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J.R.R. Tolkien in vse o Ardi


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Jaz volim zate... Samo ne vem, kako boš poimenovan. Suzuki je mogoče malo predivje za Middle Earth :lol:

Evo, Suzukijevo ime:

Fingon Helyanwë

Suzuki, a boš še to razložu?

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Kaj pa tole?

Náessë Arnatuilë

Failariël Arnatuilë

Séreméla Sáralondë

Ireth Culnámo

A tole tut nima nobene zgodbe v ozadju?

Popravljeno . Popravil Mačica
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Zal boste morali na nove zgodbice pocakati, saj se trenutno potapljam v Franciji. Vrnem se 2.11., potem pa bo spet kaj novega.

@ Anubis: hvala za pohvale O:-) , malce mi je nerodno ker hvalite mene, ko pa je vendar vse to (in se bistveno lepse) povedal JRRT...


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saj se trenutno potapljam v Franciji.

... gledaš torej ribe in ne ribice ??? ... O:-) ...

pi-es: le glej da se ne utopiš ... :D ... :P ...

pa hvala za odgovor na sanje ... :004

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SuuZuuKiii! ! !

Iz kere knjige je spodnji dnevnik?



Day One:

Ringwraiths killed: 4. V. good.

Met up with Hobbits. Walked forty miles. Skinned a squirrel and ate it.

Still not King.

Day Four:

Stuck on mountain with Hobbits. Boromir really annoying.

Not King yet.

Day Six:

Orcs killed: none. Disappointing. Stubble update: I look rugged and manly.


Keep wanting to drop-kick Gimli. Holding myself back.

Still not King.

Day Ten:

Sorry no entries lately. V. dark in Mines of Moria. Big Baelrog.

Not King today either.

Day Eleven:

Orcs killed: 7. V. good. Stubble update: Looking mangy.

Legolas may be hotter than me.

I wonder if he would like me if I was King?

Day 28:

Beginning to find Frodo disturbingly attractive. Have a feeling if I

make a move, Sam would kill me. Also, hairy feet kind of a turn-off.

Still not King.

Day 30:

In Lothlorien. Think Galadriel was hitting on me. Saucy wench.

Nice chat with Boromir. He's not so bad.

Took a shower. Yay!

But still not King.

Day 32:

Orcs killed: none. Stubble update: subtly hairy.

Legolas told me that a shadow and a threat had been growing in his mind.

I think Legolas might be kinda gay.

Nope, not King.

Day 33:

Orcs killed: Countless thousands. V. good.

Boromir killed by Orcs. Bummer. Though he died bravely in my arms, am

now quite sure that he was very definitely gay.

Not so sure about Gimli either.

RIP Boromir.

Still not King, but at least Boromir seemed to think I was. Might

however have been blood loss.

Day 34:

Frodo went to Mordor. Said he was going alone, but took Sam with him. Why?

My God, is everyone in this movie gay but me?

Not so sure about me either.

Still not King, goddammit.


The Very Secret Diary of Boromir of Gondor

Day One:

Went to Council of Elrond. Aragorn acting all superior as usual. He

thinks he's so great because he's shagging that bit of elf crumpet

on the side. I mean just because someone has a broad chest, firm,

defined muscles, an outdoorsy tan and loads of manly stubble doesn't

mean that....what?

Got distracted there for a bit.

Seem to have agreed to go on some sort of mission while distracted by

Aragorn's enormous...rudeness.


Day Three

Stupid Ring, stupid Quest, stupid Fellowship.

Day Four

Frodo dropped Ring today. Picked it up, but Aragorn made me give it back.

Arrogant bastard. Wonder how he'd feel with Horn of Gondor shoved

right up his...

Stupid Ring.

Day Four:

Is obvious that Aragorn is strangely attracted to Frodo.

Ha Ha! Ha!

Sam will kill him if he tries anything.

Day Six:

Aragorn still into Frodo. "Boromir, give the Ring back to Froooodoo."

"Boromir, let *me* carry Frodo up Caradhras." "Boromir, quit trying

to cut off Frodo's head while he's asleep so you can get at the Ring."

Blatant favoritism most annoying.

Day Ten:

Why isn't Aragorn into me ?

Day Eleven:

Carried Frodo out of Mines of Moria.

Kind of liked it, actually.

Hope am not turning into pervy hobbit-fancier like Uncle Windermir.

Not after what happened to *him.* Merry and Pippin are cute little

things, too...

In other news, Gandalf died.

Day 30:

In Lothlorien. Galadriel quite a babe. Feel sure she was attracted to

my rugged yet unwashed manliness.

Legolas took a bath in her fountain. Got in trouble. Ha. Ha. Big elfy

git. Am quite sure he dyes his hair. Also, he has spot on his nose.

Aragorn suggested we take baths as well. Only realized in nick of

time he did not mean with each other.

Stupid Aragorn.

Day 33 :

Frodo being all weird about the Ring. Won't even let me look at it. Must

admit I had a bit of a tussle with him trying to get a gander at it.

Rolled around on him till he went invisible. Resisted urge to have a little

cuddle (made easier when he punched me in the face.)

Aragorn would be jealous. Ha!

Day 35:

Killed by orcs.

Stupid orcs.



Day One:

Feeling much better in House of Elrond after nice long nap. Also, Sam

gave me fabulous backrub and bubble bath. Platonic, brotherly love so


Wasn't quite entirely sure why he needed to suck on my toes, but am

assured it has something to do with Elf medicine.

Day Three

Have agreed to carry Ring to Mordor. In hindsight, probably a bad


Day Four

Aragorn and Boromir had big fight over who got to carry me up Mount

Caradhras. Aragorn shoved Boromir into snowbank. Boromir bit Aragorn

on the ear. Ring must be affecting them more seriously than I thought.

