z dvema osemnajstletnima nimfomankama 23.00 Masaza 23.45 Se uleze v posteljo 23.50 Spusti 12 sekund dolg prdec. Gleda kako pes zapusca sobo 23.55 Z nasmeskom na obrazu zaspi
SiR Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Objavljeno September 11, 2003 The best of "Hrvatski telefonski imenik" Ak ne vjerujete potražite u imeniku!!! 01 2946 220 - BEČAR ŠAHDO 01 2993 430 - GEGIĆ GEGA 01 3375 404 - ČIKA ĐORĐE 01 3631 707 - HADŽIDERVIŠAGIĆ DŽEZBEDARA 01 6258 465 - LEŠINA VESELA 01 6640 750 - MAMUTI SELIM 01 6678 765 - DEGEN ERIKA 021 389 032 - ĐOKOVIĆ KITICA 021 635 377 - ŠĆEPANOVIĆ KITA 021 741 925 - BISER ŠERIF 021 863 048 - ZLOĆO MLAĐI 022 662 250 - ČETNIK OJDANA 032 322 314 - SILOV ANNA 034 263 157 - PIŠA KATICA 035 375 326 - JAJALO PILE 042 311 277 - FUKSA MIRA 044 682 419 - RADI ĐON 044 815 166 - ALIMI NAĐI 047 553 050 - KLISKA MICA 048 638 353 - GUZI DRAGA 049 289 402 - ŠTAKOR IVAN-TARZAN 051 643 722 - ŠUPAK RADOVAN 051 725 980 - CURI ĐON 051 775 489 - BILALI NEBI 052 210 412 - MOŠNJA-ŠKARE LORENA 052 211 884 - CERVENI MERCEDES 052 451 069 - TIKVINA JAGODA 052 543 548 - RAZBOJNIKOV SPAS 052 812 979 - KENJAR ISMET
SiR Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Objavljeno September 11, 2003 >DOKAZ DA JE SVIJET LUD (kao da nam za to treba dokaz!) > > > >U Libanonu muškarcima je zakonom dozvoljeno imati seks sa >životinjama, ali >životinje moraju biti ženke. Seksualni odnosi sa životinjom >muškog spola >kažnjivi su smrću. > >(Kao da TO čini razliku.) > > > >U Bahreinu doktor muškog spola po zakonu može pregledati >ženske genitalije, >ali mu je zabranjeno tokom pregleda gledati direktno u njih. Samo može >gledati odraz u ogledalu. > >(Da li drugačije izgledaju kad je u pitanju odraz?) > > > >Muslimanima je zabranjeno gledati u genitalije leša. To se >pravilo odnosi i >na pogrebnike. Organi preminulog moraju biti stalno pokriveni >ciglom ili >komadom drveta. > >(Ciglom??) > > > >U Indoneziji je kazna za masturbaciju odsjecanje glave. > > > >U Guamu postoje muškarci kojima je posao putovati zemljom i vršiti >defloraciju mladih djevica, koje plačaju za privilegiju da >prvi put imaju >seks... > >Razlog: Po zakonima Guama, djevicama je striktno zabranjeno da >se udaju. > >(Zamislimo se na sekundu; da li bilo gdje drugdje u svijetu >postoji bilo >kakav posao koji je makar malo blizu ovog?) > > > >U Hong Kongu, prevarena žena po zakonu može ubiti svog >nevjernog muža, ali >samo ukoliko to učini golim rukama. S druge strane, muževljeva >ljubavnica >može biti ubijena na bilo koji željeni način. > >(Ah! Pravda!) > > > >U Liverpulu, zakon dozvoljava prodavačicama da budu u toplesu, >ali samo u >dućanima tropskim ribica. > >(Pa naravno!) > > > >U Kaliju, Kolumbija, žena se može seksati isključivo sa svojim >mužem, a u >toku prvog puta njena majka mora biti u sobi kako bi >prisustvovala činu. > >(Svako bi zadrhtao i od same pomisli.) > > > >U Santa Kruzu, Bolivija, muškarcima je zakonom zabranjeno da u >isto vrijeme >imaju seks sa ženom i njenom kćerkom. > >(Izgleda da je problem bio dovoljno prisutan, čim su morali >donijeti ovaj >zakon?) > > > >U Merilendu, zakonom nije dozvoljena prodaja kondoma iz automata osim u >slijedećem slučaju: Prezervativi se mogu prodavati putem automata "na >mjestima gdje se alkoholna pića prodaju u istom prostoru." > >(Zar to nije divna zemlja? Ipak, nije divna kao Guam!) > > > >Mrav može podignuti teret 50 puta teži od vlastite težine, >može vući teret >30 puta teži od vlastite težine, i kada je pijan uvijek pada na desnu >stranu. > >(Nakon što je popio male flašice pića zvanog ...? Kako je >vlada platila za >ovo istraživanje??) > > > >I, najbolje za kraj..... Kornjače mogu disati kroz svoju stražnjicu. > >(Da li mislite da imaju neugodan zadah?)
