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Great Dane! No bones about it, you're the Adonis of all dogs — a Great Dane. Your perfect mix of brains and brawn wins you legions of fans wherever you go. Just snap your fingers and the crowd comes running. They all want to bask in your glory. (Okay, maybe it's not quite like that, but you get the idea.) Sophisticated and friendly, your laid-back temperament makes you popular and easy to talk to. And your capable nature helps you keep your head in a crisis, so people know they can count on you. Classy and smooth, cool and confident, who wouldn't want a Great Dane at the end of their leash? No one — woof!


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fino...s škotskega terierja sem v časom degradirana v tole

No bones about it, you're a dedicated, trustworthy St. Bernard. Loyal and good-hearted, you're as reliable as they come. Your naturally protective personality is reflected in the way you treat people close to you. Sheltering your nearest and dearest from harm (or bad news, for that matter) is high on your priority list. That attitude earns you lots of gold stars, not to mention respect. People admire your strong morals — and how well you stick to them! Focused, steadfast, and determined, you always aim to please. It's a breed like yours that makes the world a better place — woof!

ni pravice na tem svetu :alien1:

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Hm, ... jaz pa sem mops.

:unsure: :rolleyes: :blush:

Popravljeno . Popravil Mutika
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ŠARPLANINEC- agresivna ko semi to da bit, na vstajam za vsako malenkost. Niti seob njej ne oglašam, jem kolikor mi paše. Čuvam svojo čredo pa vem kdo je šef. Pa delam pizdarije. Ko se mi da. :evilgrin:

Po izdanih papirjih pa pit bulson. :trance_33_sleep:

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Ker se neslinim sem " Doberman ",sicer bi bil Doga.Imel sem že dva Dobermana,oba sem tudi izšolal,hodil z njimi na tekmovanja in dobro poznam njihov karakter!!! :worship:

Popravljeno . Popravil Brumer
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