Day Six:

Woke up to find Aragorn playing with buttons on my shirt.

He must be after the Ring. Damn its siren call.

Ah well, Sam will kill him if he tries anything.

Day Ten:

Today Legolas began stroking my inner thigh with his bow.

Was stunned. Had no idea Legolas wanted the Ring too.

It must truly be an object of awesome power.

Day Eleven:

Gandalf showed me very strange trick he can do. Apparently pointy

wizard hat not just for show.

Wonder if Ring is affecting him, or perhaps he is just v. peculiar.

Day 24 :

Finally feel rested. Is too dark in Mines of Moria for Aragorn to

find me and pinch me as he has been doing lately.

Gandalf fell into shadow. Was sad to see pointy hat go.

Day 27 :

Lothlorien so pretty. Galadriel pretty too. Offered her One Ring, but

she kept saying, "No, there's something else I'd rather have from you,

Frodo Baggins," and trying to slide foot up inside my breeches. So, gave

her my extra pair of breeches since she seemed fond of them. Maybe some kind

of breeches shortage in Lothlorien.

Day 30 :

Rowed all day in boats. V. tired. Merry and Pippin offered to give me

a group massage. Nice to have such v. concerned friends. Glad Ring is

not affecting them. Although did not need back rubbed quite so much, nor

other parts.

Pippin does remember we're cousins, right?


Day 33 :

Boromir tried to take the Ring. Am not entirely certain, but am

fairly sure he also tried to have a little cuddle. Was most unnerving,

as Boromir quite huge.

Day 36 :

Everyone keeps hitting on me. Cannot cope. Off to Mordor.

Sam coming too. Good thing, as will enable me to have more of those

platonic, brotherly foot massages he's so good at.

Am sad to leave rest of Company though, as found myself quite

fancying the idea of shagging Gimli. Chunky braids and huge helmet

quite a turn-on.

Ah, well, he never would have liked me anyway.



Day One:

In Shire. Stunning vista of innocent and pastoral beauty. Is it me, or

was Frodo just hanging around in that field masturbating before I came


Day Two:

Bilbo's Birthday party improved by substantial amount of hobbit weed.

Everyone sho nice. Bilbo nice too. Lights sho pretty. Frodo not bad

either. Hobbits sho cuddly. Whups. Fellover.

Day Three:

Massive fecking hangover. Off to Minas Tirith for some aspirin.

Day Twelve:

Went to Saruman for advice about Ring but he had become evil. Nobody

tells me anything. Apparently there was a memo. Radagast the Brown

probably stealing paper out of my inbox again.

Day Thirteen :

Stuck on top of tower. Great view, but constant pelting sleet not good

for pointy hat. Am amusing self by spitting gum down on the Orcs.

Day Fourteen :

Visited again by Saruman who tried to grab a feel. As if!

Day Sixteen :

Am lonely. Saruman maybe not so unattractive after all. If only were

not for giantly flaring nostrils and huge clawlike fingernails...okay

you'd think I might have figured out he was evil before.

Day Nineteen :

Escaped. Am in Rivendell. Sam slightly out of control. Keeps giving

Frodo baths. Elves all out of strawberry-scented soap now. Elrond

getting annoyed.

Day Twenty :

Elrond has decided to send Frodo away as is tired of never being able

to get into the first-floor bathroom. Big folderol about Ring. Have

agreed to go with Fellowship in case Sam might decide to give ME a

bath. Could use one.

Day Twenty-One:

Aragorn obviously into Frodo. Sam will kill him if he tries anything.

Asked Sam to give me a bath. He said, "Ha ha, Mister Gandalf, you're

not serious." Useless git.

Day Twenty-Three :

V. cold on top of Caradhras. Aragorn won fight about who got to carry

Frodo up the mountain. Boromir sulking. If Legolas keeps nancing about

on top of the snow, may have to hit him with my staff.

Day Twenty-Five :

Do not want to go through Mines of Moria, as suspect Balrog still

angry about bad date we went on back in Second Age.

Day Twenty-Six:

In Mines of Moria. Yep, Balrog still angry.

Day Twenty-Seven:

Fell into shadow. Balrog such a prat. Had to do some quite unspeakable

things before he would let me leave the caverns. Have decided not to

tell the rest of Fellowship. Will make up story about having engaged

in huge battle instead. Off to see Elrond to get quite unpleasant

third degree burns in embarassing places treated. Hope Elrond does not

laugh at me. If he does, will tell everyone about his dirty weekend

with Sauron. Ha!




Grr. Argh.


Faffing about in Rivendell with stuck-up elves v. bad for my digestion. Have

asked Elrond to move me to second floor as cannot get into bathroom here without

being subjected to sight of hobbits bathing amongst scented candles. Is ridiculous.

Got splashed with strawberry bath foam yesterday. On plus side, beard now silky

and conditioned.


Elrond refuses to move my room. Walked in on hobbits again this morning. What

WERE they doing with that carrot? Inbred bunch of halfwits, no wonder they can't

even grow decent beards.


Suspect Aragorn son of Arathorn of being pervy hobbit-fancier. Completely ignoring

hottie elf fiancee in favor of barging about with hairy-footed gnomes in leather

breeches. Fortunately I, Gimli son of Gloin, am here to take care of her loneli



Elf women just the right height to keep my ears warm. Go me!


Have agreed to go on Quest. Arwen getting awfully grabby. Gimli son of Gloin

will not be tied down. Would rather spend time with touchy-feely hobbits and

poncy elves than hang about Rivendell taking about 'our relationship.'


V. cold on top of Caradhras. Big fight over who got to carry hobbits up the

mountain. Did not participate as was busy showing Legolas how to get hair braided

just right. Fight ended when Aragorn picked up Ringbearer and stuffed him in

his trousers. That's right, Isildur's Heir. Suffocate the Ringbearer. Honestly,

these people.


