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Jurij, you're an Irish Setter!

No bones about it, you're a devil-may-care Irish Setter. Fun-loving(o-yea :yea2: )and light-hearted, life is an adventure for you — an attitude your nearest and dearest find refreshing and inspiring :hmm: . Witty, with a nose for fun :grim , you can turn any social gathering into an unforgettable event :grrr , which is why you're always at the top of the guest list(neverhepend :cry: ). Your varied interests — anything and everything from sky-diving to club hopping :blink: — make you extremely well-rounded :grim . Just make sure you don't get distracted and lose sight of your responsibilities(ofkorsmajhors z eno nogo skoz v realnosti.. :SS ). As long as you stay balanced (not a possibility i am a very unbalanced ), you're a lucky dog who will always be a kid at heart (sej mi skoz pravjo da sm otročji in da mi gre na otročji in da nej se zresnem...not possibl :grrr .— woof!

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Hmm....morda sm bil prevec odkrit pri vprasanjih.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Po tem testu sem tole :


Tud prav. :P

Popravljeno . Popravil DrAc0
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:eek: :kva2: :kva2:


:kva2: :kva2: :ninja:

No bones about it, you're an intelligent, playful Pug. Witty and charming, you're a lot of dog wrapped in a small package.

:kva2: :kva2: :lol1:

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Bernese Mountain Dog

Po tem testu sem tole :


Jaz tud :D Končno sem enkrat precej zadovoljna "sama s sabo" :OK:

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Neža, you're a Collie!

No bones about it, you're a loyal, nurturing Collie. A sensitive breed, you're always approachable and very in tune with others' feelings — just like Lassie! Because of your empathetic nature, you tend to be the group psychologist to your circle of friends. Your faithful, easygoing, steadfast personality makes you a wonderful confidant; people love to come to you with their troubles. Bottom line? You're a star at interpersonal relationships and have a knack for making new friends and acquaintances wherever you go. After all, what's a Collie without a flock to look after? Since you're so giving, your buddies might not realize that you need them just as much as they need you, so make sure not to neglect yours truly. Everyone deserves some "me" time. Woof!

zanimivo, nekaj časa nazaj sem bila pa bernc........ očitno se spreminjam hehehe

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No bones about it, you're an intelligent, playful Pug. Witty and charming, you're a lot of dog wrapped in a small package. People just love you — a wonderful approachability and sense of humor put you at the top of everyone's list. And because you're smart and quick-witted, you attract a crowd wherever you go. (Have you ever considered running for office or starting a company? You've got the charisma for either.) But that doesn't mean you can't be a little naughty or mischievous when opportunity knocks — you've definitely got a nose for fun! A happy, optimistic breed, you're admired and respected by all. Woof!

kullll :D

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:grrr :grrr blo dolgcas :blush:

No bones about it, you're an adventurous Scottish Terrier. Fearless, feisty, and always up for a challenge, you like having things your way. Some people might even label you stubborn or headstrong. But we know you're just ambitious and motivated. (Being misinterpreted is such a trial, isn't it?) Besides, your can-do attitude serves you well when facing challenges at work or in your personal life. No job is too big, and absolutely no obstacle is going to stand in your way. You're always ready, willing, and able to rise to the challenge. A loyal, caring friend, you choose your pals very carefully, then stick by them through thick and thin. Woof!

carski kužati :photo: :grim

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MatoManiac, you're a Chihuahua!

No bones about it, you're an energetic, devoted Chihuahua. For your breed, size definitely doesn't matter. After all, sometimes the best things (diamonds, car keys, Godiva truffles) come in small packages. Honest and straightforward, you're never afraid to speak up for what you believe in, especially if it's a cause near and dear to your heart. Having such a passionate personality can come with a few drawbacks, though. You can be moody at times, and people often find it hard to live up to your high standards. But once you make a friend, it's for life. Saucy and intense, your energy and unfailing loyalty make you a great companion. Woof!


Sm mislu, da sem Doberman, pa sm ena navadna Čivava! :slap:

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Pa saj sem vedel, tudi brez tega testa. Bo treba nehat free usluge delat, pa tako se trudim... :angry2: :angry2:

Furioso, you're a German Shepherd!

No bones, about it, you're a loyal, hard-working German Shepherd. Dedicated and always low-maintenance, people flock to you — they know they can count on you to get any job done, and done well. That focus and attention to detail spans from your personal to your professional life, too. Although you can be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to the projects you tackle, you still manage to keep cool and laid-back in social situations. You get a kick out of the little things and thrive when you're constantly busy and on-the-go. Easygoing and unpretentious, you don't need constant pampering and reassurance. A genuine, carefree pup, you're a true-blue friend, employee, and partner. Woof!

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Einherjar, you're a Pit Bull!

No bones about it, you're a commanding Pit Bull with a bite as big as your bark. Authoritative and aggressive, the power position is the only one for you — and you never have trouble making that crystal clear. A bit quick-tempered, you can be a little intimidating — though you hardly ever attack unprovoked. Taken aback by our insight? Don't despair! You have several redeeming qualities. Very low-maintenance, you're not one to fall victim to superficiality. You say it like it is and don't waste time playing head games. Just make sure to keep your scowl and growl in check so people can get close enough to notice and appreciate your positive side. Woof!

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Yep - I'm a Pit Bull!

No bones about it, you're a commanding Pit Bull with a bite as big as your bark. Authoritative and aggressive, the power position is the only one for you — and you never have trouble making that crystal clear. A bit quick-tempered, you can be a little intimidating — though you hardly ever attack unprovoked. Taken aback by our insight? Don't despair! You have several redeeming qualities. Very low-maintenance, you're not one to fall victim to superficiality. You say it like it is and don't waste time playing head games. Just make sure to keep your scowl and growl in check so people can get close enough to notice and appreciate your positive side. Woof!

hmnja, ... sm pozabu, da sm tut pitbul

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