AlterMann Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Prepuna plaza, mali Esad otplivao dosta daleko od obale. Ustane njegova mama i vikne "Esade nemoj plivati tako daleko! Mogo bi te grc uvatit!!" Par sekundi kasnije ustane neka zena pet metara dalje i vikne svome sinu: "Samire, ne idi tako daleko, tamo ima grceva!"
AlterMann Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Pravijo, da bo letos huda zima.
kekec III Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Cuvala mati kcer 18 godina i kad je ovoj bio rodjendan ova ti nju posavjetuje: "Sad cu te pustit, ali moras pazit na neke stvari: Kad nadjes muskarca kao prvo mora biti stedljiv, kao drugo mora biti glup i kao trece mora biti nevin." Ode ti kcer i nema ti nje tri dana. Vratila se sva usplahirena i veli: "Mati nasla sam ga. Odem ti ja u disko i pridje ti meni momak, uhvati me za ruku i u hotel. Umjesto da uzme dvokrevetnu sobu on uzme jednokrevetnu, znaci stedljiv je. Umjesto da mi stavi jastuk pod glavu, on mi ga stavi pod guzicu, znaci glup je. Ali i nevin je mati, kad ga je izvadio, on nov u celofanu neotpakovan."
AlterMann Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Haso: Mujo, imam dvije vijesti; jednu losu i jednu jos losiju; koju hoces prvo? Mujo: Daj probaj mi nekako reci obje zajedno, kao jednu. Haso: Neko nam jebe tvoju zenu. :hmm:
kekec III Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Na mednarodnem kongresu zaljubljenih lingvistik predlagajo,kako z izbranimi besedami reči tiču. Nemka predlaga: Po mojem naj bo zastor: To vse pove in se ne da zmotiti: Pade po vsakem dejanju! Angležinja: Mi mu rečemo gentelman. To vse pove in se ne da zmotiti: Stoji pred vsako damo! Francozinja: Pri nas se mu reče opravljivec: Gre od ust do ust... Slovenka: Mi mu rečemo partizan. Nobeden ne ve, kdaj pride, pa tudi tega ne, al' od spredaj al' od zad'!
Pravokotar Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Manager gre na redni letni check-up. Čez par dni dobi na dom pismo z izvidi Za vas imamo dve novici. Slabo in še slabšo. Slaba novica je, da vam je preostalo samo še 24 ur življenja. Še slabša je ta, da smo vam to skušali že včeraj sporočiti po telefonu, pa žal niste bili dosegljivi.