In Mines of Moria. May have made slight miscalculation, as it seems that cousin

Balin has been dead for at least sixty years. Suppose it should have occurred

to me that has been a while since last got Christmas card from the Moria folks.

Still, cannot be expected to keep track of everything.


Gandalf fell into shadow. Hobbits used as excuse to have teary cuddlefest on

rocks. Suffered manly embrace from Boromir, although he kept jabbing Horn of

Gondor into my solar plexus. At least, hope that was the Horn of Gondor. Does

not bear thinking about if not.


Legolas told me Aragorn is way into Frodo. Sam will kill him if he tries anything.

Suggested to Legolas that we might want a leader who is less of a lech. Legolas

then asked if I wanted to take a bath with him. Beginning to suspect that all

that Elvish poetry about the glory of warrior-bonds between men just big cover-

up for illicit spanking games.


In Lothlorien. Galadriel quite the babe. While hobbits off power cuddling and

Boromir chasing Aragorn, had time to show her a few dwarf tricks. Nothing fancy


just a bit of Hide the Helmet and Delving In The Mines. V. satisfactory for

everyone, except possibly Celeborn. On second thought, maybe that was Celeborn.

Cannot much tell difference with elves.


Left Lothlorien. Have been paddling in boats for days. Am getting v. lonely.

Hobbits looking not so bad. Rather cute in fact, despite mullet haircuts. Cannot

get near Frodo without getting bitten on kneecaps by Sam, and Pippin dating

Boromir, so will see if perhaps Merry wants to take a nice moonlit stroll tonight.

Hurrah for warrior-bonds between men.


The Secret Diary of Legolas, son of Weenus

Day One:

Went to Council of Elrond. Was prettiest person there. Agreed to follow

some tiny little man to Mordor to throw ring into volcano. Very important

mission - gold ring so tacky.

Day Four:

Boromir so irritating. Why must he wear big shield like dinner plate

all the time? Climbed up Caradhras but wimpy humans who cannot walk on snow

insisted we climb back down.

Am definitely prettiest member of the Fellowship. Go me!

Day Six:

Far too dark in Mines of Moria to brush hair properly. Am very afraid

I am developing a tangle.

Orcs so silly.

Still the prettiest.

Day Ten:

Gandalf fell into shadow. In other news, I think I am developing a

spot on my nose. V. serious situation, as Elven spots likely to last for 500

years or more.

Still prettiest, despite blasted spot.

Day Eleven:

In Lothlorien. Suspect Galadriel may be prettier than me.

Also, am quite sure she copied my hairstyle. I was wearing that same

look at least 1,000 years ago. Silly bint. She was most annoyed that I used

her mirrored fountain to take a nice bubble bath.

I choose to ignore her claim that my hair clogged her drain. Not one

strand of my hair has fallen out in 800 years, why would it start now?

Still prettiest by far.

Day 30:

All this paddling about in boats is hell on my complexion.

Aragorn obviously starting to find Frodo strangely attractive. Sam

will kill him if he tries anything.

Still the prettiest.

Day 33 :

Boromir tempted by Ring. So tedious. Cannot be tempted myself, as

already have everything I want i.e. perfect hair and a butt like granite.

Have been getting very strange letters from someone calling herself

"Stacey" who wants to do obscene things to my elfhood. Fortunately have

super-duper elf vision so can run away if I see her coming.

Day 35:

Boromir dead. Very messy death, most unnecessary. Did get kissed by

Aragorn as he expired. Does a guy have to get shot full of arrows

around here to get any action? Boromir definitely not prettier than me.

Cannot understand it.

Am feeling a pout coming on.

Frodo off to Mordor with Sam. Tiny little men caring about each

other, rather cute really.

Am quite sure Gimli fancies me. So unfair. He is waist height, so can

see advantages there, but chunky braids and big helmet most offputting.

Forsee dark times ahead, very dark times.



Day One:

Frodo stabbed by Morgul blade. Oh no! Pippin cried. Told Pippin it

would be all right as Mr. Frodo far too hot to die.

Did I say that out loud?

Day Three:

Have followed Mr. Frodo to Rivendell where Elves will heal him.

Gandalf told me to help poor unconscious Mr. Frodo get out of dirty

clothes. So took clothes off him and gave him a bath. And another one.

Then gave him another bath. Gandalf came and told me six baths was quite

enough, Samwise Gamgee.

Poncy old git probably hasn't taken a bath since the Second Age.

Day Four:

Wonder if it is time for Mr. Frodo to have another bath yet.

Day Five:

Elf bubble bath v. colorful and pretty.

Gandalf no fun at all.


Day Six:

Mr. Frodo awake! Is doing well although also seems concerned as to

why his fingers are all wrinkled.

Decided not to tell him about all the baths.

Day Seven:

Snuck into Council of Elrond. Frodo offered to take Ring to Mordor.

Mr. Frodo is so brave, handsome, tall and wonderful!

Okay, so possibly isn't all that tall.

Day Eight:

Off to Mordor. Other members of Fellowship v. dodgy if you ask me.

Especially Boromir. "Teaching Merry and Pippin how to sword-fight" my

Aunt Lobelia. Obviously pervy hobbit-fancier who likes to roll around with

small men in shorts.

Day Nine:

Aragorn just as pervy as Boromir. Obviously fancies Mr. Frodo. Will

kill him if he tries anything.

Day Ten:

V. dark in Mines of Moria. Used flat edge of sword to whack Aragorn

every time he tried to pinch Mr. Frodo in the dark.

Gandalf fell into bottomless pit. Mr. Frodo said something later

about pointy wizard hat, but did not understand it as am innocent young

hobbit from Shire not versed in wordily ways.

