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Priporočene objave

simon, you're a German Shepherd!

No bones, about it, you're a loyal, hard-working German Shepherd. Dedicated and always low-maintenance, people flock to you — they know they can count on you to get any job done, and done well.

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Ladi, you're a Pug! :shock:

No bones about it, you're an intelligent, playful Pug. Witty and charming, you're a lot of dog wrapped in a small package. People just love you — a wonderful approachability and sense of humor put you at the top of everyone's list. And because you're smart and quick-witted, you attract a crowd wherever you go. (Have you ever considered running for office or starting a company? You've got the charisma for either.) But that doesn't mean you can't be a little naughty or mischievous when opportunity knocks — you've definitely got a nose for fun! A happy, optimistic breed, you're admired and respected by all. Woof!

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No bones about it, you're an adventurous Scottish Terrier. Fearless, feisty, and always up for a challenge, you like having things your way.... :roll: tud prov... sej so prov lustkani kuzki :wink:

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Fuj, jst sm civava. Blek, povrh tega ne maram majhnih psov, k zame niso to psi, ampak mesanci med macko in psov, k se ne morjo odlocit kaj bi bli. Ta test ne stima. Blek, fuj........ :evil:

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Fuj, jst sm civava. Blek, povrh tega ne maram majhnih psov, k zame niso to psi, ampak mesanci med macko in psov, k se ne morjo odlocit kaj bi bli. Ta test ne stima. Blek, fuj........ :evil:

Sej, men je kulega reku, da to ni pes, ce ga brcnes, pol pa 2-3 ure cakas nanga, da se vrne.


Gugo 8)

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Sej, men je kulega reku, da to ni pes, ce ga brcnes, pol pa 2-3 ure cakas nanga, da se vrne

Mene ne bo noben brcal, grizem. :twisted:

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COCKER SPANIEL. :shock: :lol:

Koker španjel :?: :lol: Ne morm verjet.... sploh, če preberem še opis, ki spada zraven...... :roll: :oops: :lol:

Playful and energetic, you're a real people person — er, dog. People can't help but fall hook, line, and sinker for your friendly, well-rounded personality and natural charm. It's a subtle thing, though — being outgoing and flirtatious, not showy, is the name of your game. Friends, co-workers, and potential dates can't help liking you. How could they not? Your winning-yet-humble ways make you popular, admired, and a joy to be around. Woof!

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Sej, men je kulega reku, da to ni pes, ce ga brcnes, pol pa 2-3 ure cakas nanga, da se vrne

Mene ne bo noben brcal, grizem. :twisted:

Pa kdo je reku, da bo tebe brcu....sej mamo tud drustvo za zascito malih zivali!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Gugo 8)

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Ran - Zlati prinašalec? 8)

A veš, madonca ja, da bi uganila s prve :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ne se hecat.

Nisem se tacga vidu.

Sem se imel za enga nedefiniranega mešančka.

Pri tebi je tudi lep opis.

Kolikor te poznam, bi tudi rekel, da velja.


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mi je kr mal nerodn.... :roll: sem namreč PUDL...

No bones about it, you're a go-ahead-and-spoil-me Poodle. Intelligent and discerning, why should you settle for anything but the best? No good reason comes to mind. You appreciate the finer things in life, from the trendiest clothes to the best restaurants. Maintaining your health and appearance is a must — you owe it to yourself to look and feel tip-top. The result? An impeccable fashion sense, perfect grooming, and the latest must-have "toys" and accessories. Unfortunately, that can be a little intimidating to people who don't know you. :twisted: They might think you're a bit cold or distant. But your close friends know better. Your nearest and dearest can see beyond the glitz and glamour to the smart, considerate person within. Woof!


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Šel še enkrat skozi pa dobil odgovor da sem SIAMSKI MAČEK, jebemu zgleda da sem en odgovor mogu drugače obkrožit :hmm:

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