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Hm...kakšno naključje...tudi jaz :OK:




Piwski Rumč :whistle:


sibirski husky :worship:


Danes sem ziher ROTTWEILER .... :evilgrin:

  • 3 mesecev pozneje...

Yorkshire Terrier :D


Pitbul-ka :evilgrin: se mi je zdel,drgač neb mogl bit spljoh :whistle:


Pa po tanovm mam še steklino :evilgrin:


Maus, you're a Great Dane! No bones about it, you're the Adonis of all dogs — a Great Dane. Your perfect mix of brains and brawn wins you legions of fans wherever you go. Just snap your fingers and the crowd comes running. They all want to bask in your glory. (Okay, maybe it's not quite like that, but you get the idea.) Sophisticated and friendly, your laid-back temperament makes you popular and easy to talk to. And your capable nature helps you keep your head in a crisis, so people know they can count on you. Classy and smooth, cool and confident, who wouldn't want a Great Dane at the end of their leash? No one — woof!

No ja .. tud taki testi se včasih zmotijo :lol1:

Objavljeno (popravljeno)


Popravljeno . Popravil maus

German Shepherd

Najbrž res. Se z našo mrcino kr dobr zastopva, je tut nemc :D


Zlati prinašalec :)


Vapo, you're a Pit Bull! No bones about it, you're a commanding Pit Bull with a bite as big as your bark. Authoritative and aggressive, the power position is the only one for you — and you never have trouble making that crystal clear. A bit quick-tempered, you can be a little intimidating — though you hardly ever attack unprovoked. Taken aback by our insight? Don't despair! You have several redeeming qualities. Very low-maintenance, you're not one to fall victim to superficiality. You say it like it is and don't waste time playing head games. Just make sure to keep your scowl and growl in check so people can get close enough to notice and appreciate your positive side. Woof!



German Shepherd :naughty:


sem že rekel da bulldog :rolleyes:

Mitja, you're a Golden Retriever!

No bones about it, you're a popular, fun-loving Golden Retriever. Adored by all and too cool for school, you're extroverted and enthusiastic. Your magnetic personality makes you the life of any bash. Keep reading for more about your puppy personality...



sm človek . . . . in ne pes . . . :P

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