Pippin says Legolas is shagging Gimli.


Day Fifteen:

Lothlorien v. pretty. Blonde elf lady absolutely hitting on poor Mr.

Frodo left, right and center. Pippin agrees. Told Pippin height difference

would make relationship impossible. Pippin said Mr. Frodo could stand on


Hate Pippin.

Day Twenty-Two:

Leaving Lothlorien. Bye-bye grabby elf lady.

Not sure where going exactly, but is obviously somewhere

water-related, as have been given boats. Do not care really as long as

get to share boat with Mr. Frodo.

Day Twenty-Three:

Boromir finally acted on pent-up lust for Mr. Frodo. Got shot down of

course (hurrah!) but not before made spectacle of himself. Claims was trying

to take Ring so as to rule world and bring down evil, but we all know

that's a big fib don't we.

Day Twenty-Four:

Boromir killed by orcs. Knew orcs good for something.

Frodo off to Mordor. Taking me along, hurrah! Mr. Frodo needs

cheering up as seems inexplicably sorry to say goodbye to Gimli, as well

as is depressed and claims is now sure he will die a virgin in the barren

wastelands of the Dark Lord's realm.

We will see about that.




Was out pilfering vegetables when bumped into Sam and Frodo. Had a

nice little roll around with Frodo in corn before was forcibly removed

by Sam. Must have word with Frodo about letting servants get overly

familiar and grabby.

Fell down hill. Merry v. disappointed that he broke his carrot. After

he found one that was just the right shape, too.


V. nice in Rivendell. Sick of rooming with Sam though. Constantly

sopping wet and reeking of strawberries. Also tired of elves mistaking

me for unusually lifelike lawn ornament.


Joined Fellowship of Ring for a lark. Everyone v. nice except Legolas

seems a bit testy. Yesterday held me upside down over crevasse until I

admitted he was the prettiest elf in the Fellowship. Did not feel like

pointing out he was only elf in Fellowship, as crevasse was very deep.


Has been twenty-five days since met Aragorn and he has not yet washed

his hair. Is really starting to bother me.


Sam all wrong about Boromir. Really very nice man. Invited me to go

for a walk with him tonight and said he would let me blow his Horn of

Gondor. Can't wait.

Later that night

Always thought blowing the Horn of Gondor was supposed to summon

armies of the West?

Apparently not.

V. educational, all the same.


V. dark in mines of Moria. Still sort of a relief as means Boromir

cannot corner me and complain how Aragorn is insensitive, stuck up git

with hobbit fixation. Pot calling kettle black if you ask me. Aragorn

obviously way into Frodo, however. Sam will kill him if he tries



Caught Legolas waxing soles of Aragorn's boots, thus explaining

why Aragorn keeps collapsing into his arms. Tricky elf.

Aragorn still hasn't washed his hair.


Gandalf dead. Everyone morose. In attempt to cheer up Fellowship,

Legolas took off all his clothes and performed scenes from

Silmarillion: The Musical. Everyone still morose. Legolas ponced off

to have 3,000-year-old elf prince sulk.


Lothlorien v. pretty. Accidentally walked in on Gimli taking a bath.

Now understand what Gandalf meant about there being scarier things

than Orcs. And was that Aragorn hiding under all the bubbles? May have

nightmares for weeks.


Aragorn washed his hair. Hurrah.

Maybe it really was him under all the bubbles.


Boromir wrote me a poem. Merry says I am leading him on. Of course,

Merry also says I cry like a girl. Merry a total bastard most of the

time, actually.

Poem not very good. Did not rhyme. Feel slighted.


Told Boromir I did not feel ready to commit, so he went and got

himself shot by Orcs. Honestly. Humans so oversensitive sometimes.

Have been kidnapped by Uruk-hai. Not very friendly types. Merry says

we may have to shag our way out of captivity. Suspect Merry looking

forward to it, useless wassock. Orcs v. smelly. Suddenly miss Boromir.

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Sami faggoti...

Kljub temu, da sem se do solz nasmejal, mi je kar malo priskutilo cel LOTR...

It will never be the same again... :lol1:

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:) :) :) :D :D :OK:

Near, hehehe.... točno to je bilo razbrat iz pogleda vilinca v TT, ko ga je so se objeli po prispetju okrepitev v utrdbo... :)

Jap... izrojenost je neizmerna in hudo podtalna stvar :)

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Evo mene nazaj!

Vidim, da ste bili pridni in delovni, predvsem Near... :D Kaj naj rečem? Še en dokaz, da je to morda res (kot pravijo) najbolj brana knjiga takoj za Biblijo... Sicer se folku ne bi dalo tako potruditi. Meni se zdi cela reč dokaj duhovita - če odmislim, da se je avtor preveč vrgel v "zabavanje" in pozabil na logiko in točnost, ki sta ene izmed mnogih odlik JRRTja. Npr Gimli pravi, da se je o Balinovi smrti zmotil za najmanj 60 let - ni res, Balin s prijatelji je TA 2994 šele prišel zavzet Morio, TA 3018 pa se je že dogajal WR (War of the Ring), torej bi minilo največ 24 let, če bi Balina takoj ubili, pa so ga šele nekaj let kasneje. Pa Legolas ni "son of Weenus" ampak je bil njegov oče Thranduil (tisti, ki je zaprl Bilbovo druščino v Hobbitu). Pa Gandalf ne umre v vseh "dnevnikih" na 10 dan poti... in tko dalje. Taki heci pa me ne motijo, nasprotno, zabavajo me.