Alla Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Objavljeno September 11, 2003 TELEFONSKE TAJNICE 1. My wife and I can't come to the phone right now, but if you'll leave your name and number, we'll get back to you as soon as we're finished. 2. A is for academics, B is for beer. One of those reasons is why we're not here. So, leave a message. 3. Hi. This is John: If you are the phone company, I already sent the money. If you are my parents, please send money. If you are my financial aid institution, you didn't lend me enough money. If you are my friends, you owe me money. If you are female, don't worry, I have plenty of money. 4. Hi. Now you say something. 5. Hi, I'm not home right now, but my answering machine is, so you can talk to it instead. Wait for the beep. 6. Hello. I am David's answering machine. What are you? 7. Hello! If you leave a message, I'll call you soon. If you leave a "sexy" message, I'll call sooner! 8. Hi! John's answering machine is broken. This is his refrigerator. Please speak very slowly, and I'll stick your message to myself with one of these magnets. 9. Hello, you are talking to a machine. I am capable of receiving messages. My owners do not need siding, windows or a hot tub, and their carpets are clean. They give to charity through their office and do not need their picture taken. If you're still with me, leave your name and number and they will get back to you. 10. This is not an answering machine - this is a telepathic thought-recording device. After the tone, think about your name, your number and your reason for calling, and I'll think about returning your call. 11. Hi. I'm probably home, I'm just avoiding someone I don't like. Leave me a message, and if I don't call back, it's you. 12. Hi, this is George. I'm sorry I can't answer the phone right now. Leave a message and then wait by your phone until I call you back. 13. If you are a burglar, then we're probably at home cleaning our weapons right now and can't come to the phone. Otherwise, we probably aren't home and it's safe to leave a message. 14. Please leave a message. However, you have the right to remain silent. Everything you say will be recorded and will be used by us. 15. Hello, you've reached Jim and Sonya. We can't pick up the phone right now, because we're doing something we really enjoy. Sonya likes doing it up and down, and I like doing it left to right... real slowly. So leave a message, and when we're done brushing our teeth we'll get back to you. NEW -"We're sorry we can't come to the phone right now, but if you leave your name and home phone number after the tone, we'll return your call in the middle of your dinner.
SiR Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Če hoče gospodična žurat, mora doma izpolniti formular: APPLICATION FOR A NIGHT OUT WITH THE GIRLS Name of Girlfriend/Fiancé/Partner/Wife: I’m going out. Signed: (me)______________
SiR Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Če gre žurat ON, mora podpisati tole: ------------- APPLICATION FOR A NIGHT OUT WITH THE BOYS Name of Boyfriend/Fiancé/Husband: s I request permission for a leave of absence from the highest authority in my life for the following period: Time of return Date: Time of departure: NOT to exceed: Should permission be granted, I do solemnly swear to only visit the locations stated below, at the stated times. I agree to refrain from hitting on or flirting with other women. I shall not even speak to another female, except as expressly permitted in writing below. I will not turn off my mobile after two pints, nor shall I consume above the allowed volume of alcohol without first phoning for a taxi AND calling you for a verbal waiver of said alcohol allowance. I understand that even if permission is granted to go out, my girlfriend/fiancé/wife retains the right to be pissed off with me the following week for no valid reason whatsoever. Amount of alcohol allowed (units) Beer Wine Liquor Total_____________________ Locations to be visited Females with whom conversationis permitted: IMPORTANT – STRIPPER CLAUSE: Notwithstanding the female contact permitted above, I promise to refrain from coming within one hundred (100) feet of a stripper or exotic dancer. Violation of this Stripper Clause shall be grounds for immediate termination of the relationship. I acknowledge my position in life. I know who wears the trousers in our relationship, and I agree it’s not me. I promise to abide by your rules & regulations. I understand that this is going to cost me a fortune in chocolates & flowers. You reserve the right to obtain and use my credit cards whenever you wish to do so. I hereby promise to take you to a Michael Bolton concert, should I not return home by the approved time. On my way home, I will not pick a fight with any stranger, nor shall I conduct in depth discussions with the said entity. Upon my return home, I promise not to urinate anywhere other than in the toilet. In addition, I will refrain from waking you up, breathing my vile breath in your face, and attempting to breed like a (drunken) rabbit. I declare that to the best of my knowledge (of which I have none compared to my BETTER half), the above information is correct. Signed - Boyfriend/Fiancé/Husband: Request is: APPROVED DENIED This decision is not negotiable. If approved, cut permission slip below and carry at all times. --> tukaj odrezati --> ………………………………………………………………… Permission for my boyfriend/fiancé/husband to be away for the following period of time: Date: Time of departure: Time of return: Signed – Girlfriend/Fiancé/Wife:
Ice Objavljeno September 11, 2003 Avtor Objavljeno September 11, 2003 inteligentno clovesko zivo bitje v USA? turist.
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