@Mustang: isto velja zate - ejga fant, ne sekiraj se ampak nasmej :lol1:

@ Nata: itaq že veš vse o ribah in ribicah, ladjah... in da sem ubogal in pazil :rolleyes: in ja, z veseljem :P

Danes sem lahko le malo pokukal na MS, mam še celo goro emajlov za pospravit (in doma še vso potapljaško opremo za oprat!), tako da boste tisti, ki ste mi poslali imena za zgodbico prišli na vrsto v naslednjih dneh. Žal ima tudi moj dan samo 24 ur, pa ne glede na to, kako zgodaj (ali pozno!) vstanem :? :blink: :D .


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Huaaaaa... evo mene ZARES nazaj... moram poravnat še zaostale dolgove Mačici; na "srečo" me čaka samo Fingon, vse ostalo pa je žal izmišljeno oz vzeto iz raznih igric ali pa sem že povedal (npr Nessa). Maca, se beremo zvečer!


PS medtem mi je naš Cyc poslal link z "updatanimi " skrivnimi dnevniki naših junakov, sedaj so vključeni tudi dogodki iz TTTja, dodani novi dnevniki (Sauronov, pa od enega Nazgula, pa Arwenin, Elrondov...). Nasmejte se! Aja, še link:

Popravljeno . Popravil suzuki
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Danes torej nekaj o Fingonu (ali kot pravi Mačica, o meni :rolleyes: ). Fingon, rojen v Valinorju med VYT 1240 in 1245 (ocena, ni podatka), umrl FA 472. Oče Fingolfin, mati Anaire, brat Turgon - ja, kralj najbolj skrivnega Elfskega kraljestva Gondolina - in sestra Aredhel, ki je živela skupaj z bratom Turgonom v Gondolinu, pa vsa tista frka z Eolom, njegovim sinom in Tuorjem, ki sem jo že opisal v eni prejšnjih zgodb.

Fingonov sin je Ereinion, bolj znan kot Gil-Galad (ja, tisti s kopjem, ki ga lahko vidimo v filmu na začetku FotRa, ko kaže zgodovinsko bitko, kjer so združene vojske "dobrega" (The Last Alliance of Elves and Men) premagala hudobca Saurona - a ubit je bil tudi Gil-Galad).

Fingon je najstarejši Fingolfinov sin. Ko je VYT 1495 Feanor prišel v Tirion, kjer je pljuval in bentil čez Valarje, je bil Fingolfin (in z njim oba sinova, Fingon in Turgon) proti in skoraj bi prišlo do fizičnega obračuna med njimi, a vseeno si je Fingon želel videti Middle-earth, tako da so se naslednje leto (hja, pazi, to so VYT (leta dreves), ne sončna leta - sonca takrat še ni bilo, a ne...) Noldorji pod vodstvom Fingolfina odpravili za Feanorjem, peš. Ko so prišli daleč na sever, do Helcaraxeja, jih je Feanor seveda izdal - zažgal vse ladje, ki jih je po First Kinslayingu vzel Telerijem v Alqualondeju. Brez ladij so se Fingon, Turgon, Aredhel in oče Fingolfin, skupaj z Finarfinovimi otroki (Finrod, Orodreth, Angrod, Aegnor in Galadriel) morali peš prebiti preko smrtonosnega ledu Helcaraxeja... Veliko jih je na tem pohodu umrlo, tudi Finrodova mama Anaire. VYT 1500 so le prišli v Middle-earth (in takrat je prvič posijalo sonce, kajti obe drevesi, zlati Laurelin in srebrni Telperion, sta medtem do mrtvega potolkla Ungoliant in Melkor/Morgoth).

Čeprav se je Fingon po prihodu v Middle-earth naselil na NW Middle-eartha, v Dor-Lominu, je bila njihova glavna trdjava Barad Eithel pri Eithel Sirionu, dokončana leta FA 65 na E strani Ered Wethrina, od koder so lahko opazovali Ard-Galen oz Anfauglith, kjer je bila Melkorjeva trdnjava Angband v gorovju Thangorodrim. FA 5 se je Fingon, dobra duša, lotil pomiritve med Noldorji (ki so bili skregani ker je Feanor pred Helcaraxejem izdal Fingolfina in Finarfina). To je naredil tako, da je začel iskati svojega mladostnega prijatelja, enega Feanorjevih sinov, Maedhrosa, ki je izginil (ujel ga je Melkor). Končno ga je našel prikovanega/obešenega za roko nekje v gorah Thangorodrima in ga s pomočjo kralja orlov Thorondorja rešil in odpeljal domov.

Ko je FA 260 Glaurung začel strašit po Ard-Galenu, je Fingon s svojimi lokostrelci odjezdil naproti in takrat še mladega, neizkušenega zmaja, spodil nazaj v Angband.

Med leti FA 260 in FA 423 je Maedhros, ki je dobil znameniti Dragon-Helm od Azaghala, (kralja dwarfov iz Belegosta, ki mu Maedhros je rešil življenje, ko so ga na Dwarf-roadu napadli Orci, naredil pa mu ga je znani kovač Telchar iz Nogroda) je dal ta šlem Fingonu v zahvalo (malo za svojo rešitev (čeprav je ostal brez roke), predvsem pa ker je pregnal Glaurunga), Fingon pa je šlem podaril hiši Hador, prvi (najpomembnejši) hiši ljudi, ki so prevzeli tudi Dor-Lomin, Fingon in njegovi pa so odšli v Hithlum.

V grozljivem letu FA 455 sta Fingolfin in Fingon šla na pomoč s svojo vojsko pomagat Finrodu ker je Morgoth prekinil nekajletni mir, vendar so Elfi v Dagor Bragollachu (Battle of the Sudden Flame) popušili grozobilno. Fingonovega očeta Fingolfina je to tako potrlo, da je šel SAM pred Angband izzvat samega Morgotha, ki se je izzivu odzval. Po dolgem in hudem dvoboju je bil Fingolfin kljub vsemu poražen, ubit (hja, njegov nasprotnik je bil najmočnejši od vseh bogov!!!), a tudi Morgoth je od takrat dalje šepal in se nikoli več ni upal dvobojevati... Tako je Fingon FA 456 po očetovi smrti postal kralj vseh Noldorjev.

Leta FA 462 je Morgoth spet napadel Hithlum, a sta ga na Eithel Sirionu ustavila Galdor in njegov sin Hurin. Galdor je bil sicer ubit, Hurinu pa je uspelo odbiti napad. Fingonova vojska je bila v veliki stiski, saj je Morgoth potem poslal veliko vojsko s severa, a je zadnji hip prišel na pomoč Cirdan z vojsko (Cirdan je tisti Elf, ki je čuval mislim da Vilyo, Rdeči prstan (eden od Treh), ki ga je kasneje dal Olorinu/Gandalfu, ko je prišel v Middle-earth; vidimo ga na začetku FotRa, pa vedno ga omenjajo kot Cirdan the Shipwright - on in njegovi so izdelovali ladje s katerimi so Elfi odhajali na Zahod). Skupaj so premagali hudobce.

Maedhros je leta FA 468 ustanovil svojo znamenito Union of Maedhros za skupen boj proti Morgothu. Fingonu in Meadhrodu so se pridružili Himring, Mablung in Beleg iz Doriatha (kjer je vladal kralj Thingol s svoo lepo kraljico Melian), iz Nargothronda je prišel Gwindor, vojsko je poslal seveda tudi Cirdan in celo Elfi iz Ossirianda.

Leta FA 472 (takrat ko je Barahirjev sin Beren Morgothu ukradel Silmaril (seveda s pomočjo svoje zveste Luthien, hčerke doriatskega kralja Thingola in Maie Melian, kar sem tudi že opisal) se je zbrala velika vojska Unije, saj je Maedhros v kraji Silmarila videl, da Morgoth le ni nepremagljiv (a Feanorjeva prisega je še delal štalo... npr kakšno jebo sta naredila Celegorm in Curufin... shit!!!). No, Elfi so zbrali silno vojsko. Fingonova armada je bila razporejena na Ered Wethrinu, od Eithel Siriona do Fen of Serecha (močvirja Serech), tam sta bila tudi brata Huor in Hurin, Turgonova vojska (iz Gondolina) je držala strateški Pass of Sirion, medtem ko so Maedhros, njegovi bratje, Dwarfi in Swarthy Men pod vodstvom Bora in Ulfanga držali pozicije na vzhodu. Morgoth je poslal ogromno vojsko, a Unija je vseeno počasi zmagovala, ko so Swarthy Men prestopili na Morgothovo stran in tako je velika zmaga Elfov zaradi izdaje postala popolni poraz, bitka pa je dobil ime Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Battle of Unnumbered Tears. V njej je v boju z Gothmogom, kraljem Balrogov, padel tudi kralj vseh Noldorjev, Fingon.


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Evo, sem šel pogledat še elfsko ime za Ne-jo in dobil:

Nessa Nénharma

Kot vidite je tudi Ne-ja boginja... Nessa... ki je že opisana par strani nazaj. Ne-ja, upam, da se boš prepoznala v opisu... :? :)


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  • 3 tedne pozneje...


Pa oživimo še tale topic: ker je tole nekakšna splošna tema, dajmo postaviti nekaj temeljev - je že skrajni čas, a ne :D . Začnimo z zemljevidom celotne Arde - a pazite, tole ni čisto natančen zemljevid ker zajema več zgodovinskih obdobij, med katerimi se je, zlasti zaradi vojn Valarjev, podoba Arde precej spreminjala. Tako lahko vidite npr še vedno obe Lamps of Valar, čeprav jih v času Numenorja (SA)seveda že zdavnaj ni bilo več, prav tako kot ni bilo več Belerianda oz sploh ničesar severno od Ered Luina (Blue Mountains na NW Middle-eartha). V TA pa seveda ni bilo več niti Numenorja...

Zemljevid torej predstavlja Ardo praktično od nastanka do konce TA (skoraj 60.000 let), a brez vmes nastalih sprememb. Vseeno pride prav zlasti pri branju Silmarilliona ali za splošni pregled.



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J.R.R.Tolkien ....

se je rodil na današnji dan leta 1821.....

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J.R.R.Tolkien ....

se je rodil na današnji dan leta 1821.....

točno tako!

Tukajlelelele pa najdete njegov živlejneopis... The Tolkien Society. Suzuki, Mačica, ... ste že kdaj razmišljali, da ustanovite slovensko frakcijo društva?

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J.R.R.Tolkien se je rodil na današnji dan leta 1821.....

Glede na to, da se je boril v obeh Vojnah, je datum rojstva malce kasnejsi. 1892



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točno tako!

Tukajlelelele pa najdete njegov živlejneopis... The Tolkien Society. Suzuki, Mačica, ... ste že kdaj razmišljali, da ustanovite slovensko frakcijo društva?

Hola Sym!

Ni treba ustanavljati društva ker je že, poglej na:

in videl boš, da se ukvarjajo bolj z nekakimi srednjeveškimi zadevami (mečevanje, boj z gorjačami, izdelava oklepov itd), ki meni ne ležijo preveč...


PS @ Gothmog: hvala, ker si popravil kekca

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Evo še ene mape celotne Arde v FA. Posebnost je projekcija na današnjo Zemljo, ki je krogla (Arda je seveda plošča, ki so jo Valarji na koncu SA zaradi napada Numenorcev na Valinor spremenili v nekakšno kvazi kroglo, da nihče več ni mogel napasti/priti v Aman, razen izbrancev - beri Elfov).



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En lep članek, ki govori o tem, kako je za boljše razumevanje LotRa nujno prebrati tudi Silmarillion. Na samem začetku, v prvem delu knjige, je opis kako je Iluvatar ustvaril najprej Ainurje (Valarje in Maiarje) in kako so oni, pod njegovim vodstvom, ustvarili Eo in kako je vse to vodilo v nastanek Prstana in seveda posledice. Upam, da bo prepričal tudi koga od vas :D ...

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Myth-ing the Big Picture

Author: Douglas Charles Rapier

Published on: June 28, 2003

There is a sublimely beautiful website called ‘The Valaquenta’ ( which is dedicated to the appreciation of Tolkien’s creation myths as revealed in ‘The Silmarillion’. The site and its creators devote particular attention to the second book of that posthumously published volume, the one for which the site has borrowed its name: ‘The Valaquenta’ – the Account of the Valar, those spirits of godly powers which created Arda, the physical arena in which Middle-earth, in turn, exists.

The Valar are the primary players in the eons old drama of Middle-earth which culminates with the defeat of Sauron (a spirit much like the Valar though of lesser power called a Maia), the coronation of King Aragorn Elessar as the rightful ruler of the re-united kingdoms of Gondor and Arnor and the end of the Third Age. To fully appreciate the Saga with which Tolkien has enriched our experiences, the Valar and their servants, the Maiar, must be examined.

So, let’s take a further step back to before the creation of Arda, before the beginning of the world and get a grounding on just who or what these primary players were. We must look at the first book of ‘The Silmarillion’ for this information. Before the inception of Ea (i.e. all that is, the physical world) Ilúvatar, the Brahma-like creator of the world, brought the Valar and the Maiar (known collectively as the Ainur, the Holy Ones) into being. They “were the off-spring of his thought.”

Ilúvatar then propounded to them themes of music. Following his initial creation of these spiritual beings, the very first act of this deity was to teach his creations, the Ainur, music. (I love that.) Then he taught them to sing – first as soloists, then in duets, trios, quartettes and finally as a choir. Their singing the themes as taught them by Ilúvatar produced an aural vision of a the world that was to be. Thus the first book of ‘The Silmarillion’ is entitled ‘Ainulindale’- the Music of the Ainur. Here, then is where and when all that was thenceforth to transpire in the world was set into motion. Here is when, before the irresistible mechanism of time was set in motion, before the beginning of Ea, universe - here was when Evil strove its first battle, when Evil was first born amidst the beauty of creation. The Music of the Ainur was the symphonic incantation from which the melodic themes of life and the motif signifying all that was Arda flowed.

The Valaquenta is the essentially the re-telling of this Creation myth according to the lore of the Eldar, the Elves of Light, those High Elven kinsmen who had made the long journey to Valinor and had lived in the presence of the Ainur in the Blessed Realm. In this second account much more attention is paid to cataloging and classifying the powers, works and inter-relationships of the Valar and the Maiar. The name of Olórin, wisest of the Maiar, is first mentioned. A servant of Manwe, the King and Varda, Queen of Stars, Olórin, will bear in later ages the names of Incánus, Tharkûn, Mithrandir and Gandalf. Also mentioned for the first time is another Maia, Gorthaur the Cruel – Sauron.

It might be reasonably argued that the epic saga of The One Ring can and is and has been loved and appreciated by countless millions of readers who have or had little or no knowledge of the creation myth upon which Tolkien layered his narrative. Indeed, prior to the posthumous publication of ‘The Silmarillion’ in 1977, one could only learn the more ancient history of Middle-earth by studiously gleaning the Appendices which follow the narration of ‘The Return of the King’, the third volume of the trilogy or by the inferences within the story.

However, as anyone who has taken the considerable effort to read (and re-read) ‘The Silmarillion’ in its dense entirety, with its myriad place and character names, its genealogical lists and of its all-too-briefly condensed recounting of the monumental epics and earth-rending cataclysms which transpired in the ages preceding the action recounted in ‘The Hobbit’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings’, may aver, the tapestry of ‘The Ring’ is all the better for the illumination provided by a knowledge and understanding of the more ancient tales.

Consider Sauron. No decent story is without its villain and ‘The Lord of the Rings’ being so much more than simply a ‘decent’ story, has a villain nonpareil. Sauron, the Abhorred (as cited above) is neither man nor elf nor dwarf. Indeed, he was not originally of Middle-earth at all but was one of the Ainur, the Holy Ones, an off-spring of the thought of Ilúvatar, creator of Ea, the world. He was a Maia, a spirit only less powerful than the god-like Valar. He came to Arda and Middle-earth with others of his supremely elite order to physically manifest the vision created by their music. He was the servant of Aulë who, as an Aratar, one of the eight most powerful Valar, was the master of crafts and the creator of the dwarves. Sauron shared in that prodigious power.

However, Sauron was corrupted by Melkor, the Vala who rebelled against Ilúvatar by singing his own discordant strains in the Music of the Ainur. Melkor was the progenitor of Evil. He set about destroying and debasing the wondrous works of the Valar and their servants. Sauron, seduced by the Evil of Melkor, became his lieutenant. Clearly, Sauron was more than a wizard gone wrong like Saruman or a power-hungry militaristic sorcerer such as those characterized in lesser works of fantasy fiction. Sauron was a god-like virulent malefactor of incomprehensible might who had been under the cruel tutelage of an even more demonic entity.

The substantiality of the protagonist is in direct proportion to that of his antagonist. And vice-versa. Sauron has a Maiar of great wisdom and strength set against him from the end of the first millennium of the Third Age. Olórin (i.e. Gandalf) who we first learned of in The Valaquenta, is sent in the company of four other Maiar, the Wizards, to assist the free races of Middle-earth in their struggle against Sauron’s domination. Upon arrival in the Grey Havens, Gandalf was given an Elvish ring of power, the Red Ring Narya, by the Elvish Lord, Círdan. Indeed, this most certainly was not a conjurer of cheap tricks.

Now, consider the object central to Tolkien’s tetralogy, the talisman into which Sauron poured all of his might and malice – the One Ring. Without one knowing the provenance of the over-arching power of primal Evil which was forged into this object, and so, come to realize that the Ring embodies an intrinsic Will, older than the world itself, to corrupt, control and destroy with grim, ruthless malevolence every creation of the faithful Ainur, can a reader comprehend the scope of the story or fully appreciate the ponderous doom which rests on the shoulders of one young Hobbit?

Can a reader grasp the source of power which brought about the flood at the Ford of Rivendell, saving the woefully wounded Frodo and sweeping the Nine from their mounts? Would one be able to ascertain the true power and majesty of Gandalf, Saruman or Tom Bombadil without first knowing something about the Ainur? Might not a casual reader of the Tetralogy dismiss as trite the too-fortuitous appearance and re-appearance of the giant eagles which delivered first the victory of the Five Armies in ‘The Hobbit’, rescued Gandalf twice, once from confinement at Orthanc and once from the peak of Zirakzigil in the wake of his struggle with the Balrog and then, to top it off, rescued Frodo and Samwise from the Crack of Doom, if it was not known that these Eagles had been inhabited by Maiar spirits, were the special emissaries of Manwe, King of the Valar, and sent to Middle-earth in the First Age?

One can if one reads ‘The Silmarillion’ - especially the Account of the Valar, ‘The Valaquenta’. That is the stated precept of those wonderful members of the Tolkien community who have given us that sublime eponymous web site.

I, for one, concur whole-heartedly. My understanding and appreciation of the marvelous majesty with which Middle-earth is imbued was broadened and my admiration for JRR Tolkien as an author, a scholar and a visionary acquired new depths as a result of my reading and studying the first two books of ‘The Silmarillion’. Moreover, I take comfort in knowing that there is a growing community of like-minded individuals who cherish each new sparkling perception in their own quest of attaining a more complete intellectual and emotional communion with the world of Middle-earth and who share them as beautifully as they do.

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Ah, prav žalosten sem, ker nihče ni komentiral članka iz prejšnjega posta... najbrž ga sploh niste prebrali :? :cry: ... eh...

Whatever, gremo naprej s slikcami, to bo najbrž lažje :D . Evo tlele še enkrat Arda, tokrat taka, kot je bila v SA. Kot vidite ZELO očitne razlike od Arde iz FA. No, to je posledica boja Valarjev z Melkorjem. Ko so ga spet ujeli, so totalno porušili ne samo Angband ampak cel Thangorodrim, njega pa (vklenjenega) zaprli v Halls of Mandos. Vendar pri svojem delu niso bili dovolj natančni, nekaj zlobcev hudobcev je ostalo skritih/živih (npr Balrog, s katerim se je v Morii spopadel Gandalf, "pokesani" Sauron...).

Posledice pa so se poznale po celi Ardi, tako silna vojna je bila to (znana po imenom War of the Wrath). Razlika v kartah je seveda največja na severu, kjer je stal Angband, a izginil je tudi celotni Beleriand, z najlepšimi Elfskimi mesti kot npr prestolnica kralja Thingola in kraljice Melian Menegroth (Thousand Caves), pa čudoviti Gondolin kralja Turgona, tudi Nargothrond, še bolj na jugu, ni preživel te silne vojne...

A tudi ostali deli sveta so doživeli spremembe. Nov je npr Numenor, ki so ga Valarji na koncu FA/začetku SA dvignili iz morskega dna in podarili ljudem za njihove zasluge v boju z Melkorjem.

Nekaj na kratko o tej vojni (več je seveda v Silmarilionu, Unfinished in Lost Tales): samo priprave so trajale 10 let, od FA 433 do FA 443, leta FA 447 pa je vojska v Amanu živečih Vanyarjev in Noldorjev pod poveljstvom Eonweja (najmogočnejši Maia, Manwejev odposlanec) priplula preko morja v Beleriand, tam je Eonwe zbral še vse tam živeče Elfe in ljudi in vsi skupaj so napadli Agband. Prva bitka je bila pri prehodu reke Sirion, kjer so "naši" pobili vse Orce in Balroge, razen peščice, ki se je skrila globoko pod zemljo. Melkor je v silni stiski nadnje poslal svoje zadnje (in najhujše) orožje, zmaje in "našim" se je res začelo slabo pisat, morali so se umikati, a takrat jim je prišel na pomoč Earendil (se spomnite, kaj je Galadriel dala Frodu v LothLorienu? stekleničko z "the light of Earendil, our beloved star") in premagal/ubil najmogočnejšega med zmaji (to je bil Ancalagon the Black), na pomoč pa so prišli tudi Manwejevi orli, na čelu s kraljem Thorondorjem, in pobili vse zmaje (razen dveh, ki sta zbežala na Vzhod - eden je bil seveda Smaug, ki mu je Bilbova druščina v Hobbitu pobrala zaklade; od tu njegovo bogastvo).

Ko je Melkor to videl, se je skril v najglobljo klet Angbanda, a so ga "naši" našli in privlekli ven, seveda spet uklenjenega v tisto posebno verigo , Angainor (katere nastanek in izdelava ima seveda spet svojo posebno zgodbo, kako jo je Aule naredil iz šestih kovin itd) in ga, z njegovo železno krono zabito okoli vratu, spet zaprli k Mandosu, izven Circles of Arda, Eonwe pa je vzel še preostala dva Silmarila (enega je Melkorju le nekaj let prej ukradel Beren s pomočjo Luthien, saj se še spomnite te zgodbe, kajne?!). Tako je bilo vojne po 50 letih (!) konec in Eonwe se je leta FA 597 vrnil v Aman.



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